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Minutes Book 16, Page 37, June 12, 1922
. < Y '. %'�, "? T^*"•.q',M. "i' ,- ,.•;. .. k � •.9; 'c^.' ;5,; `::�� 1.: +i:t�,;n =mow:.. ..:z 3".i .'vy.( ra,,c..�l...,. -tt ,; et1, ,.{, .,.tR �;..r.r^`ywg,?�f}'^'�4•t:_3'S,�'•Gy7w�5xrT�!'>: c.m. a=� i .?4..•r - - "� 3Y t" a.. .,w -.� 4c ,�; b5! .i 1..'l{�'.-L {'� 5`•Sy",'".y f �. `y Y - _ t? - r f ' 1 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of. Padudah 192-"L, On motion the 'Boardadjo..urned upon call' of .the roll .by, 3 yeas. ow—S.Z� JmrE 1sTH 19FE At e:Regular L:eeting of the Board of CommieeloneTs„ho]d,in'the Commissioners' Ij Chamber in the City Rall, Iaduoah, Y.entuoky,'on June 12th,, 19 E2; Upon oall.of the roll the following answered to their nar..9s: Commissioners Taos, Tully, Washington and L'syor Y.atter john.', -4. On motion of Commissioner Tully the'mirutes of the previous meetlnae were adopted as read upon 'call of the roll by the .following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, Wash- • - ington and Y_atterjohn,-4. Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber:, L-ayor Yatterjohn offered the following' motion:' I move that'the bill of Roy Roy B.3peok,02erY_,! s i Pr_id ;46.90.00stsr B. Speck, Clork of the Court of Appeals, in the case of W. J. Been vs T.',1. Yatterjohn, in action of W. J. } Bas vs ?.',7.YatterM Lor„ &o., wherein the velidtty of the Riverside Hoopita] Bonds wer.e:tested, amount - lay John, Mayor E:c:, in Hospital Bonding to the sum of ,',46.90, be allowed. and the Commissioner of Pnblio Finance is hereby. Issue. jl.authoriied.to issue check to Roy B. .Spook., Clerk, for said amount; and that same. be s charged to Coate and Snits., Adopted upon call of the roll by the fall owinR vote. c a• i .. '.Yeas, Pace., Pulliam, Tully, ;lashinaton and Yattorjohn,-,5. L•:ayor`Yattorjohn ,offored. the followirF, motion: "I move that F Y, i:atteryohn, ContrJot between i Ayer -Lord Tie Co. 5 L'ayor, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract and con and Cilty of Padu- I .. cah, relative to "veyanoe made and entered into by and bet-.7een the Aycr-Lord Tie Company and -the 'City rir..ht of :ay Por '� t 3rd Diutriot E of, Paducah, .grantinp a ri?•ht of tray or easement for the oonotruotion of the Third, +Se:7or.' i. ? Distriot'Se"aar over'the property.of the Ayer -Lord Tie Company on the bank of the K Tenneeoeo River, said.rivht of Trey being 345 feet long, 41 feet ,in width, and 7 feet E I' In lepth, and that.when said contract is aoknowledaed by the :.,er-lord Tie Company that same then be received and fi]ed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow. ; 'i ing veto:. Yeas, )?see. Fulliam; Tully, 1:7ashington and hatterjohn,-6. p Ro;ort of Com'r. Commissioner 'Pully offered the following motion:" I move that the report of Public Finance for, r - Lay 1922. the.Commieoioner of Publio uinanoe for the month of l::ay, be received and filed and', ordered published in 'the official newspaper. Adopted upon oall.'of the roll by the �. following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,.'.7ashirngton and Y.atterjohn,-5. Rertort.Com'r. Pub Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 'I move that the report of L ]ic Finrmoe, ahow- inF, apportionment, theCommissionerof Tublio Finance 8ho:71nt, the Apportionment, the. amounts expended r;.'