HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 233, November 5, 1923. - .., .. .. 1.
No $ 3a` .ya.
Commissioners' Proceedings,' City of •Paducah_s__r fr ;•circ:r ' �' 192-
At a Regular L'eetinR of the'Board 'of Commissioners.. held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah; Kentucky, on Uovember bth, 1923. Upon Gall of the
roll the following "answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam,'•Tally. . '
Washington 'and Uayor Katterjohn,-6.
a On motion of Commissioner Pulliam the minutes of the previous meettnge'wers
adopted as road ,upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam,'•,
Tully. Washington .and Katterjohn,-b.
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: Whereas. W. 0. Jackson has been
convicted in the Paducah Folios' Court of having in his poeeeeston spirituous, vinous
License revoked.-. and malt liquors, to-wit: Ahite whiskey, a copy of said judgment of conviction is filed 1'
.''herewith. I now move that the Cigarette and Soft Drink license of said Jackson to sell
cigarettes and soft drinks at 119 South 4th Street be revoked, and the Chief of Poltoe'-
.. a Li
v is hereby instructed to close said place of business: Adopted upon call of the roll by 4r
the following vote: Yens,Pace,Pulllam,Tully.'.Yashineton and Katterjohn;-6.
Communications 9, Katterjohnoffered the following motion; I move that the four oommundoa-
B.R.Harding Co.;.r.
relative to tione from E. R. Harding Company, dated October 31st end November 3rd. 1923. be re
Sewer on Mayfield]
Rd.oeived and filed. Adopted upon call.of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Pnoe,
Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-5. :
Commissioner 11,11. offered the following motion: The cum of $50.00 having
....been paid into tho Treasury, an evidenced by the reooipt filed herewith. I move that
Cemetery deed deed be executed to Collin Loyd for Lot 15. Block. 12 on the South side of Hannan Street. `
executed to
i, Collin Loyd., i'between'Baker and taller Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll
' 4 by the follow! c r:
ng vote: Yens,Paoe.Fulltam,'Pully,:4ashington and Katterjohn,-b�.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearir-g that there to
Schools allowed due the-Sohoole the sum of 45503.94 from the tax colleotions for the week ending Nov.
$5503.94 amount..,
due from tax .3d. I move that it be 'allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the ".
oolleotions for.:
week ending Nor. :General Fund to pay same. Adopted 'upon call of the roll by the following vote Yeae, r'?
3rd .19 23.
3,Psoe. Pulliam, Tully, 9ashin'gton and Katterjohn; 5. i.•
Commissioner Tull offered the follows
Y following motion: I move that the e000vrte for •'
Accounts and re- 'the last half of.the month of October 1923, amounting to $57086.04; as per the, report
port Com'r.Fublio?
Finance for last -of the Commissioner of Fublfo.Finance f11ed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and.
half of Oat.
1923. lithe money appropriated from the general Fund to pay sums. Adopted upon cell of the
=roll by the following vote: Yeae. Paos,Pu711am;Tully.Washtngton and Katterjohn,-5.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the accounts for
`•' Sewer Fag-roll "the last half of the month of October for the 3d District Sewer, amounting as follows;
+ for last half .of '
October 1923, Pay-roll ............ ;492.G8
Supplieo........... 129.33, total $622.01, be allowed and
.ordered paid and .the Commissioner ,of Public Finance be authorized. and instructed to
i• . '3
.draw checks against the No. 3 Distrlot Sower. Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon
F „call of the roll by the following vote: Yess, Paoe.Pullism, Tully, .7aehington,ard ".
Co'mmissioner.Faoe offered the following motion: Rheriae, J. Scott Ferguson
J.Soott Ferguson has been oonvioted in the. Paducah Folios Court of having. In his possession spirituous.
license revoked.
..vinous and malt. .liquors, to-wit: ?hate 'Thlekey, a copy of said.judranent of oonviction.'
j:;is'filed herailth.. I now move that the Cigarette and .Soft Jrink License of said Fergu-
a son to sell cigarettes and,soft drinks at the I. C. Hotel opposite Union Station be
revoked ,.and the Chief of Police is hereby instructed to aloes Said plaoe'of business.
