HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 224, October 8, 1923A ..+1 . , ^!-' y _rYm sA.- _,71 ,.-y+^ 1 nf^�. tft4t r�'t.{+a..a tV^ , •FY;+ J , 1 � ` r� "rY "y.� it i�iN,'F.2• . ' '. �y"=r=4.r_...U....:.G..'s.L1lr.... s...id.au�..._+�lr�:�-� +.i.�.�.t <1 -; _ �.-��i.._a"L.uva�_.._.,... A'� ..�11.•i�-•s.«:..�=9� s,.l ... - Ha Commissioners" Proceedings City of Paducah 'lashing upon call of the roll by the'following vote: Yore; Face, Tul]Sam, Tullv and - M' -.ton, -4 a Comm isaior,er ism ; offered. the following motion:, I move that the monthly- Monthly Entiss.te tPull estimate for work done .diirirg September 1923 on the oonatruotion of Contract No. 6, a� :. for 36ptembor " work doi:o by ,}:Turrell Blvd'. paving, be approved end that .Rano; '& Johnson, oontrnotors, be issued a •' -Yanoy &. Johnson on Contract -'1'mprovemont, warrants for X10,1.72.96 in pan:lent. thorson. l.dopted upon call of the roll .#6.. •' b th e. follonin vote: 'Yves, Pa oe, I'u]linm 'Tully, and Jashir,gton,-4+ ' :• ', r y g., ' Commiseioner.'pu]]lam,offered the following motion: I. move that Lhe.monthly i - lionthly. Estimate •;estimato for'':+ork.doro during Soptembor 1923, on the construction of street contrast 1 a for Soy tomb'nr Work done by Ijo. 3,• on 4th Street- 7nehington.to Clark Strsot and on.lanhinaton 3t. 5th Street to Ysnoy &. Johnson" on 3.,• Gth Street, be approved. nnd. that Yanoy & Johnson, Cortraotare, be issues, ir..rrorerront contract z ; warrants for �334.2b.in payment thereon. Adopted neon. call of the roll by, the follow - ing note: Yeas,. Pace, -Pulliam, Tully', and -da,phington,-4. Commieatonor rijlliam offered the fol ]c.7ina mot jotI move that the E. R. Hrrd- a E•R.Hardtna Co. • •inv, ^ompany'be allo-:+ed $15,000.00 in .part paymont on monthly estimate for work done el loved $15,000: "in part.payment during 3eptomber.1923 on oonstr.uotion of trunk line sewers in District 3A, and that ! - on Llonthly Eoti- mate for 'work the Commiaaionerof Tublio Yirfar,oe be authorized .and instructed to draw check for done during Sept. on Di a: '•316.000.00 aaei•r,st 3rd District sower Fund ,therefor:; :Adopted unon call of the roll �-,•", c- }^, tri ot ,3A.',';. v• :by,the following' vote-, yens, PPoe, Ful]tam,.Tully,ard 7ashington,-4. Commi�sioner•,',9aeh'ington offnred-'the follo.vinq motion: ,That tho,.00mmunicetion df: Yenoy & Johnson'" from Yancy k Johnuon,' Contractors, requesting -the ,City to, grant them .an eytnnsion of �.00mmunioation requesting ex- •. time on Contract ¢7, bn.reooidgd ar,•9 fi].od,-and thnt'nation he .deferrnd unt17 Reduler •;' ', ' tension of time' :on'Contract. $Ze 'adeeting 6f :the Board of Yonder , -October 6th. ', Adopted upon call of the ro] 1 by the v> " n } 'fol:lo•gtnq.vote:' Yeao', Pace; -Pulliam, Tully and 7ashington,-4. t On mo tion thn' Board ad bourn ed upon oa] 1 of the roll by 4 yeas.. 4. (:,i .fit' , •3. ..rt— 1, fL14' • ' •. :.Y... ?"W)W ,t } .. o Toa; STH, 1923. o a19 a�T At a Re llar' Liaotinrr.of the Board. of Commissioners held in the Cor7mtasionsra. Chamber 'int the City Hall,' Padueuh, KentiioRy, on October 6th, 1923:. Upon. anll of the roll' the, following nno°.vornd to: 'thniir names: Comminsionera Taon, Pulltem; Tully, 7ashington.and, L;ayor Y.ntterJohn;=6... revious meetings were o}ted On motion of Commisatonor Tully the minutes of., the pa'd ;• as road upon call of the roll by the follot7ina voto: Yeas P,aoe_lu].ljam, •Tully, _ r` 7auhington artd;Kattnrjohn,-5. Commisulonor fully.offerod the following motion: That fire dolopateo-be'appotntod ;Delogatoo to be! oppoiittod by by'the I:ay or to represent, •the City of Paiuor.h at the. Ohio 7elley, Imrrorsment Ao:rooia= 4;rll yor to a t tord Ohio