HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 206, August 18, 1923N0.�0(o
Commissioners' :Proceedings, City of Paducah
• ------192--
following wets: Yeas, Yeoe, Pulliam, Tully and '4ashinqton.-4.'
I move that W. H. Reams and H.
Oommissioner Pace offered the following motion: )d 1 r
W.H.Roams & H.M. Redditt be allowed the sum of $887.11, as recommended by the 0ommieaioner of Public ,}+i^ ?'t,
Rodditt allo.med
$887:71, services safety. and as shown in his report
this flay filed, aM which is for services rerdered
rendered &o..
,apprehending and expenses incurred by the said Reams and Redditt in apprehending violators of the
violators ofi-
.prohibition law. prohibition law. and that Wynn Tully, Oommiasioner of Public Finanoe, is hereby.
authorized to issue voucher to the said A. H. Reams and H.'LS.'Redditt, jointly, for
said sum, and charge same to the account of the Polloe Department. Adopted upon call _
° of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4.
..Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that "A RESOLUTION'
authorizing E.R.
Harding Co. to
make certain
changes in Adopted upon oall.of the ro71 by the follo, s, Feoe, Pulliam, Tully and
wingvote: Yea
grade of trunk-
line sewers Washington. -4.
Sub -Div; A. ✓
Oommiesioner Pulliam offered the following:- motion: I move that "A RESOLUTION tI;
4j E
matting Yenoy & OF DBIVZ,AYS.ALOIlG THa 1"2A•^.ZS OF iH:i PADUCAH RAIL -AY COI:IlANY." be adopted. Adopted
Johnson to make
certain changeupon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Fcoe, Pulliam, Tully. and Washing
in construction
of drive.7a7
along tracks' of ton. -4'. -
Poduoah Ry.Co. pommiesioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the rate of pay.ot'..,,., #.'-• r:
Salaries of,the following men in the Department.of Public Werke, be increased re indicated: } Y
Fred Anderson, Yrad Anderson from $4.00 to $6.00 per day for days :vorked; Troy Downs from $90.00 to
Troy Downs and:. v'-.,•. .
Robt.Humphrey $100.00 per month; Robt. Humphrey from 37V. per hour to $100.00 per month, effeotive.
Increased.M +,•' r
August 16th, 1923. Adoptod upon call of the roll by. the follovrinit vote: Yeae, race,.
r t.c
Pulliam. Tully and Washington. -4. r
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by%4 yeas.'
AUGUST 18TH, 19E3.
At a Oalled geeting of the Board of Oomminsionnre, held in the Commiesion-
We Ohnmbor in the Olty Hall, Padvoah, Kentucky, on Aumunt 18th, 19P.3, at 11:30..,
` o'clock A. 11: Upon call of the roll tho following ons.gnred to thoir names: Oommis-
sionera Pace; Pulliam. 'Tully'. Waahington and ilayor Katterjohn,-6. ;.
a.' Llayor,Katterjohn stated reasone.for call to -pit:. For the purpose of nlloroirig:i
a..pay-rolle for.the first half of August., and ony.other-busineee,that might come be-
i :fore the :Board.
Commissioner Tully offered the follo:vina motion; That'the^accounts for the + qj
Report Comt
Public l.inGnoe' first half of the month of -August ammunting to $6836.68, as per the report of the
and pay -roll Oommieeioner of�Publio'Finarloe filed here7ith be allowed end or.derod pcid and,the
for first half
' August 19E3. ;
:� •, `,`money appropriated.from tho Genoral Fund: to pay same. Adopted upon'call of the roll r.
'l by the-folloaing.vote. Yoas.�Peoe, Pulliam. Tully.;' Washington and.Katterjohn,-6..
Commissioner Tully offered'tho.follow ng notion- ,:The t the Pay -roll for
Fay-ro] 1 for the $3 Dietriot :lower for tho first half' of •the month of ,August;: amounting to,
3rd Dietriot,
Sewer for.. first .:. $4.63,3.., be allowed, and. orderod paid and, tho.Comniseionor' of: Publio Finanoo bo
'half August a
19 2.3. r
t ': nuthorized'mnd';instruoted to draw ohecks•on;the3 Dietriot So.�er•Fund Aaoount to ,
+ 1< pay name Adopted upon;oall of the roll by the•Sollowing vote Yoas. race...1
'�..;yrtl.j.� idw..•. 4w...�' .l > .:•'. n� /.- 1'r.1, i 7Y .7:..;a tri. ..Y.,.1..::.. �. u' <,ri �.. ::,'u..'✓.••. �-st . � � .%•:v J_.:uNtt?+A.l-t'r. ;.wvlaa.:._i.� . ..:slV..,..2 . �'. `, •
{- r(. . r - r1^t., .. � x.J^`5 � y .; �i �., n t-�i •arta i- � s_�i t}�LL*;•yYrF
Commissioners!'Proceedinga; City of Pa —'t, >ry t''" 192
�. Pulliam, Tully, lashington and �1'atterJohn ,-6.
