HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 26, May 8, 1922v
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 1921
} ,
Cormniesioner Tully offerod the following motion: I move that the accounts. of
T the 3d District Sewer, for the loot,half of the month of April, ae.followe:- T• k�� ,
Accounts of the
3d District Pay Roll ....:...........•:.....$634.50
ki Senor for the Supplies ...................... 111:46 i� Iv.
'.last horlf`of T.L1: Wakefield for boring...... 22.50
A total of........ `7b -4i> be allowed and ordered
:.April.v t
w paid and the Commissioner of Tublio Finance be authorized .and instructed to draw checks .
11 against' the No. 3 District Sower Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of the l
roll. by the following vote: Yoae, Pnoe,.Tully, 3ashington and Y.atterjohn,-4. r'
1' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of rt- " ,,} %
' Report Commis-
sionor'of Pub- the Commissioner of Public'Finpnoe of the 3d District Sewer Fund Account for the months'•
'lio Financo'of
3d District of April.be:reooivod and filed and ordored published in the official newspaper. Adopted f t.
�Se'Xer Fund
SIAccount for. upon call of:the roll by.tho following vote: Yoao, Pace, Tully, Washington an
Td Lotter-,I°.l s
john, -4. D
J':6 + }
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.` ;
19 A��
1IAY 8TH. 1922. ��,CVL'� - �•
* ` At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commieeionere, hold in the Commissioners' �`•'FS 4
fs , chamber in the City HallPaducah, Kontuokq, on L'.ey 8th, 1922. Upon call of the roll
the following answered to their names: Oommisulonors Pace, Pulliam, Tully and hashing-
ton, -4. Mayor Y•attorjohn being absont, Mayor Fro'Tom i7cehington pr.osidod. � '
}' On•m6tidn of commissioner Tully the. minutes of the provious meetings were
adopted as road upon oall.of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Iaoo, Fu].liam, a
fµ Tully and '.7ashington. -4.
Oommieulonor t7ashington offered the following motion: I move that the pets '+ O ;4
Potition of
:citizens aeking. tion from oitizons aokinir that Di Sanders be reinstated be received and filed, and
k+ 'that kA Sanders '
.,be reinstated. be disouenod by the Commissioners when. all members are, present. Adopted upon call ,fir
on I•olloe Dept. � p
of'the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe,Pulliam,Tully and '9aebin pton,-4. I '!1 ;..
:•Report Com'r. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I.move that the report of the'
z Finance show
ins aprortion- Oommlaslonor of Publio Finance showing the apportionment, the am)unte expended, and
>K wont, amounts'
P, exS)ondod, and J,the bu]anooe to the. orodit of the various accounts under: the different dopartmonte, ( it
balances to the,
credit of the at the and of April 30th, 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon call 'of the roll; i
:N- various Dapts.
r.on Apl.30-1922. .by the following voto:.Yoao, Paas, Pulliam, Tully, and 9ashirigton,-4. !:' ,.
fc ' commiselonor Tully offorod'the foll'owina motion: I move that L. A: 'Inahinaton
L.A."la ohtngton Commissionnr of.I1)b]io Property, be authorised to purohaso from the Onron Dirnotory 00.1'
'iOom1r. Public
^!property to Pur- .for the use of the various departments of the City of Paduoah, ton City Diredtorion at•,�'.
ohlloo 10 copies
;'Caron'o City $2.00 npieao. Adopted uron sail of, the roll by the following veto: Yona, Pace, '
Pulliam, Tully and 'r4anhington,-4.,
Oomminutonor.M11i!a offorad tho following motion] I move that tho followlnrc .
7loker Brod. }}} !
. 'Blue Print account" be allowed and the Commissionar of Finance be authorizod and instructed to
' haohino
charged to' Sow- pay 'eamo:
or Diot.13
A000unts. Wicker Br.othors, one blue print maohlno.'.:..$E9b.00
} and .that Duma Lo. charged, to' Sower Diatriot $3...: Adopted upon call of the roll by
the following motes Yoau, Pace;'Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4:
0'i RoSort.Ohiof."of commiocionor.Pace offered the^,fdlloviing motion: I' move ,that the report of >
K Piro Department
for April' -1992. the Chief of the Fire Department'for the montti'of April l''2E be re oeivod'nnd;filed
Adopted upon call+of -the roll by -the following vote yoas, Paoo, Pi>llinm, Tull 'and
1 ;1 RaehIngton,-4.
,,f - '. / l w'r.Y .-...q.•.n 5+ ._v....L ^k. i «l - 5 ^•T �'/� ,�++ - �.l.L.,.. :r._a..�r•r..H.+ `�' .J.4 '.F.'., NlTi..I
'Y r): ..!! .+.t �^ Sv . +hrWiJ;'.c.jiw+f. ;.)n5:: ,•,f..��J,.rr ...ru-r:. ,:.�.; ...0 s:c.. .r. ..-n ., .< :.„r., ..!.r .. ., ,
i L }
rApiwhFn �r�)Y ''1`1��(.`rtii� �b•'1.KX3: � r
g . ri. -:! s .. ..,.. , t.....�;t..., .�Gs.:..�.�+` 1 i�C•...w•_ .r��.i+w.ww7'.PfL3:.•u-.J,:1. �J,.�.Jt � x { -
.. '• t "7^7i..:Yh'•: Kar...:.. • rr.., ... -.- - � F
Commissioners Proceedings City bf Paducah " 1922
.., f�. On motion the Board adjourned,upon call of the roll by 4.yeae.
