HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 40, June 19, 1922_ t , - h NoL Commissioners' Proceedings, .City of Paducah 192-= JUKE 19TH. 1922. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commtesionera' ! a pChamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Jame 19th, 1929. Upon :call of the roll 1.. the following answerod to their, names: Oommisetoners.Pnoe. Pulliam, 7achington and Mayor f$ IKattorjohn,-4. YS,� •, �`" ,. On motion of Oommieslonor Pace the minutes of the previous meetinrre were adopt -I' • r ed as road upon call of the roll by the, following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam, Washington i 0" hu '. '10 and Katterjohn,-4. btayor.Kntterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Ekilocracken Co. p Fublio Health UoCraaken County Publio Health League for the month of May 192E be.received and filed .']League Report ps ; for may 1922.. 4;Adop,ted upon call .of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe,.Pulliam,7ashington r :t `. and $atterjohn,-4.• Commissioner Tully entered. the Oommiesionere' Ohambor. „r Oommieoioner_Waahington offored the following motion; I move that the report 11 by"Report 9uPt. '. !"Riveroido Hoe- + al �: of the Suporintendent of Riverside Hospital, showing .bTondtturos and Ooll°otions for ,s.. �, pital of expen. ditarrou unl" t '•:.' ' j filco]lnotione for the month of May 1929. be received and filed.. Adopted upon call. of the roll by .the fol ,.May '1922.rs .. 'lowing vote; Yeas;I'aae, Pulliam, Tully, ".7aehington and Y.attorjohn,-6. Report ;luirt. Oommionloner ,7a"ohington offerod the folIow1nR motion: I mova.'that tho ruport 1-IRlvoroidc.Hoc- lof tho Juporintordont of Rivorutdo Iloapitnl,.showing the mimhor of pationtn hnndl.od In fi` '}}%ital for Lay }.119£2 uho'.ving Il the )lo ital for the month of May, 19E2 bo r000lvod and filed. Ad +tod upon call of the "• OP Y. . of P N'. l number of pa- 1, tiontu treated.. roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Taos, Pulliam, Tully,,7auhington and Yattorjohn,-6. a' t.: Commissioner 4ashington offored the "following motion: I move that the report Report Laboratory �< of Rivoroide of the laboratory of Riverside Hospital for the month of Vay, 19E2, showing the number ,r " Hoopital for l.,ty 1922. of private and City pationts examinod, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by. tho following vote; Yana, Paco,Pulllam,Tully,'Oaohington and Y.attorjohn,-6: Oom'r.TuD110 Commissioner Washington offored the following motion: I move.that tho Commie—r ` 1'.r.cporty to ]ono ,�. oionoi of Tublio Irop'orty be authorized to lease to W. L. Ynnoy 200 fnot off of the nr• to '9.L.7anoy 200 loot off of the strip of land Virg botwocn G"th 3troot and the River for farming purponoe, at the 'rate ofl J strip of land d, ,, 'lying•, bstn.Gth F^- Street Anil River 86:00 per core, provided same does not intnrfore, is aiy� way, with,the construction of a 86.00 per aoro,sowore in savor District ¢3. f` N Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoao, Pace, Pulliam; 'rally, Wanhington and Eattnr.john,-6. l "Oom�r.Publio Oommtuutonnr 'aonhinnton offnrod the' following motionsI move that tho Commie -:I i Ftnok t to luaus otonnr" of Ylnanoo be inatruotod to iouuo a ohook to f,iiun Adah. Smith for tho "sum of 'iwonty :ohook to Lfiso A+tah Smith for l Five Dollars to ousint tho.family of Mrs. Lload, and charge .oamo, to Oharlty Fund, said b. $Eli.00 to help.. �,- dofray burial'_ �ezpnnnao of 1•g..