HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 215, September 13, 1923h•.r t a;.. �ti [ w ,1'! 7 pcf �� �Cc' jh. "� rw ,� aa'Sc T { r +. ��, ..
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.... Commissioners" Proceedinga,' City of Paducah,
Commissioner iulliam offered the following motion:.I move that: the Monthly Esti=
mate of work done on the oonstruotion of Murrell Blvd. (3.10th•St:) by.,Yanoy,ana `.
Ynnoy & J,ohnson,
Fantimate :august
I'd 23i:urroll Blvdt
Johnson, Contractors, drir ing the' month of August 39E3, bo approved ar,d that the' Com -
paid $9,328.44. I
miselonar of Public Pinanoo be authorizod.nnA instructed to issue Improvement Warrants
for $9328.44 on a000unt of said eatimato, naid $9,328.44 being 68;:of amount of work
done. Adopted upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yoas,,Pace; Pulliam,
9aehington and Katterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the followinv motion: That the 'E• R. Harling Co. .
9.R.Harding Co.
end their bondsman be notified that the cork on Contract 3A Is not prooeedina at the
and their tondo~ ..
mon' notified that
roto cellsl for by their eiaeement nr:d that the 1.1e}ror be instructed .to notify them,
^:ork on.Contraot
3n is not pro-
in writLng, ❑nd attach a copy of this motion to said notification, and take r.eoeipt
oeeiino at rate
3alled for,&a,
therefor. Adopted upon cell of, the rel] by the Y,ollowing vote: Yoas;,raoe. rulliam, ¢
'.7ashinrrton and Katterjohn,-4.
Cormiseioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That Yanoy &Johnson,
Yanoy & Johnson
and their bonds-
Contractors.. and thoir bondsmen be notified that the 'cork on their contract's numbers.
man ratified that!
work on Contracts
1, E. 3, 4, 6. 7 and 8 for street and curb and glitter construotion Is r-ot proceeding
)loc. 1, 2, 3,. 4..
6, 7 & 6 is not
at the rate called for by their aRreoment, and that the 1'ayor.be instructed to deliver'
prooeeding at gg
rate called for, p
tole notifeontLon, attaobj ng a copy of this•;mo tion'. thereto and obtadn a recotpt`there-
for. Adopted upon call of the roll by tha,Yollowing vote: Yeas,.Paoe. Pulliam,
7a6hington and Yrtterjohn,-4.
On motion the Board adjourned'upon call of. the roll.by 4 yeas.
A/epled 17 �H2 3 nz?i7:�:r"�VBD
SUTAB! i 13TH,
�• .?
At a Called 1looting.of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners'.';`:,:,
Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kor-tuoky, on September 13th, 1923, at E-20 o'olook�
H. Upon call of the roll the following nnasered to thoir names: Commiesi.onore Paoe ,
Tully,::Vashington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.
Mayor Kntterjohn stated reasons for oall,to-wit: To receive communication
1;. R. Harding Company_ reparding.utopPing oonstruoti.on on ower near 19th and.,
Avenue, and ary other buelreon that might come bufcru the 5oar,1.
Mayor ; attorjohh: o'_"arud the following motion: I move that the communication
E. R.Hard Ing Co.'.—from
E. R. Harding Company; Anted Septoinber 13th; 3923, be received and filed: Adopt
Commun ioat Ion.
ed upon oall;of the roll by thejollowinq'vote*. Yean, Paoe, TulIy, :lashinQton and
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: Whereas a oommuntoation from
E.R.Hardi'ng Co.'
in truo ted to
-the L. R. Harding vompany, statim that tho'work on the hunk Lire Senor. on 19th
o3tinue the
conetruot ion of
Street, betaaen Y.entuoky avenue and Broadway, hnd been stopped,:I move that the i. R.
Trunk' line Sew -
ere on 19th St.
Harding Compar:y be instructed to continue with the work acoordina to the plane, speoi-
'betn.B'wey and
}:y. ;.Va.fi'oatione
and contract. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo.ing voter Yeas,
Pace, Tully, 4-ashington and Katterjohn,-4.
aoi0r.15oohittton offorod the following motion: I.movo that J. 0. Y.ee]y :.
J. O. }:ooly to
furnieh inupeot,�furnish
an inspeotor to 9'. R.. Harding Company on thn 'Trunk Line Senare on 19th 9treeL
or to l'. R. Hard- �•
irg Co. on Trunk
immediately. Adopted upon call 'of the roll by the faIIowIng vote: Yoae, Paoe, Tully.';
I h..
Line 3eaors on a'
19th Street.
Washington and Hatterjohn,-4'.
on motion•the Bor:rd adjourned upon anll of the roll by 4 yens.
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