HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 32, June 3, 1922,t •^. a`. 1 ) g .� ..< s -.c r i t. lrts? at Na { ' Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah Oommiauionor Pulliam -offered the following motion: That the report of Sewer r' . rlRoporta of Aever, + y District *3.ez-• District Ito. 3 exponlitureo for April 192E and the report of the Street Department ypondituroo for <g<}April; Wise for April 192E be receive and filed. iuloptod upon call of the roll by the following d Street Dopt.. f vote: Yeas, Pnoo, Pulliam, Tully, 'Jaehinaton'and Katterjohn,-6.' Copyof Sowor �. '.Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the copy of the Serer s y` Plena and, Speoi-.ii': + k:ifav ications appoovod plane and the copy of the Specifications for Sor District No. 3, Sub -Divisions A by State Board -of Healthi in re:B. and C., returned from the Stets Board 'of Hsnith, marked "Approved, by the State ' •. Sewer District:.:.. • k W'.•. 3.'. Board Engineer" be received ar-d filed. Adopted upon cell oP the 'roll by the folio ins r a',• vote: Yoas, Face. Pulliam, Tully, 'Jashington.and Y.atterjohn,-5. S j On motion the Boa rd adj9urn A .upon call of the roll by.5 yeas, �� ,• - ridOploB,X�K J r� 1714- - O � ` � � . 1 JUItY 3RD . 19 E2. fns Ata Called }Jesting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' Chamber. in the City Hall Paducah Kentucky. on June 3rd 192E at 11:30 o'clock A. M. � I•`. Upon as. of the roll the following answered to their. names: Commieeionors Paoe,Pulliam,i4 1 .' Tally, Washington and Mayor Y.atterjohn,-6. t t �j Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of hearing re- ' r x port of the City Solicitor on condemnation of right of way for sewer District $3, and any other business that may come before the Board. $? Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; 1 move that the report of the 4 Report City Solicitor, in re City +`. F Citq Solicitor, dated Y.ay 31st, 1922, relative to awards assessed by the Board .of Com - awards assessed I. by Commissionere�!' riRht of.we miesioners, in the.oaco of F.:7.Yatterjohn. Mayor. &o., against Thomas Warren, &o., !. y 1 for trunk line �.. �' :.•.. •:,.,.�'.: ;' F-; sewers in Sewer pending in the McCracken Circuit Court, be received and filed.' Adopted upon call of the _ �. ° •�:'. '�-�• . (, District 13.". roll by the following vote:.Yoas,Paoe,Pulllsm,Tully,l7ashtngton and Kattorjohn.-6: , Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the City Solicitor, dated May 29th, 1922, showing the number of deeds procured and executed';"•`, 4f by T. .A.'L'illar; Master Commissioner in the action of F. 1. Katterjohn, Payor. &o., g, Report City So L r; lioitor in re( against Thomas 'Aarren, &c., pending in the McCracken Circuit Court, for- a richt of way' ! Deeds executed t+�bq T: i7.YUllor, J' Maetor.Oommis-. or easement for the construction of trunk line sewers to Sewer District Ito. 3., be Y "j A; sioner', &o. received and filed, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance is hereby authorized and ;. inr ro right of-' Ir I . i{ way for ,trunk diroatad to issue checks. to the -defendants, or 71. C. Seaton, Clark of the MoOrack6n r; "lino senora in . ,a Sower Dietriot r• LI#3 F'Circuit Court, the amounts hereinafter uet-out, which are the amounts awarded by the, {, j Commissioners and.'ansessod an damages for said right of way and confirmed by the Court �.•' t 'The dofendanta and the amount to .be paid to each aro as follows, to -wit: r D zY.-]1DAlIT AMOUNT # H.A.Hodao and •.v1fe,Davio liodge,or'W.C.Snaton,0]ork......................... 6: 00 h a J.'A.Jones and ,vtfa,a']In Jonas, or '.7.C.Soaton,0]ork.......................... 6.00 , Mrs.Clara Romain, or 74 C.Snaton,0lsr.k...................................... 6.00 Forquaon Hardwood Lumber Co, or:7.O.Snaton,Olork ................. '.......... 