•' Mrs. Mead having loot'hor huuband and boln•g, in dentituto oiroumstaraoe. Adopted upon r• Mood. pall of.the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and r `Kaitorjohn,-6. i I (Sohools.duo ° Oommieeloner Tully offered" the following motion: .It appearinrt there is dile i �.• `4637.31 from i ' om the Sohoolo.tho sum of.$4637.31 from.the tax oo]leotione'for the week ending Jima 17th nx oo]lootlono � I' for wool; and'ine I move that came be nlloaod and ordored paid and the money appropriated from the Cenernl, a ,...-Juno 17th,192E: ; . , F+ Fund to pay same.: Adoptod upon call of the roll b;: the 'following vote: Yoae, Paoe, y' Pulliam Tullq . Washington and Kotterjohn,- 6. • .. .• • Malt and Ooroal:. Beverage lio°ane Oommieuloner Tully offerod.tho following motion: The eum of $66.34 having been . nrnntod'to 'wjz. ipaid Into tho.;Treaeury, ,together with uppor orernieverage liontion fb:alt OeBlicense,x, Dunn,Brown at. near Union stc-' . hl• I move .that license to sell LIa1L or Ooren] IIegoragos, or any admixtures thereof,., be tion," -'from June .. .. ' .. . , 1; to'Deo.31, '.granted to .7. L•. Dunn on Brown Streot.near Union'9tation, from June let to Deo. "31st, I+ e 192E - a, 111928. ABopted upon 'oalI of the roll by,the following vote; Yeas, Pnoe; Pulliam, i Tully, 8ashinqt"on and Katterjohn,-6. n t + may,, 1 .�'...• ' .. 14a.,t:A:-�J..-n•.iec. _,- > .. ...: _- ..., r... nt. .,..w, w.t-.w n..., _ i , 's. ,.< .., .. ,_. .. _ v. ,'-tl' , .. n .1st T F.... •�'i >'i -1v m:V,N' S.�.';,. lr rf:l Ti. 7-7,7437 7 :FZU MM.v� .17:4w, MEOW— ,, ^fir; v-e..-ji,_.,.�•.i„�e'+,i"iZ;'- ,"y �..:',` r.,�.A, iCa... :7. .rD i'j''1 r"' ' :- rl l;i J J ,^ � +y 4:- : .� Yar W'� rF.l hV -{kF G .i.y T }?•-..,•J � _. " .. . ter. NO. F. Commissioners' PJroceedings;,City .of, Paducah 192 Commissioner Tully'offered.tho following motion:..•It appearing that an error wai• Zror in tori 'made by the Aeaoeeor in aseossinv. K. H. Garton",on Tax Bill 1#1296, with a house valued i" bill of 1:.11. r, Carton oorroatod:.at $900.00 on Bloom Avonue aml"there being,-ro houno'on thie,'piro porty,'I inovo,that the Commfeaioner of lublio Finance be authorized and instructed to•moke oorreation.of the. i; . aaaesoment on this bill. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the follovinq vote: Yeas.' i 'Paoe, Pull'iem; Tully, Washington and Y.aLterjohn,-b. Commissioner Iulliam offered tha follorring motion: That.tho fol]oriinR named " ExoavatinR .`Poet iporsona be nllo.vad the nmol;nts ant. out opposite their names for exoavatlnrt •Lost hits *its.-Ilerry 1larvin• 45.40; Tom Fox, ''along line of proposed ce'aar oonst•ruotion, and the Oommiesioner of Finance be *author.' ;9.00; ',hn. Buoha- '; nan1 .9.00 anil !'lzod and instructed to pay same and ahargo against sovior District 110.'3: r g .......... ' '-ft. Kvyl:onda II ; XI trIain r. ;io' or: onry Itarvin. ........346.40 Uiutriot ;};i. Tom Fox ..... 