HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 219, September 20, 1923r .t
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i > Commissioners" Proceedings, City of Paducah �.—Y ---' .' 192-�
fi p� be introduced ani lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo1.1a rg,vote: Yens,
Face, Pulliam, .Tully, Aashington ani Katterjohn,-6.
' On motion the Board adjourned.upon oall.of.the roll b 5
Y . Yens.
.►Lytm�'4iy4Q1:.fN`'�__t,�•! APrROvHI=i.'
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r, SST R•B;lt. 19TH. 1923.
At -a Called Yesting of the* Board of Commissioners, held .in the Commissioners'.
A ,
Chamber In the City Fall, Paducah, 1:ontuoky on September 19th, 1923, at :10:00 o'.nhook
' A. 11. Upon pall of the roll the ;folloriing ans:vered to their nnmeei Commissioners
Pace, Tully and Washington, -3; ?Sayor Katterjohn being absent from the City, Mayor Pro
Tem. ',Yaehington presided,
Mayor Pro. Tem. "lashington stated reason for call to -wit: To pass, on bids for the
improvement of Oity hospital, which was deferred from:meetina on September'17th, 1923..
Commissioner ''raehington offered the following motion:I move that the,bi•i of r
Hilae 8towart to las Stewart for the completion of Contract ?'o. I. at Riverside !!capital be awarded to,
-.'bid for oomple-
tion of Contract him, provided he '•vill immediately wive bond, with some surety oonpany,. to the amount' "
ill; Riverside
Hospital awarded:', of hie bid, to -wit: 34636.00: and, further provided, -that he will enter into a con-
to him.- '
traot to start the work at onoe.and oomplete.it on or, b efor 6 -December '15th, 1923.
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Face, Tully and 19ashina
4 a J tor, -3. �" r
On motion the Board adj)urned upon call of.the roll .by 3 ,yeas.
t At'S�oyr>11,.
Adopted kw. 10.1,-3 1
1d./�w:rG i
S—TPSB:M 20TH. 1923.
t At a Celled ?Looting of the Board of Commissioners held in 'the Commissioners' r
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on 9eptnmber 20th, 1923, st.10:60
o'clock A. M. Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their names- :Ooomie
f oloners Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Vayor Kntterjohn,-6. }
c r L'ayor Kntterjohn stated reasons for, call to -wit: To allow the payroll for ;
the first half of the month of September 1923, and any other business that might ecu
before the Board, a ,±
( } Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay -roll
1 r
{{ for the first half of the mor:th of September 1.923, amounting to $7090.98, as per
Pay -moll first
half September the report of the Commissioner of Publio Finance filed herewith, be allowed and or4w-
i el paid and the money appropriated from the gonoral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon
call of the .roll .by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Fullism, Tully, Taahingion and `
Katterjohn.-6. .
{ Commissioner.Tully offered the following motion I move that .the pay -roll
' Pay -roil first.•
half September for the first half of the month of September 1923. for the 3d District Sewer., ,
1923 for 3rd '
Distri,ot ' Sewer. amout,ting to 3456.". be allowed and ordered pod and the Oommi'esioner of Publio'.
J ' Finance be authorized. and instructed to draw checks against the 11o. 3 District
Sewer Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:
i•, - Yeae, Peoe, Pulliam. Tully. 1ashington,and Katterjohn,-b.
On motion the Board adjourned upon on 11 of the roll by b.yeas: {,
ti ,
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