HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 240, November 19, 1923t i S1•
a; Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah._._.'.--
NOVEMBNR 16T11. 19230
At .a Called Mooting of the board of. Commissioners, held in the commissioners,a f;
`' Paducah Kentucky, on November 16th, 3923, at 11:46 o'clock
.- Ohambor lWthe,Oity Hall, r
Fon Ga11 of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners
A. M.
pace, Pulliam. :lnehi.ngton and Mayor Kntterjohn,-4.
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for Gall to -wit: To allow salary to C. S. Halter
for time ae Engineer -Inspector on Sewer District J3 from November 6th to November '
at 12 A.M. at rate of 3175.00 per month.
�ti 1
Commissioner Pulliam offored the following motion: I move that 0. S. Walker, rig.
n be allowed $61.26 anlary
gineor-Inspector on Seaor.Construct lonkfrom November,Gth, 1923 to 12 o'clock AM.*
Nodomber 16th; 1923. innemuch as he has been discharged by J. O.Y.eeley, Chief Assist-
O. S.Wniker,i. .
Flinglneer-In- ant Engineer, on account of hie being anay from the work during construction, and
speotor on Sewer
oonetruotion. same'oharged against 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the t P.i.
following vote: Yoae, Peae, Pulliam, Washington and.RnttorJ9hn,-4.' s; ;
On motion the Board edjournod upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
t f ( , A ierlod `j1cv�i9 R3. t10P.PR,07?I!J
cx1 cwr &TA V0 FR
NOVFJ,!KM 19TH, 19 23.
`+. Ata Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 19th, 1923. Upon,osll of the t• _
roll the following answered to their'namee: Commissioners Paoe, pu111am,.Tully,:
ington and Mayor. Katterjohn.-6..
r On motion of Commissioner 7ashington the minutes of the previous meetings were
4 adopted .as read and corrected upon call of the,roll by the following rote: Yens, Pnoe, ,
.` .
Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kattorjohn,-6. �' ?
}!ayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the
Report LoCrack-sr
an Oo. Health MoOraokon County Publio Health Nursing League for the month of October 1923, be ro-
League for oat.
19 g3. oolved and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Psoe, ,
tpulliam. Tully. Washington and Zattorjohn,
r; 5 ,. •.
h' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Mayor be authorized
1%yor 'to appoint
two delegates to.to appoint two delegates. to the Rivers k Harbors Congress at Washington, D. C. on '
-'.givers k Harbors
Congress. December 5th and 6th, 1923, the railroad fare and hotel bills to be paid by the City
and charged -to Cont lnment Fiud. Adopted. upon call of the roll by the followine.' veto
Yeas. Page, Pulliam. Tully; ':7aehington and Y.atterjohn.-6. r
petltfon re- + ' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: 1 move that the petition re -
quo a t I niz
e-quoatIna Ger-''
Lain wn;a of _ questincertain ways of Gutting meet be referred to Commissioner Washington for re
outtinR. menu' f
referred to commondation cnd report back to board at next reauler meeting. Adopted upon oe77 of
4 Commissioner?
Washington. the roll by.the following vote: Yea s,Paoe,pulIJam. Tully .'-YaehlnP,ton and KetterJohn,-b.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay -roll for ! f+
E�Payr of l -for -
' first half of. .the first half of the month of November 1923, amounting to $7564,66, as per the re-
tiov.19E3, as
l;. per report of port of the Commissioner of Publio Finance filed herewith. be allowed and ordered paid)
.Oom'r. Tully.
and .the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon onll.of 14
the roll by.ihe,following vote: Yese.Pnoe,Pulllam.Tully.'.tashinaton and Katterjohn; b f.
F co.missionor Tully offered the following motion T move that the pay -roll- for
K pay -roll for .• ,
firot half of. the^first half of the month of november 1923, for the 3d DistriaL Sower. amounting to
Nov.1923 for-
3rd District'., $420.66, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe.be nuthor�
Sewer.. t: ,
t the..#3 and instructed to draw checks agains#3 District Sewer Fund Account to p83 Z
same: 'Adopted upon call of the 'roll by the following wota yeas..pace.Pulliam,Tully w
r �. „ paehlnaton'snd Katterjohn, 5.
.'• 2
' .yt:6::::-'r'�c . Y'??•' y.Sv -:r: ..ilv< . 4. -„�- , , .. a a,u.::_ ,ry. � - .:,.d.L1.-ewyL"fY :;i G� i `.'=i:. ,
• -
4 -
' • `� f Z w.i•,7r n�=:,T'� Me' +r. ,r�, zs�._,TR.•9�,.2' • • r { - ..wxt3S 'NLb''1 T '..RV1t i �'�: �4 •'.•� ..� 71 .t : `..� c. tl t ,.!.•` } r, r L •r`5 ` D.