'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam.' Tully.
Washington and Katterjohn.-5.
. .� 'fir-�f�"Qd:.t�+7 Sj^q•�v,"?1'.."�.,"•.na,•;ti. TMT' ;",l '"'7 t.; �,,. _...t..•F,,,...4•r 24y^"",' 'x i`'t.<C°^.CI''...•'r.j. :�c. ,.r;•�, i � t � . e.�. -. ., ,_v: �_•'•..y:,
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T7 .•
• ,,..........
Commissioners'. Proceedings, -City of Paducah___.._:__::..___.::..
, .(
commissioner Face offered the following motion: Whereas, Dexter Howell, has a
4, 1
Soft Drink License to will Soft Drinks at 701 Thimble Street in the Oity of Paducah,
Dexter Howellsf
and whereae, the said Howell has been properly notified; a000rdinR to law, to appear
before the Board of Commissioners on November End, 1923, but by agreement of parties
sail. case was continued 'untll 2 o'clock P. M. November 6th, 1923, and whereas, the said
Dexter NORell, has been guilty of violating the Prohibition Law, from evidence heard
before the Board' of Commissioners. I now move that the Soft Drink License of the said
Dexter Howell be revoked, and the Chief -of Folios to hereby instructed to close said
place of buoiness. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followinR.vote: Yeas, Paco,
Pulliam. Tully. Washington and Katterjohr.-6."
^;c -
t Cv
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: 3hereas. Jamee.Lesueur has s'
! s
rfUc i
Cigarette and Soft Drink License to sell Cigarettes and Soft Drinks at 1143 Kentucky
Avenue in the City.of Faduoah. and whereas. the said.Lesueur has been properly notified
Jame a. Leoueur•;
ltoenie re-
according '£o law, to appear..before the Board of Commissionars'on November End. 1923,
but by agreement of parties uaid oace was continued until 2 o'clock P. H. November 6th.
" r
1923; and whereas the said James Lesueur has been guilty of violating the Prohibition
Law, from evidence heard before the board of Oommisston.ers, I now move that the 01- `•
garotte and Soft Drink License of the. said Lesueur be revoked, and the Chief of
Pal t as: is hereby inotruoted to close said plaoe of business. Adopted upon cal l of the
roll by the following vote:.Yeas,Paoe,Pulllam,fully,Washington,-4,lfave-Ketterjohn,-1 ..
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: The sum of $16.69 having been
tendered, together with application for 1,'alt or Cereal Beverage License. I move that
License to sell Malt.or CerealBeveraRes, or any admixtures thereof. be granted to
M. E. Jones, at 701 Jackson Street, for a period, of two months. Adopted upon call of
Malt or dereal
the, roll by following vote: Yene,Pwoe,Pu111am,Tully, 7ashinatcn,and Y.etterjohn;-6
Beverages, at
701. Jackson St
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that Oso. Lynn be ¢ranted,
Hotel and Soft Drink License at I. C. Hotel opposite Union Station and Commissioner
y`t�r <.,
refused -of
oense to roti.
PublicFinance be instructed to issue same upon the payment to him of the amount
y r
end sell:
of. salfl.lioenea. Lost upon call of the roll. -:by the following vote: Xeas,Katterjohn i
Soft Drinks
at I•.C:Hotel
flays, Pace, Pulliam; 'Anehington,-3-Oommissionor Tully not voting.
Commissioner Full tam offorod the following motion: I move that extra work esti-'
for month of October 1923 on contract No. 6 for Lturrell Blvd. paving, amounting
Murrell Blvd.
4b. E7 Do n to
$ pproved and that Yancy & Johnson, Contraotors;be allowed $46.27 in full
'for Oot.1923.
Amt..$46 E7
payment for said extra work, and that same be charged against New Construot�k000unL.
