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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 216, September 15, 1923� ��L, i, } - ' � rY 1'fT . "1 h'MY� Ys� d•ir.k.LYwr.�!ll 1 rty}� _.„,T.+�sy.�..rlrer7i°,TST �:�rnc�'v.� `,Y� ,"" �,"�`i�,',"�+S'A`P• t'�P .:r � Tr a ,.:; ��, _r , w,a i j• �� � ` %' q ?�' �i ,A n v'"ti ,C:"""."}+3;"':,7y1 .� esu _ • �/ r t) YtYP•...�T rNa w " Commissioners_ 'Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-- �yr SYT2:].MEM 14TH, 1923. F r At n Celled bleating of the Board of Ooamiseioners, held in the Commissioners'?) Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah, Kentucky. on September 14th, 1923. at 4:8.0oIalOak 5 Ff P. M. Upon. call of'the roll the following answeredto their names: Commissioners } �1 . Fulliam, Tully, Washington ani Mayor Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Kattorjohn stated reasons for call to-wit; To reoeiva oommunination � ' from 11.'A. Pullinm, Ohiof &glnoor, and nuah othar bi;sinnoe thatmimht come) before the Board: ! Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the communication '',06mmunication from Henry A.-Fulliam, Chief Engineer, reaardina faulty pointing of joints and lips at 1 - of .,H.A.Fulliam,Chie ,' '. .`+•-", )Engr. regarding the joints of blocks in the Segment.Hlook Sewer on 19th Street at points between Broad- :� •'t`..•. . +sex er on.19th St. " ; ;Sand liinkleville way and Kentuoly Avenue ani .on the entire Hinkleville Road line, dated.September 14th, t goad Line. '+ i 1923, be.reaoived and filed. Adopted-upon call of the roll by the follow_ina vote: Yeau', Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. ' Oommiscioner Pulliam'offerod the following motion; I move that the Oontraotor,': !:. 1%.11ardii,g Company, be notified that on the construct Lon of the Olay Sommont Block E.R,Hnrding Oo'.; Sower on 19th Street from Stction 89 plus 60 southward, the City of Paducah aesumes no'. notified of de- -footive work on: 'responsibility for paymont for such work as in.not-pointed a000r4in4 to the speolfi;' 19th Ot. Bower :.and.11inkloville* cations and approved b the Tinglnoar w dor the autl;ority given him In the Contract,. 1 sed Eine. r ': and for ouch work an presents unusnal Irrogularitioe on tho 'innido'by the form►tion of lips at the jointo of :tho blooku, or for work which, in nny way, fails to comply x L t h the Contract, rlanu and Spoolficatlona, and that the City 01ark be Inutruotad to �I ; deliver a copy of thin.notioe to tho Contractor, L. R. Harding Company, immodiatoly upon the adjournment of this moo.tinP. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following- ' vote: Yeas,'pu],.Tully, 'Washington and Kattorjohn,-4. i ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the followimg motion; That vherena R. K. Niece .K.NSeoe resig- notion and Bain- has tendered his resignation in the F.nalneerinv Department, effective after September .ry let . half of.,4 .Sopt.1923,': 16th; 1923, I move that he .be allowed his salnry for the. let half of September, amount- mount- { t. Allo allowed. ink to J75.00, payable. September 15th,.1923, and 'that same. be ohareod to 'sowers. .'t t1 Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, relliam, Tully, WnshinRton and Katterjohn,-4. Y On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Alrplia��g S�I1�.-._.11A3 F I siih'r:�! B::$ 15TH, 1923:.' At'0 Called Yleetinrz of tho Board of Oommiasionnra, hold in tho, Commiaator.era' '+Ohr.mbor in•the City Hall, Paduoah, Kontuoky,'on September 16th, 1923.' Fit 10:00.►' a. . o'clock :1. 1 Upon as I. ofthe roll the follotvina aiawernd to their .^.om^ia i sionora l•coo; Pulliam; 'Cully and ashtnirton,=h. Mryor ::atterjohn beim nbsnr.t from r.r 4• Alloy betmodn « .';,!.the City, l:nyor pro: .Tom. '7asiii1)1Tton prenided. +• 2nd & 3rd Stu.' ani Broadway nn r b:eyor l'ro•: Tom. 'Jnshina,ton stated reasorn for call to-71t: to receive bide J'offeruon ' .•for tho-construction of alloy.•Sn1B.3ook,j:9 bett7oen 2nd.and 3rd 8trnnts red between j.,. Broad vu : and 'Jofi'oraon 9t.reet. a Commieuionor Iulliam'offered the fo11o%7InP motion:•l7hereoa bids have.b.don1 received for Lhc aoristriiotlon of the'a]'lay botTvcan Brord.vav and 'Jofforson Siroot•�and r 2nd an1 3rd. Streets•' from George ".7., il.^ttor john,&.;Sona for the'. of 91603.41,rnd r -num Yanoy.