Commleaion air Pulliam.offered'the follorring motion I move that-theroommunioation
southern 'Reeds from the;Southern Roads Company; 104.14. 17th stroot;•Birmingham,•Alabema „availing it -
Co. 'oommunioatio
and certifiedi self of option ir, its bid and refusing to construct paviJg'or� Fountain Avenue; between
bond in re: oon-
struction of 17th Broadway and Jefferson on account of adverse opinion of their, attorney, be•reoeived
` 3t. betn.Vway
i dad Jefferson St.l and filed: and, furthermore," that the certified. oi:eok bond.deposited .q,lth the Southern
Roeds'Compenylu bid be returned to said Coml,any. Adoptod'upon'call of the roll by the
following vote: Ynas, Face, Pulliam, Tully, Washinrrton and.Ketterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Pulliam' offered the follo•inR motion: I move'that-the copy of :.
( h 5
Coy,of notice notice served on E. 'R. Hcr3ing Company na ordered by this Board April 20, 1923; and
{ . Be.rvod on F.R.
Harding,Co. as reooipted by sail Compeny, be'roceived and ;clod. .Adontod upon eall.rof the roll by
{{ ordered by Board i
i., Apr4 20, 1923. the following vote: Ynas,:Faoe, Pulliam. Tully, 'Iashington and Kattorjohr.-6.
" Commissioner Full ism. offered. the folloainv, motion;'.I move thrt' the' copy of
Copy of notice notice snrved or. s. H. HardinR Compemy as ordered by thiu•RnnrA, April 9, 1923, end
• sorved on S.R.'
Harding Co., as reoeipted`by said ,Company, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll.by '
ordered by Board
i :. "•. on April 9. 19231 the following voter -.Yeas, Pace, Fulliam; Tully, ''dashington.end Katterjohn;-6.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of'tho roll. by 5 yeas.
+ AUGUST 20TH. 1923.
Y' At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners., held in the Commissioners$'•
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. on August 20th; 1923.' upon call of the--.
roll the following.answered.to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully, Waehirgton
and Mellor Ketterjohn,-4.
I' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetirge were
adopted as read and corrected upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.
E. ,r race, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That,the City Solicitor be
i City Solicitor
to bring in inatruoted to bring in an amendment to the Broadway traffic ordinance, prohibiting
ordinance amend r' ` r
ing traffic wry person with automobile or other vehicle from making a left hand turn at or be-.
'ordinar,oe on'
Broad -ray, prb- tween Third. Four, r'ifth or Sixth Streets on Broadway. Adopted upon call of the
i hibitirg lett-
it hand turns roll.by the following vote: Yens, Pace, Tully' Washington and Katterjohn.-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing there is due i-'
Schools allowedi the Schools the sum of $164.05 from the oollootion of 1923 taxes for the. week ending
$184.06 from
i tax collections August 18th, 1923. 1 move that the amount bo nllo.ved. and ordered paid and the.money
< for week ending
huyruat 18,1923. q epproprinted from the Ueneral vund to pay samq. Adopted upon call of the roll by
the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Tully. 'Aashington and Katterjohn,-4.
Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing there to due'
' ! •'� � Schools al lowed '
X8,005.09 from k .the Schools the sum of,0,008.09 from the co llootion of Franchise taxes to weak ending -
i' Franohise.taxes
to '.gook ending August 18th, 1923, I move the amount be ello'.ved and ordered paid and the money
Auru3t 18,]92.3., ,.
i appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by -the
following vote: Yens, Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the bill of Uarwiok.
Marniok.MitohelI '
& Co., Auditors, Mitchell,& Company, Auditors of St' Louis. Mo.. amounting to $26e.41, for auditing ,
�rL bill for auditing
'. I.
accounts Boerd the account of the Board of Ftuoation. be approved and referred. to the Board of
i. of Jiuoation
{ " approved and re-. Education for payment. Adopted upon call of the roll by the.following vote: Yeas.
i'arrod to Board �•,•
of Bduoat ion for', Pace, Tully, Washington. and Katterjohn.-4.
.p cymon t.
•- u s . ->~*:"i ',: •-'�%�M:r�;•�:;r-:.::-': ...�'?>T.,isF, ..,rte.. �..,K r� ,. c �.'L'YC.tF""„....7C;�T`Z.;�4,'^i'L.;r"?Tn:'."'GF^>"^,'u .`.iZt:x'•: :. .., . ;"i. ry'w':'.'4..�=`.T•,",..�'g"'. -.