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Minutes Book 16, Page 202, August 6, 1923
" -` ,K, moi:. t:;� -` :. . , F �1:,[:..-�;..J�: i •�,i�.. - - _ - ._�_ _ l; Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah. _ 192_ r On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll.by 3 yeas. 7 , 1 :• r� . �-_ AL Au4uaT 4 1923, 1 AO u Roauinr. Vo ntlrut of the DOM of Oomminnlonoru, held in tho QoininIn!tonnr,u ` Oh, mbar'in the 0lLy Null, Taduonh, K7ntuoky, on Auge 0th, 1903. )!)ion onll of the °! r ~ r; roll the following nne•orod to their.namee. Commissioners Tnoo, Pulliam; Tully and, 7aahinaton,--4; -Mayor Katterjohn boinR out of tho City,, M' yor Pro.Tom.�7a:ahir.rtton I proal4od. ` r� on motion of Oommlnulonor Tully tho minutoo of the previo7ls mnetlnr.a %'I re ` adoptod so,read Vi on oall of the roll by the following votes, Yeas, I"oo, :ull!'..m, Tully and Washington. -4. }� Oommuniontion Oommle.ulonor Washington,offored.the fo]lo'rina motion: Th•:.t the'oom..uniontionl : t` Coloral Fair C Raoir,g Assoo. from. the Comc:ittee of the Colored Fair, Raoing and A$hletlo'Asaooiation of Talucah ,' be reoeivod ani'filed* and th:t the Board of Commissionero oonour \In-thoir.reoueet. �!.. 'Adoptod upon oall'of'the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Tr•oa, Tulliam, Tully cnd� • Wauhington,-4. Renotvul of oon Oommianionnr 7�auhlnrton o±'forud the fo]locvinrt motion: That the Commissioner 4` _ tract ::I th i;ie : Ronal Malone " of I'ubl'ic Proporty bo authoriaod to ronow the oontraot with Miss Hazel Malone for r;'•:'•' .' �, the year August 14, 1924. Ado;"tnd ul•on call of the roll .b-• the following,voto F{ ,onUng Yoaa, Iaoo, Pulliam, Tully and ',7anhington.d, ti Pur.oh�.00 of Commiaoionor Tully offornd tho f,1lowing motion; That the omminlontion from Hurkot Houno f Bond 36; - the Oommlenionnr of Publio Flnn; oo with rnf-,r noe to the purohnne of ih•rknt Houno ,' from loll, Roth Irving B. Irvin Go.4 Bond � 36 from ,�7oi1, Roth �? Irving Co.,Qo., be iooalved ai:d fi1nA and approvo�l. ,ldoptnd •, �' • ul.on pall of the roll by the follo•.vingvote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, ,7^nhirgton end 1 Tully:=4. Board of F.du Commissioner Tully offerod the fol lo.-rlr.g motion.- That the roport of l.inr-aiok, cation Books and Aoots. gitahell and Co. of St. Louis: Auditors of the audit of the books •-nd a000unto of the audited by l•nr +rink, Llitohell Board' of &duootion, be reoelved filed t•+o be furninhod to the Presi- 6 oompany. and and oopies dent of t',e Board of Dluo,tion. AdoptnA upon oall of the roll by the following vote: ;t 1 . Yens, Paoe, Tulliam, Tully r.nd 4ashlnPton, -4. d County J'!iloe, Commissioner Tully offernd the following motion: That the bills .of S. H. S. A. Gott, , against t Gott, -Jailer of V.oCraaken Go. against the City of Paduoah,.be referred to..the City City of Iaduonh (g .Soliolto r for investigation :nd rei•ort b_ok to this bo3y. Adopted upon onll of t}e f" roll by the following vote. 'Yeas. Paoo, Tulliam, Tully and 9nshington,-4. 7so:tion cruet-` Oommls•!on^r Tully offer-)(Ithe'Followirg motion; Th^•t Potn Aokor and Roaol]n .