HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 263, January 5, 1924}'1:
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Commissioners: Proceedings; City of Paducah—.- -192
JAIPJARY 8TH . 1924.
At a Called Meetina of the Board of Cormiasioners',held in the Commissioners'
(Chamber in the City Rall; Paducah, Kontudry, on,January 5th, 1924,, at 11:25 o'clock
�A. Lt. Upon cell of the roll the folio -ming ane -mored to their names; Commissioners
pace, Pulliam, 9gshington and Myor Katterjohr.;-4.
1� Mayor Katter John stated reasons for call to -nit: For the purpose of taking up,•
any all all unfinished business that may come before the Board.
jl Mayor KetterJohn offered the follo�vinr, motion: That the follo►inrr poet-offlos
receipts and thelr'respeottve nerinl numbers tenued to C. Ni a Pell, City Clerk,
Returns of Regie -
v terel Votices laddronsed to tho follo'.ving names:
Hort to Bond '
Sureties on Bond F, L1. Fisher, Ret., Receipt $6071
of Ohio Valley Cecil Peed, 6068
Bark k Trust Co.. C. 71. Emery 6070
for. Senor Deposit.. •7, A. Berry 5069
7. C. Shearer 6067
E. E. Be11,Speotal Bank Com'r. 6075
also the return notloes-receipts iniioatira that the above retetstered lettere have
been served:
F.M.Fisher, .et.. (list served out of City) Ho return reoaipt. .
Return Receipt 8 98
e n R o 1 2
i sed R t
- e 1 R
Coo �
C. fl mors " " P 8300
W. E y
W. A. Berry ° 6299
I. C. Shearer " " 8297
qq �. E. Bell,Speoial Bank Com'r. " 8303
fiiI'now move that. the above receipts be reootved and file9. Adopted upon call of. the
roll by, the followincr vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, Taehir,gtai and Katter John, -4.
a Commissioner Tully entered the CommissionerH' Chamber. `
t Ilcyor r_atterJohn offered the follouinA.motion- I movo that the Certifioates of
Election of A. E. (Jack) Cole,. Alderman; L. U. Pason, Counotlman; Milas Ste•vart,.
Elect tori Certiff-'•'• '
Dates.NCouncilman; R. L. Spicer, Cour,ollman; John 1% Crtior, Co.unotlman.; .so. Jacobs, j':
�Cour; ollman; "I. V. Rieke, Alderman: Louis F. Brooke, 1,14erman; Yarttn J. Yopp.
Alderman, and 1. E. Cochran., Alderman, he receivod, filed nrd reoorded. Adopted
yupon call of the roll by the fol ]o -ring vote: Yeas, tree, rulltffn, Tn]]y, lashinaton.
F and KatterJohn,-6.
t' ;Bald Certificates as fol lone;- �
"STATE of r.:a:TuCKY, )
Cow.ty of L•oCraoken, ) Sot. I`ov. 9., 1923.
'9e. A. R. Steele, C. L. VarX.ater and Roy Ste:vart, duly
authorized to canvass the returns of the.Courty of VoCraaken,.
A.E.(Jaok)Coledo certify that at an election held in said County, on the
E]OOt tan 6th day of Vov. 1923, A. E. (Jack)Colowas duly elected to - -
Certifioute. _ fill the office of AlderQ.
C • . gal =:T:R
ROY'STF.IlYi. Cormissloners."
:ST;-TZ OF i"11TU=Y. ) SCT.
COUDW OF MoCRAC311/17/]023:
:9e, A. R. Steele, I. Van?' ter and Roy Ste:vart, duly
authorig6d to canvass the returns of the County of I.ToCracken,
':L.H.Mason, do oortify that at an eleotton hald in.caid County, or, the
Election Certi 6th da;! of Ilov. 1923, L. H. Mason nae duly oleoted to fill
fioate. the office of Cour:otlm-tri.
:. R. ST, "LF
)•. ROY ST}:'TART, CommiRsioners.
STAT.: OF:".rq'Ur"ry )
V 11/9/3923.
