HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 243, December 3, 1923r
. t No
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah,`___.._ a.:;i ":_:: ' •____�r.___192—
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that A. 11, Hiohols; 'attorney
A.11.HSohole.Atty.j'for Adolph .Weil, Trustee of Reynolds Brothers art the attorney for- the* plaintiffs .
K, .. for Adblph loll.
Trustee for Rey- Adolph Wail. and Reynolds Brothore, be paid the sum 'of $242.62 in full of all claims;,
noldo Pros. paid r,
$242.62 in full' againat the Otty:in this action, and the Oomnisnioner of Tubl16 Finance 16 -hereby in-
of claims against ,; ,-
City in thio so- etruoted to. tauue ohook to .the said lliohole for said num and charge Sam to Coate 4
Suits.. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the followlna vote; Yoan, Pace, Tulliam,
Tully, 'Mehington and Y.ntterjohn.-5.
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the judgment against
W. 0. Seaton,Olerk, the ' City of 1'aduoah for 475.00 .and cost of notion In caseof O, A, :Oox vs.. of ty cf, ,
;h paid $75.00 and
costs in case of Paducah be ordered paid and the Commieeioner of Tublio Pinanoe be authorized ani in: nc:
• C.B.Oox va p
{+ " City of Teduoah. etruoted to pay same to n. 1. Seaton, ^,irouit Court Ole -k ani. charge to a000ut:t.of
Coats, st:d Suite. Adopted upon call of the roll'by the followtre vote; Yeae, Foos.' Y'
Pulliam. Tully, 'lashington and Y_attorjohn,-6.
'- On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll.by 5 yeau.
Adopted �" t ,t,r•
cue a..►
.... DEC OBER 3RD. 1923,
At a Regular fleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in, the Commissioners'.
Chamber in the pity Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on December 3rd, 1923, Upon call; of the
roll the following answered to their names: Oommisaloners Pulliam, Tully, 7ashinRton
and Magor Katterjohn,-4.
On motion of Oommiseioner Tully the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted
.. as read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas' Pulliam, Tully, yashington•.
,. and Batterjohn,-4..
Commissioner Pace entered the Oommiaeioners' Chamber. ;
Mayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion;
That the communication from Yenoy .
Yanoy i Johnson,
lativecommunito ionext re= ohneon, under date of Nova 30th, 1923, relative to extension of time on Contract• •
lative. to ezten- r, i•i:�
t r Sion of tilde on 1. E and 3 be received, and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote, ; ;a
Contracts 1. E 8
3• Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Wo,ehington and Katterjohn,-6.
:i Commissioner Tully offered• the following motion; That the eum of $100.00 be paid .
McCracken county oto the McCracken Oo,mty Health League to further the charitable work in which the are
Health League y
pail $100.00 for engaged and came ohr:rged'to Charity account under Department of Public Safety. Adopted } '
oharitable work.
upon call of the roll by the following vote:
Yens. Case, Pulliam, Tully, Raehington
r. and Katterjohn,-6.
Oommunioatioa Commissioner 'vaehington offered the following motion: I move that the communion-
' 4t Com'r.Fublia Pro-
party relative to 'tion from the Oommissiorer of lublia Proporty relative to amending the Market Houee
amending Market I
House Ordinanos �Ordinanoe So as to allow farmers to out back bonen and spare rib into ,two pisses, De
relative to outt-.'
Ing bask bones received. filed and oonourrod in. last upon call of the roll by the following vote:
and spare ribs.
,{ ;Yeae, Tully and laehlnaton,-2; Hays Pace. Pulliam and Y•atterjohn.-3. :,t,., •'
City 3oliottor Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor be
instructed to
bring IT, ordinancer ,!
inetruoted to bring in an ordinnnas authorizing the farmers who rates their. own meat
. ' authorising the �
outtine of beak ` p p as
�to out pork Daok bone - mrd spare ribs in two. arta for, sale on public market. Adopted
• bones and spars
ribs. ;apon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Katterjohn.4;,
jHaye, 7nehington.-1.
y Fg Magor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communLoatton from
E.R.Hardina Co. u'
p: communication re- ;
lative to manhole 8• R. Herding Company. dated November 27th, 1927. relative, to manhole on 9th Street on
on 9th Street on
large Seger.the large Sever. be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow.
5 Ing vote:Yeae.Tace.Tu111am,Tully,'Naehington and Katterjohn.-6.
411- _
Commissioners' Proceedings,-City of PaducahL+_-192_
.R.Hardinq Co.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the. communication from
;(communication re-
lative to oaten-`
•$. R. Harding Company., dated ltovemDer 30th, 1923, relative Lo, an eztenslon.of ninety
Bion of time to
complete origi-
•days within which to complete their original contract for the construction. of Trunk
nal contract for
Line.Sewers in Sewer District He. 3 be received and filed, and to Engineer
;,: "^
:',J F,;•
Trunk Line Bow-
Pulliam for-further oonsideration and report. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
o V
.following vote: Yeas, Pao@, Pu131am,,Tully, aaehington and Katterjohn,-6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication
E.R.Hard ing' Co.
