HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 30, May 22, 1922Commissioners' Proceedings: City of Paducah
.. on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas.
t Ad"Pie
MAY 22nd, 1922.
' Meeting of the Board -of Commiesionere, hold in the Oommissionera'
0 Ata Regular .
{ 1.
Chamber in the City Hall. Paduoah, Kontuolpr, on Vay.e2nd. 1922. Upon call of the roll +
the following answered to.the ir'names:.Commissioners Paoe, Iulliam. Tully. Washington
"al, and mayor Kattorjohn,-b. r °
Y' On motion of Oommissioner Tully the minutes of the previous. meetings were
�i>, • adopted so read upon call of the roll by thea,followinvoter Yeae, Face. Pu11Lam,Tully,
,yi •:r
:7ashington and i:attorjohn.-b. I S `
Oommunioation iiayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communisation
� 1
'from Grocers
relative to from'Gro car e.of the City of Paducah be reoeivod.and that the matter be refound to the ;i
:olosing on r.
Sunday. Commissioner of Safety and enforce the lac,. Adopted upon call of the roll by. the follow< i
l .I 1
' ing vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5. I'
Report Com'r. Oommissionor Tully offered the followinrr motion: I move that t}e'ropont of
' Finame rale- �+'
�.'tive,to `-531.26 the Commissioner of Public Finance, with reference to the deposit of interest of 1, d
.•, interest on, A i
Y Liberty Bonds 3531.25 to the credit of the Sinking F,md, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of
p V
k n deposit ea
Sinking Fund. the roll by the folloninr vote: Yeas. Face, Pu11Lam.Tully,'.7ashington and Yatterjohn., 6
Commissioner race offered the following motion: .I move that the roairmation
.Resignation of of Lallie-Sullivant, eo Fireman, be accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
Y, : Lallie Sulli- 1
a vont. following vote: Yeas, raoe,.Pulliam, Tully, Washington and. Kattorjohn,=8.
Fu•i ;
Commissioner ',7ashington offered. the following motion; I move that I.'r..lnmea
'' Jae.A.l,:ulligan A. IJulligan be authorized to make repairs, ouch no papering„ oto., of the old 11brees't. � F
r� to make repairs "
of old nurses' Home at Riverside 11oapital, and that this Bonrd pro on record that. they will lease him l°�
Roma. and Board.i
to extond his the buildinrr for six months more after Aurrust Sth, 1022. AdopteQ upon call of the roll y
.loans 6 months. ( ;
Iby. the following veto; Yeas, Paoe,Pulliam,Tully, Washington and l:attorJohn.
Commissioner '•7ashington offered the following motion: I move that the re- 1
^Fourth Stroot.
Bridge ro-wiring wir Ln!r of Fourth Street Bridge. be awarded to Kattor�ohn-MoOaulay ;aeotria-Compary for
contract award
. r
ed to Kat,tor- $247.00, as per.his bid of Lay 22nd, 1922,. and the cost of same be paid out of the ( ;�
Sloatrio Co..'. .Contingent Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe.'
' Pulliam, Tully, '.7ashington and Katterjohn,-6'. r
+l Commissioner Taos offered the following motion:. I move that ;•. Y. Truese bey, i
appointed as appointed ase fireman. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens;
r' a fireman. 1
lace, Pulliam, Tully, 'Washington and Yatterjohn,-5.
?' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move. that the Commis, i
Commissioner of stoner of Publio 'rorke be .authorized to go to Loninville Yay'23rd, at the City! a:ex
Public 'darks tol
'go to Louisville pense, to•be prouent.at the.oponinx of bids for_so,yer construction in that. City and to 1
n interest of. , u
' 3rd District .inventirrate'tho suutem of bookkeeping for.'aor:atruction purposes;' which has been used in
Sewers. I` ; -
>. that Citq', Qnd to negotiate with possible appliannts for position ns i�pineer Inspect
ors on Paducah Sewer ConstruotLon, and the expanse incurred charged to Sewer District
r3 Fund. Adopted upon gall o'f the roll by the folloainP vote:. Yeaa..Faoe; Fulliam c
` Tully•.and Washingion.-4;.flays, %sttorjohn, to ' r
RLLaotte. Schafer, -Mayor Yatterjohn offored the following. motion: Y mow *.hat an Ordinanoe..,r
proporty pur- (�
Y r chased for right entitled "All ORDIIiAl7ClS AUTHOR I,^.111G.AND DIRr:GTI1:G F. 17._'1:ATTi2JOHN. Alayor OF THE
of stay for 3rd
r by ord i - 8
a .vin '+: ::r:.iy,,.. r;U.: .,v..aU`:ta�?;. I;t:s.y.;G� t., ..,.. •., ro..� ..•e,......+a..�:c:au.:. _,..�,a,,:-:,:..6 ..i,uc ++,
_ _ w f> •r i�"� ^ �7- �-. a F�tsL "h''�t� 3-4KV •' ••y°]Cy:y.: t a .• . _ .t " .c.,.. is i : t � cc..;:;.i'. - �
-'r"X ""t• nernrwel�, < 'ea1 � � 1 t K
f, tt. _ e J. -,,. ,�•f rAh_. .yS,M",4.'' i'f�'Oti y�'�'tt y:•k. f t54FN. +! ".'`.r n Y�'' SIS* r t. �. -
`,. .• , '.` :: .1 •.... ., .' .. .. Y.. F.1'. :'n iEM•T 1.... ,t'.r`. ..e^'1, ,. .. ova..: tl:.:-Hr�•.
