HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 220, September 24, 1923�� j1�'yb� run^. **• v + �... ,. . r . � �'• . ..r .9 , - rWi:Y�LL 1. K. �:�� a'r '�'r,' ri ., i•'d.�'s�:r .b,'t� i.',�cr :i c V: .F4'.`I-y'•'/. .I, r.. 'Y �,J � i•i ` Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 198-_ . :. . 9EPT::LMEt 24TH, 1923. k1 � S; At a Regular Hooting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners! 1 :.; ,` y'. ! f.• ' Chamber in the Oity.Hall; Paducah, Kentucky, on September 24th, 1923; Upon call of Commissionors Pace, Tully.Washinaton the roll the•following.answered .to their names: and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. t ' dopt On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt- + ` Ir ed as real upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully.Waehin.ton and Katterjohn;-4. Kayor Katterjohn offered the following motion. I move that the communication 4 Ge.o.'A.Katterjohn oommunioation from Ueo. W. Zatterjohn. relative to sower on 19th Street at Jefferson, be received N. - relative to sew- = orat 19th & Jef -and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Peoe,•Tully; € r• ; �• ferson 9t. � : Washington and Katterjohn,-4..Commissioner pulliam.entered the Commissioners' Chamber. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that .the communication kk! American Legion from the American Legion requesting permission to hold a carnival during the week communication requeoting per.- beginning October 8th, be reoei.ved.and filed and the request be granted. Adopted?.- , miseion'.to hold ' Carnival granted. upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully, Washington, -3; (N�, Nays, Pace and Katterjohn,-2. Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the resignation of ' W .G.Hernitt, 1-4 U. Merritt. as City Fireman, be accepted. Adopted upon call of .the roll by the ` Resignation..., following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5. Commissioner Washingtonoffered. the following motion: That the communication from ri ' Street Light at the residents in the vicinity of 24th and Washington Street De received aM filed, !r 24th & Tashingto c- petition of reei, and that the Commissioner of Fublio'Property be instructed to brincrIn' .an estimated cost (`�[ dente requesting CI ' ' same. ofinstalling this light and investigate whether or not we can stand any more lights on acoount.of shortage of boiler power at the Light Flant. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae,Faoe,Fulldam,Tully,Washington and Eatterjohn.-5. r `t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. I move that AIT ORDIITAITCE TRO- _ t'. f Ord inanoe pro- VIDING FOR AN i1BOTION.BY 'ZTB QUALIFIED ELECTORS OR voVmS OF T143, CITY OF PADUOAH. I' . Y. viding for Bond' i Issue for Parke, YENTUCKY, TO Bis H= ON T113 REGULAR SLECTION DAY. NOVE1+113,•at 6TH, 1993, IIT THE CITYj. .9100,000.00 OF I'ADUOAH, KENTUOKY, TO D16'PrJi1.1iNF TH:: QUESTION ''1111sTliER THE CITY OF PAD AN STIAL ISSUL AND 8:7LL DONDU OF* SAID CITY TO TIM,, R:(T::NT OF ON:: HUNDRED THOUSAND (3100,000.00) DOI.IARS, FOR T11:: PURPOSE OF PURCHASING LAITDS FOR wzix PRor!PTY AND FOR THA ILTROVE- .' t Qii1T OF FIM S