HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 235, November 7, 1923; ... l.. -C: • �v. '-(i : e'. \` ;.M x i F_ i..r:..a -r. -t .F:..:. .'.:a, .•t. <4 .,' � _ • 1 ` �.... Commissioners' Proceedings, •City of Paducah.'.,;.. Commissioner Pulliam offered e . o ow ng mo t I on: move zMat The bill for extra E.R.EardIDR Co. extra payment, a mentfrom E.R.Harding Co. for October 11 , 1923amounts p y ng to gbE.EB for, labor re - $52.56 labor for y a N.r placing 12" con-,quired to plaoe.12" connection in 96" sewer. at 14th & Burnett Streets -be approve&'and neotion in 96" , < sewer at 14th & the E.R.Harding Co.- allowed $52.58 and .same .to be charged agatest.3rd Dtatriat Sewer :x�c Burrett.Sts. fund. Adopted upon call of tho roll by the.following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tu111am, Tully; "f IaehinRton'ard Xatterjohn.+5. 9 Commissioner Fulliam offered the fo]]or+,ina motion: I move that the bill for 267 E.R. Harding Co. allowed $71.75 pails of 1:4 mortar used as haunohing on 19th Street Sewer, District 3A, Station 91 = for 287 pails 11 mortar used on 53 to Station 107 x 91, at 26J per pail, amounting to $71.76, be approved and the.E.R._ , 19th It. Sewer for haunching. .Haring Co. allowed $71.75 in payment therefor', same to be charged against 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by .tho following vote:"Yeas, race, Pulliam. Tully, lfashingt on and Katter john, -6. ` Qommiseloner. Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that monthly estimate L'onthly Estimate G _ Ilo.3 for Oot.1923; No. 3 for work done during October 1923 on the construction of contract No. 3 for Contract. $3 for Strepts conetruot. streets by 'Ynnoy & Johnson, Contractors, be approved, ani that Improvement Warrant for ed by Yanoy & Johnson approved,, $11,E98.44 be issued to'Yanoy & Johnson, on account of said work. Adopted upon call of: ^. amounting to $11.298.44. „ the roll by tho following vote:Yoas,Taoe,PullSam,Tul]y,',lashington and Y.atterjohn,-b, Oommiasionor Pulliam offered the fol ]owinR.motion: I move that 1!onth3y 3otimste monthly letimate t. L'o.l for Oat. No.l for work done luring October 1923 on atroot contract No. 4 by Yanoy & Johnson, 1923 Contreot J4 I tf on Streets con- ' Contractors, be approved, er,d that Improvement *1arrant-for $130.00 he issued to Ynnoy& , struotod by Ycncy & Johnson Johnson on aocount of said work. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: aj proved, amount ;;130.00. Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,. 'hilly, 4ashington ani Y.atterjohn,-6. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I'move that Monthly Estimate 15onthly Estimate So.4 for Oct. No. 4 for 'work done during October 1923 on the conatrnot Ion of curb ar.d gntter.00ntra(t , 1923 Contract? i i. Curb & Gutter, No. 7 by Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, be approved, aril that Improvement Warrent for. Yanoy & Johnson, nmoimt.$1801.,36 $1.801.35 be issued to Yanoy & Johnson, account 'of said work. Adopted upon call of ,the approved . I roll .by the following vote :Yeas,Paoe,Tulllam,Tully.'Jashington and Y.atterjohr,,-5. On motion the hoard adjourned upon cell of the roll'by 5 yens. 110 7:1. -Br 7TH, 39P3. _ t At a Called resting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners, Chamber in the City Ha11,1'aduoah,Ky., on Nov. 7th,1923,at 2:30 o'clock T.M. Upon call of the roll the following answsrnd to thoir names: Commienionnrs Pace, Pulliam, Tully i and d.'nyor Katterjohn,-4.. ? Payor KattorJohn'stated roasons for'onll to -wit: To hear evidence•why action of Board of Commissioners should be rescinded in revoking the license of James Lesueur. ;�• and such other business as may come before the Board. •.Kayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I.move that the mo.tton..made by C.0 License of Jamas , Lesueur not 'Pace Novr 6th,1923,revoking.the license of James Leauo❑r be rescinded. Adopted.uPon '•e.; - revoked. :. . . " r call of the roll by the following vote:Yeas,Paoe;'Pu11y,Y.attor john, -3 ;•Itaye;Tulllam,-1.'': �.. Commissioner lulliam offered the following motion: I move. •that the Monthly. Estimate E R.Harding Co. allowed $E6866.78� for'work done duringOotober 1923 on'the oonstruotion of tri�nk.line sewers in Dietriot on account work done Ir. Oat. on, 3A be approved end that the F..R.HnrdinR Co, be allowed $28,866.78 on account of said s So'caor Constructiorj ! r An District 3r1., S'estimate and that same be oharRed against the 3rd Dietriot Sewer Fund. Adopted upon L " call of the roll by.the following vote:Yeae,Paoe,Pu111am.Tully and Kntterjohn,-4. E.R.Hardir-g.Co.- Commissioner Pulliam offered the following moti'oni I move.ihat the Yonthly.Esti- allo•wed $360.25 account work done ¢ mate for work done 8uriinR October 1923 on Trunk Line, Sewer Construction in Dietriot dur inR Oot.1923 4 on se'wor con- 3B,-30 be approved and that the i:. R. Harding Co. be.allowed 3360.25 on a000urtt of said, [ atruotion ir. a Dist. 3B -3C: estimate and that some be charged ngninst tho 3rd,Dintrtot Sewnr Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yens, Pace, Pulliam, Tully 'Katterjohn,-4. 