:9e, A. R. Stools, C. I.. Vanlator ani Roy Stesart,.Auly -•; __
t T'Slus Steuartauthorised to oanvass the reLtu`nH Of the County of 1100raoiAri
;IaotIon do certify thst at an eleoti'on held ir. said County, on the ,'%•
Certificate. 6th day of L'ov. 1923, Vilue Steviart ,vas duly elected to fill =S
the offioe of Councilmen. A. R. STF.ET.'
i �
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah .192- r ,
STATE 01 i ::Il uczy. ) f
j COUNTY OF LSoCRA=11.) SCT. 31/9/1923. {F
t, . ..
We. A. R. Steele, C. L. Vantteter and Roy Stewart, duly
authorized to oat.vass the returns of the County of 1doora3ken.
L Spices, do certify that at an election held in said County, on the 6th r ,
4 Elootior, Corti day of Nov. 1923, R. L. Spicer was duly elootei to fill the I y
k floats:. .office of Councilman 2nd Hard. k i
!. A. R. 311MLE (> 1
t�?... COUNTY OF MoORACY.BI)-) 30 T.
W Goo.Jnoobe 4e, A. R. Steele, 0. L. Vantleter And Roy 3tewart, duly
1. I action.. aiithori zed to oanvaso tho returns of the County of ITeraoken,
r` Oertifioate.
'do certify that at an eleotion held in said County. on the Gth �6 s
Orr day of Nov. 1923, Geo. Jacobs was duly elected to fill the r..
f office of Oounoilman.
---- - --
ROY STMART, Commissioners..t-
rs� r
-coo- f
S STATE OF X:217 .Y.
r Jti• COUNTY OF MoCRAC.:i21. SCT. e
Re, A. R. Stnnlo. 0. L. Vanl,!nter nrd Ron Stnmart, duly
,t Authoriaed,to osndaes the r,turnn of thn Cowltp of VoCraoken
v 4.it. Rieke, r do certify that at an elnotlon held in entA County, on the Gth
Slootlon dn,• of 11ov. 1923, W. M. Rinke was duly nlcotnd to fill the .st'
Certificates ',;:; office of Aldorman.
W: r , : 0. L. VAIItt:{T:IR !'
RAY 9'r1S'Y.11tT, Oomminnionnre� s
U'PAT3 OM X,1-11 TUO hY
000RTY Olt' Mo03AUNII. 110T. t .
11/v/19ra. r'
J 1 19n, A. It. ytonlo, 0. 7„ VaN!oter enA Roy 'Ite'vart A my
'a _ nuthorl:%M to oalrvans tho roturnu of tho Oout,ty of 1'obraokon
I�.." Louie 1?. Brooks do oortify that at an nlootion hold In sod Oouvty, on tho Gth t
+ Elect Ion >"' day of Nov. 1023, Louln M. Brooke was duly nlootnA to fill the
+A. Oortif irate, office of A1¢nrman.. 1
y Roy 3TW-VART, gommtnnionnrn.
�1 .....pp..... r
' •� `� n `• 11'Ph'rld Oh' J{IVI9'UOI:Y k• .` .
r .
lie, A, R. 11tnn140. l.. Vn0loter mA hay Utn+vnrt, Anly
1 M;1rtln J, Yopr' authorinnA to a1nfnnn �hn rntnrnn of thn 0nlwt,v of )!c!lrnnknn
k`i'hlnOtlon do oortify that qt nn elnotlon he1A In nn1A gnmt!p, on the Ath
�` Oertll'Ipato. ,'r Any of Il w, ll -P3, 1'!+riln J., Yopp '•vqn Anl�' 0 fintnl to 9'111 tho
Fa oMOO of A144rnan.
�r ... .•.•.000••••• N11Y U'IU9+VAI1T, onniln►nalongrll, i •.}
d'rA'rrl or KI'+n runuY, ,
000NTY OF Mo011A01;1t1. .{ 110T. R
Yh s 'No. A. R. Steole, 0. L. Van1!oter ru,•i Roy Stowart; Aulq (`
authorized to onnvaue the raturve of the Oouw:ty of lloOrnokon
=W, ,, Cochran'.' do certify that at an elnotlon hold in natA County, on the Gth d,1
1 'Slootton �, day of Nov. 1923, '.1. E.. Cochran was dnly,olootod to fill the j
' Certificate.
a "office of Alderman.
