HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 25, May 5, 1922I.: Fi .�•.?J� �'-a,t ,i ��r, 1 <a,�2 ��r .ry •; �Pi Y�'.F1 � a<�,,t�y s,�,��� J t�•,�'' 'S if k. �r �r No,, 3'' . Commissioners Proceedhigsi. City. of Paducah ' ' 192� f over ow of n Commiaei Tully offered the following motion:, I,move that.the petition. �jfrom.the property holders.in the vioinity of 12th and Flournoy,Streete be reoelved 'IIo.60, Otora Tribe Improved Order of Otega Tribe Ile: 60, Improved Order of Red knd filed and.that a lioense be granted to ". lied Lien+e Oerniyal at 12th-&- Flournoy kion, to hold a oarnival near lEth ard.Flournoy Stronts, for the.week of Yay 8th t'o Stroota:: 113th inolusive, provided no gambling devioes are allowed. Adopted upon oall of' the j : troll by the following vote: Yeas; Peoe, Tully ; 17aehington,-3; hays, Katterjohn;-1. Commissioner Tully offered the fe1707ing motion: I move that an ordinanoe City Borrow money n ontttl.ed "AI: CRDINAITC� AL°PHM.ISI1:^, 1.1'7 DII?l:OTIPC VD., YAYOI? AIM CCIMISJ 1011-R OF PUBLIC I. from City Nat Tonal ;i Benk.' iHIWOFi TO BORROW 711:: SUEOF l''L" .1111 THOUSAND ("16,000.00) DO•LJA93 FROM TM',' CITY ITA TIO14AL BANY OF TADUO;J1. 1:«11TUCYY, AND TO 5^(3Cl:T:: 1, 1:0%' FOR SAM3U1.1 FOR A, ND ON BS- �. ) y` ote: OF SAID CITY," be adopted. Adopted. upon oall of the roll by the .following vote:- pp1L11d•' Yeas. Yeas, Peoo. Tully, '.Yashington and Y.attorjohn,-4. { Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the balance of aacount j r Standard Oil Co, amourtinr,. to j3b.04. duo the Standard Cil Company for the year 1921, be allowed and allowed "05.04, duo on ao-oount for �•ordnred paid and "ohar,god..to the Cuntingont Fund.: Adopted upon oall of the roll by the the year 1921.. 1 following vote: Yoaa, Paoo. Tully, Washington, -3; Nays, Yatterjohn,-1. „ 'I Iy� Commiecioner Washington offered the follo:rinrr motion: That Herbst k Ohnotine Forbst & Chastise !I be allo.,tod to make an opening in oonorete street at 26th k Broadway 3 feet square, to make opening in �. conorote street at pprovided that the opening to tho.botton of the present oonoroto be filled with oon- 25th & Broadway. 4p 1-4-8 mixture. and that the six inohes of the pavomont be replaosd'with uorete yoonarete reinforoed with anphhlt the be expension joints of around out, all work .to ^ . 77 done under the supervision ani direat.ion 'of -the. Commissioner of Fub710 ''Yorks, or aome;- t..•. ' one designated by his offtoo. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: :. Yoae, Paoo, Tully, .7ashington and Yatterjohn,-4. 1' Commissioner Paoe offored the fo77owinP motion: I move that the sale of '. Chemioal tank sold j by Chiof Slaughter Chemiael Tank sold by Chief Slaughtor for "124:76 be reiified. Adopted upon oall,of • •' for .3124.75. ...li , ,; r; .e; nthe roll by the following vote:.Yone, Peoe, Tully, Washington and YatterJohn ,-4. t, N On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the. roll by .4 yeas.. ' Aii�lel Y1j H o3. V 1.11 U 0 ITAY bTY. 1922. % A. at a Called Meating of the Board of Commissioners; hold in the Coninlesionera' Ohambor in the City Hall; I'aduoah, Yontuoky, on L:uy 8th, 1922, at 10 0 olook A. V. -' Upon oall, of tho roll the following answarod to thoIr.nnmou: Commiaoionors.1'noe, A. ?.Tully, ;iashington and'L:ayor 1:nttorjohn,-4. biayor l:nttorjohn stntod roaoons for, call to-wit:bor the purnoso of nl]owinR pay -rolls and any other boniness that might Oomo hnforn the 13na'rd. Rol?ort,.of Com'r: Oommissionor Tully offored the following motion: I move thnt the aaaounta for a000i llu�lio Finanoo of eooatmtu for the tho.•laut half of 'tho rnowrth of. A> >r it amourt inm to ;314838 66, nn inr- tha report of the l 1 P :. )ant'half of April. ti OonnnluulDnar of Pub]!u Finanoo i'17nd hnrotrith fin a77ot,nd rnd ordered pail and the money appropriated from the Ounorul.F)rnd to pay uamo. Adoptod upon an 1. of the L. �•by the follo,rinrc vote: Yoas, Paoo, Tully, '.Yo.uhington and Yattorjohn;-4.' Cormnlaaloner Tully offered the following motion: .I move that the rel'ort.of the. f Ro!>ort of Com'r,, .. Commiosiono r.. of Publio F`lnanoe for the month of Apr it .bo.rooe ivod, filed and ordered y;ro `.r Pui,lie Finanoo•. for the month of,. on oall of the roll by the fo7long published in the offiaial nowapapor. Adopted. up•.H April 1922. . voto; Yeas;.Paoe..,Tully,.Uauhington and Yntterjohn,-4.' 