HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 25, May 5, 1922I.: Fi .�•.?J� �'-a,t ,i ��r, 1 <a,�2 ��r .ry •; �Pi Y�'.F1 � a<�,,t�y s,�,��� J t�•,�'' 'S if k. �r �r
No,, 3''
Commissioners Proceedhigsi. City. of Paducah ' ' 192�
over ow of n
Commiaei Tully offered the following motion:, I,move that.the petition.
�jfrom.the property holders.in the vioinity of 12th and Flournoy,Streete be reoelved
Otora Tribe
Improved Order of Otega Tribe Ile: 60, Improved Order of Red
knd filed and.that a lioense be granted to
lied Lien+e Oerniyal
at 12th-&- Flournoy kion, to hold a oarnival near lEth ard.Flournoy Stronts, for the.week of Yay 8th t'o
113th inolusive, provided no gambling devioes are allowed. Adopted upon oall of' the
troll by the following vote: Yeas; Peoe, Tully ; 17aehington,-3; hays, Katterjohn;-1.
Commissioner Tully offered the fe1707ing motion: I move that an ordinanoe
City Borrow money n ontttl.ed "AI: CRDINAITC� AL°PHM.ISI1:^, 1.1'7 DII?l:OTIPC VD., YAYOI? AIM CCIMISJ 1011-R OF PUBLIC
from City Nat Tonal ;i
iHIWOFi TO BORROW 711:: SUEOF l''L" .1111 THOUSAND ("16,000.00) DO•LJA93 FROM TM',' CITY ITA
TIO14AL BANY OF TADUO;J1. 1:«11TUCYY, AND TO 5^(3Cl:T:: 1, 1:0%' FOR SAM3U1.1 FOR A, ND ON BS-
) y`
OF SAID CITY," be adopted. Adopted. upon oall of the roll by the .following vote:-
Yeas, Peoo. Tully, '.Yashington and Y.attorjohn,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the balance of aacount
Standard Oil Co,
amourtinr,. to j3b.04. duo the Standard Cil Company for the year 1921, be allowed and
allowed "05.04,
duo on ao-oount for
�•ordnred paid and "ohar,god..to the Cuntingont Fund.: Adopted upon oall of the roll by the
the year 1921..
following vote: Yoaa, Paoo. Tully, Washington, -3; Nays, Yatterjohn,-1.
„ 'I
Commiecioner Washington offered the follo:rinrr motion: That Herbst k Ohnotine
Forbst & Chastise
!I be allo.,tod to make an opening in oonorete street at 26th k Broadway 3 feet square,
to make opening in
conorote street at
pprovided that the opening to tho.botton of the present oonoroto be filled with oon-
25th & Broadway.
1-4-8 mixture. and that the six inohes of the pavomont be replaosd'with
yoonarete reinforoed with anphhlt the be
expension joints of around out, all work .to
done under the supervision ani direat.ion 'of -the. Commissioner of Fub710 ''Yorks, or aome;-
one designated by his offtoo. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote:
Yoae, Paoo, Tully, .7ashington and Yatterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Paoe offored the fo77owinP motion: I move that the sale of '.
Chemioal tank sold
by Chiof Slaughter
Chemiael Tank sold by Chief Slaughtor for "124:76 be reiified. Adopted upon oall,of
•' for .3124.75. ...li
, ,; r; .e;
nthe roll by the following vote:.Yone, Peoe, Tully, Washington and YatterJohn ,-4.
N On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the. roll by .4 yeas.. '
Aii�lel Y1j H o3. V 1.11 U
ITAY bTY. 1922.
at a Called Meating of the Board of Commissioners; hold in the Coninlesionera'
Ohambor in the City Hall; I'aduoah, Yontuoky, on L:uy 8th, 1922, at 10 0 olook A. V.
Upon oall, of tho roll the following answarod to thoIr.nnmou: Commiaoionors.1'noe,
;iashington and'L:ayor 1:nttorjohn,-4.
biayor l:nttorjohn stntod roaoons for, call to-wit:bor the purnoso of nl]owinR
pay -rolls and any other boniness that might Oomo hnforn the 13na'rd.
Rol?ort,.of Com'r:
Oommissionor Tully offored the following motion: I move thnt the aaaounta for
a000i llu�lio Finanoo of
eooatmtu for the
tho.•laut half of 'tho rnowrth of. A> >r it amourt inm to ;314838 66, nn inr- tha report of the
l 1 P
:. )ant'half of
ti OonnnluulDnar of Pub]!u Finanoo i'17nd hnrotrith fin a77ot,nd rnd ordered pail and the
money appropriated from the Ounorul.F)rnd to pay uamo. Adoptod upon an 1. of the L.
�•by the follo,rinrc vote: Yoas, Paoo, Tully, '.Yo.uhington and Yattorjohn;-4.'
Cormnlaaloner Tully offered the following motion: .I move that the rel'ort.of the.
f Ro!>ort of Com'r,, ..
Commiosiono r.. of Publio F`lnanoe for the month of Apr it .bo.rooe ivod, filed and ordered
`.r Pui,lie Finanoo•.
for the month of,.
on oall of the roll by the fo7long
published in the offiaial nowapapor. Adopted. up•.H
April 1922. .
voto; Yeas;.Paoe..,Tully,.Uauhington and Yntterjohn,-4.'