0 L. VA111 :iT:R
ROY STFIAR T. Oommi es toners-
yr w j
', ,,,
k a
, .,... .,.. �. µ• .._t.�..+.a•c.y.: Fa:,J.a.�.:,�.u'.r,?�-+s.. _ii t. ..
Commissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah--' 192—
Resimnat ion of
Mayor Katterjohn off - ereil the followingmotion: I move that the restomation
Mattis Verrdon,
city Steno-
o f lir a. nettle HerndDn,,,Oity Ster4mrapher, be received and f ile.4.. rnd that said.
grap her.
resignation be eoo'eptail. effective January . Gth, 1924. Adopted upon . on , 11 of the roll,
by the following vote: Yeae. Yaoe,.Pulliam,Tully,"-.Vashirgton ari Ketterjohn.-5.
Report and
I!ayor Katterjohn offered the, follovyinm motion: I move that the'oommuriloation.,
0 ommur, ioat ion
E.R. Harding Co. .
of E. F. Harding Company. dated Deojmbor 29th. 1923, eno3osinsr report relative
relative to
broke.n Sewer
to broken pipe in 3B-30 Sewnrj be roonivn4 and filed. Adopted uron call of the roll
ripe in Dist..
3B -3C.
by the. followiri:., vote: Yeas. Iaae.r-iilliem.Tully,'.Yashir)gton and Kett.erjohn.-5.
Gommis3ioner Taoe offered the followirp., motion: I move that the reTort of
Report ' of
the Chief of the Fire Dopartmart for the month of December 1923.be received and
Dec. 19.23.
filed. Adopted upor. call of the roll by the f ollor7inT vote: Yeas. Pa Go Fulham'.
Tully. 'Mehiniztm mrd Latter john, -5.
see offered the f e)llowinp.'mot ion: T move that the Annual
Annual Rep -ort
Chief of Fire
Report of the Piro ;)epartmert for the year 1923. towetb.er with - h tl,. a Inventory of
Department for
3923; also
the Fire Department. be received and f Iloi. ani that the Annual Report be published.
Inventory of
Adopted uron Gall of the roll b,,* the folio,tn� vote: yoae, raoe. ruiltam. Tully.
Waahinixton and Yatterjohn.-5.
Commissioner 'IaehinRton offered the following rrotior: I move that the
Reporto Supt.
Superintendent's Report of Collections and :•%x erlitures ard Tatient's Report for
the month of Jeoomber 1923, toreother with a death report for the year 1923. rnd
Uncollected Claims for December 1923, be received and filed. 'Adopted upon Gall,
of the roll by the following vote.. Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, M RIh in %it on . and
'atter john, -b.
Commissioner "MahinRton offered the foll-3winp,, motion: I move that the
Report Hazel
Report of Hazel Veloan, Laboratory Director, for the month. of December 3923, be
Veloan, labore.-
tory Director.
received aid filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo'lloryinm vote- Yoaa
race. Pulliam, Tully. Waehirgtox, and Yettarjohn,-B.
Commissioner ruiiiam offered the follo,.Ytnp, motion: I novo thnt the oommunt-
cation. from E., R.' Hardinp., Company, ilatnit Ja rn; nry 4. 1924, r.'Or tire to bill for
E.R.Hr-rdly,m Co.
in re manhole
making a-orneotion in marho3o,on I:ayfiald Roll i . amount I np to $10.95, be received nnd:-
on ra.�Tield Road:.
Adopted upon -oelj of the. r.oll by the followinp., vote.. Yoaq, Noe. rumllmv
Tully,'9ashinaton and Yetterjohn,-5.
Commissioner lullinm offered tl:a fol loty inir me ti or, I move that the
I.I.onthly Zatimate
monthly estimate of -.cork done d ur Lng December. 2923 on aor.atriiatiori of trunk line-
of:work done by
E.R.4ardinm Co.
sowers in District 3A, amounting to $2E.358.12, be received ani filed. Adopted upon.-
during aeo.3923
on Trunk Livia
call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace* Pulliam. Tully. Taahinft . n and
So-nore in
Dlutriot 3A.
