HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 4, February 27, 1922Na �+t F"TRUARY 97TH 8_ e I, Commissioners' Proceedings, City of .Paducah _. 192_ �ffe'r of Banks ofjii Oommiseloner Tully offered'ttio followina motion; That the offer of the Banks -City of 3A in tereat on +ierooi the City of Paducah of 3� interest on deposit of the $600,600.00 'Sener'Bond money be of X600,000.00' nrd the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to conferwith sail Brnke Sewer Bond money rejeoted rejected. and' , Com'r.Flnanoe ` for.deposit,on a basis of *A and report :to this body at the Regular.Meetina on Febrn ;< H` ;t to confer with" 'said banks on . cry 27th, 1922. 0nrried upon call of the roll by the following vote;'Yeas; Pnoe.Tully� �,a 31* basis... 1 .. and Mayor Katterjohn.-S; Days, Pulliam and Washington, -E. fv '•� ,y +� r t •; On motion the .Board adjourned upon call .of the roll by 6 yeas. rj %t'� .i9 cg_ (��f/,j//Jj�/��{�,,,� ' _ 4AY47M. h.......1 ti r 1, KMRUAR Y 97TH. 192£. I ;t At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiesioners, held in the Commiesionore' I t Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah, Kentucky, on February 27th. .1922. Upon call of the ' ¢; roll the following answered to. their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam. Tn]ly and �{ Mayor Katterjohn,-4.J. {' On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of the previous meetings wore adopt;. 1 ed, .ea rend, ;upon call of, the roll by the following vote; YOas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. ;Federation of Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommuntoatlon Labor communi-• of the Federation of Labor, ated February 24th, 19EE, be received and filed. Carried ioation. upon call of the roll by the following vote Yoae, Pace, Pulliam Tully and Ketter- il + : john, -4. • Mayor Kattorjohn offered the fo]lo'winR motion% I move that the oommunton4len Xt i }}• iY.11.Horror, " t 't oommuntoat ion. ' ' in re 3rd Dia- of Wr W. Horror, dated February Elet, 1922, be received and fi]od. Carried upon os71 r f `,••mot Sowors. 1 of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yeas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. f* D"nyor Kattorjohn offered the followina motion: I move that the communication Frani: Clark communication of r^rnn:: Clark, dated FebrunrY 24th, 19£2 be referred to the Oity'Soliottor. .Carried t� referral to . City Solicitor. upon.on]1 of the roll by following vote: Yeas, Pnoe, Pu1318m,Tully'end"Katterjohn 4 commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I'move that the report of -Roport Com'r. the Commissioner of Fublio yinanoe with reference to the conference lith the bank9rs is t S .�Flr.unoo with ''reforenoo to of the City reizardlna the dorosit of the Ire. 3 Dietriot Sower Fund be received; filed f a a : aonferenaa with Dankore of and approved and that the $3 District Sewer Fund be placed in the City rational Bank, ° %* !',.city roaardina ,,,der.onit of #3 Mechanics Trust & Savingo Bank 'and the Ohio Valley Trust Company ani.to draw,intereat , t= District sewer { Fund. at the rate of 3'�`rir per annum:'' Adopted upon os]1 of the roll by the fo]]owinv, vote:1• i• - 666 _ 5 •i F ,Yoae, face, Pulliam,• 'fully and Katterjohn,-4. commissions Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Special Spooial'Paq pay -roll for Streets, amounting to $37.15 be allowed and ordered paid'and .the money �'... .` roll'for;StrooE8: appropriated from. the General Fund to pay same.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoae, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and. Katterjohn,-4. �w fi`i ' -'Commissioner Tully offered the ,followina motion-, I move that 'the' Commission I .. as•; Oom'r .Finunoe... to pay off.•tak :-� of Puhlio Finnnos be authorised and. instructed* to. pay ;'of f, take,up and-oanoel up ana canoe] f p,� street bonds 'street bonds and coupons to'tho amount of $671.70 in.the City National Bank and draw i F , and oaupono in :..^ :r + 01ty. Ila't1.Bankiroll,'?s j amounting to a check nvainst the,Speolal Street Fund'Lo'pny eame.';Adopted upon of the 0671i70 'by the'fo]lowing'.vote:''Yeas.jpace,-pulliam; Tully and Katterjohn,-4. h + } �• ri r J .._ I - ji..U,::'arj.'