6.00 , t �- �• Paducah Ioo Company, or :7.C.Soaton,C]ork. i ........ 6.00 1 Lrs.ILarq 3.9a]]or;: and her hnoband.E.L.Nallory,or'J.-0.Seater.,0lark......... 6,00 it J.W.Boaaley and rife Fannie Foanloy, or ,7.C.Seaton,Clark................... 6.00 M ' F. H. Jones.or A. C. Seaton, Clerk.............. 6.00 4[ ,, West Kentucky Coal Company. or '•7.C.Soaton Clerk ............................ 6.00 Jao.C.Utterback and Padnoah Boz & Basket Lio,or -J.C.Seaton,Olerk............ 6.00 =.j Lack -Redford B39vator Co., Kontuoky 'levator & Milling Oompany,Citizotle ` . ' Savings B&nk, or •'.9.0. Seaton,Olor k ................................... 6.00 ` Langstaff-Orm Lumbor Oompany, or ':7. 0. Seaton, Clark ....................... 6.00 2 I;ro.Addie Caldwell; or W.O.Soaton. Clark ........................ 6.00 4. ti 11:7.Kattorjohn and wifo,I1ellie Y•attorjohn, or W.O.Seaton, Clerk............ 6.00 W.A.Buford and.wifo,Sarah Buford, or ',7.0.Soaton. Clerk ............:........ •6.00 a r .-J.7.Beasloy and wife, Fannie Beasley, Oscar Beasley and wife,Ruth Beasley• and .W.L.Beacloy and 'wifo, Jeanie Boacloy,or W.C.Soaton, Olork.......% 6.00 , 1 :Miko Isoman and wife Amanda Iseman, or W.C.Seaton Clark ................... 6.00 1 r ° irs.Minnie Bernhard wife, 11r9.11ininie Bernhard.rJxeoutrix'of Oeo.Bernhardt t R deoeaned, or W.0. Seaton. Clerk .................................. . , .... .. 8.00 �" 4 Ida I.I. Jsnninas and husband, O. S.Jennings, or' 17.0.8eaton',01erk... :..... .... .. 6.00 I t <F +..; 0.&.Jonninge and: wife,Ida II.Jennings, orW.O:Seaton,Clark...:::.......►1.to 8.00 ' ,•.a:D,r.Lt•:r�';sy'.1 L't, ,: J t.`rC,;'.;'•.y y«�t;,•„a., t .n ....: 1, h asG. ..-. ,.- • e .w�. ' .,....r .'•S -'r . - l � < i � ;. r r r! ) .� e� :+'l Y;� r r 1E .h ,ci•n !,�• C x I�rn ' 4-Y,` y , r .i. • No, �>3 Commissioners' Proceedings;. City of Paducah ; -- I DFIMMAII A1t0UIIT j; Daniel Chapman and wife.Annie Chapman, Vre.Minnie Bernhard and Lire. s t 141nnie Bernhard, ikeoutrix of Geo.Hernhard, deoeceod, or W. C. r Benton, Clark ......................._........... ...... ,6.00 E.O.Terrell,or".7.0.Seaton,Olork..::.............................. .....:.:.. 5.00 <a •. ..�;tY.0.0'Brion, or '.7.C.9antonlerk..............:........................... 6.00 0 ;;J.A.Drew and wifo, Addie-Drew, or 7I.C.9eaton, Clerk ........................ 6.00 J.II.Hnrdison and >w. Hardier)n, or ':7.O.Boaton, Clark ...................:.:.. 60.00 1.r'..Motzaor, .11on I'etzger,.10ma L.".etzt*nr,F. L.Metzgor,Y.atie 1.!etcger,Harry ' ' Motzaer and haul Metzgor, or'.7.C.Soaton,Cler.k...........'...:........... 8.00 { i'Adopted upon call of thin roll by the following voter Yeas, Ya ao; Tnlliam. Tully. a N^Iaehington and Kattorjohn,-G. Commissioner Fulliam left tho Commiseionern' Chamber. f Doode sot -out in : Mayor Katterjohn offored tho.following motion: I move that the AeeAs net out report o f City Solt - or a000ptod,and 'iin the report of the City Solicitor, dntod June,3rd,1922; doedina richt of way or apirovod• easement for construction of .trunk line eowmrs, be accepted and uprroved. Adopted ,l'7 I�upon oall of tho roll by the following vote; Yoae, race. Tully. la ohIDRt n and Katter. (john, -4. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move, that J. H. and LI.'' J.H. ani M. Hard Iaon� silo od additiorAl Hardison be allowed the additional sum of 380.00 for a richt of way or easement for ;' ,'1,�•„' ;, cum of 00.00 for right of tray in re the oonatruation of trunk line soaeru ovur their property. *and the Commissioner of 3rd Distriot Sower. �Fublio Finance in hereby authorized to issue check to.them for as td aum, anJ charge I�name to the 3rd Dietriot dawor.Fund Account. Adol,tod upon call of the roll by.tho :, •.r',! following votes Yens, face, Tully, wauhington and Y.attorjohn,-4. � Commieetoner Pulliam entered the OommissionerA' Chamber. Dood from 7.H. Mayor Yatterjohn offored the following motion; T move that the deed from • Ii Narron and othorei in: ru right of way Ur. H. 