' communication
from E. R. Harding Company, dated November 30th, 1923, relative to the completion of the„
. relative to the
completion of ..
trunk line extension sewers'. be.reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by
f ,.
' trunk line ex-.
tension sewers.
the following vote: Yeas, Paoe.Pull1am,Tully,Washtngton and Katterjohn.-6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered, the following motion; As authorized by motion, I haveal
:>.-'•; `-
Can Craig and,
,..appointed Con Craig and F. W. Katterjohn, delegates to the Natior),Rivere & Harbors
F. W. Katterjohn '
appointed dele-
Congress. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae; Pace, Pulliam.
gatoe to Hatl.
V,-Rivera and Har-
Tully, I!aehington and, Katterjohn,-6.
* `;
bore Congress.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $60.00 having been`;•
Cemetery. dead,
paid into the Treasury., as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith..I move that deed
executed to.
Mr e. Ethel
be executed to Mrs. Ethel Riddle for Lot 19, Block #E on the South aide of Hannan
8treet. between Baker & 1111ler Streets in Oak shove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of
.the roll bythe following vote:Yeas.Paoe;Pulliam; Tully,:lashington & Katterjohn;-B.
'Statement of
Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motion: I move,.T4AT STAT7�'NT OF
?t account with
a -V
oohn & Son for
onstruotlon of
x• allay in Block.
" 9, betn.Bway &
II K+''
Jefferson and.
End and 3rd Ste
roll.by the_ following vote: Yeae,Paoe,Pulliam,Tully, Washington .anA.Katter john.-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties. havingr,'"
paid their estimates against property owners for the construction of concrete alley',
Estimates paid
by property
in Block #9, Old Town Addition "A" between br•oedway Jefferson Streets and between
• owners for the
construction of.
Second & Third Streets;
l . alley in Blook,
9,, betn.Bway.
d` .: ,' •.
Bet. #1 Jae. P: Smith, Trustee $6.8.76'
r'' " 11 Walleretein.......... "
end Jefferson
and End and 3rd
H. & J. 97.76
" 3 Herman Friedman,............... 66.36'.'
" 13 A. S.. Thompson,.:.......:.... 370.18
lE C. F. Rieke Bet. & L.M.Rieke,370.18'
8 W. F. Bradshaw
" 9 Mechanics T. A; S. Bank..:.... 44.87
7 Marie N. Anepacher , ........::. 44.87
4 Ike Oohen............... :.. 47.01
" 6 Amnio Oohen.................. 46.40
E M. 111ohae1 & Bro. ......... 89.9E
6 a. It. Aarren................. 42.73, a total of $1432.64,+
I move that the sum of $1432.64 be allowed Goo. W. Katterjohn & 9on; Oontraotore; end
the Oommieefonar of Public Finance be autho lzed nnd.tnstrvated to issue. cheok for
$1439..64 and oharge same to .Special Street Fund Account. Adopted upon call of the
oll•by the following vote :Yeae.Paoe,Pull1am;Tully,Washinaton and Kattarjohn,-6.
. Ohio Valley
''•'Oommiseloner Tully offered the following motion: The following party. having't•.
11A s
hG. Fire'& Marine
neither. paid the estimate nor.eignifled their intention of taking ,the Ten Year Pay-
Ins. Company
ioilina to to
--h: meet Plan for the oonetrnotion of concrete alley in block #9. Old Town Addition "A",
ter, year plan
'I or pay eetima-p
between Broadway &Jefferean Streets dad between Second & Third Streets:
, r '
..to, same Guth'{
oriced to be
!!1•{d �� .'Bet. #10 Ohio Valley Yirs &Mar ins Ins. Co.. $48.08.
turned over to
F Oontraotors•fot"
u'I move that the Commissioner of.Tublic Finanos be authorized and instruated.to turn
h the coatitrubt4o
ton of said..
the above mentioned. setimAs over to ueo. 71. Katterjohn&-Son; Contractors. Adopted:
(1, alley.
v.. .:w
,i •,,;, r:.
t :.upon call of..the roll by the follo»ing..votot Yeas. Pace-. Pn111am, Tally, .Washington
r .- .; "1 ;,.�::°• .
