HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 226, October 15, 1923�'►fT•�Yt��4;:'lL�;r�f1+ t'�'C<Sx nlii'f•'! F� .rw �� •S -••. ,3' 1 , r ^s4. C �. s �`=�Ai.. + P-. � JaY.a, c y:, �;..r��t._i�,.�a, _f.. : C"��.. •i 2 ..•n �.y' Cr L• • •gin• �:.�.' _ :�s: ��n�. • s.�-.,.� v�--�,iea�.: � � a '. � r t t4h n titix a as '4c' r * °4.7r' v : l ':. Afr 65•t �(e7 -; .. ,a 11 Commissioners'.Proceedings, City'of Paducahr�' = =---192— $nehinaton rind Xetter.john,-4; Nays, Paoe,-l.. Commissioner Tully offered the fol.lovina'motIon : I'move that the expenso of r .q anso SI-eoisls c 3oaiptrtion of Special Registration of October 9th, amountinq'to $294.00 be nllood and the money ' October 9,1925. appropriated from the General fund to pay same and ohnraed'to Conti. n¢ent'uocount. "• 1 �. Adoptod ul%on call of the roll by•the follo:vinq''vote:.Yeaa, Paoe', Fulliam,'+�rlly; 9reh'ington;-4i Hayes ratterjohn;-l: ( commissioner Pulliam offered the fol'losvinq motion I move thst the employmont of +•'' P.mpIoymanti of Leon P,rallby as', Loon brad2sy.' as�inspector'on ourb'ani clFttnr oonstruotion at 40V per hour be ratiftedl•. Inspeotor on o,a and .cutter con- effective October 4th; 19 23. Adopted upon call of the roll'Dy the following vote: Yen9? Struotion.' I j- paoe,'Fullinm, Tully, 'Irshin?ton end Y.etterjohn,-5. it jr4 t " " Commissioner Pullinm offered'tha followinR'metien: I move that All ORDIUA!CE Ord in an on. pro- '+" 'PROHIBIT MY IIITOXICAT9 PI•RSOR OR FER30113 FR01 OI.�RATIIIG ;:11Y 7i:uI^.L.'. UTOi7 i.'717I1iC hit, itinc intoxi-,b' a• -Led hsraor,s HI,H'.7:.Y"Ili 'If?r.'CITf 0� FADUCAH; YEK7UCKY, AR'D Fi%ING '^Il PENl.LTY FOR 'X011.01011 T?T'.•Rr0v C' from oporatln•r vehinlns on pub- be, adopted. Adopted' upon onll of the roll by the follo.winq vote: Yeas, ]ace, Falliam f Ito'!..high-nays. -. F Tully; ?ashington and 'Ketter john,-;5.Il "Comma seioner Fulliam offered the following mot Ion: :7h orasa wusnril rainfall hes i1 Yency & Johnson granted exton-. caused -delay to'Yancy &'Johnson,.Contraotors,.in the'conntruotion of curb a.; ani n:ttors cion of time, tot t`: 4 oomnlote oon- ' under contracts numbers 7 and 8; and, t7hereae the City EnPineerinrr Dele.rtmant has not - tracts 7 end 0, curb orad Putter:+ .been oompnllod to'.retain an idle inspootor during delays in thin work or incur other tF.. . to December '10. t 19 W. exponnocb, sensori of said delays, I move that the City Solicitor be ins,trsiatod;to 'j• �. r. draft'a resolution granting to.Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, an extnr.sion of time Por the ooml:letion of ourD 2nd gutter aontraots'numbers 7 and 8 until December 10th, 29P3.' Adopted upon call of 'the roll by the following vote: Yeas, race. Fulliam, i7ae7:in2tcn '. 3;' !lays; Tully and Kntterjohr;,-'L: i Commissioner Pace offered the follo-ink motion: I move that the City Solicitor City 3o]i'oitor De ir,etructed to bring in .an ordinnr.oe providing r_ fine and jail snntnnoe for pnrsoro "'.`•' to'brInFr -in ord'i n.anoe providing convicted of speeding upon the streets -of the City of Pedneah. Adopted upon call of e fine arra jai] oentenoa_'for 'the roll by the followin. vote; Yeas, Proo, Psi311:m,Tu3ly.1rshinaton ani Y.rtter.iohn,-5 ' persor,n oenviot-}*.. od of Speeding On motion tho nonrd adjourned upon only of thq roll by 5 ynas. :, ✓4; on' pub] io.•ntrsot of olt r•. yr, i A/aVted ,110 t.-. �itt.w.1V. ' AFS' GO VFiD a C", - Z4_ OOTOBFit 15TH, 1923. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiesionere. held in the Commissioners' Chamber ,in the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky. on October 15th. 1923. Upon oall of the' �( ' roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe. Pulliam. Tully and f Mayor Katterjohn.-4.= On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the .previous meetings were adopted has read and corrected upon call of the roll by the following vote- Yeas. Pace. Pulliam.i, .Tully and Katterjohn.-4. q Commissioner Tui ng motion; It appearing that there is due ~ ly.offared the follow! Sohools allowed the Schools the sum of 84712.79 from the tax colleotions to OotoDer 13th. 1923. I move ti $4712.79 taz oolleotions to that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund W. ,'•M• " Oat. 13th.1923. q pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Paos, Pulliam. i? Tully and Katterjohn,-4. t*' ► Commissioner Pies offered the following motions I move that the report of the ` Report Chief of .: t. rise Department Chief of the Fire Department for the month of September 1923 be reosived and filed. r �y for Sept: 1923. Adopted ODA oall of the roll by the following vote •.Teas. Peas. Pulliam. ?ally and, i Katterjohn.'4o y r, • • - J ►,` :k +%: M7747 1, y 7413%- ' )' ., fi' ri'•r� �A �� s � --.i,'� � �r:`i _•"`"�`•� fil �� {'".tvZ �� ,!r t A ti.a.,r , + 1 - . { "�-: r,. r,ii. 