Vallo,,1 1 tion Convention to be hold at lincinnati .Ohio,, on. Oat obor. 17-19,,:he expense'of # r - Asoo Convention at Cinolnnati ;, railroad Yaro ar.d }totol'bills to,.be aid by the City ani oharwed,to 0ontingert Ftirxl p , - i �r + ,idol to upon call of tho roll by the following rote:.Ynas, pgoe Tu]ltam,, i'�l7ly;'r Yluhir,gton aril rattorjohh G. Monthly Rol ort ' monthleport fpr I ayor' Xrtter�oLn u fared the ollowinaamotion I; move ,that ,thn y r , ".. , for Supt 1923 .' , t Public He lth, Septembor 1923 -of Tublio 1lealth �Iurainm Servide bo re'oo:tvad and.flled Adortad r r Huraing service. -<. ,. 7 •, r.f t upon sell of the roll 'by the followtnrr vote Yeas, Iaoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington k' and Rattcrjohn 6 �J a ,,; t'4 tt CY' i t' fl :��,� �\ _.. '.iY Llu'�j.+••tr-•:�Mr 1.., .l f9ll p.� :,i•Ji>,l. 1't': ,,.ill t..{ -i . ..I':.. 11 'a .. , . • N+.S'..: t.wAl. a.1.b�Mi'IY•.0.111.:?fLS'•Li'q:`S, - ' M:l:.. , { :++ ..lt '-.t "1••�i d { -� i� 3a5 `,���7^,�s,`r�-jtl.Y�c �,:��,y''eN,t��".� �i �' i'�y�t s'vt. "�ly�T,J-�,L•u',1 i ; t'� �; r'• i ' 7:..4'�.-;1.� 0. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . r . :i,r.;r _. 192— L'ayor'Yattorjohn offered the .fol Io:rinrr mot,lor: I move-thtt-tho petition from Petition property p _ . ovmera requesting. e uestin pro arty.owners on i'onroe.Street.b'otwoen 9th arA 12th` 3troet:bet.7nen.4efferson and Md- sidewslke built on I::or,roe .6t.betn.l•ison Streetn, be received and. filed, and.•that the City 9oliaitor bring in a resolution,+ { ;-9th .and 32th betr..4 .'-.. } Jaff+arson and.1.'ad j for said improvement. Adopted upon call of the roll.by the follo'71nz vote; Yeas. Peas ison Ste. d. "J Pulliam; :Tully, 'lashington and Y.ettorjo1h-n,-5. Mayor Katterjohn offored the followinir motion .,I move that the rap ort of the City' Rej',ort City Soli- i attar relative to:� Solicitor in regard to the claim of Mrs. J. Shanks be received .and- riled. Adopted claim of Mr. a. J. }} S'hsr.]a., ' i upon pall of the roll by the following vote:, Ynas, Iade, I•ulli_m, Tully,.'lashinaton f end-Y.etterjohn,-5. - t ? Vayor Kattorjohn offered the,fol]owing motion I more that Mr a. J ,Shark a ' ]ins. J hanks r C11017e3 Y15.50 1i 'be allowed the sum of.. 415.50 damages to automohilo occasioned,bya city, .trunk running ,. d'a:nrr,eu to vutomo- lilo oocablor.od into and against her oar, ani that the Commissioner of Iub]io•-h'iriantis ie .hereby bv.cify truck run y "� , i r+it.g into same: hauthorized to isauo check to her for aald sin -r_r.3'charae. same to Strnet,.7o;iertment. , + Adopted upon .call of the roll by,tha.followinP..Yoto':,Yeas,.Pane Pulliam, Tully, :7ashington and i;attor john,-5 .r Meyer Yatterjohn'offered the following motion -I move that the, City Solioltor be City Sol ioitar to , ti brinir suit :=rainst; r-u,thorizod.an:i directed to institute suit aminst :7aynd C. 'S6atar, C:rark McCracken ; Clerk for money. �Ciruuit. ;curt, for maney.:oolleoted from.oenes appea]Ad from th_e Iolice Court. Adopted collected from �. oaaeu .p!`eR I'nd .�I ug on call-'of the roll, by the follo ring vote: Yeas, Paoe ,.. Pull: m, Tilly, ;Aashinct.on t from Yo ice Court. . and hy Commiasior,erJTully, offer ad th • " . a e follyvirg'motion: I move the the rap ort of the 1 y. Ra]=ort'Com'r. of j Commisalonnr.of Public finsnoe for the month of, 13optomber 71'23 bn rnasIv.6 , filed and Finance for the month of Soptem- ordered lubliahed in the. official nnwspay.or..