HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 27, May 11, 1922PP- ' (� , T _.. � .... .. (:,...i,f+,.�(.:..::..�. �.?.i.,.,...rmi...r»C«"w.•.:...�,1.�x}�Y. ....t.... ..:.rn.. ,�.h, fir-. r.. .. 9 ' No _'9 Commissioners' Proceedings, City 'of Paducah ' ' - On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4.yeaa.. A f , I n�q�ie4 y=�10 !, AFi':ELC70'7il9 MAY 11TII. 1922. r i. At a Oallod tooting of the Board of Oommioalonoro, hold in the Oom lealonore . Ohambor in the Oity Hall, iaduoah, Kentucky, on May 11th,.19C2, at 11:P.5 A. M. Upon p' �oa11 of the roll the following.ans;vored to their names; Commioei.onorn coo, Fulliam Tully, ."lashington and Mayor Katterjohn,-5. j { Mayor Y.attorjohn stated reasons for call to -wit; For the purpoec.of adopt I ing the Specifications for Sowor Diatriot 7'r3, the appointment of a Ohiof 1rRineer of { Sower District 43, and ouch.oth.or business as might come before the Board. 1 : Rouolutio,n app.oint- Commianioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that a resolution !ng Xonry A. q TIM; 4VD J:SIGIIATI11 "ir; r::Y Q.. rU1LIA1, 0017} PulliamChief entitledIS3I07c4'0. RSUtIOV APPO Mgineor, for 2orer�' llietri¢t `r3. PUB IQ "!ORKS, AS CLII3F i1:GIt:i 4? FCR Sii''SiR •DISIMICT I1U1.1 .? 'P1Dti-21 " be adopted, Adopt- yod'unon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoaa, Taos, Pulliam, Tully, lashing- _ I ton and Xatterjohn,-5. E1' Qommissioner Pulliam offered the folloriinrmotion; I move that a recolu- .•'. { ( �;riaol;;tlon naoopt- tion entitled, "A 11%,'4 A00.2'TIIIC (1PD ADOP"71IO TFfi: SL'rI0IFI0ATI0US, FOIti'. OF OOH ing ani adopting' h ,III• ,• z ,,, i ' ,' ' -n F Spoclfioations, 1^I/•OT :U1D i•'c,h1.11[CL `M, sTDD:R9, Al ]R.IAR:'D BY f 1. 001.7, IS!lIOIL.d 0. 1'UBLIO 7/GtI:S, . oto. , Sor:or Die-: n J, i ",;i r , tri is `� IS::D :II Colrs4iiJOTI•.1r 0_' n1,111: IP:; S:i"'. ?:i III SUIS-DIlI3TOI 3 A. B. AND C. kOi 3r71•i DISIMICT 11U:13-7 TIM: -E." be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the''. • fl following vote: ,Yoas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully. ftahington arid. Y_aiterjohn,r5. I Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: ,I movn tIP- t the num of. p. �.. CarneTio Libra; allowed the sumy: q'600.06 be ello�•rod the Carnegie library rd the Oomminaionor of I-nLlio Finance be•',' t' of. ,$500.00. 4 authorised and instruotod to dra•a chock on the General Yund` to. Ta•y came.' Adopted . upon call of the roll by the foll.owirr vote; Yean, Faoo, Pulliam, Tully, ',7ashington • red Kattor john, -6. �• Bond of City Ilatrl' Commiasionor Tully offered the following motion:. I move that. the bond of Baal_ for 400000.. ."400 000 of the Cit National Bank, for the 3d District So•aor' Find to eeoure the to noo::ro the de- , v Y ` 1 osit of the 3rd• 1 , District Sozror, do?:osit of the 3d Diatriot So�-or. Fnd, be approved'. Adol.tod_upon call. of the roll Fund. 4 by the following veto: Yeas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully..lashington and Kattorjohn;-5.. {{ Commiasioner 7hilly offorod'-the folloatn!' motion: I. move the t, the bond of :Bond of L'.eohani os Trust f Sevinra a ;"100,000 of the L:ochanios 'Prost & Savings Banl,, for the 3d District-'3owor Find to Bank for the 3rd k District Sorer scours the doponit of the 3d District :o::or .Fund, be approved. Adopted ul:on cell of c ` F ?ard to secure.the •!