. J ,_ 22: f1a' F yam.: �•(.4 .. -'R �i's t �vY.ro 9N t"'�..� �< t trd t Yf }rsi+'.__ d. s �: _ n .. ..
_.. Cy..�_ti... ,�>vi1N a�tu�..,.y:•t.
.. .. .. -
CommiseIonere' Proceedings, City.of Paduc�y_ 192- "
Commissioner, Tully offered the following motion: It appear LnR that there to due
,the Schools the sum of 0148.4E from.the tax collections to Nov..l7th inclusive,.I move
Schools allowed
v148.42 due from ml, CL be allowed and ordered paid -and money appropriated fro@.the. .General Fund to
tax collections
Lo liov.17,19E3. spay same Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam,
Tully, ',Yaehinaton and Kattsrjolin,-5. :
: Communication of I. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the letter dated
\ - ldarwick,htitohell j
& Co. Ace oun tan ta:i'November 17th of Barwick, Mitchell & Co., Accountants. and Auditors of St. Louis. Vo..
and Aud ttore and '
Com'r.FLnanoe to .-be received and filed end their proposition to make an audit of the a000unte. of the
r notify them of I
employment to City of Paducah for the year 1923 for .the aum of 3400.00 be accepted and the, Commie-
audit City's.
Accounts for sioner of Publio Finance be instructed to notify them to. that offset. Adopted upon
call of the roll by the following veto•: Yeas, Face, Pulliam; .T.u3)y, llaahinaton and
Statement of I Commissioner 'Pully offered the following motion: I move that the statement of the
r' Com'r.Finanoe.
of 3rd District 3d District Sewer Fund account, as par the report of the Commissioner of Tub]to Finance
Sewer Fund An -
count to date..' ;j filed heresith, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloxinR'
vote: Yeas Pace; Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-5. j
Com'r.I•ublio I Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move.that-the Commieaioner of
Safety to "employ
t two extra police.,Fub.lio Safety be "authorized to use two extra police, same to be oharaed to the Police
�Department. Adopted upon call of the roll by .the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam t
;Tully. .7aehington and Kat,terjohn,-5. ;r
f. Commissioner"Pulliam offered. the following motion: I move that the report of W.F..
RAndeReport 1.F. ;�
ep(oon,In ;Anderson, Inspector, on the condition of inside of District 3B -3C trunk line sewers,. `
r Spector of con- ;! '
ditibn of inside ? oopy.of whioh,raport..heving been delivored to F. R. Harding Company on October 26th,
of District 3B-
30 Trunk "line ''1 1923, be received grid filed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas
Sewer.Pecs. Pulliam. Tully, waahinRton and F.ntterjohn,-5. �
Commissioner '9aehingt0n offered the fo]lowinm motion: I move that the oomnunicatio ti
Communication'" ary
ComIr.IubIIa ;j from I.. A. Nashinaton, Commiesionor of Publio Property, re]ativs;to the claim of Rarri- J
to Claim of son Turley, be received and filed, and that the City Solicitor be.authortzed and in -
Harrison .Turley.
struoted to institute suit at once for the collection of this claim. Adopted upon call r
of the roll bq thn following vote: Yeas,Faoe.,Fu]]tam. Tu]]y;'.Yaehinatan & Y.attorjohn, 6 {{'
�. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas.
.ric32G 393 :',_� V
r 1
NOY3U9It MID. 1923. r
At n Called Meeting of the Board of Qormiesioners hold in .the Oommissionere'
" Chamber in the CS'ty Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on November 22rrd. 3.923, at 4:15 o'clock
p. 11. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their racoon: 0omniesionere Pa *a
Pulliam, Tully. :Yashington and Mayor Katterjohn,-5.: ^.
Uayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of modify -•'a<
ing andchanging server plane on 19th Stroet betwonn Jefferson Street and Yonroe $treat
! to be approved by the board of Commisntoners. and suoh,other bueineeo"that might come.
..y before the Board.
rep Commissioner Pulliam offered the. fo]]owing motion: I.move that 'the. E. R
E.R.`Hard ling. Co
notified of HardinR Company be notified that the intake into the 19th Strnst 9ecvor about 100 feet
`• ohanae in sewer.' ' ,i
:plans at 19th rr' north of Jefferson Street, hna,been.e]imtnatod arA a 42 inch inlet ordered to be •:':
-streot bet'neen
r Jefferson St. and {i' placed at the. alley between Jeffor.son 3trso.t and Monroe Strnot.' on ch ange being ;
t 1.'onroe St. '
approved by the board of Comminnionnre. Adopted upon' call of the. roll by the fol-.
lo wing vote: "Yee.e,'Face. Pulliam, Tully. :7nehinaton nnd"Yattorjohn,-5.
77- rw
._ `.` r