Yatterj ohvi,-5.
Commiso loner, 102irm offered the following motion. I move that the monthly,
J.'o r) th 1 y 'atimat
-estimate of i)rk done 6 ur trim Dooninber 3923 on oon"truot ion of trimk line.63itersion
of -work done by
V. E R. Vard insr Co.
99%vors amounting to $2549.42, be aj,proved. roosivaii, arl filed.. Mortea upon Gall
during Doo.1923
on Trunk ].ins
S.tonsion So -.,.,ere.
of. 30,14nm vote
roll; by. the fol, Yedn. race. Pulliam, 7hilly, Inabinirton- w;4
Commissioner IiOlir.m offered the followiriz motion: I move that :ourb.mutter
Acceptance of
ourb,Futter and
ar.4 eiie-.70k oor'struotion on the south- side of Tennessee .9troat bet-.oem 3rd Str6 at
sidewalk on S.
side Tenn. St.
and Tornennoe Blver Bank. done by Yanoy'k. Johnnonthe.
, Oontreatorn, be ftooeptel by -
botn. 3rd St.
rr)l Tor,n.Rivor
City. Moptod upon call of the roll bli-tho f ol 2owlnM VO tO: Y069. rFJOR . r.111 I I W
Tully, In#ihinmtor,,-4,, Ve ,,n r Ya t It or jo hn not voting.
I......-..�r--rr•t:c••_'.:-w•p..^Tar.•....-,-, ,_..o : �-.._ . ., .' _ '. ., .,
.. Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah—_-__..___'
Hayor Katter John offered the fo11o•vins motion: I move that the Ensineer's"
4'Enaineer'o Esti-.' Estimate for the oone'truotIon of concrete aidetivalk, ourb, nutter and driveways on. ;i X11
1 mate for the
oor.etruotion of
r� the South side of Tennessee Street from the east property line of 3rd Street to the
,, oororete side-
yjwalk;ourb andV
-�auttor on 9.'eids ,.top of.the bank of Tennessee River, be received, filed, accepted and confirmed.'
Tenn. St. beta.
3rd 9t. and Telco. Adopted upon oa31 of the roll by the followins vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully,.
River Bnnk. Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
Commisetoner.Tullism offered the follovina motion; 1. move that Al' ORD IIIA?lCS r
ASS%93I1IO TI?E 1,BUTTI111, P??OP".RTY ON T!'F' 9%TH '?TFN
I fl
l i
r,anoe for the
;. construction of
hvi salk,ourb and
�s gutters on: south
'� HOI.r:9, INTAl.E9,. 9F::Pi•1l9, CA'i'CIi BAMS AND DR IVi;'RAYS THrRh011..AS 9}±(?'.4N BY M. EIt<l I-
���aide Tero.9t.
Tern.Rlvar' Bank.' q
I r a'
ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PMIOD OF TEII YEARS. be adopted: Adopted upon call of the roll '
.f by tho follo•.ving vote: Yean.. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, '•7ashinston.-4; Nays, Katterjohn, 1�
Commissioner fully offered the following motion ;'That the olaim of
W.L:Yanoy claim r
' of t15.12 for . Yanoy for the sum of $15.72 for Btreet bond ord coupons destroyed.' be a]lowed and i
street bonds and. a
C7' ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to 6
-r` oourons destroy-
ed by fire, draw check against the Special Street Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of '' `
rs alloxed .
i` the roll by thn folloaina vote: Yoas, Iace. Pulliam, Tully, 7ashinston and Kntter-
s, John,-6. i 4
' Commissioner Tully offered the'followinrr motion: That the E. R. Hr. r4 in;
E R. Hard ins Co. °
paid amount of
t{ Company be paid the amount. of the estimate of the Fr v.lneer for work ono on Sever
Enalneer a Eet.
*)', .for work done on District 3A during the month of Deoembor 1923, amountir.a to $19,004.40 er.3 the
Sewer D ist.3A' .;,;
d'urins Deo.I923;
Ix, i Oommiasloi'er of ]'ublio Firar,oe be lrntruoted to pny same and ohczao to 43 9e'7or
e•omountlnsto :.;'• �",;
h; A000unt: Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol7ovina vote; Yeas, Peoe,.Ttrlly, .
r t .t
Washington and F-etterjohn,-4; 'Ilays, £ulliam,-1.
