HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 221, October 1, 1923. ..: �•
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No, K-•L_�
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_=______._. 192—
On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of .the roll by 5 yeas.
ae••t•tl if `' i-IROVMD
OC'POMI 1 1923. ,
At 'c'Regular Voeting of the board of Oommieeionore,. held in the Commissioners' '
Chamber in the City Hall, Pnduoah, Kentuoky, on October. lot. 1923. Upon onll of the
roll the following anowored to their nnmon: Oommisoionors Paco,' Tully, ',Ynehington and
Mayor. Katterjohrn,-4.
;. .,
On motion of Oommiesionor '!'ally the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted
as read upon call of the roll by the following vote:,Yoaa, Face, Tully, "Jaehlnaton and'
Commissioner Fulliam entered. the Oommisaionera''•Chamber.
Mayor Y.atterjohn offered ,the .following'motion:'That the communication from E.R.•
' E. R. Harding Co:'
Harding Company, dated 0ctober�lat, regard int, certain wired and oabino.. be received
regarding wiresand
filed, Adopted upon cell of the roll by the follo,vinR vote:. Yana. Ilaoo,.Pulliam
Tully, 'laehington, and Y.ntterjohn,-6.
Mayor Y,atterjohn offered the fol.lowinir motion; That'. the communication from E. R,
E.R.Hcrding Co.
.Harding Company under date of September 25th, 1923, stating that Sub-Dicteion B. and
stating 'that
0- of Se'.vor District if3 has been completed, be received and filed. Adopted upon call
B.& C. Sower
of the rel] by the following vote.;'Yass, I'aoe, Pulliam, 13Y. and Kntter
Dist.#3.00m- I
john, -b.
Oommiesioner 'filly offered the following motion: The sum of ;j37.60•havinR been
r :.Cemetery deed
paid into the,Treauury, as ovilonoed by the rnoeipt filed horosrith, I more that Qee1,:
executed- to._
Mr a.LuIs Foroe.
be executed to.D!ro.' Lula Foroa'for Lot ;SBO, Block #2 on the 116rLh wile of Ford Street;''
betwoen Bnkar.& Mill-er 9trooto, in Oak. Orovo.Cemetery.' Adopted upon call of the roll
b the followingvote:Ynas Paoe Pi>alirm Tully 'iashin, tion .nnA Yntter .ohn 6..
y . .' g j .-
Oommtouiuror Paoe offorod tha fo]lowtnR notion: I movo tint the rneiRnation of
Miko DowoI1
Jdtko Dowell bo u000ptnd nn of JGptombor 2,t!th; 1U23, :vrA that" the 1Jationa] Surety
ronlanot Ion."
Ocmpmry bu rnlannud on hio bond from fituro ]tnhtl1tV. AAogtod upon call of thn rot];,
by tho following vote:_Ycaa,.Paoe, Tulliam, 'Pn]ly, 'Washinrtton ar,d Yattorjohn,-6.
Oommissioner race offered the following motion; I move that the 0l9>ointmant of,"
;4.R.Tnde a�poi-
'Y. R. 'Pnde; no Patrolman, by 01M Oomntsninnnr of Tt:hlio laroty, hn.rntiflod. Mopted
ntod ma
pntro n.
Gall of tho roll by tha f,ollowln+r vutn;.'Ynni;, Tnor, 1'.ulllnm, 'Pn]ly, .',Jnuhlnaton. ,
}:' n
and l:attorjohn,-6. .
Oommiesioner Pulliam offered the following, motion: l'Jherene $1500.00 wan deduotel
Prom the l.;onthly intimate fur.June 1923.to the B. H. Harding Oompany.,for the oon-
,1500.00 which:
Trunk Line,Saw,ors in District OB -30 on a000w,t,of%incomplete reeurfaoing
struotion of
from June
Estimate Dist.
cold streets have since been resurfaced, I move that the R.R.
of streets. and :7hor:eao';.
3B -3C.
llardlnrz Company Do' al]owoA nnld p1b00.00.' 'Adolitod upon call of the roll by the
folloaing voto:Yens,r-aoe;Pulliam,'Pttl]y,'.Yashington and Y.utter john, -6.
'E.R.Harding Go.
Oommiseionor Pulliam offered the following motion; 7Jhnreae $000.00wan deducted
t '.
n1lowed $500.00
which 'sat) de-
from tho ronthly liatimato for Juno 1923 to the Pl. R. Harding Oompany'for.,the oon-
i ..=
ducted from
June FBtimate
struetion of iYunk'llne &tension ;Sorrore in District �¢3 on aaoount of incomplete re-
Priink line ::x-'
tension Sewers.
eurfnoinrr of etreotn;'and 1hereas said ntreots have cities beor..reuurt'aoed,: I move
that the E. H. Harding Compeny.be,allowed said $500.00. Adopted upon call of.the
roll by the foIIo•rrinit vote: Yeas, Paoe, PuIIiam,Tu3ly,'.YanhIngton and Katterjohn; 8
.. ,Y.?':'r '^y1�*'3FS:9>`Sr��� Q�'R%1tSII:7:`C4�?�F�.S^'S?1F'1..,>tri,9.'t!$Y,.-.-..,�..yv^.F'.Q'ISSS:'.:7'.2'i."�•, 'r.'•;'ili:�.'.rs",`K"�V:
t. ^.