6 r:lw'�":.1'Y ..moi r}.4'cn�:,yf�v. w,+ :-iY�'arx;•;F^,'.rt?4f,,:r• .z-.KI•-'.IiR. .':'Q""yl,.+e,:k �'-Gt :t r�r,YYt;i`'�- ,» ^r-,'"9 k :'T'',+. 6,>'l`:,:. ..y..:..tr• •.('.r,r... ;.••, .. 1 -,.",1. - -" 40 i . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah__— ---__192— ; Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I more that the communication fi.R.Harding Co •,,� - �r .c �r: + " 000munioation .from E.R.Harding Compan,V dated -November 6th, 1923, aoknowl-edging reoeipt of notice ? .1 f •� } aoknowl edging .... - - t1 receipt *a no `'passed at Meating of November 6th,"1923, be"received and filed. -Adopted upon""asII of 4 iI ticsassed ,at a3F t, Meetira of Nov' the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace,'. Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. ` ' k,; `• 'a I 6th, 1923. On motion the Board adjourned upon 'call of the roll by 4 yeas. s. 1 4. lea IV) 19 Z_2�1' I�,C)'V i"�i1J W 2r_,� ^AdeP �T 14l )R NOV,1211M 12TH. Ata Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commisnionere' i # t Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 12th,. 1923. Upon call of the �' 4 mcaF roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam, Tully and 6teyor" Katterjohn,-4: }r , l On"motion of "Commissioner 'Tully the minutes of the previous meetings wore adopt .. iN t' { ed as read and corrected upon oall,of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace",.' a+ i r Pul"itam, 'fully and Satter john, -4. " Mayor Katterjohn offered.the"following motion: Miss Blanche Fareell havine re 'dry, Ras1wrot-Ion • of ' Mee Blanohe 'signed. her position as Publio Health Nurae, Miss Helen McMullen Is hereby aprointed . Farwell and ap= t fir, t pointmont of Iublio Health Nurse, effect ive,September 16th, 1923. Adopted upon call of the roll Miss Helen 1.na= } 1;ullnn 'is Iub- by: the following veto: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, fully and Katterjohn,-4. , 4 1? Ito Heal th 'r "Itureo. Mayor Katterjohn offored the following motion..: I move that the oommuni cat ion', Poduoah .later ✓dated ffovembnr let, 1923, from the Paduoah 'dater Company, relative to extension ofl Co. oommunioa- tion relative tc water mains on S• 12th Street ,from Tennessee Street to Jones'Strnot and on H. 12th ' completion of ;t water mains on Street from Mad Ison Street to Monroe Street, be received and filed. Adopted upon "asll 5..leth St. 'and"' N. 12th St. .-of .the roll by the following vote: Yeae,Paoe,Pulllam,Tully and Katterjohn,-4. t < <„ Mayor Katterjohn offered the fol'lowing.motion: I move that the communication f.:".Communtoat'ton from property o.mern'on'Murrell Boulevard, from #roadway to Tennessee Stroet, dated i of.prorertq ' ?r odr:ors on. S. November.10th,1923, relative to the"paving of said Boulevnrd with oonorete. be re- ' 1MurrellSt. Blvd. ceived and filed. Adol:tod upon call of the roll b. -4. fol lorina rote: Yeas; Face. , protecting Pulliam, Tully aryl Yatterjohn,-4. against cost.. Commissioner Tulliam offnrod the following amendment to the above motion: But d' of conatruotion t %the Board of Oommiesionnre does not. agree that this is a atntamnnt of the faote'ee " they ekist. Upon as 11 of the roll: on the motion as amonded it was adopted by the +. r } following vote: Yone, Paoo,Pulllam, Tully. -3; Faye. Y.attorjohn.-I; Y,nttorjohn voting !( no beoaune.he did not accept,thn amondment. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion::I move that the communication E.3. Hard'tna` , 'Company commu- from E. R. Harding Company, dated November 6th. 7th, 19th and 12th, 1923, be received a t . nications re- . �forned to end referred to the &gineer for investigat ion and that he report what action to take r i iy . Engineer for. t {, tnveotiv-at ion In the matter. Adopted upon call .of .the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, *: ".'and report. a ~110liam,,Tully and Katterjohn.-4., +. 5 Mayor Katterjohn offered the following, motion: I move that tho roport of the. Report River= side Hospital ..'Superintendent of. Riverside Hospital for .the month of October 1923, torether wtth the t to vet her "w.ith' . t Pn'tiente' Re- patient's Report for October. 1923. be received and filed. ,Adopted upon call of the 'port for Oat.:= ; p 1923. roll by the "following tote: race. Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn-4. Commlesioner Tullq",offered.'th.o following motion. 1I move that, the roport of Lha ; Rel or t Oory�t..,. :. ,.. r4 r public Flnanoe Commissioner of Public Finance for the'month'of October be received. filad'and ordered. t for October, (: 1923. published in the•o_fftaial"newspaper•.. Adopted; upon Dell of the,roll by the following r n+ } vote: Yeas;.Iaae;:Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn 4. i Jl it Y i-, ! 3 } )J t.- •� ii. `t ; t r £ et . A v.� .r..n...a3 �J-Li?ii, • 1 t.�CJ - .<. .�'• .F•r+-.u.->+^�.�. • � •_•t,.s•C.. +�:N ,r h'1 .......,- _...;.....5.. � s�l...e ,-J a...R.... .+.h..ub .. i : ..- ... i a - 77 d. Y. i , i ,R... a �+(:+lu.•N•i t 4 .fo'=. c -. �,;+,. ,. r r9-u�:a a ..,as � rr: .c .�.�a nr»:,..-r.u..«.»�_f y.e�n::S.Ww:r w.Jr! .:ar: J h - ' �.;;• r , r h',