Commissioner Tully offered the followina.motion: That the ;•7. R. Hsrdlnq
[{ E.R. Hard ins Co. Company be allowed the amount of the Enpineer's estimate for work done on Trunk ?-•i
} paid amount of
for Rork done ori'; , .Line ExtensionSewers during the month. of December 1923 of $2161.06, and the. ,
Trunk• Line Ezc•v
Commissioner of Pvblto Finance be instructed to pay acme and ohsrae to #3 District.",'J;.
-, tension .9eere -�... ,a •; . . '
�+ amountins 'to
;, $2161 06. 9ower'A000unt. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace.
t' Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4; Nays, Pulliam,-1. I t
s. 1
t, On motion the Bon' rd adjourned upon cell of the roll by 6 yeas.
.S11f j�i f `
5 ,
n r f' 1
JAMIlARY 6TH: 1924. i
' At.a Called Lieetina of. the Board of Oommissionore held in the Oommissioners' r
Chamber in the lits Hall, Fndiionh; KonLuoky; on January 5th, 1924; at.8:46 clock
Z P. Zti ..,Upon call of the roll the Pollonina answernd to their names: Commissioners
r 'Face, .Tully; Waehinaton"nrd Eat torjohn,'=4 , I�
Payor Kntterjohn stated reasona for call to-nit: To, close up 1923 busireas with: f
Board of Commissioners, -,and. all business of.the,Commissionar,Form of Government
I t
x: ,. A W�.. • ..41 .0 Y..a i„j, �a)3:lC�'.: .+,4.".};;.. ,. � �... .,.la1tW+:A-- aL:b- < v.�.a .r lu �.•_•.vsw¢�:. .•.•r w.: ck.e.::..,,-..v. ru•; .,; •.i.
f ra-7'-n„� 1°a ''v.7Xn^+ :^ �'rT" x t. ' .,�.. Y,r; n �rrn_-pr,.rc �.r-r, ^.4 "� f' t t.��,, '•t•:h}:�1c.
.. I "�'f- h +, f rr•y.rvs -.rs ,. ov.Y iK ri .-'t'•'-9 'Ne. •s tr• +t 4 f .. ,
. 7�,..
! ; s No.
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-__.,::_ 192=
Commissioner Tully offered the follo•vin.g motion: I move that the report of the .
Commissioner of Publio i'inanoe for the month of Docember 1923, be reoeived;'filed and •.
Report Com'r. J
Public Firrr:oe ordered. published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call,of.the roll by. the
for December 1923.'.
follo'xlnz vote: Yens, Taos, Tully, 7ashinzton end Y.attor John,.4: ;
Commissioner Tully offered the follo^'inz motion: I move that the 'report of the
r ') Commissioner of Iubli'o Finanoe of the 3rd :patriot 9ewar ChnolanaAccount for the
•� l Report Com'r.
Tuhlic Finanoe month of Deoember. 1923, be received, filed•Pnd ondored publinhed in the OffiotaI
;. 3rd Jiet.So.7or
?Cheorinf,! Account nllewspaper.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followirr vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully.
for Deo.1923.
Washington 'and Yatterjohn,-4.
Commiesior.er Tully offered the follo;vinm motion: I move that the report of the
Report Com'r.Pub' Commieuioner of Publio Finance of the Special Street Ace3unt for the year 1923 be
ti lio Finance of
Special Street. reooived,filed and ordered publish.ad to the Official Rewapaper. Adopted upon 0017 Of ..
A000unt for 1923.
the roll by the follo'.vina vote: Yoaa. Paoe,Tu3ly,:7nnhinaton aid- gatterjohr,-4.'
Commissioner Tulliam entered the ComminnlonernT 'hamper.