7M,.IPvMM •'/>.: Na +� I 192rs Conimissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aocounta"oi the 3dDistrict Sewer, for the last half of the month. of April, as. follows:- i • Accounts of the 3d District -` Pay Roll ....:...........':.....$634.60 r Sewer for theSupplies............. ....... 111.4G f: i .last ha4f'of T.Li; Wakefield for boring...:. 22.50 > {" ':'April. Q total of......... .$768_.;i6, be allowed and ordered a k x paid' and the Commissioner of Iublio Finance be authorized ,and instructed to draw checks 3." aaainot the Ito. 3 District Sower Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of the t' roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,.Tully, Washington and Y.atterjohn,-4. f Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of ' ROport Commie- ' r sionor of Pub the Commissioner of Publio-Finanoe of the 3d District Sewer Fund Account for the month 4 lie Finanoo of 4r 3d District of April. be.reooivod and filed and ordorod published in the official nowepaper. Adopted +. Sewer 4Fund Aoaount for upon call of the roll bY.tho following vote: Yoao Pace Tully. 'Washington and Yatter- -I� '� s } S , • �uj April ti� _ - I, i ;'s • . f On motion the Board adjourned upon call of th'e roll by 4 yeas.i+ , �f .a- t 5 � E' � ��r,• �Jt! i4��7166 M !gyp { f CY 4 r" VAY 9TH. 1922. /fir - 4: * "< At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioner,' t Ohamber.in the OSty Hall, Paduoah, Kontuo}W, on May 9th, 1922. Upon call of the roll i _ E a the following answered to their namoo-' Commisulonore'Paoo, I"ulllam, Tully and Washing- I }. ton, -4. Mayor Y.nt,torJohn being absent, Mayor Pro Tom l7aehington procidod. I � 0n motion of Commissioner"Tully the.minutes of the previous meetings were �, k `,adopted as road "upon call. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Iace, Pulliam, ` «. Tully and aaehington,-4. ': Oommisoionor '7ashington offored the following motion: I"movo that the pati-.' is 'Petition of ;.Citizens asking. tion from citiaone aokimi that Di Sanders be reinstated be received and filed, and t •that rd Sandore 1A•'•:be reinstated. be discusnod by the Oommissionors when, all members are present. Adopted upon call on I-olioe Dopt.-.' of'the roll by the. following vote:" Yeas. Pnoe,Pu111am,Tully and :7ashington,-4. y •Report Oom'r.. - Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I. move, that the report of the• ' p Finance show-. 3- -ing apportion- Oommiesioner of Publio Finance ehowing_tho apportionment, the amunts expanded, end �"mont, amounts 1, ¢ expondod, and ,,the balances to the. credit of the various accounts tinder. the different departments I r } "balances to the. orodit of the at the and of April 30th, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll various Depta. , on Apl.30-1922. by 'the following voto;.Yoas, Mae. Pulliam, Tully, and Washington,=4. Oommiseionor Tully offered 'the following motion: . I move that L. A. Washington t; ' L:A.'7ashington ,Oommissionnr of .11,blio Property, be authoriz0d to purohaeo from the Oaron Directory Oo.i' u , Oom'r. Public 3r i' property "to pun- ,..for the iyuo of the various departments of the City of Iaduaah; ton City Dirootorion at, � ohnoo 10 001400 " Caron'o City'. 7.00 apiece." Adopted uron onll of.tho roll by the following veto: Yeas, race, H Directory, I" Pulliam, Tully and Wanhinatan,-4. �. t 4 Oomminulonor.nillimn offorod the following motion: I move that the followirlm I �� 7lckor Broo.. , ;:Blue Print accounts be allowed and the Oommiseionnr of Finance be author izod and instructed to ' ji'•'" £,•: Lfaohino 4'296.00 - ahhrgod to Sow- pay some:" �.. �. or Diot.#3 A000unto. Wicker Br.othore, one blue .pr int maohino;.:..�E96.00 " U, , f : .1.. and shut' carne be charged, to' Sowor District $3.. ' Adopted upon" call of 'the roll by 4 �:•tho following "vote Yoaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and l7ashington,-4e .. Ro:.ort Ohiof."ot Oomioloulonor.Pnae offered the following motion: I move that the report of • Pira Departpril'lmont the Ohiof"of Lho Fire-Deportmont for the month of"April IiIPE be received' filed.*.. for April 1922.I, }� 1 �'. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:'yoas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully•and Washington, 4. y ...:.�..•.. 1� .�.. _ 4 I 4ic:J .. ,.! ,•� �-�,p �:F .1,- J..,:.::. � .J:�a 1 .+.h P ..:.ti:-...ar.' •xa. 1{-w'I_:-..t . ' - .'N ',.. • ... y:Y + Sl. �'4.14�'v. /1.-�. :. }, ^w ....✓f:� f - • .tp-i'�... .� ., , .., i...n ... w. ✓ - ,,. . .'- ' r'