• : od to foto Aok= j or and Roaellai Turnor omployene in 'offioo of the Oommtunloner of Public ?in -non be granted two ,' Turnor: i .the I '.weeks Vacation with Ply. Report of uhleL ' Commiseioner.Paoo offered the follo-ming motion: That the report. of the Chief r i Folios adopt- ' -of ed. of Polios for- month of July, 1923, be•reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the Poll by the following vote; Yeae, Pnos; Pull!:m, Tully nrd Report: of. ohne i Oommieeionor .Paoe offernd. the folloainrr, motion:, That the report of the Chief: t..' ' of Fire Dept: Reoeived. of the Fire Department for the month of July, 1923,. be reoefved r_nd tiled 6d opted `:' °'° i+• a r 3• ury 6 vote: oAll of the ?oil b: thefollowin 'te Yeae -Paoe Pulliam, Tully end Neahing . c ton ' - a' f i, L ' t ..�''..ryi*'�"�';.?'.n,.,. _y. •.at - ..., .; ,.. ., .: .. !.,_:?-`,.il.•`.. .., .. ... •.7:r .-:.. t:�,. ..r ti„,r'T ..,.. .y. •:ro.-..esw...ro.., .... ... �•• ..._.. �-=d .,-ea t s.. ' ': int-�._-�:f-..i'a+x. '. �:..a.- _'.-: ,Sx 6',�:{�.n�,,Ti%.':r-�ryY^�%R,�fiis7kq�'1"r:rf�r�t:GS%ty^nY-''n•,•(-. :. V,r.... .:o'' :.✓>,:; •i 1 .h ti 7 I ;. t [ r,.. ,.• i i h � ( a ` � � <<iffi to k � f No. Commissionera''1?roceedings, City of Paducah -- _.r : 192 R, Harding CO.* ,Cont.' j3A c Commissioner ?'ulliam offered the following motion: Thht the monthly estimator Eetirn^te allowed sum of - $11,434,44: for,, work done during July, 1923, con trnot tlo. 3A, for.oewer'construction.' be.arproved and that the E. R. Harding Co. be allo'.ved $1E,434.44 on account of said a tim^_te and Commissioner of Public Finr.r.oe be'authorized ,ani directed to draw'oheok for enid amount r on the 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted by the follow,ina votes upon the 0-111 of the roll: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully an d'Taehington,-4/ B. R. Harding Co., .. f Commieelorrer Pulliam offered the following motion -.That the monthly estimate for Est. 3D -3C sum allowed 6,184.44 _ work done during July, 1923, on contract # 3B-30, for, se.7er,construction be pyproved and that the B. Rl Harding Co. be allo'.ved $6,164.44 on account of enid estimate and Commissioner of Publio.Finanee be _uthorizod and diraoted .to draw check for said amount 'on the 3rd District Sower Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll byvthe following votes; Yeas, Pace, Fulliam, Tully and Ta4hirRton.-4. B. R. Hard ingGo! , Oommie6ioner Fullitm orfered.the following motion: That the monthl77 estimate Est imate. on Trunk c Zine Extj sum allowed; for work done daring July, 1923. on Trunk Line ENtersion contract, for se:7er construct - 416.027.45 ' 27.4 ion, be s.;roved"and th:t, the E. R. Herdr.g Co. be allowed $16,OE7.46 on account of ' y said eatimeteand :Oommiusioner of Fublio Fin>noe be authorized and dirooted to draw a check for said amoi:nt on the 3rd District Server Fund. Adopte.i upon call of the roll by , the; follo'.7.irg vote: Yeae, Pace. Fulliam. Tully and Wa.'hinaton.-4. - E.R. Harding Co.. Commianioner Pulliam offerod the foJlo'•vi'ng motion: That the monthly estimc'te• Eat. for Lxtrn,Rork on Cont. # 3A. sum.. for.extra work done on contract. 3A. during November, 1922,,be approved r_nd the Com - allowed $G.15 missioner of Public Fincnoo, be authorized and instructed tb pay the E. 8.' Herd ng Co.' Contractors, the sum of 36.15. said sum being payment in fu -1 for.this'work ar.d same to be charged r-gainot the 3rd Diutriot.Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by : the following vo.te:. Yeas, Pnoe; Fullium. Tul.ly ar.d Wr shington.