Adopted upon call of the roll bythefollowing, vote: Yeae. Pace. rullism. Tu ly,
y H'
Washi'ngtbn,-4; Nage, Katterjohn,-1.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the followinR motion: I move that E. R. Harding Co.,,'-'•
be notified. that the followtng claims for extra work paymante on the contract 3A..
JS R.Harding ,,
'. Co. notified:
Trunk Line Sewer construction are rejected by the City, and that the Chief Rnetneer.
;. that certain .
o3aime for
'does not approve.of sell claims, and that the City hae„aesumed and does assume no
'extra work
1-..',rejeotad. ' i;'
liability 'whatever for payment for the work enumerated therein. and that same will not
be allowed:
Oat. '2,23.. Moving cable &Pelee on Burnett 9t ...............$12.03
13,' ". Stopping Wk.Sept.13th,cn Trunk Line F.zt.Diet.3A, 124.11
Is "'.'11oving poles & cables, Hinklev.Rd.&Burnett 9t....216.65
Sept. E0, " Moving wires & RepAirinR & Clay,.. 23.27
gas matne,19th
laovtna Poles, Burnett
wires & St. ....::.........139.91
Aug. 9.. » " " " 10th &Burnett Ste ............. 23.13
6-11. " Repair; to track lE & Burnett 3te.:.....'....:..... 73.60
July 6. w w w w w w w 12.60.
and. that the 01ty Clsrk,be_ instruoted to deliver a copy of this,motion to
S. R. Harding Co. and file receipt for same fttatthie Board. Adopted .upon,.oalI of the
roll Dy the following vote: Yeas.Psoe.Pu111sm'Tully+.Washington and liatterjohn.-6.
w M—..+. .a .:......
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•..:.<.`=—"f''�=5� j'F;sta:'f+."?�`r!^; Tf!`.'ct•! ,:�. 'A .. t.. ^;t:'.'k. r..,,L' 't i`: ;':�i :x, :•i. •i: 4: �ati+-
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'i .` 1Tl,p �7 i -Y.. i¢jr'ti •5',� `.v.�nr F" �:.xti� y�i. •rte ��t; f.T+i u i. ^•'i ).. � '� i .t r � .
CommissionersProceedings, -City of Paducah.:.::.::. ,: ;._ 192-
Commissioner Zaliam offered e fo11oVWInR motion: I Move TFIST I he bill for extra
E.R.HardinR Co.
extra payment
payment from E.R.Hardtng Co. for October 11,1923, amounting"to $52.88 for, labor re
$62.58 labor -for
plaoing 12" con -,d
quired to place ,lE" oonneotton in 96" sewer at 14th &Burnett 9treets..De approved' and
neotion in 96"
so -mer at 14th &
,the E.R.HardinR. Co.- allowed $52.58 and .some .to be chnrged agaAgst.3rd District Sewer
1' a :•',
Burnett Ste. 1I
fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, IulllamTally."
Washington and %atterjohn.+5.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the followinv motion: I move that the bill for 287
E.R.Harding Co.
allowed $71.75
paile of 1:4 mortar used as haunching on 19th Street Sewer, Dintriot 3A, Station 91 x
for 287 pails
mortar used on �'53
to Station 107 x 91, at. E6j per,pail, amounting to 671.75. be approved and the.E.R.
19th ,t. Sewer
for haunohing.
Haring Co. allowed $71.75 in payment therefor, same to 'be oharged against 3rd District
Sewer Fund: Adopted upon call of the roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam,
6 Tully, laehington and Katterjohn,-5.
" !
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I'move that monthly estimate
No.3 for Oat 1923,
No. 3 for work done during October 1923 on the construction of contract No. 3 for
Contract. $3 for
Strepts oonetruot- streets byYanoy & .Johnson, Contraotore, be approved, and that Improvement Warrant for
ed by Yanoy & di
Johnson approved,✓ $11,E98.44 be issued to Yancy & Johnson, on aocourt of said work. Adopted upon call of.
amounting to
the roll by the following vote;Yeae,Pnoe,Pu111em,Tully,:/aehlnmton and Yattorjohn,-5.