• rrnoun,ts expended`a and balances to and the balances 'to the oredit of the'verioue aeoountn under the difPer,ent departments are of vr_rious 4 ,' Sr; ry,. departments May ji at the end of I.ay 31st, be received and filed. .Adopted upon call of the. roll*by the r' 31r;t, 1922 ! i following vote: Yeas, 7aoe, Pulliam,'. Tully, 77ashington ar:d Yattorjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the follo-aing motion: It appearinv there is. due Schools Y6207.19 •-"the'Sohoole the sun, of :6201,19 from the tax collections to June 10th, I movo that . tar. collections a ' to June 10th. `same be alloaod and ordered paid and the, money aprroprtated from the .General Fund', t.6. - pay. -came. opay.-came. Adopted.upon call of the'roll by•the following vote: Yoas, race, Pulliam, d -Tully, :7ashington and ;:etter'john;-5. II Schools ;36.96 Commissioner Tully offered the following, motion: It appearing there is due ' tar colleotione t'. for 1921. the Schools the sum of $36.96 from the tax collections for 1921. I.move that some be allowed and ordered paid and the money dppropriated from tho Ceneral Fund to pay same.'iS"::'; - Adopted upon call of tho roll by the following vote:. Yeas, Iaos. Pulliam, Tully,'' 14-'t:o. ` a "faohington and Y.atterjohn, w Sohoole $b 29 �t „Commiseloner Tully offered thA following motion; It appearinP'there lo.due! •t ,', Back. taxoe t+ .. o j the 'Schools the sura of j5.29 from the oolleotionsof BaoY..Taroe,. I move that :Dame be '; a' rty,, - fir%' •,•:. w . w ,:.r _ -<'...: ... ` �7� � -+. ....,:.+. .'P,.II"�'.�v,"..rz,.,::..' :7^.T�7,E': • � , ���j-yam � — _ .. .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192 -T- -------------- - - 'moi i- - allowod`and ordered paid'and the money appropriated from. the General Fund to pay same. : t# 1Adopted upon call of the roll by the following ed votYeas, Paoe;.Pulliam, Tully, l7aehing� }'t R 1 ton and Yatterjohn, c Commieolonor ;7ashinaton offered the following motion: I. move that the' sum. of �*"., Hazel Moloan ;'r50.00�be paid to Liies Hazel l:leloon, out of the Contingent F:uYd, as per agreement made i T �. {..,allo-.7od.50.00'." {, .�. rf 'to make analysis with her thio date, for, the analysis of not more than 250 eamplen of water to be used of water to be r ',. used on.boats. on'tho boats plying in and.out of Paduoah, and same to be done at the dirsotion of the. C Government authorities. Adopted upon oe71 of the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Pace; t a yyy }s Pulliam, Washington and Yntterjohn,-4; Commissioner Tully not voting, as he was out of. ` = t, }the.Commissioner'a Chamber at the time the vote was taken. k iti•Street Depart-.. Commissioner Pulliam offered the .following motion: That the Street Department �s K ment report..for �; s`r : y 192E�• ry� Report for the month;of liay.1922 be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the'roll f . j Fc b.y,the following vote: Yens: Pace;Pu111em,Tg>.11y.i7aahington and Kafterjohn,-6. :l Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the itemizel report,' I v 2 Sewer District ¢3 report Sor ohouding oxpend[tureo in Sewor Distri'ot 43, amountin? to •�25©3.43 for the month .of May 1my 1922, .show- ,• ing exponrii- 1.922. be reooivod and filod. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: ,Yons,, y tures.- i face; Pulliam, Tully, 'Jash1r;,,.ton and Yat ter john,-5. L. L:ayor Ka'ttor john offered, the following motion: I.move that on Ordinance entitled qFt 1 .4 Ord inanoo auth- orizing Mayor "III ORDIIIAEOB AUTHORIZIIIG, 'DIRI)CTIIIG A14D ELII'071r:RIL'G F. W.'YATTIM JOTIN. LLIYOR, OF''THE -.CITY' :to purchase F'• Y'... Roy Stownrt OF PADUCAH. IITUOYY,. TO PUROHA,SL 011-WAIII 1'RohliTY TO BL US-ZD AS h 11IGHT OF 7AY F011.3111'I i propert;; for Y ' sower purl'Osoe.'' CollWZU:TIO11 OF T12UlIY. LILT;' SF;:/:;25 Ill S;f'•^.1i DIS`PRICT THR0, BBLOIIOIHG TO ROY ST:::7ART jWD ITIS 'JIFE, OATIG•2Il(i: STR'dART. LOCATi;D AT 11IlIBT 'iIITIi STRF.L'T, IF r.XTi1iD:�, AILD iei BROAD':dAY STREET " be adopted. Adopted upon ball of the roll g g .