•' aAoptod upon call of, the. roll by the beg 14''3: A following vote: Yeas, Yaaa, Pulliam, 'Rllly 7an.hington and i:attorjohn,-5. y Commissioner Tully offered the, Pelle rine 'motion:. I move that the report of the r f rig±.:ort .Com'r..of Conunlnsior,rr of Iu>ilic r'inanoe ;of the 3d JiAtriot Soc+nr Fund for the month of a j { I p I I p r c lncr.ae. of.3rd, District Se:7er. 5o tembor 1923; be received ;,filed and ordered rub]iahed in the nesva a e t Fund Account for Se:te;:1L•or ]9.23. ('Adopted upon oall of the-roll by tho. fall wing -vote: Yeas, lines P1133irm, .Tully, i i7ashington and Yattbrjohn,-5.• , r Commissioner Tully offered the ;followinrr'motion:,I mora that the report of the, tehort Com'r oi'.;r 3 ir._rce,s}offing; Commissioner of Public Piriar:oe sho'.vlra. the Apportionment, tho'Amounts,R'rl,en3ed era the • Ipportionment, :ounta 'l er:de3; ! Balercon to thocredit of the, varIona an.cowits undor' thn'difforent depertmonts et the 7 be]ancoa, ko, at " _ oral of Sept. 30,. sand of September .30,' 1923., be roceived and :filed. 'Adopted upon sell of,the. roJl,by 1925. 6 ythe follo:tilnr vote; Yeea, Iaoa,Pulllnm,Tullv,'7aehinrzton and ]:attorjohn,-5: } p Cormiasioner Tully offered. the follol+inr, motion. I move that the report of the Rop,ort Corr.'r.of °Commlasionor of Yuhllo Finance eho7lnrr tho,entiolpntad Cil]eot<one the Collections r tr roe snoaing : ,, •.. ::• : 1 - ,lnt�oi],:atc3 ^01- end P.alan'ces yet to be collected at tho o]onn-a tioptomber 30th• 1^2'i .he reoetved end r ]^ot:ons; Col- lentIons'_and fled Adopted upon. call of the roll by the fo]larin� vote .Mean 'Igoe, Iu]]iaq,i Ea]cr.cos,yet to r.( :m "• i i be col]octad at Tullyj Washington 'and yetteriohn, 5. , arl a1 .:%epti'30,,•Ir,e.,.r; 19? Commisstoner fully offored ;the iol]ovinr* motion I move .that the commurteation : from the the Colored ka ar,d Colored d'asons ronneatir.rr,pnrmtsnlor: to o'ondunt a fast igal _.CoT�.urricattor -r. .• ^.aloroi .Rlfa r-rd at or or near tie carrier of 9th P Husbands Strnetii saLd inot lval to be'aorluoted for the _Ole_ad Me aori8: {- r .. ii r,. !: f ry 1CL:nn F, rnnunutinrr gRr i ,colored peoplo and charity amorrF them, be rnonivnd arili'ilnd and the ronnn t be !;ranted 1k rp m ssion•to,:aondvo :7•, :.; ..:+,i. ;.cf ;z ! r •f IT" 1.,.. ,,, z, �j, ^40 iostiva7.?rer.tod'. _.::''the yllrpoaa of said exhibition beinr.'for' oharIty, that no Iionnne feo.be required,, .,yp(p r A.lopted upon call of tho roll 'by tho follo`dnv. veto: Yeas pullirm Till ]y 7eAhinzton r I{ tad r:atterjohr 4; Pays Pnoe,-1 10 Corraniseioner Tully offered the fc]1o71,r+g motion, I mo a that the aommunioation from;.;,�a h. Comrrunloation lsducah Lolrco of the Faluaah ,o3 an of �.lka, $217 be received ani filed and the rnnnest granted 1217 request F, r.. +w; i ir,g pormlaslor. to Cormnin.4 over of Iublio'r inar.oe be authorizod and .iristivated to Inoue a I'lsense .for said r .orttie t carriVii l ",grer:ted. exhibition. Ldoi_•ted upon call of the roll by the'fo13o':rinrr vote: Yoan, Pu111r.m,Tully ,;. ,T� • I � I ,.. L .�K; :'Ri�,Iah4U..!'isl:�.._�'t'F':'C']_G'fr},`{'��i�� ''•r",�iV':.: 3e_±..•A._. >�:1}ny:t.'xE•S >�'}L:'iP ea.'1.S.JijjlY.d;�..rY - .•. c.i. r.S :i-�Y ,-�s .c�, �?,,.L.iiR ?a `. =.,. '.5a'7?K� -. . No 6`!' Commissioners". Proceedings, City of Paducah i —. --- — — 192 , 1 fnohlncton and Kr_tter.john,-4: Hays,'POoe, Commissioner Tully offorod the fol.IowInrr motion: I'move that the expenso of the E .I onso S1.eoi 1 Y S ;erlstrctton df- Spootal Registration of Ootobor 9th, amounting to $294.00,be allo+od`and the money, i October: 9,1923. appropriated from'thr• ionoral fund io pay same and charged to Contingent"Socount ` i r �i ,.Yr... Adoptod ufon' call of the roll by "the fo110.vina vote: Yeas, Pe*e', Fulliam.-'T ly, : �� . 