HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 26, May 8, 1922v .? r ,. �.. r f r t 2 ✓ .('C 4 t M w �l`S jlN •Z`)f tti i:� ,ea vr• y+ I Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 1921 } , Cormniesioner Tully offerod the following motion: I move that the accounts. of T the 3d District Sewer, for the loot,half of the month of April, ae.followe:- T• k�� , Accounts of the 3d District Pay Roll ....:...........•:.....$634.50 ki Senor for the Supplies ...................... 111:46 i� Iv. '.last horlf`of T.L1: Wakefield for boring...... 22.50 A total of........ `7b -4i> be allowed and ordered :.April.v t w paid and the Commissioner of Tublio Finance be authorized .and instructed to draw checks . 11 against' the No. 3 District Sower Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of the l roll. by the following vote: Yoae, Pnoe,.Tully, 3ashington and Y.atterjohn,-4. r' 1' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of rt- " ,,} % ' Report Commis- sionor'of Pub- the Commissioner of Public'Finpnoe of the 3d District Sewer Fund Account for the months'• 'lio Financo'of 3d District of April.be:reooivod and filed and ordored published in the official newspaper. Adopted f t. �Se'Xer Fund SIAccount for. upon call of:the roll by.tho following vote: Yoao, Pace, Tully, Washington an Td Lotter-,I°.l s April.f john, -4. D J':6 + } On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.` ; 19 A�� 1IAY 8TH. 1922. ��,CVL'� - �• }t. * ` At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commieeionere, hold in the Commissioners' �`•'FS 4 fs , chamber in the City HallPaducah, Kontuokq, on L'.ey 8th, 1922. Upon call of the roll C the following answered to their names: Oommisulonors Pace, Pulliam, Tully and hashing- ton, -4. Mayor Y•attorjohn being absont, Mayor Fro'Tom i7cehington pr.osidod. � ' r }' On•m6tidn of commissioner Tully the. minutes of the provious meetings were adopted as road upon oall.of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Iaoo, Fu].liam, a fµ Tully and '.7ashington. -4. Oommieulonor t7ashington offered the following motion: I move that the pets '+ O ;4 Potition of :citizens aeking. tion from oitizons aokinir that Di Sanders be reinstated be received and filed, and k+ 'that kA Sanders ' .,be reinstated. be disouenod by the Commissioners when. all members are, present. Adopted upon call ,fir on I•olloe Dept. � p of'the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe,Pulliam,Tully and '9aebin pton,-4. I '!1 ;.. :•Report Com'r. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I.move that the report of the' z Finance show ins aprortion- Oommlaslonor of Publio Finance showing the apportionment, the am)unte expended, and >K wont, amounts' P, exS)ondod, and J,the bu]anooe to the. orodit of the various accounts under: the different dopartmonte, ( it ! balances to the, credit of the at the and of April 30th, 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon call 'of the roll; i :N- various Dapts. r.on Apl.30-1922. .by the following voto:.Yoao, Paas, Pulliam, Tully, and 9ashirigton,-4. !:' ,. fc ' commiselonor Tully offorod'the foll'owina motion: I move that L. A: 'Inahinaton L.A."la ohtngton Commissionnr of.I1)b]io Property, be authorised to purohaso from the Onron Dirnotory 00.1' 'iOom1r. Public ^!property to Pur- .for the use of the various departments of the City of Paduoah, ton City Diredtorion at•,�'. ohlloo 10 copies ;'Caron'o City $2.00 npieao. Adopted uron sail of, the roll by the following veto: Yona, Pace, ' Directory. Pulliam, Tully and 'r4anhington,-4., Oomminutonor.M11i!a offorad tho following motion] I move that tho followlnrc . 7loker Brod. }}} ! . 'Blue Print account" be allowed and the Commissionar of Finance be authorizod and instructed to ' haohino charged to' Sow- pay 'eamo: or Diot.13 A000unts. Wicker Br.othors, one blue print maohlno.'.:..$E9b.00 } and .that Duma Lo. charged, to' Sower Diatriot $3...: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following motes Yoau, Pace;'Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4: 0'i RoSort.Ohiof."of commiocionor.Pace offered the^,fdlloviing motion: I' move ,that the report of > K Piro Department for April' -1992. the Chief of the Fire Department'for the montti'of April l''2E be re oeivod'nnd;filed Adopted upon call+of -the roll by -the following vote yoas, Paoo, Pi>llinm, Tull 'and 1 ;1 RaehIngton,-4. ,,f - '. / l w'r.Y .-...q.•.n 5+ ._v....L ^k. i «l - 5 ^•T �'/� ,�++ - �.l.L.,.. :r._a..�r•r..H.+ `�' .J.4 '.F.'., NlTi..I • 'Y r): ..!! .+.t �^ Sv . +hrWiJ;'.c.jiw+f. ;.)n5:: ,•,f..��J,.rr ...ru-r:. ,:.�.; ...0 s:c.. .r. ..-n ., .< :.