-4. E. R. Herding Co.; • I Commissioner r.ullia$ offered the f0lo:7inq motion:. Th'..t the'esttm-to for extra' Est. for Extra Work or, C.rnt. 3B-30, sum. '.7ork done during ilay.,1923, on contrnot 3B-30 for se';er coni;truotion, be ayproved Ord t. '.allowed $19.80• the E. R. Harding Co. al2o,7ed $19.60. payment in*full for said .extra work ; end said extra .7ork to be ohnrged to the 3rd iistrict Sewer Pund. Adopted. upon call of the roll by the follonir.g vote: Yeas, Pane, Pu]]ir.m, Tully end lYashinaton,-4. 1 E. R. Hard Ir, a Co..{ Oomrn'issionor rulli m oi'fnrod the fol]o:'rtna.m:tton: Th'a the eutimnte for extra. ' Extra ,York Eat. on •.G Cont. 3B -30, sum I :work doze during July, 19E3. on contract 3A -;'O, for aa:vor oon(:truction be arfrored and al)owod $27.Bb r ,; e' „ u i rut d r h . ii i th L the Oor.:misolonor of Public in•.:noo be • t thori^od 'nd not oto to pry to t e I. R. Hardinrt Co. the sum of $27.66, said sum being pr.vmer.t in full for said extra :work 3 ar:d said extra :cork to be charged to the 3rd District Se'.7er Fund. A4o ted upon oall P P , of the roll -by the follo :Anm vote: Yeae, Pace,' Pulliam, Tully xd 9a:,.hir,gton,-4. , E. R. Hardin¢ Co., Commissioror Pulliam- offered' the fol l•:air.q motion: nit. the'm,nthly estimate' ' Est. ror Faz,.ra Work : Cont,s3A, 3B -3C &r for extr.. 'cork done during J,,ly, 19E::, on contracts 3A; 3B..3C :and Trunk Line Extension Trunk Lire Ext. eum �. al]o:rod $14.45 .00mbine:l. for s:3,,or oonstruotion be ayproved and- theComminuion--r of Public Fircroe be ::uthroizal and innt-uoted to pay to the E. R. H^rdirg Co, the. sum of $14.45, sail' sum being payment in full Torn aid extra work and arid sum to be charged again,:t the 3rd Diotriot Sewer Fund/ Adopted upon call of the roll bv'the following vote: Yeas,' - P" Face, Pulham, Tully and.9abhire.ton.-4. .� Yancy & Johnson, Commissioner Pulliam offered the fol]og `tinPotion: That the m.nthly eotirr: nto 1'�;', ! s.t. !'or t. Conet..j Cont. # 6, stun allow.- for worl: done during July, 3923, on contract $ 6, for stroo.t oonntriotion. be arr.roved : p and th:.t the ,Gornm's^ioner of Publio Firriroo,be:nuthorl::ol and in..,.r'otod. to Inoue im. rovemor,ta warrants to Ynnoy & Johnson., Con tr;..store for the sem of ;34045.39, said 4. sum boir.•g Gb of thc.total amount of 'work done, as provided }y law. Adoi tel u»on a .' oall of the roll,by'the Tolls Ing vote: Ynan, Face, PuTu lliam, lly and ;7ashirmton.74 r .` , ..t.:., .y -nary-•,, f'•. g •. fF�TJ.77/-'t3._4-w '5:Y.Sbwi'1:.'.'. 1,`iSiL7'-T^'%. .=.Si t''f:ti.:.l .�,. '-15^,`L•I.e.`�1/.,J%y1..w ,� .;`.F ..; --.�`'�i'`i3TriT?xj7,wT _..- [- 5a .'• .: t> .uic'C... x. -_;r.('tk "i�'.Fi',.. - . r:,!.o.�2 0, . Yanay &, Johnson the. estimoe for extra Commissioner Pulliam offersl Lhe follovina m:tion: That t}a F Ut. for int. 7k.'' Cont. 47 num ,cork doi;o dru�ing July, 1923, on contract 47. be approvod srd the Commietlianer of Public �' `1 F ' al:,lowod U9©:67 . Finance be authorized and inutruotod'to pay to Y-noy Johnnon, aontraotors. the sum ,f of .295.57, avid cum being pnymnnt in full for said :v rk. and ohnrme same to Nen 7! Construction A000unt. adopted• upon the call of the roil by the-follo'rtna vote: Yana, ��-• Paso, Pulliam, Tully and ,Tabhinr..tono-4. Ordin_noo Ror Alloy in Blook Commissioner'pulliam offoro3 the follo,vina motion: That an.ordinanoe providing 9., bet'.2nd 3rd Sts. & bet. for the constriiotion of an alley in Block 9, Old Town,.togothor with All' neoeosnry B'way.•& Jeffsr.