.. ,.
� •.M�•4" FC'+k", °'+',.�r.•�• �^x'�',`Y'�' T: .�.4j�."'rt�,,'«.*: •14 ;�1�'�':g„.��"'��d'A.� ` 3�%�+''�%e;`+'`d`+,Y7,'�-} `'' .
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah—_ 192—
'OonmdaeionarPulliam offered the following motion: I move that Yanoy & Johnson, �'i...
Oontraotore, and the Paducah RailCoMany be authorized to use on. the remainder
Yanoy & Johnson Y m! Y er o
Ontra0tors and .. ..
adu'oah Railway the 1923 paving oontruoto the same type of brick construction along tha oar tracks'
o. authorized vs r.
se remainder ao has been placed along the oar traoke aoroam.Vurrell Boulevard at Jackson Street„
f 1923 paving
ontraots same provided that same be oonstruoted'to the•approval of the Ingineor and a000rdina to''
,pe of brick as
sed along tracks the requirements set out in the Specifications, Ordinances and resolutione.relating..
arose L'urrell
lvd..at Jaokeon thereto. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas, Pooe,Pulliam,
Tully, `.7ashington and Y.atterjohn,-6.,
Oommieuioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that -the employmont of Yr �'
allaoe Lawrence lallaoe Lawrence as Engineer In®poctor at $176.00'per month be ratified, and that his ; �f
ployment salary,be charged against the particular work in••vhioh he may be enanged in the, Depart
mont of 1'ublio "Yorks. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: YeaR, Page,
Pulliam, Tully, ''lashington and Kattorjohn,-6.'
Commisaioner i'ulllam offered the following motion: That the roairmation of C.F.
f F:Tesd resigns `feed inspector of New Gonorete roadways, be accepted as of Septomber 28th, 1923. �•
' ion. Adopted upon call of the roll by .the . following vote.: Yeos'; Pase, Pulliam, Tlilly,[ ([
7laehington and .Katter'john,-6.
t' Oommiasioner lachtngton offered' the following motioni I move thnt the trnnufor from
amotery'Tranofor r 4
J rom ura.''•7m, biro, William Beailoo to L. G..Yarborry to tho South half of Lot $6 in•Soo.tion 2, Oak
eadlee to L.G.
'Grove Cemetery beatified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloning.vo'te: Yeas,
y• . ,
Pace, Fulliem, Tully, 'Washington and Katterjohn,-6.'
Commissioner Fulliam.offored tho-following motion: I move that the E. R. Herding Je•^ f
E.R,}}ardin Oo. Company be aTlo'.vod x226.00 for the use of 76 barrels of extra cement usod on concrete
iLioe of 75 Bble.. pipe a000rding•to order of the City made at the time of adopting Look Joint. Pipe for a i
extra oeinont.
:Trunk Line dxteneione, and same charmed to Trunk Line hktensione Bawer•Distriot 43.
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, face, Pulliam, `Ally, y:
Washington and Katter john,-6.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the follo:ving motion: That the receipts for' '�.
notices served on'theE. R. Harding Company, Contractors, and the.l.;aryland Casualty #'c
eoeipts for
otloes:Served oz Company, their surettos, and Yanoy'and Johnson, Contractors, and the Rational Surety':
.R.Hard Ing Co.
surety, and Oompany; their suretied, to the effoot that their contracts are runninf,. behind eohe
anoy & Johnson' F i
nd surety rola- Jule be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:
tice to oontractE.r.;
it Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, 'fully; 'Washington and Katterjohn,=6. {•. {
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion:, I move that the report of the.
-R eport Ohief- of Chief of Police for the month of deptember 1923. be received and filed.. Adopted upon -.
call of tho roll by tho.follotving vote: Yeaa. Faoe,Pu111am,Tully,`.7nshinaton and
yr Commissioner Pulliam offered the followina motion: I move that the it $ j
` Solicitor •'Solicitor be instru'atod to bring before this Board.s. plan of systemizing the ordi
to bring before 1.
card a plan of nanoee of the City, the collection thereof for binding into book.form, the repealing
a systemizing..,
;ordtnanoes of, of obsolete ordinances, the amending,`,00mbining and oo-ordination of existing ordi
Aity, &o:
f nanoes and rn estimate ofthe amount of labor-entailed.and the probable expense there
f ; of. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe; Pulliam,. Tully,
;7ashington and Katterjohn,
On motion the. Board ad journed upon oall .of ' the roll by 6 yeao.
4Ss3:tu :f?i., i1 V w ' �+ na v u.. sr/ z.[,. m J;4aL:rk sct:rV a Y. .. :f t'. - ,