HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 200, July 30, 1923K_ Ir
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah182—
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: That. each employee of ,the Fire Dei
Piremen'a partment be allowed a vacation of six days with pay. .Adopted upon'osll of the roll by
the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and Washington. -4:
i y
0n'motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. 1.. t.
11•ri•� It..+• \�.
4 AF1�Ov t
JULY 30TH, 1923.
of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
At a,Regular Meeting of the Board, •.
Chamber !n'the City Rall, Paducah, Kentuolq, on July 30th, 1923. Upon call of the FI '
roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and
Washington, -4; Mayor Katiorjohn being out of the City, Mayor Pro. Tem. 7ashington. l �i
On motion of CommissionerTully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted t,
as road upon call of ,the roll by the following vote: Yeao, Pace. Pulliam.'Tully and
7ashington,-4. + !?
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That'the'oommunioatlon of B j
Communioation E. t 1,
R. Harding Co.. Harding Co., dated July 26, 1923, referring to extra work on sewers in District $3,
relative to extra
L' l
work on sever a. be received and filed and that a oonferenoe on the contents thereof be held Au.gT[st t R'
in Dietri of #3. c t,
:7th, at 10 o'clock A. M. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo]]oaing voto;.'Yoae ;
: Paco, Pulliam, ,Tully and 'Jaehington.-4. r ,.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of 650.00 havinc been i+
Malt or Cereal' tenflorod', tozethor -,eith application for Malt or 'Cereal Boverarre license, I move, that
Beverage Lioons
issued to J.H. '.-license to 'sell halt or Coreal Beverar,es or any admixtures thereof, be granted to,
Elrod: t4
'.r• J. H. Elrod at #110'South 2nd Strout, for a period of six months, beginning, July 1st
...1 ..
and . end ing December 31st, 1923, Inclusive. Adopted upon call of the roll by the lg
following, vote: Yoas,'P�as, Pulliam, Tully and 7ashington.-4.
Commiosionor Pace offered the follo:aing motion: I move that the appointment of E :ft
E.J.Ratoliffe J. Ratoliffe, as extra patrolman, taklnF effect July 27th, 1923, be ratified. Adopt -
a' r
appointed extra.
patrolman. " od upon ,call of the roll'by the followinm vote: Yeaa, Peas. Pulliam, Tully and F
7,a s hi ngt arn,. -4
Cocunieaionor Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Commisnioner, of
10% additional . Public ':orko be authorized and inntruotnd to uco loo additional ooment in the con- F?
cement in con- oroto of the arch of the 96 Inch Dower in District 3A, and th5tt'the invert pori.nm up �f
trete' aroh of
96 inch .sewer to the opsins line be continued at the mixture previously anthorizad, acwrding to '.(.
in District 3A .: � f
authorized. ,'tho recommendations of,Duff A. Abrams, Structural l.;atorialo Research laboratory; t
lew1A Iristltute.; Chita dated Jul 23rd 1923 Ado ted u.on coil of the roll b
C. go. y P p y �•
the following vote: Yeao;.Paoo,, Pulliam, JaahinRton,-3; Kaye. Tully; -I..
Commissioner lulliam offered the following motion: I novo.that-the-unanimous
Property orrnere ' petition 'of.property oaners on Borth 8th Street. bet;.oen.ltonroe, and Madiaon Streets e#
on 11.8th St.,
betn.l.?onroe. k bo. race ived .nd filed ;,and they be allowed to'construct. •in front of their property, 1}
L'adi son Ste.
petition for oonorete sidemalks under' the supervision of the Commissioner of Public 7orks and" .•
they permitted a000rdlnR to the offioial•opeoificationa therefor of the City of Facah, said work
. to construct . r;'y r ; ,7• -t:Jd - ( i +..
some. ." to be domploted within 30'daye Adopted upon ball of the roll by the 'following vote
j }
Yea n. Paoo; Fullinm, Tully`and-,Yashinoton, 4.
• 1 i •i.,, -- f
,:o F yk.,.tw'j. { fJ.+t'r .6 t.; >.: 1.. iv] ;i .ver• .5:..0 W 'A to .. ..w•.:CI kC.- -.4. ,�
.. ._ `F. � mss'• .
,4'L'^I7.:.�a �'e,7.^z,.' e.I �•,•r�,•... ?a^iy'T. - ,. r .J.�4-a'rfi s��T?i ;�r fid: T y v- :�, a -elvti v1•-s.
' �2 r < v y �. ` ry n I rr; r t •tt i.' ,ir+. rtrti Y �rN tF � i�'rrkr �5 �, .i! .t. � C_ - �
No, Q'
C,olrimissioners'- Pr&eedings,.City'of Paducah F-rr 's.. 192
Cormuissioner Pulliam offered the followinq`motion:.I move that-.'All ORDINAIME'
:10rdinAisos provid
. ing for'construo- F??OVIDIL'; ?Oil TH.' CCI;SZRUCTIOfI 0:.11I :.1L:Y TPi i:lAGlS 9 O D TO'.7N, TOG3THrR `9ITA ALL
i tion of Alley.in '• .