' f
' iNo.
p Commissioners'.Proceedings, City of Paducah f 192_
ESCH1r'-"I AVD H:•I FFUSBA11D, A. B. SCFl,KR,.I.00ATED AT 1716 IIADISOil STR::.4T." be intro
Fduoo3 and lay over.' Adopted upon call of'the roll. by the followirL vote: Yeas, Paoe,
!..y iulliam, Tully, llashinpton and Katterjohn,-6..
Mayor Katterjohn-offered the following motion: I move that Roy Stewart and
Roy Stehtal t and his wife, 0. Ste.-tart, be paid the Dr. of `296.00 for right: of. way through property at
plfo, 0. Stowart,
paid X275.00 for 19th & Broadway for richt of way for Third District So'ser, and 'ohargo same to 3rd
( r iaht of stay thru p i
t%:oir property atDistrict Se,vor A000unt, and that F. W. I:attorjohn be, and he is hereby authorized to ,
19th & Broadway S
} for Sector Dis- I sign agreement to that effect. Adol'ted upon call of tho roll by the follo*inR vote:
i.•.. trtot ;J3.
i 1Yeac,laoe, Pulliam, Tully, :7ashinmton and Katterjohn.,-6.
l' '• G� On motion the Board adjourned upon call of tho roll by S yeas.'
A�efl Alm 0 VOID.
MAY 29TH, 1922.
ppp At c Regular Loot
ing of the Board of Commissioners; held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah; Kentucky, on May th, 1922. Upon call of the roll
c. t.29
-the following answered to their names: Commisulonere P.aoa, Pulliam; Tully, 7oshington,
and I.;ayor Katterjohn,-6.
} Ori motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of,the previous meetings were adopt- ;•,,
ed as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe',.Pullinm; Tully,.
f, '.7aehington and Katterjohn,-6. L1
j Myor Katterjohn offered the follorting motion: I move that ,tho City Solicitor..,,I,
City Solicitor toy. h
tost validity of y be.. arid he is hereby authorized and dirootod'-to tako the necoeeary steps in the -Ito-
..Section 3095-A to.11
t- 0: in Courts re-,,g Cracken Cirouit Court and in the Caur.t of Appeals of Y.en:tuoky, to testthe vr.lidity _ p}. rte
-'' dative -to condemnF
'r_tion of.property of Section 3096-A to G. under which the.City is pr000elinq to. oondemn oertain private.;... L,;1, a.
t by City for so•.ror �.
-, rig,ht of 'say. .property for a right of. way or easamont for.; the. construct ion of,oewers in'Sub-Division '
B. and'C. in.So:•iar District #3.. Adopted upon call of the roll by th6 following
Vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam;. Tully, •Washington and Kattorjohn,-5.'
�. I
( Lrayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the letting of .the
letting, of con-:. contract for the oonstruotion of sewers in!Sub=Divisions A. B. and C., in Sewer
tract for con- }
etruotion of 3rd .0 District 1p3, ahioh letting has been set for June 10th. 1922, be postponed' until the y'_t
DL3trict Sorter
postponed. City Solicitor has tested the validity of the law under `shioh the Oity,is proceeding
to condemn certain property for a richt of way or easement for the aor,struotion of
se:^ora in Sub-Divisions A B. and C. in 3e'aer'DietriotJ3. Adoptod upon call of the.
roll by the follo°:sin? vote: Yoac, Paoe, -Tully, '7ashin ton and Katterjohn,-4; Ilaye, .
6 Commissioner 'Washington offered the following motion; I move that the report .
Report ,vom'r: 'of tl
•Iublic Iroporty.� of the Commiscionor of Pap
blio Property of the distribution of expenses and collect
of exponses &
Colloctiono of •ions of R.ivorside iFosp"ital'for.tho month of April, topother with a•statomont of the
Hivoroldo Hospit-�
al for Apr II.aIso'�, comparative exponceo.and collootions for the four months of 19E1 and, 1022, up .to
atctamont &o.April 30th, 1922, be received and filed'ard same be published in the Official Bows
.paper. Adoptod,upon as 11 of the roll by the. following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliom,Tully
:7aehineton and Katterjohn,-6.
Report 'Supt.' of
Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the Report'
I: Riverside Hoal-tt-� of .the Superintendent of.the Riverside. Hospital for the-month of April 1922, showing
I t al mor April
!" theoxp'onditures and ool]eotlonu, tog,ethor ,.vLLh .the amount of hnpald bilin end al no t
report c;hotying patients entored • pgmn or .of hospital da
yap oto,� be rooelved and filed�
, ,
Too l !o nia of ll ,11 jv fo aor4tRY 1�9ei li1niayi
• �� ;�;;,rICI�,Y�r�, Fi�i1 l�f����11r�1°��I(ji't • : . � � �`.
� � c v;^;,,:.•t..:r� <-IC?"'i`.`- � '�' .b.^ �7-i".*-;�a rt:•- -r1' i"r';"T.K'!'""`.J'.'•., it'i3-t;*.:n.i_�•,�,:,'�,•'".t.^'i.U•'p;... ,t.
i„`•.:Tf�:4,Cv,T�r•:•""v'tC"�"::;T,V'�T'L_•C1 ... ,...y ,rma ...._ 7W M M, 0 -,.•C.'T"+•7^€J',•e r .i•t r .� :.ifiY'J.7.T'w."G:. .a••L".+�SLTfi.'1-i�7.;'^7`.'