• P P I by the following vote: Yeas Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-6. # ` kf :Ordinance oath Liayor Katterjohn offered the following. motion: I move'that'-an Ordinance entitled ; orizing L'.ayor u ..to purchase "All ORD IIIAIICB ALTIARIZIPG; DIRiIrTIIIG AND Ra TO'•l'12I1 G F. W. I' VE2JOHIT, 1IAYOR, OF THE CITY f' W e.Blanohel OF PADUCAH. FE,ATUCYY, TO PURCHASE C:RTAIlI IROPE'.•.TY'TO B:: USED AS A RIGHT OF '.7AY FOR N- Acres property � + , for sewer put I D y }' 6posee. d THL COIISTRUCTION OF TRUNK 7.Illr: SS7.5-RS III 1Jr:7i1R DISTRICT 1TU1:B P. TlIRF.E, BI:IAIiGIIIG.TO 1183.' I 1� fi•: A B]r,HCHE ACRiZ AID Hi 2 HUS)BILLD, DR. J. B. AORLF, 1OOA`C:1D AT IIIIIi:TE&TH S1Hi1,.:'T, IF L•':CTPD 1 hS; v 19, AND JE .`11W ISOL' 9TR!-::T," be adopted. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Ja veto: Yoas, Taos, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Y.atterjohn,-6. rz n Mayor Y•atter ohn offered the following, motion: I move that an ordinance entitled ,`•. Ord inanoe Guth= ✓ j ' •;too,i ing urchLase.ry 'AIT ORDINANCE AUTI1ORI2I1lG, DIR_:CTIliG AILD A.TO`'.,; W(; F. J. 'Y'1'P'ERJOHII, MAYOR OF THE CITY P &:= Bradahnn 3 OF PADUCAII, KElTUCYY', TO PURCIIA 3 C:,'riTAI1I T_'ROI':RTY T0. BE USED AS A RIGHT OF WAY FOR I , ti' property for so-ror purposoo: q s THE COlIB'LRUCTIOII OF',TRUIll, LIIII: SEnIMS ITT.9EV-:J2 DISTRICT lNLM.!2 THR-EF.,'B IAIiGIlIG,TO y: S. R. BRAD3HA`4,.A1D Y.liO',7II AS THE E.R. BRAD8HA7 PROF :"2TY,":be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace. Pulliam; Tully, 7ashington and r t Ketterjohn,-5. r g Commissioner Tully offered the following, motion: 'LY. H. L. Prather having been 5+s H. L. Prather. 1' 4 allo.:ed ;41.92 yu ! f } .in re Sewer Nemploged in the Engineer's Office on the 3rd District Server plane, and having left the '' District Y3.' � .employ of the City.and'thero being due him ;41.92, I move that snore be allowed and order-{ U ed paid and charged to.•the, Specirl Se-.7,!r Find. Adopted upon, call of the roll by the following vote: vote; Yeae. Paoe;I. u, iii m, Tully, 7ashingtan and Yatterjohn,-5. Mayor' Katter john offored the folloaing.'motion: I move that a copy of the agree- A�reement be_ tween Southern ;ment between the City of Paducah -Kentucky. and the Southern .Textile Machinery Zompany' � Textile l,noh., . Co. and.City of. S, f k' wherein the Southern Textilelllaohinery Company agrees to accept. 9250.00 for a right of Paducah; in re: ' wag or'easoteent.ovor property belonging to the Southern Textile Maohinery Com pany,'and right of way for T { Sewer District �wherdKb in syld'-trjaxaamen t, the.3ouihern' Texti.To L:aohinery.Companv, agrees"that T. A, a 1s i;i liillar; Elaster Commissioner,. deed to,the,City of Pnduoah.said richt of way or easement in the aotion of F '17. Katterjohn. Mayor. &o against Thomas-Warren, &o., pending in �5 •+4 n.k. .1 w.1J Ya4.•.:� nc. ti.A !l--.tc?+.i.:...>'1.: ,:.-U•HM1 �� { y?,...•.`,iR :ae.- t.. yFt; 1n L.x :ter:d-. Ja.,yd'' ._ _�•.k ...., � , . - m.�jri...•� '!� f.'R't't'.'.��`IYs�Y-1 �;�7hl�M �r .. t _ •�f.tMl �Ah�'rL'^"°ylfiFt�Y��1 Y S � • � }' ''��4y � J . Y� � {,, Vl �. ; ♦. .� , 'SE''�Y^`� Jf' ' I ,�. ( =.� ). x...Rt "k �..xy '! T• �tn U #'..