9.00 h : Win. Buchman ........ 9.00 7hn. I:uyl:nndull... I; TotnI......... .. c,. Ii { hldoptod upon call.of tho roll',by tha following vote: Year:, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,.,and �`9auhington,-4; I1aya, Xattorjohn,.-1. 0 G.:Varrlen ,l•:ilk ` . �{ i!ayor "ttor john offerod the following* motion: That C. G. t7arnor, itilk k Yeat S Boat Inspootor. f -to furniuh nolru- !Inspector, be authorized and directed to furnioh the ne'aepapora of.the 01ty a copy of paporo ofOity. .I copy of 1111, in- his inopootion of dairies and milk tests made by"him for the purpose.' urpose of publIehing same npootion'of dal- rine and I.A lk 'Adopted upon call of the roll by tho following vote: Yoan:.race. "Pulliam. Trll]y, Tach Touts. iington and 1:attorjohn,-6. Oommiselonor.Pulliam offered the following motion: That thelomploymont of John j '.'::7nploymont of 4Litt]o end 1112or Murray, an chainmen, both at the rate of 30 YIy' .. John Little ani 1 d per hour, be rntlffed 1 " 1:iller I urray. ' . 'ildopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Years Taos, Pulliam.' Tu]ly;; - 'Liu 011 inl0arl, .J Jo -nor .DIotrtot, Washin,xton and Y.attorjohn,-b, Payor };uttorjohn offorlxl tho.followinrt motion; I rnovo that a Reuo)ution entitled- Rorlo]ut ion ra- !"A 111:90I.UT1011 R.NCUIR 11111 '0111-1 lA000A11 VA,011i 01IC1`A11Y 'TO'i,'XTJ•:IID 1'I S'. "JA'l'17i .IAAI11S FROM IT3 t (1ul.r hir- 'Yutur Co. o;.toadIto rnutnu I'Ri;:i;;I1T 1.1111 All i,M) III .'lli I11'rhll,;i:0'i'Il?Il 01.' VIII}PT;{!J1'T}I 1.rD OLAY s'AI} TS, AOROSS N-11i:S- il l 9th t� Olay t :Itroot,. T1.Ill'Tll S'I"i1.= l' ."iT S11D AIl)110 OL1Y :I1011k::.T FOR ;, DIS'61110l: 0}' G] )ROY.ICAT}.LY 300 'Ohl 'CII'.: 4*11;'P 1RUf RTY'1I11i: OF IIIINT:i:'i!TII SITU -M, IR T111; MIN OF PADUOAII. KRII'rU0kY," be' Niudoptod: Adoptod upon oull of the roll by theSollowlnst vote; Yonn; Paae,"1'ulliam Tully, 4aahingtun and Lattorjohn,-6. t d Oommloutonor Pulliam offered the following motion: I, move that'd roeolution t `.r Hosolutl'on am. entitled "A Ri:SOLUTIOII L!.I;1JDI1G i^1Ii; ::Pa0IFI0;:TI01I9 FOR T}U•1 00118TRUOTI011 OF 9!°'•':R8 1Ii ing opeoifioatior.0 re(arlinq quick- !SUB-DIVNj043 A: D. AND 0. CI` 3:i71:-M-.DI'9TRICT L'Ul I31nR TI'.RSE, :7HICII MEMS AD!TUD An Bard, -lost, =:TT: BY THI:' 30;'.RD 0 001:1"1S12 011a?S OF TTL: CITY OF. IADUCJ:II, Y'•:YTLIC YY. OII JUI;S . 1922; be edopted.' Lost upon call -of the:roll by, the follo:•ring vote-.Yoaa, Pulliam land '7aehington,-9; Nays. Paoe, Tully. and Y.atterJohn, -3.' ' Commiestoner Pulliam offered the"followinR motion:I movo.that a resolution Rosolution renrd- inr qulok-earl' - jobllgatlnR the City of.Faduoah, Y.antuoky, to allow gutok Band' exoavat'ions in the exoarations in 1� 3o'•vo.r District oonutruotton of no%ora in Sub-Dlvislono A. B. and C. of Sevor Dintriot no.,3 to be ' ,3, -lost.. 'pone as oxtra work, be adopted. Lost upon oall of the roll by the follo.ning vote .' Yoas, Fulham arx, lashinet6n,-2; Pays, Face, .Tully and Y.attorJohr.,-S. ,rtti If On motion the a lt- 1 6 Board daournod upon call of the -roll by b yeas. •' y, A4%ple4 r i -7-640— . gaga 1 ,,.4 J• -