I10l7 0110 AND TO BE ACQUIRED,ttl✓D TO TROVID:; FOR THE PAYf:isITT• OF INTER- P"I EST ON SAID BONDS AND TO MATE A SINKING FUND FOR TRE Pt.)MI:NT' OF SAID BONDS AT MATURITY, .be adopted. Adoptod upon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas', �. Pace, lulliam, 11,13y, laohinFton and Kattorjohn,-5. ' Mayor Knttorjohn offcrod the following motion% I move that the Contract and ( ; Oontraot,Bond, Ctrl Uartiflod Oonatruotion bond for the oonetruotion of alley in Block 09, bett�oon End and. 1 check of Oeo.;7.. ,located `s Kmtterjohn.for 3rd Stroote.and bet'aeonBroadway and Jefferson Street, aimned by G. 17. Ktktterjohn oonotruotton of 't•,,':: ;` is alley in block Son, bad• p�or6e'+�9.KdtOsrjaAnoSr.: 0ostified check for X750.00, as surety, be approved, #9.botn.2nd.& 3rd' ' and H'wny, and filed nrA..roaordeA. .Adopted upon sail of the roll by the following vote: Yean;'. 1 Jefferson St. 1 Pnoo, Pul]iam, 'Ailly, ',vauhington aril Knttorjohn,-5, i. Oommiecioner'Pulliam offerod the fo]lowimt motions I move that tho-Otty Soltoi- it and. Cereal' for be instructed to draft an ordinance nmorndinm.an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANOE Hevorage License Ordinance .to be REGULATING THF: R E TA I L I ITS. OF MALT t,t%D O:RRAL.B4V.iRAGES, IROVIDINO A'LIOEIIS? THrMFOR. ` amondoA.: AIID PRBSORIBING FF.NAI,TY FOR VIOIATION T111-gtEOF," in such manner as to increase the E: latitude of the' proviaion.whoretry liconnoo may be revoked '."end provide that viola-. tior,,of.tho prohibition law ahn11_bo R''rounde for the revoking of.lioensee. Adopted S+ i ' upon oall. of tho.:roll by. the following voter I(oas;. rw, Pulliam, Tu13y 'mrd 1TaohfnQ- 1 •. ' ton,-4;.Nnya Katterjpha.-1." r `=�"i;F' w,dsit. rwe;-., ..,. .. .. . Ie.+. r.-_' !i ta:.. •t,re`. _.... r .. .•'e.-. Rw ..a.,tw :?_ �,."� .... ....a.�. .. ...a,a N.:.,.. ,.... � �,• ..:. ti. , ' '+,'r tF' :CMZ; ,4 •+Y � j�"''`�( '�-1••Fa'lu.t4v'r}x"7'7 "� a!i �1i'}ar +y�h .,y. pKi. T:rYo�. s 0�'+..�5' .. � r.,-, ;}. �k'^ . • l ' 4 fi "�' l �' { � :.. , h � �" ate, t py 4 � A � i�� /�:. ;..c_-�_- :..-t:.: �:rla �+-a.�,'�i. .-_+:::.i:nu_.�r..—c.. _tfiis.::...wr:•:.�3-- ^,b ':F:.ro. s -?. A., i . : .''"".� t 1 •I ( [No.A.2-I Commissioners'''Proceedings, City of Paducah 192 Onmotion � the Board adjourned upon,oall of ,the roll by 5 yeas. 1Ae*leiriF�i�O�V3Rl� . ;:, `; arras - t/��AL�YU►t , OCTOB:I? 1. 1923. {i t- AL n ReFrular 1.4eetinR of the Board of Commissioners, held' in the 00mmieeloners' ' C' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Ootober,lst, 1923. Upon or.11 of the roll the following anowored to their namon; Commiaoionore Pace,' Tully, Sashington and J.?ayor. Katter john,-4. On motion of Oommieeionor `Pully the minutes of the previous moetinge were adopted 'C. �• r es read upon call of the roll by the following vote;,Yean, Pace, Tully, Washington and' ;• Katter john,-4. Commissioner'Fulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. mayor Yatterjohn offered -the _Pollo'•ving motion:'That the oommunioation from E.R. E. R. Harding Co -•. communication ion- Harding Company, dated 0otober"lat, regard inrt certain wires-nnd aabI aa, be received L regarding wires and filed. Adopted upon,oall of.the roll by the follo,vinrr vote:.. Yeas, Paco,.Pulliam,. .ani` onblea. 