Commissioner Pulliam offerod the.follotivinR motion; I move that Monthly Estimate
Monthly Eettirnte
11o.1 for Oct.
No.l for work done luring October 1923 on strnot contract No. 4 by Yarcy & Johnson, .:
]923 Contr 'at #4
or, Streets con-
ry Oontraotors,'be approved, er.d that Improvement ''4arran;t for $130.00 he issued to Yanoy&
struoted by
Ye.noy & Johnson
Johnson on account of said work. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:
approved, amount
�I Yeas, race. Pulliam, 'fully, -rashtnRton and Y.atterjohn,-5.
I Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I'move that Monthly Estimate'.
t;anthly Estimate
No.4 for Oct.
i No. 4 for 'work done during October 1923 on the construction of curb ani rnitter. contract
1923 Cortraot #7
Curb & Gutter,
No. 7 by Yanoy Johnson, Contractors, be app•.rovod, nn9 that Improvement 'Warrent for..
Yanoy & Johnson,
amount $1801.35'
$1,801.35 be issued to Yanoy & Johnson, account of sold work. Adopted upon call of the-
s rovod.
roll by the following vote: Yeae,paceju111am.Tully,lashington and Y,attorjohn,-b.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll'by 5 yens.
A4opicdr"!__V iii-
No7E1fBr1I 7TH, 3923.
At a Called !'eating of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commi-seionere',
Chamber in the Ctty Ha11,Paduoah.Ky., on Nov. 7th,19E3,at E:30 o'clock F.L. Upon call
of the roll the following anowored to their name: Comaiissionnro Paoe, Pulliam; Tully
'end Vayor Katterjohn,-4..
l:±ayor Kattor john' stated roasor,s' for' call to -wit: To hoar evidence, why notion of
Board of Comniselonera should be rescinded In revokira the lioonee of James Leeueur,.
:,, . ; :•
and euoh other busl•rose as may come before thn Board.
leyor Yatterjohn offered the following motion: I.move that the motion -made by C.0
Lioenee of Jamas
Lesueur not
race. on Nov, bth,1923,revoking.tho lioenso of James Lesuour be rescinded. Adopted.upon.;r.`
call of the roll by tho following vote:Yeas,Tace;Tully,Y.atterjohn,-3;.Nay8,Iu33lam,-,1.
Commiac!oner lulliam offered tho following motion: I move. .that the Monthly. Estimi
Z.H.Harding Co.
I ..
allowed ,;✓26856.78'for'work
done daring October 1923 on'the oonstruotion of trunk line sewers in District
on account work
done Ir. Oat. on,
3A be approved that the R.R.HardinR Co, be allowed $28,866.78 on account of said
Se'Paor Conatruatiafj
in District 3A.
be District
estimate and that same oharged against the 3rd Sewer Fund. Adopted upon
call of the roll by.the followin,R vote;Yeae,Paoe,Ph111am,Tully and Katterjohn,-4.
E.R.Hardire Co..
Commissioner Pulltam offered the following mo tioni I move. that the Monthly.Est!
=.allowed $360.25
aacourt work donee:
mate for 'Rork done during October 1923 on Trunk Line Suver Oonetruotton to District
during Oat.1923
on aewor oon-
3B,-30 be approved and that t h a 3. R. Harding Co. be allowed $350.25 on a000ur;t of eatins.
i�;• .;.
atruotion i
DIst. 3B -3C.
estimate and that same be charged amninst the 3r4 Dintrlot Savior Fund. Adopted upon
call of the roll by the foI]owinm vote; Yens, Paoe; Pulliam, Tully Katterjohn,-4.
' '� r;7,'4f��O.J"iNiner'f� •r•., i4''r;..?•a«yrN"h�?' .:'!'a...`:. .r�«-�i. wv...;•.<w,!'b'•+•Z7'i^ei��#-y..�""'rr.:--71�-a. ,•^-r•c ✓.7•t-,.. �i, +�. ;, s.Ft.,.. , �.,: ,.a+:. _ ,. - -a-. ,�„-1_,