HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 209, August 28, 1923...:< .z -.�_'.r�.'-:�aF �r�"P'�jr":asC'h•k, 4:'4::Mr ::r� "TAU r l._.. •........-�v '�`.'�•(w �:Y' i',1 �i-v,. t-'''�. L,.... �; < !.�-a .,1 .r:S_-..:. .4 . �J- •.._....-vs\ Commissionerel ' Proceedings, City of Paducah ____ �.�..:_: _ 192' 1 d AUGUST 27TH. 1923. ; .At a -Regular Meeting of.the Board of Commissioners; held in the Commissioners' Chemb.or in.the City llall,.laducah, Kentucky, on AuPust 27th, 1923. Upon call of the ,. roll' the following ans..rered to their names: Commissionors Pace, Tully, Washington and _ Mayor Katterjohn,-4. -' On motion of Commissioner Tully the.minutes of the previous'meetinge were -adopted °,"•y,f;` as road upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yoas,,race,.Tu) ly, Washington and, Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Paoe offered the folloaina motion;'I move that the eppoir_tment of Guyl;` GuLooney'and ' R. .Jones; Looney a d'R. 0. Jones re extra patrolmen, by the Commissioner of Nblic Safety, be appointed extra, pntrolaon.ratified. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the followinn- vote: Yeah, Pace,. Tully, Washinaton and Lattorjohn,-4. Y. limber 3, Commissioner '.Ynshington offered the following motion: That: the bill 7• f. .71mb'orly crowed X1.06.75. for bridge for bridge fleorina sold to the City of Patiuoah.for the street Department, emountina to flgoring.. $106.75 be allowed and charged to, stroeto. Adopted upon call of the roll 'bythe follow ing vote: Yens, Paoe, Tully, t7ashington and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the oontract Contract beta. City of Padu- bar. -.-eon the City of Iaduoah, hentucky, and Hazel moloan, dated. August 14th, 1923, be oah and Hazel :r Vel can.. ratified. adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Face, Tully, Washington and hatter john, -4. f.. Payor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that AV ORDINANCS.]'ROHIBIT- IliG AUTO!:OBIL33 OR VsIIICL S, MAV 30G,D30AD!'AY S`_'R?ET, TUF.NING TO THE LEFT IYTO Ordinance regu- leting left-m.IRD, FOURTH, FIFTH AM SIXTH STR:!-M, Ala) PROHIBITIIIG :+U.TOL:OBILc:S OR VEHICLES, TRA h&nd turn on - Brtioa'lway, '7E?511IG THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH AID SIXTH STREETS, TURNING TO LFT INTO BROAD9IY STREET, and.3rd,4th, • :,e.'' ..5th & 6th Ste. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, L IITUOn7, be adopted. Adopted upon call of. the roll by the ; following vote: Yens. Pace, Tully, Waahington and Katterjohn,-4.J. . r : Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that Al! ORDIVAIME AI'-17DIN0' AND RE-FJ.ACTII:G 530TION 1 OS All ORDI_:ANCE "IITMED "All ORDIIIAIICE FROM ITING VEHICLES Parking Ordl- nanoe on Broad ; OF ANY CRARACTrR FROM FARXING C11 EITHER SIDE OF BROAD"IAY ST..R.V13T, BHT"' 1 FIRST AND , way. F SEViNTH 5T2_-1STS. II! 'P!i': CITY OF PADUCAH, 1211TUM. •AILD PROVID IVG A PENALTY FOR VIOLA_ TION OF SAVE.," ADOPT D BY THE BOARD. OF COG9.IISSI017!JIS OF THS:, CITY, OF: PADUCAH, KEYITUCEY; oil Fa:BRUi�iY 16th, 1928, 'be adopted. Adopted upon 'call of the roll 'by .the following vote; Yene, Fcoe, Tully..%7ashington and Katterjohn,-4. On motion the Boned adjourned upon call. of, the roll by 4 ynae. AdopledAeu-?'%• — Q11•Z3' hl'_I'.tYiU V Fl13h MAV, . AUGUST 28TH. 1923. - Ata Called Meeting *of the ,Board of Commisoionere,'hold in the Commiseionere� Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Y.entuoky; on 1,unust•?,8th, 1923, at 2:10 a, look M. Upon call of the Toll the following ane•aered to their. names: Commissioners Paoe,• Full iam,' Tully and Payor Katterjohn,-4. 2Ayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit:. For the purpose of adopting ' Plane; and.Spe-;and specifications for the improvement of n1ley.in.blook 9 Old Town, and any olf4cations for 'oonstruotion of other business that, might come before the board'. .alley. in Block 9,.. Old -Town. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion!. I move that. the Flans aid Specifications for the oonetruotion of Alley in Block No. 9, Old- ToWn..Addition r1. between 2nd and .3rd Streets and arasdway and Jeff or a on Streets. eianed by F_enry : A. Pulliam, Oommiseioner.of publio.7orke and Chief Engineer, qurruet,20th,'1923; be, ". .4. . . -- y T-"T.r' ,�'"1« .,,�Z'.:"-*T.-'1: _.,..•: ; ..- -K. r ,tii.:..i• �""X•r= ­'Y1_.,.,a:=,'F,�c^=rh..Y"'�*r, *"r'S'�'T'r,- :F'1,3'"R::i"_" ?,.�`.T'i.'•�"�e3'._ No. 3/ e Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_.___. ____ _192.__ adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, j Tully and Katterjohn.-4. Com'r. Public Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Tnereas. the Official 7orke to re- iadvorties for Newspaper failed to advertise the receiving of bide set for August 29th, 1923, I move bide for alley In Block 9, Old & that the Commissioner of Public works be authorised and instructed to readvertise for i i To M. j receiving bide for the construction of alley between Broadway and Jefferson and End and 3rd Streets on September 6th, 1923 at 10 o'clock A. U. Adopted upon call of the j j roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, l,ully and Katterjohn.-4. On motion the board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Adepled J464,4 tpA3 �►PPROV / Morn AUGUST 30TH, 1923. I At a Called MeetinEe of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commiseiorere' at 10:30 A.M. Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah, Kentuoky, on August 30th, 1923^ Upon call of the roll the followinR answered to their names: Commissioners Pace. Pulliam. Tully, Whohington and Mayor Kattorjohn,-5. Payor Kr.ttorjohn stated reaeona for call to -wit: For thv purrose o;' modifying street pinr,o as to matorinl used in Contract ;�7, and audh other business that may j come beforo the hoard. Commissioner lulliam offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioation City Consumers Company oa®n- from the City Consumers Company, dated Luaust 29th, 1923, be received an9 filed. nidation. I Adopted upon call of the roll by the f ollowir.R vote: Yeas, Face, Pu'liam, Tully, lashinaton and Katterjohn.-5. u commisatoner lulliam offered the following motion: I move that A RRSrNJUTION Resolution per- mitting city j 1r;.RK.ITTIIIG 'f•'i;: CITY OONSUL ;RS 0011ANY TO FAV3 C0;:'VnICOND, AT ITS Y`.'P hSE, 'Consumers Co. j Ito have granite i, GRANITE IUEBI:4 UN MOA03 STR ,AT, be adopted. Adopted upon cal] of the roll by the ourbing con- struoted in front following vote: Yeas. la as, Pull lam, Tully, 7ashington.-4: Nays, Katterjohn,-1. of its property j on Monroe St. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the concrete Sidewalks con - sidewalks oonstruoted on both sidee of dighth Street. bet-+een l:onroe Street and Madi- 4 strudted by pro- eon Street, by the lroperty owners abutting thereor, be accepted by the City and that ;party owners on :. !8th Street said property owners be relievod, as may be allowed b;, Kentucky Statutes. of any accepted. h further obligations for the construotion of sidewalks at this location. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Paoe.Pulliam.Tully.WashinRtan and Katterjohn,-5. r J.R.Crane appoint- Commissioner Pace offered the following motion.. I move that J. R. Crane be app- ied extra oirted extra patrolman, effeotive lE o'clock today. Adopted upon call of the roll by I{trolman. jpa the followinvote: Yeas, Face, Tully, 1aehinRtoh and Y.atterjohn.-4: Commissioner g p Pulliam not voting. Commissioner Ilashington offered the follows motion: Whereas I:ondP ay Se tember I Monday Septenber5 ';3rd 1923 labbg t 3rd. 1923, to known as Labor Day and a Legal Holiday. I move that the board of j Labor Day, Rega Ilar Meeting Oommissior.ers postpone their Regular Fleeting until Wednesday. September 5th. 1923, postponed until Wednesday Sept. at E o'clock P. M. Adopted upon call of the roll by the f ollowinR vote: Yeas. Pace. 5th.2923 at y 2 o'clock P.M. � Pulliam, Tully, Jashington end Katterjohn.-5. j On motion the Board adjourned upon can of the roll by 5 yeas. AAs�ld����' '•'� 1! fieri w. ' FF 1h �•mn J 4 4 1 d