1 - 1
� M AYtJla.
i; 1'1dY 11TII. 1922. i
p�h At a Called Vo
sting of the Board of OommleaLonoro,.hold in the Oommleolonore
:Ohembor in the City Hall, Jaduoah, Kentucky, on May 11th,,10CE, at ll:P.6 A. 1:1, Upon
li f
call of the roll the followina,ansuvored to their _names: Commissioners taoo, FulItam.
Tully 17ashinPton and 1'cyor Yattorjohn,-6. •.
Mayor Kattorjohn stated reasons for call to-wit:. For the purpoee_of adopt-
ing the Spooifioat ions for 3owor District u3, the appointment of a Chiof L'lugineer of
A3ower District #3, and auoh.other business as might come before the Board.
R_ouolution appointl�m Commissioner Tully offered tho following; motion: I movo that a resolution
ing Honry A.
,Ohiofl'u]liam1 entitled*. .1., R:;SOIUri01I AP'OIDIIIIG A1D D:iSIGIITIIIGY 1Y
A.. PULI:I:.1,'., O01.U:.ISSIOV.'N 0.
5?:gineor for Swaer! '
llietri¢t.a3. �1,U1.LI0 710RX3, A3 C9I,sF :I1:GIVE: -L? POR eii':5;]?'DIST?ICT I1Ui'B1 > 'PH1?]'i," be adopted, bdopt
�od'uuon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoac, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, '.Tasking-
ton and Y.atter john,-6.
Commissioner Pulliam offorod the follonina motion: I move that a reeolu- .•'' '
E 1
] tion entitled ".l '.1::SU1.U'PIO11 A00..1'TIIIC A11D ADN'S'T11G TIP.; ST:-)OIFICATTOIIS FORT! OF 0011-
socio; ton A000pt-I, !
ing anal adopting
Spoo11'ioattons, iI 1"tACT• :ll1D Illi,`Ult1AT101.1 1111 BIDI)"iU, A11 I*1U- 'AR%!D BY T'1:: 001.11ISSI011r92 OI, PUBLIC WCRI:3, 4
oto. , Sower Dis , PL , :�'.;•: ,, " '.. " tti iii SUB-DIYI ST0113 A. 11. AND C.
-trio; J3. `n lS'iD :i, CO.IRi41JCTT lI O., TRllll: il;:: S:i":�
U Or 3::7::3 D131;71 ICT 1IU'B1 TIiR::�l," bo ado]:tod, Adopted upon call of the roll by the
(following vote: Yoac, Paco, Pulliam, Tully, :7aahinRton end Yattorjohn,rb. :.
ij Commissioner Tully offered the follor+ing.motion: .I move t]iat the num of.
Carnegio Library
allo•:ed the sum ,ry j600.00 be al]oviod the Carnogio library and the Oomminaionor of Public Finance. be•
of .y600.00. k authorisod and instructed to draw chock on the General Fund to r.r.,y same.' Adoptod
upon call of the roll by the folloairr. vote: Yean, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington
Ijand Yattorjohn,-6.
Bond of. City Nat!]. Commissioner Tully offorod the following. mot ton;. I move t}iet the bond of
-Banl: for ;400000. .
to :uoo::ro tho de- J400,000 of the City National Bank, for the 3d District So'aor' Find to .secure the
I ocit of tho 3rd • dop:ooit of the 3d District Socgor F,-.nd, be a n ovod'.' Adopted u )on call. of the roll
District So;ror li' 1 ]
Fund .
by the following vote: Yoas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully.:lashington and Yattorjohn;-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the follo•aing motion:' I'move that.the bond of
Bond of I_'eahaniae
Treat & Sevinrs v100,000 of the I.:oohanloa Trust & Savings Ban):, for.tho 3d Dietriot''So:•ror Fund to
Bank for the 3rd c
District So:rcr secure 61c deposit of the 3d District So::or.Fund, be approved. Adoptod upon oall'of
i ^ard to oocurc. 1
tiro dol::oait of I' the roll by the following. vote: Yoas, Paoo; Pu111am,Tully,1:7cahinfton ar.d Yattorjohn 8
the 3rd District
Se::cr. Fund. I Commissionor Tully offorod tho, follo.-:.1ng motion: . The City'11ationcI Bank
I and the L'.00hanlos 'fruot'G Savings.Bcnk having executed r.nrl do].Svorod to'tho Board of s
f `
l7ynn Tuilly andII Countaotoners a Surety Bond to protect the money deposited in said banks, belonging
3.1 in I:irklend
trustees, to re-, to the Third District 3owor Fund, cfhioh.';ond has boon approved by the Board'of • '
turn to City
Iatl• Bark and j Commtasionors, andsaid ibanka having heretofore doposited'^ith i7ynn Tully. Corv:is-
r i:echanics Trust fl
& Savlr.v, Bank atonor of public Finance. end.Hankin Kirkland. Cashier, an trustees, dertain oollater ,
collateral donoo-!!
` itod :with them aT to seau{Ye said dej>osita so placed in.* said ban}a. I move that exuidooll.atornl, in
to coouro 3rd
District So'aor .the handu of said trustoos, be returned to tho City National Bank and the Yeohanloe
Tru at and Savings Bank, the Oommiseionor of Public Finance taki.nR the proper re-
1 oeipt thorofor. Adoptod upon call of the roll by,tho following vote; Yens, Paoe,.
9 Pulliam, Tully; 17aahington and Y.attorjohn,-6. ? _