& Johnson f-or the sum of '31560.46 I move that call bide be reoeivod and filed BiAd rood, and. and thn Goorvo `•7. •YP_ttGe john' & Son be' awarded the oor tract aathe -10i70et bid36r, F .filed and bid gf littorjoh'& ard`that L1io certified ohook dopoaitod bq Yanoy k Johnnon With *heir bid be returned son eooel:co. I. Bide for finish. ire 3rd floor of Riverside 3109- pital received A filed, and notion deferral until Sept.19,190 at 10 o'oloah AP:. No. 1 I .1 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _ - _ _192- Adopted 192_ Adopted upon call of the roil by th, following vote; Yeas,, Tu131um, Tully and laehington,-4. On motion the Borrd rdjourned upon call of the roll by 4 year. a4egle4 .i 1/� 19a ta�_'_ A:PYROV7JD rye ow wa T33.MM 17TH. 1923. a1 AWife At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber to the City Hall. redueah, Y.entuoky. on September 17th. 1923, at 10:00 o'olook A. 11. Upon sell of the roll the following answerwl to their rams: Commie- sioners Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Taehington and llayor Y.atterjod -5. 1!ayor Katterjohn stated reasons for Dell to -wit: To open bide to finish third floor of Riveraide Hospital, and such other bualnese that might some before the Hoard. Comoinsioncr 'yaahington offered the following motion; That shoreae the opening of bids for the finishinR of the 3rd floor of Rivernide Hospital exceeds the amount appropriated, that the Board of Commissioners defer action until 30 o'clock '.felnesdoy September 19th, 1923; that the bids from (;so. Yatterjohn A Son for Contract /1 amounting to $7644.00 and Contraot $2 amourtina to $6793.00: also bide from Hilae Stewart Contract it amourtira to $4636.00 mid Contract Uo 2 amounting to $3316.00, be resolved and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followlnR vote: Yeas. pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washtngtor,-4; Rays, Yetterjohn,-1. On nation the board %Ijourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Aaeele4 nffi'.' i�../.2-14 tz `" IAT OR 1717!, 19P.3. At r Remuler Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold In tin Coemissiorers' Chrmbor in the Clty Hell, laduonh, Yontuaky, on September 17th, 1923. Bron 0413 of the roll the follorinR are'.vered to their namee; Commisalor:are Tana, lulltam, Tully, 'fa0hlnwton and Major Hatterjohn,-6. On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the }mevious mentlnms were adopted as road mid corrected ulon cull of the roll by the R vote: Yaee, 17436, Pu111au Tully, .7ashington and Yatterjohn,-6. Mayor Katterjohn offered the followinm motion; I move that the communication from S.R.Harding Co. Comcunlostion re- ' the 3. R. Her.iirg Company, dated September 16th, 1923, relative to reduction in 1enRtl lative to reduction in length of sower of ee:verbarrel on Hinklev111e Road, be received and filed. Jdopted upon call of the barrel on Hinkle - villa Rond line. roll by the follo-ing vote:Yeae.laos,Tu111em.Tully,'7aohirgton and yatterjohn,6. .`i llayor Katterjohn offered the follo:vinm motion: I move that the oomrtmniestion from R.R. Herd ins Co. the S. R. Berlina Company, dated September l6Lh, 1903, relative to roirttne up the oommuniration re- lative to pointing joints in the Segment Block Sewer barrel on 37th Street, be re0eiv84 nr4 filed. up joints In seg- 'I mart sever blocks Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: YnnH, Taoe, Pn111nm. Tully, on 19th St. J 7 '.fashlnaton and Yatterjohn'-6. mayor Yat tar john offered the folloMnR motion: I move that the 4ommun SontloK from S.R.Hardtng Co. oocmuniatlor, tela -N S. R. Pard izq Company, dated September 17th, 1923. r31nt1ve to C]aee A Street Inlets tive lto change in S - desimn of Class A: on sewer extorsion division, be received and filed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by Street inlets on 'i ohs, -6. sewer exteneion. I the follo.ving vote: Yeas, Pace, pulllnm.7ully,'lea hingtan and KaLterj Report 1:o0raoI Myor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the report of Hlaaohe county public health lea Rue. Per •tell of the McCracken County Hublie Health lturairg service, State Board of Health, V.�.,._.r,-Te -...-.-, _.. �..,r..y,p...,�.+^^-^'.-.-.�r•�-+•--,.•.rrn.r�.+c,-� ...... _.-.-•-,,--.,.-.r.-.,: .. ..