'Sr �\�r5 y•�.}sr�.� y��- l�tY l^ �CI �—...lv.� _ ' No. ' Commiasionera'sPi•oceedinga; City of Paducah-._�_i_�_ttt{ {'`4 192- Oommissioner•Paoe.offered the following motion: I move that the Lease dated' Lease between City of Paducah 10otober nth, 1923, by and between the City of Paducah. Kentucky and Rise Alioe Noonan. and Mise Alton g Noonan, rental ;be reoelved, filed. ratified and recorded. Adopted.upo» *all of'the roll by the follow of Nuress'Home. 1.': Ing vote: Yeae. Pace. Pulliam; Tully and Katterjohn.-4. i ort Supt. !i Commissioner Pace offered the.following motion: I move that the Report of the Re F p Riverside Hoe- 08uperintendent.of Riverside Hospital for the month of September 1923, together with' pital and Patient Report for,. the Patients' Report for the month of September 1923.,be received and filed.. Adopted Sept.19E3. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.Paoa. Pulliam. M2y and Katterjohn.4. Oommieaioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the employment of Employment of Maitland Pierce Maitland Pieroe as inspector on concrete street work..to fill the pleas left vnonnL by'.r• ne inspector, ;,. Dept.Pub'lio 'the resignation o! 6. F. Teed. at $150.00 per month. be ratified, the remainder of his, f;•::cn forks. -! salary to be paid by the Portland Cement Assooiation. Adopted upon call of the roll by `the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully and Katterjohn.-4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Theresa. the alley between O.T.Katterjohn ' & Son's oerti- Broadway and Jefferson Street, running from End to 3rd Street, has been completed. f; fied check , i +' deposited as except for the ouring, which will require about ten more days, i move that the oerti- bond in re :Alley y, betn.B'way k fied check deposited by G. T. Katterjohn & Son. Contractors, as a bond for the satie. Jefferson 3t. from 2nd to 3rd factory completion of this work, be returned. Adopted upon call of the roll by the St. returned.- following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully and Katterjohn.-4. i = Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the monthly estimate .of work done on the construction of trunk Sine sewers in District 3A during n+roi Monthly Eat l- c:• ;t. rto �,` mate of work the month of September 1923 be approved. and that the deduotione, amounting to done by E.R. II Harding Co., on $2.008.22 on s000unt of defective pointing and cleaning of jointo, protruding blooka, i trunk lines` se•sers in Diet. unclean surfaces and other. defeats in surfacing workmanship in all Clay Segment Block 3A. dur ing Sept. 1923.' allowed. Sewers constructed to October 1, as eat out in detail on Shoat 4 of said estimate, be ratified, and that •the 3. R. Harding Company be allowed $7,791.46 on account of said } estimate, and that same be oharged against the 3rd District Sewer Funds. $16,000.00 is p. having already been allowed on this estimate.0otober 5th. .1923: Adopted upon call of k' the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully and Katterjopn.-4. ¢: Commissioner Pulliam offered the following.motion: I move that.the monthly Monthly eat imalb estimate of work done during September 1923 on the oonstruotion of Trunk Line Extension..'" -� of work done dur- ing Sept. 1923 Sewers be approved. and that the E. R. Harding Company, Contractors. be allowed by E.R. Hard ing Company on. Trunk $4,149.47 on account of said estimate, and that aam&,be charged against the 3rd Die- Line Extension . Sewers allowed. triot Sewer Fundai Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn.-i. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion. I move that the estimate for s• Estimate for extra work done extra work, consisting of placing 476 pails of mortar in the lower parte of the haunohe. by E.R.Harding Company en the of the Clay Segment Block Sewer from Station 6 plus 05 to Station E1 plus 62 of the Hinkleville.Roed• :r Line allowed. Hinkleville Road line. be approved, and that the E. R. Harding Company be allowed $142.50 In full payment therefor. and that same be charged against the 3rd 'District {-•tidw. Sewer Funds. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Paoe,Pulllam,�.• { _ ' Tully erd Xatterjohn,-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. llopleskt� 1! «/.:� v.:�: �__. n_t..t .l:t•vl'.li;L oJ'r;: .. .. ... . . t� to C ``. 1 ?4 v,� .-r ..mss ,.J., a,;.,,_ti. �:� i». ,+. �'Ef?xG�'�M='.!,T"y�..�,. °�r'�'-y'�.�;;•.,:.. ^71,77^..�*'si'. :ice! �'S�':^T. ..,a.=�'+."'i'�.`