Commissioner fully.offered the follo'.vina,motion: I move that the report of the"
it Report Com'r.Fub- Commissioner of Publio Finance of the Sinkir.z Fta:ds and the Speoial Furds, sho:►lila
lie Firaroe of R
the Sinkir:a Fund: �Ithe ba'.ara'es on hard at the close of bustneoe on Jeruary 6th, 1924, as verified by
rni.Spec tai Fund
sho'Mre baler:oos I the bank certificates ettaohed hereto r_nd filed there-71th, be rooeiced aid filed.
on hard at close J
of bu:rinaes or. !Adopted upon call of -the roll by the follonina vote: Yean, Taos, Pulliam, Tully,
Jan. 5th, 1923. 1.'
7ashinaton and Y.etterjohr,-6.
II' Cortmissior,or 'Tully-offored the follo'vir:rr motion:'I move that the action
99 of the Commisnior,er of Pmblio.�'ir.nroe in'Arawina a check arninet the gpeolnl Street
Street Improve Fund for the r.mount of $3349.74, in raymnr.t of street Imrrovem+nt Ror.ds and Coupons
mont Boris and
Coulors to.amount to this amount in the' City national bank this dato, be rpnrorod. Adopted upon .on31
113349.74 paid
ars char?od to of the roll by the followinz vote: Yean, Pnoe..Tu]liam, Tully, :"anlrinaton and
Spacial Street
Furd. Katterjohn,-6.
Oommiseionor Tully offorod' the fol]owinz motion: I move that the rare
rt of
z . ~ Rol ort llcrtvieY.-' rarwiek, hitohell.& Company, Accountants and Auditors,, of .the PnA tt of the accounts
1.'itohell k Co.
A000untar,ts end �of the City of Teduonh for the year erdin'q D
Auditors of ecember Slot, an
1923, hb.reoetved d filed
's accounts of City and ordered published 'as required by laty. Adopted uron call of the roll by the foll•01.
of Paducah for
1923. ing vote: Yeas, Paoe;' Tullinm, Tully. 7n'ahinrrton nr.d Yatterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the foll,)winr motion: I ,move that the report
Roiort Com'r of of the Commia9icner of Publio Finanoe for the year 1923 be reonived,.filed and order
Iublio Firar.00 for
the ;incr 1923. ad published as_required by ln:v, and -the Oommientoner of Publio Firnnoe be d'iraoted
to - have same published. Ad optod upon call of the roll by the folloaina vote: Yoaa;
race* Pulliam, fully, 17ashinzton, and' Y.ettorjohn,-5,
Commiesionnr Tully offered the follo.vinz motion: I movo that the accounts
Report ComTr. of -AfromJan. let to Jan. 6th, 1924, amomtttnz to $1695.49,
as per the report of the
Publio Fir.ny-oe'
of a000unts fromOommissioner of Tuhlio.rirlanoe filed here:vith, he allo
Jan.l,1924wed nnA orAeroA pa td and the
Jan.5,1924to . pmoney appropriated from the Gonarnl Fund,, to ra,? orme. Adopted upon call of the roll
+by the follo:vinz vote; Yeae. Face,Tulllam,Tu3ly,'.7a:hinat.-in and Y.atterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the followinv mot ton: I move that the a000unts•
Accounts from from Jan. let ,to Jan. 6th, 1924 far the 3d District Sawer, Amount tart to $3.6.0,. be
Jan. 1,19£4 to
Jan.5,1924 for allowed and ordered raid and the CommienLoner of Publio Fir,anoe be authoaited and "
3rd Dintriot
Sower. 51r,atruotod to dratr oheoks wrainat the No. 3 Distrlot U%7nr Fund Anour•t to.pey name..
: Adopted upon call -of the roll by the follo•.vinz vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliem; 'Tully,
F°lashington and Yatterjohr,-5.
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_.._._".".___.-._:�._.__.�_.___.__192__''s.
Oomminetoner Tully offnrnd the followlnm motion; I move that the rnrort of
Rarort Com'r.
the Oommiosionor of Iublia i'inanoe of'Oollootlare and Dinbureamnnto from Jan. let, I9244
FAvar.00 -of
-_ Co.]loot Ionu ar.d.
to the olose of my term of offiao as Oommisotonor of rublto Flr•anoe, be rooeived ar:d
from Jan.l,]0£4
filed. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the follow1wr vote; Yeas, Pros, Pulliam;
to Jan.6,'lO£4.'