7eeh'ington,-4;' Bays;"tatter john. -1. . - Commisutonor Pulliam offerod the fol'lowinq motion;, I move that theamploy, t of +'' � § leen P..ra:l]ey' ne Leon-bradlny, as inspector'on curb ant mitter'oonstruction at 4pe par' hour be ratified, .,• inspector on .aia and mitter con- effective October 4th; 1923. Adopted upon call of, the roll'by the.follotivinP vote: Yee9r i struotion.' Paoe.'Pulliem; Tully, 'drshin?ton end Y.etterjohn,-5. ( Commissioner Fullir,m offered the following -motion: I move that All 0RDi1?.!,CE SF x ` Ord in an on. pro P40IIIBITil10 AIlY IIITOXICAT9 P;RSOU 03 I::RSOUS FRO1 Op.RaTI11G .IIY 7i3??I^.l.'. UTOIt G'IL7?LTC J hib iting intoxi Fr ., o• -ted poraor,e fiiGH:'1:LY 'Ili -1-re CI 1Y 0� rADUCAH. Yr'11TUCKY. A11D FIY,Ih'6 '?:: PF.IIf.LTY FOR 'JIOI..'[i0I1. q??:•R;0 f D from-oporatlnir d. F vehicles on pub- be - adopted. Adopted' upon cell of the roll b;I the follo..vinm vote: Yeas, Face, Ful]iam } high -aa ys, i 1 Tully: Xabington and Y'etter john, -;5. ' r Commi-esioner Pulliam offered the following motion: :7horeae'uiiusual rainfall.ha Ycnoy k Johnson w anted eiten- :caueed'.dalay to'Yanoy & Johnson, .Contradiare,.in the oonntruatIaD of curbs. aril rmtters f cion of; time to ! complete con -" under 'contracts numbers 7 and 8. and, 1hereas the City Knaineerina ll'e`'e.rtmont,has not ' f .tracts 7 rnd 0,`, t curb and p,;:ttor:+ .been oompnllod to'.rotain an idle inspector durinr, delays in this work or incur other to D000mbor,"10. exponuoc by reason of -said delavo,.I move that the O.ity Solicitor be inatruotod'+Lo y4 - K• draft a resolution granting to.Yanoy k Johnson,' Contractors, an,extor.eion of time for the completion of ourb ^_t:i guttor contracts numbero 7 and 8 until December 10tH, .19'23 _ t Adopted upon call of the roll by the 'follow ina vote: Yoan, Feoe, Pulliam, i7ashinaton v 1 ilaya Tully and Ketterjehn, jCommissioner Pace offered,tho fol to-Inri motion: I more that the City Solicitor " City 9o31'oitor be ir,etruoted'to bring in jan ordinar•ce providing n_ fins and Jail 'snntanoe for persons, to bring:Sn ordi "fw n.ance proviQin_e convicted of speeding upon the streets of the City of Teducah. Adopted upon call of Jf'. '.. a fine and jai]'.. sontenca,for the roll by the followin. vote: Yeas, Paoo, Pii]li:m,Tully,'lashinrton ani Y�'tter iohn 5 personn oonviot- ei. of . apeed Ing.. On mot ton tl:o rivrd ad journed upon cell' of the roll by 5 ynas. - on' pub]So.•atrest Of Olt Y• ..'' i . t s' � V..• --� 4 r N. rW. OCTOBER 15TH„ 1923. VVVVV At n Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' I �` Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on Ootober 15th. 1923. Upon *all of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoa. Pulliam. Tully and !`1 Mayor Katterjohn,-4. L On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the .previous meetings were adopted +! as read and corrected upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paos. Pulliam.i,' " Y .Tully and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully.offered the following motion; It appearing that there is dee . Schools allowed the schools the sum of 84712.79 from the tax colleotions to Ootober 18th. 1923. I moved 84712.79 ta= I " oollections to: that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to Oat. 13th.1923. pay same. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following rote: Yeae. Paos, Pulliam, I. Telly and Ketterjohn.-4. �* Opmmiseloaer peas offered the following motions I mow that the report of the ` t Report Chief of . t Firs Department OZ1ied of the Fire Department for the month of September 1925 be reoeived and flied. for Sept:1923. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully and $atterjoha.-4. I i Y L i i Iia R• i,'�Yxup;t .,r ' :5�4a s .tt1•Yw•.x ,.u.. -.J :. , .:K. r nYY! ».ter. �..:... ,. ,. .. .:-ri.x..a : /.-.. .':! w.. • Y