` son manholes, catch basins, intakes !.,n -.,l serer pit os, running from seoond stront.to third .Strenta: i otroot.. botcroen Broadxay and Jofforcon strnot,, in ,the City, of farluoah, rentuoky. at F t 1 ' the cost of the abuttint 1?rOyortt• ".,morn, and providing that emmn shall be con:,truotod J won the Lon year paymonL plan,'bo ado? -ted. Adopted u, on the Doll of the roll by the 5 following vote: Yoas, Paco, Pulliam, Tully and Waghinrrton.-4.. }r r ' i on motion the Board rdjournod upon call of tho, roll by 4 yeas. r' t , so.Na low. Aurust 13TH, 1923. At 'a Regular beetinx of the Board of:Commissionera held in the CorMicsioners, Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah,Kentucky, on Auwet 13th, 1923, Upon call of the t {; roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pros. Pulliam, .Tully and, tis r 'Washington, -4. L'eyor Ketterjohn,bolnaabsont'from the City, re-jor Pro. Tom. '.Washira "':ton presided. On motion of Commissioner Tully the mir.ntoe of the previous meeting were adopt ' ed as rend-.0pog ot2l of the roll, by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. pulliam.''Tully andl 7lashir•gton, -4. Commissioner ':7aehtngton offered the folloainP.-motion: That the communication from J. Contract betn. Supt. Hills of.the 11. C. & SL. L. R. R.,'Loaethor with the oontrabt for sower erten Y N.C. & 9t. L.Ry. and City, rola- Bion aorooe the 11.'C. & St. L. R. R. property be received, filed and r000rded in the , tive to sewer an r•. construction d contract. book and the Haar referred to by 1',r. Hills be ohanPed on the oontraot. ^- communication of Supt.Hills. Adoptod,upon call of the roll Dy the followtng veto: Yens, Pace, Pulliam, Tully ar.d Yashington..-4• Commissionoz .lachington offorod'the follo:sing motion: That the report of 1.:ian is Report McCracken Blanche 6. Far.7ell, Pub Health 1luree for'tho month of July 1923 be rooeicod and County Publlo,• Health League.' "files.. Adopted upon call of the roll by .the following vote: Yens, pace, Pulliam „ .." ,.`. Tully and `,7ashinaton.-4: ; j Commissioner 17ashina'ton offered the folloainP motion: That the report of River Report River- aide hospital, shorir,.¢ the Bxperdituroe end Colleotionn durirr. thA month of' Ju]y 123,I ,S side Hospital and Patients togeth'nr Frith the Patients Dopor.t for the month of July, be received and filed. • Report. Adopted'upon,onll of the ro11.Dy.tho following vote: Yeae..Paae. Fulliam.TuI ly and ` lashington,-4. . Commi'esioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Com- ',. -Report Com'r. miscioner of Public Finance for 'the month -of -July 1923 be rooeived,'filed and Ord ored- Public Finance for July 1983. published in.,the'official Newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. `.•:r,: vote: Yens; Paoe, Fulliam, Tully and ',7nehingLon,-4., " Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion: That' the report of 'the Com- 7 Report,Com''r. miesioner'of'puDlio'Finiance.of' the checking account of the #3 District Sewer Fund Fublio Finance,.' rof 3rd District for -the month of July -19E3 bo'reoeivod, filed nnd.'Ord erad published'in'the .official - F,'•;:'>; 'Sewer Fund;f Checking Acoouni newspaper;' Adopted upon call 'of the'roll by'Ahe following vote.'Yoas.,Pena, Pulliam, for July 19$3. ' Tully and .7faahingtoo-j- ; _ �.�iilY+' .1,f.:.v %`.i:. '4 ` ,/.. .i I.^J..I.J;,'^. ... 1r' a+ :r.- .e.!!i•:.^.:.:f, .Y",.. «\:. a.—, -..A. :�y ._.. .frt., �:'ft...n. ,. ... : .. i'.,{,',5 -1