.r :n'1 r�3
i'"and Katterjohe,•bi c ,J(: .,'
J v'ol't ,1
; i r a .{ ! f r . �. }„ I' 7c * �' f . �.:. _ .. i .'I "� ..�
r 3•:
l`� r• t ,�
.(hrC""i+3lP.ti { JS %T'�: 1,. .ii., � '% ...
.,. ,.'^7�
'"�. ? J,iL�1(f+AM:d'r:l4M . . •1:.. .N.•• -.w� wW-aw...uu.l .rriH-i:,+:N�K• .lr..a..r.i.�a2 Va,^i/• _ri..:�
X k
l: V .• tr r x a r^ F
� .. ��.-,.-�l�.i. .i4_ k:..+�.:ie'1 �1• ._+.` L:._e�::".:._r,i=`.�^.:[1!:?% S..�Lmay_-. ti.; Y .1.- -.=-L.
Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah.._..._ . , ......__ _192_
1 "
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; It appearing that Well. Roth
oomIr.Publio 81- II& Irving of Cincinnati. Ohio have in their possession $16,000 of Street Improvement.
nonce to negotiate
with Heil Roth 6. Bonds of the City of Paducah issued August let-, 1904 due.Auguat'let. 1934. drawing 4%
Irving relative
to purohuae of ainterest whiah they have offered to sell to the City of Paducah for the cum of 99 and
$16,000 of Street;
Improvement Bonds; accrued intoreat. I move that the Commissioner of rublio Finance be authorised and in
held by them.
atruoted to negotiate for the purchase of these bonds and report, such action to this
body.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yean, Pace, Tully and
i !'Washington,-3; Nays, Pulliam and Katterjohn.-2.
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the
Report Chi of of
f . Police for the i Chief of Folios for the month of november 190 be received and filed. Adopted upon
month of November
19E3, n nail of the roll by the followin4 vote- Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully. Washington and
i 1�Katterjohn.-6.
Commissioner Pace offered the followinR.motiont That E. Rushing.be ep-
appointed extra pointed extra patrolman for special duty. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow-
patrolman for
epoolal duty. Ing vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully, Washington rnd Yatterjohn,-8.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the employment..
- M.O.Taylor employ of M. 0. Taylor at $176.00 per month to fill position an eewer,and street Inapeotion
moment in Do t.
Publio llo%u for foroes made vacant by disoharRing or:e of the onginoera for absence from the work, be
(. sewer and Street
inspootion. ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Pace.. Pulliam,
t. jI Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-6.
Commissioner WaehinRton offered the following motion; 17hereae there is due
E.R.Harding Co. the 4. . E. R. Harding Company on Sewer Diatriot 38-30 approximately" proxlmatelq 9]9,000.00, I move
relative to Sower
District 3B-3C that the Z. R. Harding Company be paid $10.000.00 on this n000unt rind that aame.be
amount due them onP
!• ,'} unfinished con-
t r treat disallowed, charged to Serer District ¢3;, and that 49.000.00 be retained until he completes soma•.
minor defeats, as outlined by our'City EnRlnear. :.oat upon oall of the roll by the
' following vote; Yeae. Tully and yashington,-E; Pays, Face, Pulliam and.YatterJohn,-3.'
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the, roll by 6 yeas.
19 ;:•fF �p it
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commiaeloners, held in the Commissioners'
:'L F Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on December 6th, 1923, at 11:30 o'clock
�A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their. ramea:,CommissiorlOrd
gPaoe. Tully. Washington.-3. Mayor Katterjohn.beinm absent from the city Mayor Pro.
.:' Tem Washington presided.
Mayor Pro Tem Washington stated reaeons.foi oall,to-wit: To allow pay-rolls and {
any.other business that might come before the Board.
Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motioni,I move that the a000un.te for the
Report of Com-1 last half of the month of November 1923, amounting to $16230.01, as per the report of.
misaioner of
Public Finance' the Commissioner of Publia Finance filed_ herewith. be.allowed and ordered paid and the
a aocounts for e
last half of yjmoney appropriated from the tioneral Fund to pay same. ,Adopted upon oall of the roll '.
;: • :.. Nov. 1923.
Eby the fol'loainR vote: Yeas. Pace. Tully and 'Washington,-3.
N' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the s000unte
Aoc6unte and for the last half of. the
lasthalf ofmonth of November 1923, for the 3d District Sewer; as follows' '
Pay roll ........ $462.51
Nov. 1923 of Supplies,....... 84.06,
Seaer.etriot ; Special. Pay Roll ,62.42, total $597.99, be allowed and order
�. �ed paid and.the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to, draw
oheoke against the No. 3 Dist. Sewer Furl Aom unt to pay same. Adopted upon call ofJI r
`. the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Peas. Tully and :yaehinRtan,-3..
,•' a .� .. ..