„r., ..!.r .. ., , i L } rApiwhFn �r�)Y ''1`1��(.`rtii� �b•'1.KX3: � r g . ri. -:! s .. ..,.. , t.....�;t..., .�Gs.:..�.�+` 1 i�C•...w•_ .r��.i+w.ww7'.PfL3:.•u-.J,:1. �J,.�.Jt � x { - i .. '• t "7^7i..:Yh'•: Kar...:.. • rr.., ... -.- - � F Commissioners Proceedings City bf Paducah " 1922 .., f�. On motion the Board adjourned,upon call of the roll by 4.yeae. 1 - 1 ' 15!4 � M AYtJla. i; 1'1dY 11TII. 1922. i p�h At a Called Vo sting of the Board of OommleaLonoro,.hold in the Oommleolonore :Ohembor in the City Hall, Jaduoah, Kentucky, on May 11th,,10CE, at ll:P.6 A. 1:1, Upon li f ° call of the roll the followina,ansuvored to their _names: Commissioners taoo, FulItam. Tully 17ashinPton and 1'cyor Yattorjohn,-6. •. Mayor Kattorjohn stated reasons for call to-wit:. For the purpoee_of adopt- ing the Spooifioat ions for 3owor District u3, the appointment of a Chiof L'lugineer of A3ower District #3, and auoh.other business as might come before the Board. R_ouolution appointl�m Commissioner Tully offered tho following; motion: I movo that a resolution ing Honry A. ,Ohiofl'u]liam1 entitled*. .1., R:;SOIUri01I AP'OIDIIIIG A1D D:iSIGIITIIIGY 1Y A.. PULI:I:.1,'., O01.U:.ISSIOV.'N 0. 5?:gineor for Swaer! ' llietri¢t.a3. �1,U1.LI0 710RX3, A3 C9I,sF :I1:GIVE: -L? POR eii':5;]?'DIST?ICT I1Ui'B1 > 'PH1?]'i," be adopted, bdopt �od'uuon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoac, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, '.Tasking- ton and Y.atter john,-6. I! Commissioner Pulliam offorod the follonina motion: I move that a reeolu- .•'' ' E 1 ] tion entitled ".l '.1::SU1.U'PIO11 A00..1'TIIIC A11D ADN'S'T11G TIP.; ST:-)OIFICATTOIIS FORT! OF 0011- socio; ton A000pt-I, ! ing anal adopting Spoo11'ioattons, iI 1"tACT• :ll1D Illi,`Ult1AT101.1 1111 BIDI)"iU, A11 I*1U- 'AR%!D BY T'1:: 001.11ISSI011r92 OI, PUBLIC WCRI:3, 4 oto. , Sower Dis , PL , :�'.;•: ,, " '.. " tti iii SUB-DIYI ST0113 A. 11. AND C. -trio; J3. `n lS'iD :i, CO.IRi41JCTT lI O., TRllll: il;:: S:i":� U Or 3::7::3 D131;71 ICT 1IU'B1 TIiR::�l," bo ado]:tod, Adopted upon call of the roll by the (following vote: Yoac, Paco, Pulliam, Tully, :7aahinRton end Yattorjohn,rb. :. ij Commissioner Tully offered the follor+ing.motion: .I move t]iat the num of. Carnegio Library allo•:ed the sum ,ry j600.00 be al]oviod the Carnogio library and the Oomminaionor of Public Finance. be• of .y600.00. k authorisod and instructed to draw chock on the General Fund to r.r.,y same.' Adoptod upon call of the roll by the folloairr. vote: Yean, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington Ijand Yattorjohn,-6. Bond of. City Nat!]. Commissioner Tully offorod the following. mot ton;. I move t}iet the bond of -Banl: for ;400000. . to :uoo::ro tho de- J400,000 of the City National Bank, for the 3d District So'aor' Find to .secure the I ocit of tho 3rd • dop:ooit of the 3d District Socgor F,-.nd, be a n ovod'.' Adopted u )on call. of the roll District So;ror li' 1 ] Fund . by the following vote: Yoas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully.:lashington and Yattorjohn;-6. Commissioner Tully offered the follo•aing motion:' I'move that.the bond of Bond of I_'eahaniae Treat & Sevinrs v100,000 of the I.:oohanloa Trust & Savings Ban):, for.tho 3d Dietriot''So:•ror Fund to Bank for the 3rd c District So:rcr secure 61c deposit of the 3d District So::or.Fund, be approved. Adoptod upon oall'of i ^ard to oocurc. 1 tiro dol::oait of I' the roll by the following. vote: Yoas, Paoo; Pu111am,Tully,1:7cahinfton ar.d Yattorjohn 8 the 3rd District Se::cr. Fund. I Commissionor Tully offorod tho, follo.-:.1ng motion: . The City'11ationcI Bank I and the L'.00hanlos 'fruot'G Savings.Bcnk having executed r.nrl do].Svorod to'tho Board of s f ` l7ynn Tuilly andII Countaotoners a Surety Bond to protect the money deposited in said banks, belonging 3.1 in I:irklend trustees, to re-, to the Third District 3owor Fund, cfhioh.';ond has boon approved by the Board'of • ' turn to City Iatl• Bark and j Commtasionors, andsaid ibanka having heretofore doposited'^ith i7ynn Tully. Corv:is- r i:echanics Trust fl & Savlr.v, Bank atonor of public Finance. end.Hankin Kirkland. Cashier, an trustees, dertain oollater , collateral donoo-!! ` itod :with them aT to seau{Ye said dej>osita so placed in.* said ban}a. I move that exuidooll.atornl, in to coouro 3rd District So'aor .the handu of said trustoos, be returned to tho City National Bank and the Yeohanloe Fund. ! Tru at and Savings Bank, the Oommiseionor of Public Finance taki.nR the proper re- 1 oeipt thorofor. Adoptod upon call of the roll by,tho following vote; Yens, Paoe,. 9 Pulliam, Tully; 17aahington and Y.attorjohn,-6. ? _ 1