Na +� I
Conimissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah '
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aocounta"oi
the 3dDistrict Sewer, for the last half of the month. of April, as. follows:-
i • Accounts of the
3d District -` Pay Roll ....:...........':.....$634.60
r Sewer for theSupplies.............
....... 111.4G f: i
.last ha4f'of T.Li; Wakefield for boring...:. 22.50 > {"
':'April. Q total of......... .$768_.;i6, be allowed and ordered a k
paid' and the Commissioner of Iublio Finance be authorized ,and instructed to draw checks 3."
aaainot the Ito. 3 District Sower Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of the
t' roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,.Tully, Washington and Y.atterjohn,-4. f
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of '
ROport Commie- ' r
sionor of Pub the Commissioner of Publio-Finanoe of the 3d District Sewer Fund Account for the month
4 lie Finanoo of 4r
3d District of April. be.reooivod and filed and ordorod published in the official nowepaper. Adopted +.
Aoaount for upon call of the roll bY.tho following vote: Yoao Pace Tully. 'Washington and Yatter- -I� '� s }
, •
�uj April ti� _ - I, i ;'s • .
f On motion the Board adjourned upon call of th'e roll by 4 yeas.i+ ,
�f .a- t 5 � E' � ��r,• �Jt! i4��7166 M !gyp { f CY 4
r" VAY 9TH. 1922. /fir - 4:
* "< At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioner,' t
Ohamber.in the OSty Hall, Paduoah, Kontuo}W, on May 9th, 1922. Upon call of the roll i _ E
a the following answered to their namoo-' Commisulonore'Paoo, I"ulllam, Tully and Washing- I }.
ton, -4. Mayor Y.nt,torJohn being absent, Mayor Pro Tom l7aehington procidod. I �
0n motion of Commissioner"Tully the.minutes of the previous meetings were �, k
`,adopted as road "upon call. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Iace, Pulliam, `
«. Tully and aaehington,-4.
': Oommisoionor '7ashington offored the following motion: I"movo that the pati-.' is
'Petition of
;.Citizens asking. tion from citiaone aokimi that Di Sanders be reinstated be received and filed, and
t •that rd Sandore
1A•'•:be reinstated. be discusnod by the Oommissionors when, all members are present. Adopted upon call
on I-olioe Dopt.-.'
of'the roll by the. following vote:" Yeas. Pnoe,Pu111am,Tully and :7ashington,-4.
y •Report Oom'r.. - Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I. move, that the report of the• '
p Finance show-.
3- -ing apportion- Oommiesioner of Publio Finance ehowing_tho apportionment, the amunts expanded, end
�"mont, amounts 1,
¢ expondod, and ,,the balances to the. credit of the various accounts tinder. the different departments I r
} "balances to the.
orodit of the at the and of April 30th, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll
various Depta. ,
on Apl.30-1922. by 'the following voto;.Yoas, Mae. Pulliam, Tully, and Washington,=4.
Oommiseionor Tully offered 'the following motion: . I move that L. A. Washington
t; '
L:A.'7ashington ,Oommissionnr of .11,blio Property, be authoriz0d to purohaeo from the Oaron Directory Oo.i'
u , Oom'r. Public 3r
i' property "to pun- ,..for the iyuo of the various departments of the City of Iaduaah; ton City Dirootorion at, �
ohnoo 10 001400 "
Caron'o City'. 7.00 apiece." Adopted uron onll of.tho roll by the following veto: Yeas, race,
H Directory, I"
Pulliam, Tully and Wanhinatan,-4. �. t
4 Oomminulonor.nillimn offorod the following motion: I move that the followirlm I ��
7lckor Broo.. ,
;:Blue Print accounts be allowed and the Oommiseionnr of Finance be author izod and instructed to ' ji'•'"
£,•: Lfaohino 4'296.00
- ahhrgod to Sow- pay some:" �.. �.
or Diot.#3
A000unto. Wicker Br.othore, one blue .pr int maohino;.:..�E96.00 "
U, , f : .1.. and shut' carne be charged, to' Sowor District $3.. ' Adopted upon" call of 'the roll by 4
�:•tho following "vote Yoaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and l7ashington,-4e
Ro:.ort Ohiof."ot Oomioloulonor.Pnae offered the following motion: I move that the report of
• Pira Departpril'lmont the Ohiof"of Lho Fire-Deportmont for the month of"April IiIPE be received' filed.*..
for April 1922.I, }� 1
Adopted upon call of the roll by
the following vote:'yoas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully•and
Washington, 4. y
...:.�..•.. 1� .�.. _ 4 I 4ic:J ..
,.! ,•� �-�,p �:F .1,- J..,:.::. � .J:�a 1 .+.h P ..:.ti:-...ar.' •xa. 1{-w'I_:-..t .
' - .'N ',.. • ... y:Y + Sl. �'4.14�'v. /1.-�. :. }, ^w ....✓f:� f - • .tp-i'�... .� ., , .., i...n ... w. ✓ - ,,. . .'- '