HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 29, May 18, 1922t , 7T -il yt��{� �`k ��. qua �.. t� r�ra •G�^o. � 1 3����"tt�' •3 i� .k. 7i K A-11 ''.
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah
Half 1io3i4ny 9I Oommisoioner. Tully ;offered the folloWlnm motion; ,I move .that Vayor. F. 9.
Friday L".ay 19th, '
192E, beginning i Katterjohn be authorised to deolare'a half holiday.on'Friday 1.:ay.19th, 1922'; be
at noon.
ainning_at noon, ar:d issue his proclamation to.that effect. Adopted upon'oall.of'
the roll by the tollordna vote. Yeas. race. Tully. Jashinatom and Yatterjohn,-4.''. ,
On motion the Board adjourned uI•on onll of the roll by 4 yeas.
J . •..{L
Fi MAY 18TH. 1922.
At a Otlled Meetinp of the Board of Commiesioners,,hold in, the Commissioners''
• Chamber in the City Hall. Iaducah, Y.entuo3y, on May 18th, 1922,.at'2:30 O'clock P.6!
Upon oall'of the roll the followintr anaworad to their names: tfommissioners Pulliam,
Tully, :laohin.mton and Mayor Yatterjohn,-4. -
.• Mayor latterjohn stated recons for call to -wit: For the .purpose of $110mLng •'
t certain bills.againet Sewer District #3; and such other business that might came be
fore the Board.
Commissioner Pulliam offered. the, following motion; I movoothat the follo%linR
> +:coounts Of:-'.acootuite'be. allo'.ved and the Commisaioner of Pub1Lo,Finar,oe be authorAzed and in- ,
Ile tea If &. iYldy. 4
y594.56, 71.1/`.Hor �. atruotod to 'ray came aryl ohari!o to Third District Sewora;
nor, y220.45 and ..t
Boasloy L:arb]e & Liotoelf and ;Hdy..............'.....$694.56
,.unite Co,. agtirst 7. ''J Horner ........................ 226.45 ,.
So'.ror District y3 Beesley l'arble & Granite �Co........ 30
i al lo;red . :a .00
R' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pulliam. .Tully, 7/ashin R-
gpr ton and Yatterjohn,-4. y
9. Commissioner Pace entered the Commtestoners' Chamber. ;
' On motion the 'Board adjo,yrned upon on 11 of the roll by 4. yeas.
UAY 20TH; 1922.
s At9a Called L'eetinR of the Board. of Commisolonorn, hold in the Oorrmieeionore'
Chamber In the City Hall, I0voab, Kentuoky, on Vay 20th, 172E,.at 10:30 o'clock A.U.
on call of.t'ne.ro77. the following answered to 'their nrmoe; Comminsionere Iaoe,
' Ptilliem, Tully., '.laohington ard'Veyor Ynttorjohn,-6.
i L?ayor S:e torjohn ntatod roasonn for call to-^rit: Fir the pyuPoeo of allowing
pay-rollo for first half of I' -ay 1922, and any 6thar businoos that mi¢ht come before,'."'r •' r .i
the Board.
i6port of.Com'r. •.` Qommiesionor Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Tay -roll for
i i'ubl io Finance of
,-r oil for'let the firot half of May. amounting to wG990.87, no per the report, of.the Corrmienicner
half of.Lay 1922
of Pub Iio Finanoo filed herewith, bo a]lowad arc ordorod paid and the money appro-
t printed from the 'Corera].Flind to pay name. Adopted upon call of .the roll.by the'
` S followinP, vote: Yoe". Pace, Pulliam, Tully, i?ashington and Y-attorjohn,-5.
T., Commi.ss,ionoi Tully offered tho.fo)lowi.nr, motion: I move that the Pay -roll '
lay -roll for 3rd for the 3d Distriot 'r3oaor for the ]at half of Va•r amourtiriz to
'.''667.93 also Cash
Jtntrtot ��:;nr. .
for ];;t hu2f of ,for postarco' umountin•r .to :; 10.00, be al]o•wod aM ordorod paid rnd tho Commlontonor
Lay 1.QL2.
' ;. of 1* do Finfa'noo he ai;thortzed and instruotnd to 3ra•v eiteoY.n' nm: tnot, the Ito: 3.
District Sowor Fund 000urnt to.pay samo. , Adopted ur,on'oa!] of tho'ro7,] by the
fol lwrin� vote:. Yean, Feoe, Pull lam, Tully.- :7nnhington and Patter john, -5. :f` .;
i -0,
z! - •-.R .
:: _r., ,,,, .,-.�.,.,:...;�:,�:� x�•;ar.'r,-,>"*�•n�^-;r'�----sr,;�rT--�,'R-i•!�s wr'�*rr-a�°�xTM�ic�n�t� r'Y. ..... � �r•.rx,•i ,,.,,,;�.�.>•n .. "F.".c hrrt'nr.^,z;�'xr`:�a•ir _r%*s.'YC;��L•'%rr�^`,1