HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 43, June 21, 1922�
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducat>- 192- '
JUlT 21st. 1922.., ..
At an Adjourned Caliod L:oetinq of. the Board of Oommiestonere, held•in the'.,
commissioners' Chamber in the City Ha11, Paducah, S:ontuoky,.on i7ednosday June 27st,
.1922, at E o'clock >'. 1.!. Upon oall of the roll the following anwxered to their, ..
names: Commissionors Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washir,gton, and.1•'ayor Kettorjohn,-6.
%*'r•� Contrast with Chief
Commissionor '4ashingtbn offered the following motion: I move that the Mayor '
;•:. Division of the
be authorized and in:itruoted to nign the contract with the Chief Administration Divi-
U.S.Veteran Bureau
' for enteringpa-.
cion of the United States Veteran Bureau for entering patients .of the United :States
tiento into River -
aide Houpt.tal.
Veteran Bureau into Riverside I?os],ital for the year July lot, 1922 to July let;l'}28.
Adopted upon call of the.roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully.
,? c
1 it
Washington and Y•etterjohn,-5.
Washington offered tho fo]lo',,ing motion:I move' that the Vayor
Contrrot with Sur-.
aeon. (:oneral U.S. j
be authorized and inetruoted to sign contract with the Siu•goon General United States
j Yublio ?',ealth
..?. aervloe for outer-
Public Health Service, entering patients into Rivorside F.ospital for the year July
in(r patients into p
1922 to Ju7y,1923. .Adopted upon,aall of the roll by the following vote; Yone. Pnoe,.
lulliam, Tully, :7nshinat•m and Y.atterjohn,-5.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Thereas oertain' omissions
{ Yatz Conotruotion '.
Co. :o]e:tivo to
occur in Items 98 and 99 of the bid of the Y•atz Construction Company•for the con,
error in bid for
-- Conotruotion; of ".
struction of triulk line oo•aers in sub -Division. A. of Se:',er District No. 3, I now mova..
'. on-ers it Se•.sor Diej(
bid be informal. the by the following
tri oe
t ot r3.
7 that id rejected an host upon call of roll
vote: Yonc, Pulliam'e,d Kat ter john, -E; lfnye, Fnoe. Tully and Washington, -3.
�I on .motion of Mayor Xattorjohn the Board adjourned until 4.0'olook P. L., Ted
nesday. June 21st, 1922, .upon call of the roll by 5 yeas.
At't' r..v v il:1.
my Ck" Qf09C
June 21st, 1922. 4 O'clock
At an Adjourned ?,:eoting of the Borwd of Commissioners, held in the Commission
ore' Chembnr in the City Hell, I'aduoeh, l:entuoky, on. Juno 21st, 1922, at 4 o'clock
I(, P. Y. Upon cell of the roll the following answered their names: Commisslonere.Fnoe,
Pulliam, Tully, ?vashinzton and Mayor Y•atterjohn,-b:
Katz Construction
Commieatonor Washington offered the following motion: I move that the commu
Company oommuni= .
cation, relative
nioation from " tzConstruction.0o ian be re received and filed Adopted upon call of :.
to:;ovcjrs in Sews rti
District 3.
h the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam, Washington and Yatterjohn,-4:
p hays,. Tully, -I.
k Commissioner Tully offerod.tho following motion: I move' that the vote taken
Yatz Construction
A on' the following -motion: "Yhereas certain omissions oaour in Items 98 and 99 of the
'�•' Co., relative to
bid Sewers in
bid of the Yatz Conotruotion Com any .for' ti,e construction of trunk line senors in*
"error Dictriot
Sub-Diviaion A. of .Soaer'Diatrict No. 3, I now move .that as td bid be rejected as. in
formal," be reaoneidored, ddopted, upon call of the roll by the Pollewing vote; Yeas,
Isco, Fulham, Tully, leahineton and'gntterjohn,-b.
Bide .R.Aarding
Commiesloner Tully offered the follo-aing motion: I more. that the bids of M.R.
Co.,Yancy & John -}a
son and Oakwood :'�
Harding. Company of Raotne, :Yi000nsin. Yanooy L Johnnon Company, Fadsoah, Y.ontacky,.
Conetruction Co.:..,
lowest bidders
ar,d Oak: -rood Conetru'otion Company; Oakwood, Viohi,an, boino the three lowost bidders,
in Sub-Divtsi ons
B. & C. loft open.
for the oor:etruotion of trunk line so,�nrs in Sub-Divi^,,tons D. and C. of Se:'ror Diu-'
triot �r3,.bc ln;t op an, and the checks del:ooitod with said hide retained until the
contract is let b;: the City of _T'aduoah, Y,ontucky, to the nuooeenful bidder and band
executed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. veto: Yeas, Pace, Fulliam,
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