}.c°',�'G- K o rv, f.r rt P- }. , :. _ rax • f.. NO. 39 1 Commissioners' Proceedings'City-of__ Paducah H l the YoCraoken Circuit Court, be accepted, and the Commissioner of Publio Finance 10 hereby authorized and direoted to pay to said Southern"Textile Yaohinery Company, or II 7. C. Beaton. Clerk, said sum of y""250.00, as above.statedand charge same to the ti Third District Sewer Fund Account. The original agreement is filed in the action of r F. l7. Katterjohn. Mayor, ve Thos. Harron, &o: Adopted upon oall_of.tbe roll by the gfollowing vote:, Yeas, Pane, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. j' Commisaionor Pulliam offered tho following motion: • That the expense accounts i q of the Commissioner of Publio Works on two tripe to Louisville. Ky., as follows 1 Trip. End Tr iv. 4 , ....... H?5q}enee Accounts r Railroad sere ,'..•.•.,:�016.E6. Railroad Faro ....$16.06 of o 'r 'ub to . 0 m .1 1 PulltDan.... 3.00 Pullman ...... .... ..... . 3 76 t f, s ........... ......... Fare....*. - ;Porter .36 Taxi and Car e.. 1.36 lYorks to Louis- • • • • " 1.00. is........................ 3.60 I:oals..............,..... 2.60 villa. Y^y . in re: 11 Sewer District ;: Hoto 1. 3.00 Porter.................Eb 3 allowed.. i! Taxis........... ......... 1.25 �$ be allowed, and same be charged against Sewer District Ito. 3. Adopted upon call of }' the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, lashington and Y.atter- ij john,-6. ISG On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of tho roll by 5 yeas. Adopted 4L,�l . ' JMIE 13TH. 192E. At a Called Meting of the. Board of Ootmmissionere, held in the Commissioner a' 1 Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on June 13th, 19P.E, at 3 o'clock Pi. M. Upon call of the roll tho following anowered to their.namost Oommtentonere Paoe, Tully i and Vaohington,-3. Ztayor Y.atterjohn being out of town, Mayor Pro Tom Thohirrgton c ,;- presided. +.. ILayor Pro Tem Washington stated renaone for. Call to-nit: To adopt a Resolutio 'I scoop ting a deed of conveyance of real estate, located at 171G ]andiron Street, from ' Lizette Schafer to the City If Paducah. Y.entnoky, and ouoh othor busineas ao may.00me before the Board. N' Obmmienionor Tully offored the fo]lowing'mottont 'I move that a Resolution Rouabi`Jon 'accept- 1nq Uobd Of .Oen- entitled "A 1I1.111ULUTI011 A00.1-211110 A DASD 011 OO1 WN411JOHs' Or RJHA1 X2TATH., LOOATED AT 1716 ;t vo;tanoo from lizotte IJ�DISON. 1.i'Fiui;'1!, HRtU1.t LI1,1sTTFH. S01L�?".3i; AND 1144 ITUSBA11U A. F. 801tA TO Tljf OITY OP � 3ohafor to Oli'y of. . 1 Padu.oah for $3,000 ; 11: and Copt'r.Publi•o PADUOAH, Y:111V01:Y; AILD AUT1[URI23ING TNF, O(VMISSIOlt: ? OF I'UBLIO FI11AI10tH TO. PAY TO THF..'' %S 1; Finfuiap Lo pay same ani charge I; SALD LIZ' SCIiAFP, THaH SUI.: OF i11R:H THOUSAAD DOLLARS, 9A1:?.TO:A): OHARCrZ, TO THE to 3onor Diatriot ¢3, THIRD DISTRICT 9:.4:R FU11D AOOOUIIT," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by ^, the following vote: Yeae, Face, Tully and 7anhington,-3. "n. Report Oom'r. of Commisuionor Tully offorod the following motion; I move that.the roport F.Rinanoo:of the y 0f the Oommissioner of Publio Flnanoo of the Ito. 3 District Sevier Account for the the 3r 3rd District So-acr.A000unt for -' Ltoy 1922. month of l:ay be received and filed and ordered publiehod in tho Official nowapaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeao; Pace, Tully and tl 7aahington, -3.' _ On motion the Board adjourned-upon oall.oi the roll by 3 yeas. �, n4upi�d '='