Tully. Rnehington and Katterjohn,-6.
Oommienionor Tully offered the following motion: I move thrt the rororL
' r ;
R,l ort Oom'r.
ty; .
9 Flnunao of 3rd
of the }3 Dietrtot Senor A000unt from Jan. let to Jan. 6th, 1924, tie per the report o
Dlntrlot 9ewor"
' Aoonmt from
tho.0omminnioner of Publto Finance Mod herewith, be reoeived and filed. Adopted'-
-' jen.1.1924 to
Jim 5.1924.
upon oall of the roll by the following vote;,Yeas, Taoe, rulllem. Tully, ',raehington
aria Katter john,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following mo.ttan: I move that the raport.of
s ;
Roport OomIr..
the. Commissioner of Publ.in 1'lnntiae of the Spool&] 3troet paaount from inn. let.
Flnanoe of
�. Spoolal Dtroet'
'19E4 to Jan. 6th, 1924,,be r000lvod aid filod. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the
A000unt from
Jan.3.7024 to
followlnR vote: Yeas, Paae,Pulliam,Tully, ilaehingtdn arn4 Kntterjohn,-6. .
U.cyoi..,Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the follovina"
Ai ven.torIsa of property belonrrina to the City of Peduaah, Yentnoky, to-wit:
- �y
Street .Department Sower DeprrtmnnL
k �
I'eut House lo]ioo and in 13
Health Dol artment Finnnon Dnrrxtmnnt
).'orkot Houne Ork h•ovn Ommntory
?' Invartorins '.
City Hall Building .-,nfzIrnorItw Dopnrtmfmt
of Tropertq
City 9000e J,taht ) lnnt
4i owned by City , .,.'
Rivoralde hospital laboratory-Rivnrutds Honrital
t "
4• of raduonh in: .
! the various ''
be reooirod aid filed... Adopted upon sell of thA roll by the foTlowlna vote; Yeno. ;I
' departmer.te
.r, •.
Paoe, ,Pulliam, Tully, 'Washington end Y.atterjohn,-6.
Oommleatoner 4ashinRton offered the following not ton;Therens, Mr.rwiok
}1itehe]1 14Oompany,.oertifind a000untants and auditors hnvina aulitad the hooks
tlyrm r��lly
Oomlr. of l,ub- j
ail n000iuto to tho offlao of the Oomminnlonnr of Publto Virinnon of tho City of
1lo Flnnr,oe,
granted quiotue.
rnduoah, Y,nntuoky,. aid havlrrg reported that overythlnit in in, ordor and e7] fur-4e
1 :�
s ••+L
,aoaountad' for and that all the books and rnoords are In or'tor nrd oorraot, nrd the
Oommisuion or of. Pub716 Fit,nnoo hnvfna filed hie rorort of the various funds aid
a000unte, together with the prornr onrtiflanLon from the banks, nho,vira the money
on deponlL to tho ornilt of the City of I'nduanh, Kontuol3•, to thio date. Jannnry
Oth,.19E4, I now move that Wynn 14t11y, Oommisutonor of 1•uhlio Firaroe, he rrar'toa n
qutetue. Adoptod upon oall of the roll by the.follo'.rinr vote; Ynnn, rnoe, ru]linm,
Tu]ly,'Washlnmt m and Katter ,john,-6.
Oommianionnr Waohin,gton offored the follo'vtna motion: I move that the
Drn.virR nhox1re
attaohed drawina nho.dn(.z the oompsrative ntntemnnt for the yonre IOEI-1022-IDES of
_the operatior.n of Riveralde Hospital be rooeined ur,A filed. Adopted upon onll of the
oporation of
. Rtvoruldo. Hos-.,
roll by the.fo]low,I
ina vote: Yoae, Paoeu]11am,Tnlly,aaehingtan and KnLterjohn.-6.'`
}' .pital for 19E1-:
T .;
�.,• 7922-]9,23.
Ootmnissionor r'ulllam offored t);e following motion; I move that,the-rorort
),'•; ,
Report' Oom'r,
of Henry A. Pulliiam, Oommloslonar of'Iublio 'Rorke and Ohiof rngtnoer or, the Car-
� r
!c H.A.rul]lam
;? aid ^hief 4nmr.
