HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 253, December 20, 19235'- ) R -c0. �=J +:y,� �;a4•"fYt w _.ifc !ic 9 r � .✓ ��•P�SSe�:�i:�;�r a���rxi2cu�mcoars,.�=.�rtit��rif}l>�r�.���4�i£ti"kid'e"m""-.!li:�iia�a.�.�ir!$�3�f%+'�`'�i f. iogq e. 71. y' t r!r 't'! •4 a.+7ti+)r»!+ T r._+Y i i{p s -r S:IF R �i ^'• i" y¢` S ;i .•r+ . i ai 5- .'c,-'-'l.-_u:l�...:t�_:.s.,..�:s.}• a. No. Commissioners" Proceedings, City of Paducah.' _ ._ _ 192- DEC!.?..BER 20TH, 1923. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommissionere, held in Ahe Oommiaetonerd , Chamber in the City Hall. Faduoah, Y.ontuoky, on Deoomber 20th, 1923, at 10:10 O'o]ook. A. 11. Upon oall' of the roll the following answerod to their names: Commissioners . Paoe, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.. hlnyor Katterjohn stated reaeonu for oall to-wtt: For the purpose of hearing .\� trial of Luther Graham and any other busirnno that mtrtht oome before the Board. Commissioner Tully offerr)d the following motion: I move that the pay -roll Pay-ro11 for ' for the first half of the month of Jeoember 1923, amounting to P669e.16, as per the• firsthalf ofr ' Deoember 1923. ,report of the Oommissioner of'Iublio Flnnnoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the Genernl Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the. following vote: Yeas.Paoe,Tully,'lnehington and Ke.tterjohn,-4. Oommisatoner Tnlly offered the following motion:.I move that the pay -roll Pay -roll 3rd ' Oistriot Sewer for the first half of tho month of Deoember 1923, for the 3d Distriot Sewer, amountinR for firut half . s.' Dnoomber,1923. to 4804.08, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commtsnlonar of Tnblta Finnnoo be } authorized ar,d ir.etruoted to draw oheoke'ngnirynt the 11o. 3 Distriot Sewer Fund !..aoount to pay mime. Adopted upon oa]] of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 1..' Paoe, fully, 'Washington, -3; Nays, Y.etterjohn,-1. '.,• , Oommlesioner Peoe offered the following motion: I move that the trial of :•; Luther Graham be defnrred until Monday, Jeoomber 24th, 1923.* 'at 10 o'olook A. M. S' !' Lost upori.oall,of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe and Wa8hington,-2; Hage, i Trial of Tully and Kntterjohn,re. Luther 'Graham. Commiseloner Paos'offered the following motion: h move that the lioe'nes of f Luther Grsham to do business at 222 Broadway be revoked upon proof heard. '`Lost upon'' ' oall-of the roll by the following vote: Yens. Taos, -l. 11e76, Tully, Washington and `. Yntterjohn,-3. .Commissioner ''illy voting no bedause. the evidenoe heard le note 7, suffiotent for oonviotton. Mayor Yntterjohn seoonQed the motion to bring It before ;• ¢ the Hoyee, and at the same time voted no. On motion t1:e Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 4 yeae. AdoptedVT A RD UD IX `_ 11%? �., s r' DEC.7 D.,R 24TH, 1923. At a Regular Yeeting of the Board .of Gomminstonere, held 1n tho Commissionere' J (' �•;;�.'' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Dooember 24th, 1923. Upon oall of the =y' roll the following answered to their nnciee: Commissioners Peoe, Pulliam,.'Yashington' ".'r• t - and L'ayor Y.attorjohn,-4. On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous meettngs were >' adopted as. read upon. oall of ..the roll bq.tha io]]owtrevote; Yann, Fsoe, Pulliam; '9ashlnRton and Kntterjohn;-4. Commiestoner 'Tully entered the Commissioners! Chnmbnr. xt`r ',..r Premiums due , Mayor Yntterjohn offered the,followine motion: I move that the payment of the Hummel Bros. on, ;. bonds'of trustees bonds for the 'Trustees of Carnegie Pub]to Library,amounting to $62.b0,.due Hummel Carnegie Library' Bo^_rd refused 'Brothere, Agents, be allowed and ordered paid and oharRed to.Carneeie Library Fund,' peyment. . l' Lost upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yean, Y.atterjohn,-1, gage, Paoe, { - Pulliam, Tully and '4ashington.-4. f �.