.:: t.:.;{/tiy*::fy'': <i. :i Ur:n�_...y C .. ry: ._y:......,J. :..JS.hux ..:sY ',i•. , � + ,{ ' %. ! WNt• `r. ; VI(.t'.t { 1 L fi� ,Ni. +� ,� i hi K it�t. :1.4 l J ; ,' � . _-_�--_ , ,- :L< _ _.L::.n-. W. 4r^•. I_h__.�ur3.0 41. - .`d-',..+-. - � ' - i. _.n4.:=... ' _ No, r Commissioners' Proceedings; ':City of Paducah 1927_� >i Commlesioner Pulliam offered the following motion: • That Chas; Lieberman be ., Chas.Lieberman " reimbursed $9.66 allowed $9.66,to reimburse him for excess charged against him on sidewalk improdemente 1. .4 eroess charged on ! " t; sidewalk improve- on Broad Street, and that the Comminsioncr.of Public Finance be aur horized. and direct - irect-Monta,on Mont a, onBroad " 4 - St. ed to pay same arra charge to Street Fund. Adopted upon. call of the roll by the fol lowing vote: Yeae, Paco, Pulliam, Tully, -3; Nays, Katterjohn,-1. Commissioner Iulliam offered the follo'alna motion: That 71, 'V Horner be . 1. ,., 7l.17.Forner allow- allowod $4.76 for phone call to Now Orleans, and Commissioner of Pinaroe be authorized n of $4:75, for t. phone 'call to and directed to pay same anrt charre to 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of New Orleane.La. M the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Fulliam, Tully' Katterjohn,-4. :>• ! and Commissioner Tully offered the following'motion: I move that "All ORDINANC3 ' i Ord iranoo dsnig- i Dr:SIGNATING AND AYI'DINTIUG TI?:: CITY 1UTI011AL 13,0K. 11x11ANI03 TRUST & SAVINGS BANK AILD ' patina ani appoint'- ina City Nat'l. THE OH10 VALLEY TRUST COIZAIY DaOSITIORI:i9 FOR, 'illi: CITY OF FADUCAH K:'NTUCKY FOR THE Bark, 1.'echanioe Park -and Trust Co., I1L7:111R TH';:F DIS'1TICT S''7r14 FU1:D .'.IID FIXING THE RATE OF INTE.D::ST TO B:: I6ID UPON SAID s. p efor ^.1 r lto_iesartl 08 FUNDS SO DrIPOSIT D GIS PI?OVIDIIGDF. ,#3 (:CUTE A D " , THAT SAID POSITCRI�; ;'rHCSITO3Y BOND," i.. Se:•rer District ' Funds, be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote:•Yeas., Pace, PulIIem. Tully' and.Katterjohn,-4. . u :_WA Commlesioner Tully offered the following motion: I move'thnt All ORDIIIANCE' ,. 1 Ordlr:ar.00 author- AUT1lORIZIUG Ai;D DI?1 �1'IL'G T1i': MAYOR dUID CO1'1!IS9I011i1i.OF.IU??LIC 1`IIIA113E,'PO BORR01 }r;tiy4 izirra, aid direot- ina Eayor and. Com- 9U! OF T?IL'1TY TI?OUSAhll ($30,000.00) DOLLARS FROI' Tl!?: CITI�'Id9 9AVIIiC9 `BA 17: OF PADUOAH; miss lonor of ='�•+ Firando to borro-a l Kr1ITU01:Y, An TO ::YECUTi; A 1'O'TE FOR SAID SUV FOR AIID OF BI'MAIF OF SAID CITY. be adopt- .%30 c '` 000.00 from Citizerrs -'•avin�s ed. .adopted upon call of the roll by the follo'winrz vote; Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,Tully bank. • �, and Xatterjohn,-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. z . f ! . •b' MA�ffJi2 un cr.b- . 1GiROH 4TH. 1922. r II At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah. Kentucky. on Saturday. Maroh 4th. 1922, at 10 O10lo �r�rir y� • u A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names-. Oozmissionere '" " Pcoe. Tully and Mayor Katterjohn.-3. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call towit: For the purpose of .extending time of the sittingof the Board of Equalization, and such other business that might f k before the Board. y f i. -come i• Commissioner Tully -offered the following motion: I move that the time of the' -x ' Board of Equalize— tion. time of sit -G sitting of the Board of Equalization be extended to and including 9aturdey,l.'eroh 11th. ;II t Lina a;tensed to 5 March Ilth,1922. p Adopted .,.. upon call of the.roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe,Tully and Katterjohn,3 On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the, roll by'3 yeas.! Adoplcd r MARCH 6TH. 1922. rAnTp ~ At a Regular Meet of the Board of Commisetoners. held in the Commis ton 4. °tri Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on March 6th. 1922. Upon cell of the ► roll the following answered to their Lames: Commissioners Pace, Tully, �laahington and Mayor.Katter ohn.-4. j I .fit ,•. On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of t) -.e previoue meetinge were adopted as read upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Tully... j. ". , r � .. t .x' r.w..... t 1 :. rr _� s.- .:r .+.[ :.... r. :xrsSL'�'M^x::r t:7.'.'T.".'•Gxi '*+' w'."'�F uT.'1 �E.r�'•'f`'1%357x','S�Y:i'—, r(.Y;?��