'r Tully, ',Yashinaton. and Y.nttnrjohn,-6. Mayor l:atterjohn offornd, the following motion:'That ,the communication from E R r I E.R.Herding Co: 1'y pdiCompany under date of September 25th, 1923, 'statiniz that Sub-Divteion B. and .!� Harding om 4, Communication.: :orating that C. of 9e'.ver.Distriot 9f3 has been completed, be received and filed.' Adopted epee call Sub-Division oP, the rel] b the following vote; Yeas, I'eoe Pulliam .Tu17y,.'+'inehinaton and Katter B.& C. 8a.ver Y e Dist.#3.com- k rlotdd. john,-6. „ '' tom,•, Oommicoioner 'filly offored the following motion: The cum 'of`;37.60•having been P Cemetery deed paid into the ,Treasury, as oviAonoad by the rnoeipt filed herewith, I move that deed" exeoutod•to 11sa.Luls Force, be executed to'-Mro.` Lula Force for loot #80, Block !f2 on the North siAa of Ford Street, ' Y I bot+voen Bakor.& Milhor Stroo,ts, in Oak. Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon cell of the roll.` r a by tho following vote;Yean'Imoe,Fu111r.m,Tully,"laehington AM Kntterjohn,-6,.' ;y Oomminuiunnr ]'ane oYYnrnd the following Motlon;'I move thrtt the resignation of , blikc lloevoll Mtko DOwull bo nonoptod nn of Goptombnr E1.10h;.3U23, roui that'tho Ila tionaI Surnty raslanat ion.'4 .. Company bu rolonnad on hio bond from future liability.. AAoptod uJ'on oa77 of the rel] by'rho following vote:.Yoaa,.l'aoe, Tulliam,'Tilly, `Waohinaton'at,d Rattorjohn,-6., F 0ormnlusioner Paoe offere4 the fo]]owinrc rnotton; I movu.that.the ajpoirtmont of x , "JiN.R.Tade aproi- ,-- R. Tads; no Patrolman, by'tiin 0omminnlnrer. of Tuhlio ynfnty, hn.rnttlleA, Adopted ntod patrolman. U pon call of,thn roll by thn f.ollowimr votn: -Ynan, Tnac', l'ulllnm, 'Pally, .FJnuhinaton 1 A anA katterjohn,-6. Commissioner. Pulliam offered the followinP motion: ','mernne $1600.00 was deducted E.R.Harding Co r' - } allowed from the J.lonthly Estimate for .June 1923.to the E. H.. Harding Oompany..for the con- $1500.00 whioh ' was deduoodd atruotion of Trunk line.So%vnro in District 3B-30 on a000unt of incomplete reeurfaoinR from June Estimate Diet. $ of streets and ':Yhor.nao said streets have since been roeurfaoeA,,I.move that the F. R.. 9N J•w 3B-30.' IInrdin3 Ocmpany bo al]osvoA nnid ;p1600.00. '44optod upon call of the roll by-the ' fol]o',ving voto:Yeo.a,Paoe,Pulliam, Tnlly,Washinaton arA Y.utterjohn,-6. c.R.Hard ing Oo. Commissioner Pulliam offaroA the following motion; 1hnrean 0500.00 wan'deduoteA '. •.: el lowed $600..00,, , vhioh .,.,an de- from the 1.?unth3y ::otimntn for' June 19P3 to .the };.'J?. J{nrdina OompiLny for;tho con- Y' duoted from June Estimate struotion of Trunk line iScternion .terrors in Dictriot ¢3 on account of incomplete re- Trunk line ac , .eurfaaInm of.streets•'and 4lhereae said ntreats have einoo.Dear.resurfaoed,,:I move tension Sewers. _ . } thet the Be R. Harding. Compary,.be•allowed said $$50000:. Adopted upon call of.the j s roll' by the follo':e:ina .vote: Yeas, Poo$, Pu]linm,Tul ly,',4nshington and Katter john;-6 '' ., ra'�-r.,i�"''s�T'�...."3fFd� � ' 4 ¢amass¢:�s*n,ecnor^.,aca'�a't 'k�'":Sn'=.:a::;�•.t:^J.rsr-��� c r