'struotlon aid' ongineorina coots of 3rd Dietrtot +sewers, aoverina all costs to.dnte
on tho oon.:,
otruotlor, ar.d.
ttd aotlmate of future exron4ituroo, to oompleto naid,aonatruotior.; be r000ivod and
oneinnerina of
v 3rd Dtotrlot
Mod. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, rase, rullinm,-
Tul1Y, WaRhlnaton and .Kattorjohn,-6.
Oommtosiutinr, lanhir.Rton offored the follavina motion; I movn that the
) r
w ourtouy oxtond-
Board of Oommluotonora-oxtend to the ldnyor nrd -the .tae. litoominm Poards their 'viah
ed Mayor and two
' a
inoomina Boards
for a Happy and Iroeperous Now Year and a bunir,nes-like arc eoonomioal administration'
by Board of4
y' Commissioners.
for the City 'of.raduoah.•'Adopted upon oall of the roll by the.follo^ring vote: Yeae,
Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,.Taohington and 'Katterjohn,-6..
yf 'P"
T, � ;a, ,,, ? _?. , •,
n 'i_ :tr. `.R
.i f°�•_j.; .ir" �
r-K. r.;•r- ..Fi
� 4 , .to .:h`,r s r, tc•
_•c�".>' /.,,. i ..oi.. .:,G•..:,}.r;... a .,.J7ti.,•:..+,' • o- ,v..»a ,.. .. � . ,.. _ (' .., ,low,.,,.. :,to. .�. •c.au.J
.,, .gyp ., :.{. . �.._ ,
• -
'"•.Jy se :.>ki n:�l , �y`v'" 2 't1'.:'SP•rtY. ., '• <• � •�; gp•PW,t:f.YYai�., �r ,r•Y. ( ��_ 1; •,'1r; }- f-.•�„�•' ,i� � �,6 .�
1.<� ` y _.,. ^K, , 4 � � Y`Y . "ti il. 'ak' Y.ri - t' FI • _
rr: Commissioners" Proceedings,' City of Paducah1924�
Oommtooioner Pulliam exouand from tho Oorvniesionora' Ohambor.
Oommin6ionor washinaton offored t1:e follonina mots orit I move .that .the-
' �f
Rulan of ttho iionrd of Oommlunlontaru bo iro;q'orded for the purpone of readirla, nrrrovltR
Yt .:
toll aa 9110pondod.�'
a -
(ITA nirttilnrr On mimttnn of thn lnut liomllrlr .1,111 yponinl 0014d LlnetinPu, 0%r,1 ,the
minutoe. of this meottng. Adopted upon on11 of the roll b;' tho folla4tire votes Yeao
raoe, Tully, "'7ashinaton and Xntterjahn,-4.
Oomniaoioner Fulliam re-entered the Commisator»ra' Qhnmber.
Commissioner Tashinstton offered the fol3ort1w motion: I move that the
sin irla of
minutee of the lsnt Remnlar ar,d the Called Veettrlae, 1nolnd tna this meottna of the
i "-.
I. tnutes.
Board of Commiasionere, be adotiited ani nlar.ed, and that upon the Marina of. said
µ `
i. 3
minutes the Board stand adjourned. Adopted upon as of the roll h; the follo-vina
vote: Yeas, raoe, Fulliam, Tully, 1anhington and XatterJohn. -b,.
� {.
s�4 .
r ,
F'S ,
,j . .... :i
,. - . -
�rR! N t ,.r.,+ t'rtTk 7-I� .1, r_5 R^(1fYw. � ?iGI.Ir•l r .; - ( x` .1
.O f-. _.I.., .. .+..-sG!..-«-.....,...�. x._:2..:._.1.... ..�.. & - Y .�E_.L7�a� La. L..:;N 'L. _ '�s a.J '.
tar)�c .
�. _. t .
1'IG4� v '. , 7*,; �` ", - T4t r r r +,� L '� _rj . v: - rY C= $={..�
,°` 1.4j _..:. _ Commissioners, Proceedings;:City•of: Padue' err, � 192- . a 3� �..>;�
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