'acres ko., who are the heirs and .only heirs at. law of Thomas lYarren. deceased, l• for 3rd Dictrtot 3o.vor agcepto3 ard':ii to the City of lyaluoah, Kentucky. for property'loontoil on the route of the Third Die-.•' k i a,roved.. pl triot 9ewnr,'he accepted, and the Oommin uionor of Public Finance is herob!''authorizea J and directed to losuo oheol: to 'GeorgeA. Allen,. Agont of 17. It. Warren, t.:o., for the j sum of ,'1325.00. '.vhioh to in full payment for until property,nrd oharae enme to the T t' `' Third District Sewer Account. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo,ring vote; Yeas, Faae,Fulllam. Tu]ly,Washington. and Kattorjohn, % • ,1i Mayor Y,atterjohn offered tho following motion; I move that .the. agreement Agroomont dram J. B. Aor caul 1!ru. i botwoen Dr. J. B. Aoroe and Era. Blanche Aoreo and the, City of radueah, Kentucky,, jx Dlanoho Aoroe to. ? dooA right of way, whoroin the said •J. B. Aoreo and l.:rn. Blanche Aorne arroe'to eeouto and ' to Olty of 7�aduoah = ' for no. -tor purposes P doed to tho. City of Paducah,. Y.ontucky, to Lot Ito: 1, Bock. tio. 1,. Fountain.Pnrk ""•'' •' for ,01700.00. . � Addition, the purohnoe price of which is 03700.00, he accepted. Adopted upon call r of tho roll by the following vote: Yoas, face, 1101inin, Tully, lachtngton, and Kattorjohn,-6. Afrrenmant from ilayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the agreoment.” ' i .i Bradhhaw to,.N .'dood right of .ray. between :1. R. Bradshaw and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, wherein the said Bradehdw .% '1. to City of raduoah'! for aowor purpoeos agrees to doed to tho City of Paducah. Y-ontuoky, for the num of $11:60.00, a lot 80'' " for '1260.00. foot by 170 fent, more or lase. +ihtoh to a part of the homeplaoe of. the Br.adchawe at:' �I 19th Street, if extended, and Uonroe Street, be nocepted. Adopted upon oall.of the.. roll by the following vote:.Yeas,F.00e,1'ulliem, Tully.7ashington and'Yatterjohn,-6.- :. il Payor Kattorjohn offered the follo•aina motion: I move that an ordinance r.,;.•,;i Ordiran0o auihoriz: ',:.,;r.:. ;.` inz F.'.7.Lattorjuhn entitled "All ORDIIL'.1'.Cii AU]'HORIZING AND DIR CTIIIG,F. 71. YAMPJOHN, MAYOR OF TRE CITY i:nyar to purohaso pr,oporty from 'j' OF PADUCAH. 7:.-1ITUCI'.Y, TO FURCHA9E C MTAI11 VROPPRTY. TO BE. UB;D AS A RIG!IT OF WAY FCR +; iizotto Sohafor and. •/1 A. e'.9'ohafur for TH3 COlISTRUOTION. OF M1 Ul&.' LIII: 9l•1"^:RB IN 9l'17ER DISTRICT I10. 0. B2101IGING TO LI7.3TTy, .13 ,000.00 for uo'.7- ur purp000a, • ;� SCHAPIM AILD Hr:3 ITUSB01). A. F. SCILlFER, LOOAT 9 AT 1716 1.!ADI9011 STR;iET,"'be, adopted r;. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens; Pace, Pulliam, Tully,, " Washington and Y.attorjohn,-B. � l;r`;;4' J', 1 Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah... 1922- - on motion the Board,adjouxned upon call of the roll by B veas. art �T_Y.6' n.e// . .. . ��,. �. 1,�f� I:•. .' �i�,,84 , F'_' r�ii'�f.•l•�a , is JUNZ 8M. 1922. ;,,a.,. At ,n Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommisaionere, held in the ommiesdoners f,d Ohamber'in the,01ty Hall, Paduoah. Kentucky, on June 5th. 1922,- Upon call of the roll the following nnswerod to their names: Oommieeionnre Paoe, Tully, WanhinRton and 11a "T Katterjohn,-4. r 'I On motion of Oommiesionor Tully the minutoc of the previous meetings were f ' adopted no readlupon call of the roll by the following votot Yone, Pace, Tully, ',lashing S. ( i 3 9'. ton and Kattorjohn.