HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 252, December 18, 1923-69 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-:. Commissioner Pulliam offered the.foliowinx motion: Yanoy & Johnson, Contraotors. having finished the construction of Monroe Street from the west property line of " t tAooeptanoe of Eighth Street to .the suet property line of Ninth Street, by paving same with oonorete 1:onroe Street,." ' between 8th & and having complied, in all respects with the terms of the contract entered into by t` , .' 9th St., as ' 1• constructed by 'and between the eald Contractors and the City. of raduonh, Kentucky, on June 26th, t• Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors. 1923, and completed same according to the pinne arra specifications adopted for said {• . tp '' work, and no complaints having boon filed, protesting against said work, I move that rt;};said work for said improvement be accepted and approved, and that the final estimate, J including a]1 monthly estimates of work done bb Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors.. in - t65.dv`1 r i,. .. constructing said street. amounting to :j 0 720336, be approved, received and filed. 'rr Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol]o•.ring vote: Yeas, Pace, Fulliam, Tully. F"'•.'; ' • ,.. .. .. . . . . . . . .. Y. '. ++� Washington and Ketterjohn.-6. "'Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that Alt ORDINANCE a'•: { g;? Assessment ASsFSSING ' FW, ABCTTIIIG PROPiMTY-0Ii BOTH SIDES OF MOIi^OE STREET FROL' THF 7FST FROPBRTY 4 Ordinance on y-onroe Street. LIME OF EIGHTH STREET f0 'ME EAST PROMTY LIIrYF. OF IJI1ITH STREET, IN '.'HF, CITY OF FADU- between 8th & 9th Street.. CAR, Ke"Lt`i'l1CKY, .THE SUM OF $2.720116 PER ABUTTING. FOOT FOR THE'CCffiSTRUCTIOU OF SAID ,,''.•". <- . '. STREET 9I'TH 'CONCRETE, AS SHO':-MI BY THE 'ENG'INEER'S ESTIMATE. EJICEFT THAT:PORTION TO BE x: ; r'•'p PAID FOR BY THE CITY 0 ' FADUCAH, AND FROVID XG THAT SAID ASSE3S1[3IT 1111Y BE PAID FOR •, IN TEN EQUAL INSTAL: IEPTS, MING, ONE E&CH YEAR FOR 1, FERIOD OF TEII YEARS, be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Tots: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, Tully, . �•r, Washington and Katterjohn.-6. Lfayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the City Solicitor �:. `l Case of Clare''' be ir.etruoted to appeal to the Court'of Appeals the. case of Clara Feters.vs. City of ij Peters vs. City of Pndvoah to Paducah. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam..,. be appealed-to Court of Appeal'. x, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; '7hereas Luther Graham, doing ;I Luther Graham. businese at 222 Broadway has been arreated for suffering and permitting naming in 222 Broadway '• cited to appear said place and has been held over to the. Grand Jury by the City Court, I move that 7` before Boerd of Commissioners Luther Graham be notified to appear before the Board of CommisHionere Thuraday. on Thursday :. c • .Deo. Mth,1923. December 20th, 1923. at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause why his license to do bustness i' to show cause is 'e:t roll t why hie lioenee� 2EE Brosdtvaq,,Paducah. Ky. should not be revoked. Adopted upon call of.the should not be �'"by �! revoked: the. following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam. Tully, Washington,-4; Nays, Katterjohn l' px Cr On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. is G!�/�y ti .��L-.,r.._... •_ ,....- cvc�..� DECEI,FER 18TH. 1923. �TA'v{113. }, . a' At a Called sleeting of the uoard of Commissioners, held .in the Commieeioners• [•,` y i:. Chember in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on December 18th, 1923, at ]Oro•olook A1.1: .( Upon call, of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, -;,•; Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Myor Ketterjohn,-5. Mayor Katterjohn eta ted reasons for call to-wit: ror the purpose of hearing �. . ��. or investigating chargee preferred against Market Liester Roy Hurt. u Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: Yhereas the evidence { }i Roy Hort,'does not substantiate the charges as referred h hTrs.'"7eloh. .I move that Roy Hurt be. kat Baster p. 9. - .. •� 3 exonerated of chargee pre- _ .. .. exonerated of said chargee. Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloeiing vote: Yeas, ferred by Mrs.: f L.14eloh.. Paoe.•Tully, 'Rashington and Katterjohn;-4; Nays'-Pul11am'.-1. ` I s On motion the Board' adjourned -upon gall of• the r oll by G yeas. i Ado led /19ea.2� 19 $3OV13D D p7�cma i` t T tom"" MAYOR. r - V::.a«,yLtiJ...•«:a1.y .t:h..i,�'7..i'S. •'!SF'�?.s.r�-t:,- •1 '+i...u.. 1, 1;. ... '...1: .' .FaTY'P_..—Ilv+.lr�>..J:.�+s.YRJ ... .., H:.E W:.% - _:i5', .: "�y' .