•atter roll b the follo-ain. vote: Yeas Paoo Pul.liam,Tull lashinnton and ohn 8 the dopoait of i Y P. • • ✓. j . the 3rd District Seger. Fund. I. Commiasionor Tully offorod, tho .follo::in� motion: . Tllo Ct.ty 'IIrtional Bank •. Nand the ]aohanioa TrustL Savings Banl, having oxacutod r.nrt dol.ivorod to'tho Board of i7ynn lly and I Commissioners a Surety Bond. to protect the money deposited 'in said banks, belonging Tu 3arkin 1:irkland, •� trustees, to ro- to the Third District Soe(o'r Fund. which !,,end has boon approved by the Board of L s > ' ' ' turn to City y '' a liatl. Bank and Commtosionors, and said.banhs having horotofore dopositod'with 7ynn Tully, Commis-Pi- .. L:eohanica.'Trust fl & SavlvFs Bank, stonor of Tublic Finance, and. Rankin Kirkland. Cashier, as trustoes, certain oollater-, collateral donor-� itod :•rith them u al to seoiti•e -said dej>osits .so placed in said banks. I move that said ool]ateral,.in ' .A to socure 3rd, N { D.istriot So::or the hands of said trusteos, be returned to tiro City Ilational Br_nk and the L:eohanioa Fled. I Truat and Savings Bank, the Commissioner of 'Public Finance taki.ng the proper re-, ceipt therefor. Adopted upon call of the roll by.tho followingvote; Yean, Pace, G Fulliam, Tully; 1,76ohington and Kattorjohn,-6. ' �•4 �- .. A . . 1RY1wi+}4_.4r:_ u.. «.. GaN.r•... r . . s. ,.. A. — :.���.. R�U".:��i:••�.��`'r.L�l`i: l:'�= : r.'.yfT.Ac"?".?'�rvif+'.+j�.'. ,yl:"f ;F• � ,fie.. _ r;: .,.r. ,.r•.•m.�tlns;. �•k''.t"!'.>r"'n't 1��""f'.4 $."nr Z�3.r'r ±y� � � f'l.r •4 f X'��cy ,�'F'ro rn n,,, .• .;. .qi .i il, , n;Y, JN r s b ;'f;-1 • !b i,, , •+.•-'.fix 4., r.. _ .-,?. r's. r.�..hi • do•;,, ";ii , Commissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah 192_ I � Oommiesioner.Tully offered the following motion: The Commissioner of Public c ,l; Coimniaoionor of Aorka is hornb'y authorized aril directed to advortiso for bide for the oonotrnotion.a i f , �.Inhlio llorke to �e Advnrtiao;for trunk lino oowors in 9nwor'Aietriot )3, said bids to be r000i.vod by him up to 10 iR I Lr bids for' oon l ' ' r% otruotion of 3rd •,o.'olock ji. M.,. Jiuie 10th; 192E, when said bids ohal,l be opened pt n public mooting of -, `.• . ' Distri'ot 90 .or g the Board of Commissionors: A4optod upon oall.of the roll by the following vote; Yone, +'w ` •:1Paoo; Tully,Washington and Ydtterjohn,-4; llaye, Pulliam,-1. ,l On motion the Board nd,journed upon call of the roll by 6 yons.h' 51 neeyled Q s a�i PIC 0" two 7.1' MAY 16TH. 1922. r` P� At .a Regular Lpsting of the Board of Commiesionors, hold in the Commissioners' e:f V. Chamber in the City Hall, iaduoah, Y•ontvoky, on Vey 16th, 19EE, upon'oall,. of the roll Lr I. the following answered to their names: Oommiseloners Paco, 8ashington and t:ayor Patter " I 'f };<� :john,-3. tI On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous meetings wore K (;r. , • aaohtad as road upon call of the roll by the following vote:' Yeas. Pace, i7aehirgton and i' Ratterjohn,-3. Vayor Yattorjohn offered the ,following motion: :1 move .that the report of the I Report L1oCraok- 1 on Public Health 1lo0raokon Oo,mtq Public Health Iturainn Leaguo for the month of April 1922 be received r , trt ft, Lea-tie for, April 1922. and filed. adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Xoao. Paco, lashing-;s ; ton and K,ttar John. -3. . Commissioner. Tully entered the Oommissionern' Chamber. tt%..; 4,.. Commissioner I-ace offered the foilowina motion: I move that Sam Howell be Kc gam Ho'•7o3 1, 'Dog J` Cat.ohor die 1 Y4., disohargod nn .Dog Catcher, namn tahinr, o"feot l.lay 12th, 1922. Adopted upon call of the , f ahargod.: roll by the follo:rinP_• vote: Yean, Paco, Tully, l7aehinP•ton and Yattorjohn,-4. ` Mayor Yatterjohn offored tho followlnq motion: I move thr.t the communication Communication of), ` oitizono rolativ0 from oltizorw'nt 19th and Olay 9troot,'roquosting oxtonnion of 17ator 1"air_s, be re- to ox'ten^ton of i ' later 13a ins on ' i, •.' ferred to .the Commissioner of Public 7orke. Adopted upon oal] of the roll by tho fol-{. 19th L. Clay re- ' .�forred to Com'r.. • +• ti Fub]lo ;7orke. lo, vote; Yoas, Lace. Tully, Washing and Y,attorjohn. t f Commiseionor Tully offorad tho.follolring notion; I mous ihat'the oommunication� 4 i r. D.Harry Jami of D. Harr Jamieson, Soorotnry of the Exchange Club cf Paducah, be rooeived'r_nd:'re + f Comm,uYioation . Y 1K -to *--*i11!--"'-­.ferred: to the Commissionor of Publio.Snfoty. Adopted upon call of the roll by the k whitcand uyera Chautauqua with Yollo•ainq vote: Yoae, Faoe; Tully, ',7aohington and 1atterjohn,-4. t k; ":xohango Club of } #' Paducah. Cornmiouioner Tully offered the following motion: It cppoartnrr, that an error 'ms KJ> 'Tax Bill 1236, -Y- ,mads in the assessment of George Bernhard for the ;;oar 1921 ahoroby he was assessed on I . tax 430.00.00r- "reoted and .r e- 'i Y, tax bill X235 with property 93 x 100., 6th & Torrell Ste. $446.00. the tax on same be i, .SUlld Od to Geo.'' ;-Bernhard Esta a. y7 ins $10+00 and thin proporty belongii,;g to Belle Torry.and she having paid toxae.on same on tax bill $4403, I move that the sum o£. $10.00 be refunded ,to the estate of F George'Bernh sd. Ad opted' upon' call of the roll by the following vote: Yoan, Faoe ' Tully, i7as•hington; and latterjohn,=4. � , • •. k, lfational'surety '' ""' Co�niealoner Tully offorod .ha following motion: .I•movo that the National' 6 C r. Co. ro]nanad on bonds of gyrgty dompany be rolesood.from the Ronde of the following parties: ; `,Henley Frankliri'.' Henley Franklin t t ;S. 7.Stowart a. P. Stewart �. 7.H.PoorO } 7 H. Poore .]A Sandore and} Dd Sanders and .i •17.11.111tcholl 7, k, Aiitahell s r said parties no lonirer Deina ln.the.employ of 'the City Adopted'upon sal] of the ` 'tr � ... �{ roll by the. followina.vote,..Yoae, Face, Tully, Yeah inaton. and Y.attorjohn,-4 t is cM.`` " ue• .++ J,\.L.• _ .a Y.•. y� ..H•L�_.b:._f,5 :-r :�-U ....5•'..:pc PK.:. _ vip, .,