-4. fOommiesionor Pulliam ontored the Oommiesionere' Ohamber. � s_ Resort and Pay Commieuionor Tully•offored.the following motion: I move that the Pay -roll for 4 roll of { pu].ly',Oom r. of thn ]cut half of the month of 1,1ny, amounting to 00,103.20. no por the rn]lort of the � t r: Yinanon for ].nut half.of ` .Oomml,colonor of Iublio Finnnoo fi]od horowith, bn allowed.and ordered paid and,the mousy 1(ny,1DCA. aPpropelatod from the General Yunl to pay came. Adopted upon oa11 of the roll by the• k ' ' '`• folio vote; Yens, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, t9aehington and Yattorjohri,-B. 4 t, �.. F Oornmiesior>Br_Tully offorod the following. motion: I move that the'Pay-roll for t ej pay-rbai for i,Fr. 3rd.Distriot 3d District Soaer, amounting to $696.60, for the last half of the month of My. be I t• 'So.7or for last. . half of Lid y, allowed and ordered paid and the Oommiesioner of Iub]io.Finanoe.be enthoriaed and in- �' I:_ ' struo.ted,to.draw oheoks aguinot the Special 9ewnr Fund Account to pay came. Adopted upon call of the rol1.by. the follo:vinR veto: Yoas., pace, Pulliam, Tully, lachington and 1 " Katterjohn,-6. r Commiaaienor Tully offered the followinR motion: The Utun of 360.00 having �.~ been paid, into the Troauury, as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that J , ;j Oemote.ry dood tel Mr a.Florenoo deed be executed to hire. Floreitae.Hurst for lot 14 in Block #2 on .the South Side of Furst. Hannan Street, botwoon Baker & Miller Streets. in Oak Grove.Oomotery. Adopted upon call of.the roll by tho following votet Yana, Pace, Pulliam, Tally, Washington and i ti Katterjohn.-6• I� I }'i Commiscionor Tully offered the followinR motion: The stun of $60.34 having;been Valt or Ooroal paid -into the Treasury, togethor with application to call malt or cereal bevoragea,.I ?' Bovnrage.:Lioonoel tY, lo,?uad to Theo Il move that lloonso be granted to Theo Peters to. sell 'malk or cereal beverages or any Fetors #1040!:: tx Broad way. admixtures thereof, at X1040 Broadway, from June lot to December 31st, 1922: Adopted 1y, 1 upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace,Pulliam. Tully. Washington and xattorjohn,-6. Iry it 11aoanohuuotto Commientenor Tully offered the following motion: I move that the i°aosaohu- ' • Bond lnrr d: Ina. r't V 'do. roioaond•on cotte Bondin? & Insurance Oo. be released from the bond of D. H. Council. Adopted upon I. Bond of D.H. i �} Counol]. call of the roll by the Polishing vote: Yens. face, Pulliam, Tully, 7aohington and �Katterjohn,-6: pr , Mayor Katterjohn,offered 'the following motion: I move that the report of the a Report of city �,OitySolicitor in Solloitor, in regard to richt of way procured for the Third Dibtriot Sower. be roRard to rtrht {' l .of .gay prooured re he and filed. Adopted upon call of Lho roll by the follo.vinIt veto: Yeao,.Faoe, t, for 3rd District >�r ,'Beast. Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. Layer Kntterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Oo>ytniesioner ofI''', u Lio?,` Om'rF1nanoo to:;xheo,.a to:'Public rinanoo be; and he•in hereby authorized to'issue checks infavor of the Laok-Sng]etree.0.00. Sinrletroe Oompakv for tho.oun of $660.00; First,Vational-Bank, $60.00,'and Jsmee s. II P, , l.atl.Bank,600 and Jae. ,IMoKee $6.00,,,said,ohecks',to'be made in favor'of the above-named parties, or to9onton, , .Seaton, Olork. and that ea a be oharged to_ the Third District Sewer'A000unt,. Adopted;,,upon call of� the roll by the following:,vote: yeas. pooa. pullinm, 7;ully, ;pauhington.a•� ` r' .. c€d ka:A•.: „'u..� .ti!.....:A .. ,iif,.•:?'r. u.!F.i. ::, w....¢. ...:y. .1., .+...r.ub ,> .., w,f. Y.. •y.te :y•, „