¢ Block 9 Old Torm, IIEC1:33ARY L7.14 CL S. CATCH F.ASIL'S, IIIT.X 3 ::11D 5..::112? I•IF::3, RUIIIIIIIG-FROLI SECOND STRiQT
I' ruining from 2nd
III to 3rd Ste. betn. TO THIRD 3ME2T, II"77.'12I B°OADs7,:Y AVID J%W:-NR' 'T, Ill 'PII:: OITY OF PADUOnR, 1LMI-
::'k B'-may and Joffer-
f " non .Ste. TUC=, AT TME' CO3T OF TK' .0UTTIL'G TROP;!? i^I O'.Qir3i3, '1J;D I'ROYIDIIIG T1I1:T SAYT.. S. .LL BE
FIRST R::0111G.
C0113i'3UC'iJ UPON '7f I:: ^3L' Y:AR PAY1:::hTPIA1j, be introduced, and ley over. Adopted upon
call of the roll by the folloainP• vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam,'Tully and,':7ashington,-4'
$ Commissioner Pulliam offered the follo'air•q motion: Ilerbert Shr.ke] having
Herbert Shekel, resigned, I move that the omployr.ont of.'(,. F..'Tood, an inepootor for concrete street
reei'gned, and
G.?.Teed appointed oonstruotion•,be ratified, the City to pay $150.00.por month 'for his sorvioes, the,
Inspector of son=
trete street ;romainder of,his salary to be raid by the Portland Cement Aoaoolation, e000rdina,.'to
its artroemont .lith the City. , Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:.
Yana. Pcoe, Fulham, Tully and /ashinl*tor,,-4.
Commissioner '7ashington offered the following mo tion: That, the oortificate
Certificate of of Clyde t7. Bell, signed by 0..H. Brodbeok, Frank Johnson and. J. C. 'Loeloy, 'being the'
Clyde .7.Bell as �Y
cardilato for mombers appoirted.by the Board of Cormiseioneru to pans on the fitness of candidates.
City Engineer.
for the office of City Engineer, be received and.filed. Adopted upon call of the roll .
Iby the following vote: Yoao, race, Pulliam, Tully, 'Iashington,-4.
/the Board adjourned upon call of. the roll by 4 yea's.
GUGUST 21M. 1923..
At a Called Looting of the ,Board of Commieoionera, hold in'the .Commiseianors': s'
Chamber in the City Ball, laduoah, Kentucky, on Auguat.2nd, 1923', at•4 o'clock P.M.-
Upon call of the roll the following nne7terod to their names: Commieoloners Paoe;
Tully and '.7e8hington,-3; LIryour L:attorjohn being out of the city, Myor Pro. Tom.
i'lashington presided.
L:ayor Fro. Tem. 7nshington,atated rosoone for call "to-crit; For. the purTone
f' ,.(r
of allo'.71ng bills and pay-rolls ani ,art/ other business Aha t nig"ht come before the
Commissioner Tu;lly.offerod the follo:7lnq motion:'I move that ',the r_ocounts for
?.000unte for the last half of the month .of July, 1923, amounting to X20027.28, as per the report -
I' last half of
July 1923; as ! of the Commisaior:er of. Publio Finance filed herowith, be allo:7ad and orlorod paid rad
-per: report
! Com'r.Finanoo.•.�'thoy money appropriated from the Oenoral Fund to -pay came. Adopted upon.onll of the,° '
1 roll by the follb:7lnr. 'vote: Yeaa;, Pace, Tully aryl ;7ashington ;-3.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that 'the accounts for
Pay-roll for,. the I at half of the month of July for the 3d District 3e:7er, amountinq.to...
30-or for last, Fay-rbll..............$505.33
1111 ,
half of'July '' 3uphlios.............. 60.60, total 3626.13, be allowed,,
and'. order ed paid and,tho Commissioner, of luhlio Finnnoo bo authorizod -and instructed
II' to draw, checks agairat the a3 D1,atrIat 56%ior Fund Account to pay aamo.'' Adopted upon
_(r oall.of'tho roll by .the follo77ingveto: Yoao, Pace, Tully and Wachinpton,-3..
P' Colmnissioner Tully offored,the follo•.71ng motion:.I move that the Commissioner
Street .bonds ar.d -of PublioFinance be authorized and ir.struotod to ray Off, take up and cancel stroot` ,
r.. coupons in City .
Ilntionsl Bank bonds and ooupons.in the Ctty.National Benk to the amount;.of $1205.06 and to'draw a.
paid off. r
check arair.at the Spegial Street Fund.A000unt to pay name. Adopted upon call of the
roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face. 'fully and '.7aahingtor.,-3..
1 -
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