HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 20, April 17, 1922'y Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah Oom'r.Publio Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Commissioner of Public Property, tore- r M+ pair roofs on. 'Property be instructed to make repairs to the roof of the City Stables and the roof of- City f City Stables and , z �• #1 F.ire,,Station. ' #1 Fire Station, the expense of same to be charged to the Contingent Fund. Adopted�, .ter h upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam Tully and gashington r Neye. Katterjohn;-1. 7: " of On motion the -Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas, Adopted APRIL 17TH, 1929. IKAXUR' i .': fir At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioners' f j j At .j.Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on Ayril 17th, 1922. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe.`Tulljr;":paehiflgtOTt i. i and Zhayor Katterjohn,-a. J�.. yrs On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of the previo'us'meettng was adopted as .. road upon cull of the roll by the following vote: Ysno, rnoe,.Tnllj;^Tadbing- S. < 1 ton and Katterjohn,-4. �... Resimation of Dayor Y.attorjohn offered the following motion: I move that the rosicnr.tIon of Dr. B.B.Pulliom as member of Dr. 8. 'B. Pulliam', no a member of the Board of 11oalth of the City of Paducah, bo { PA; Board of Health. F, accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Faoo, Tully, WashinRton and Y.atterjohn,-4. I t4 1 + Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the letter from. Oommuniontion of l �t Ohas.L.Daason, 6p Chns. I. Dawson 'Attorne General; addressod to the Cit Solicitor, relative to access -.I } Atty.Conoral, Y Y relative to A.D.; " Dial:orlon Tobao- ins tobacco in possession of the A- D. Diokoroon Tobacco Company, be received and filed. . ;. 00 00.90, a680806. mont'of toba000.J adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yean, Paoo,- Tully, 17aahington and Y+attor john, -4. a X Io i ; tE Commissioner Pulliam ontored_the Commissioners' Chrmber. i' 4 'Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the communication p, Communication' ,•. y� of city Soliol= from the Cit' Solicitor relative tofiled. for relative -to' l olhim of Spann for damages be received and filed claim of Spannt p 'Adopted upon cull of the roll by the following vote;' Yens Paoe,..Pulljom;Tully,'7Fashiflgi ton and Kattorjohn,-6. r. Oommunioation of i:a Yor Y.attcrjohn offered the following motion; I move that t}:e letter from the Btate Board of r r Health of Ky. .State P,oard of noalth, of Yontuaky, addrenood to the City Solicitor, relative to Seger i + j,rolativo to j�• r. •{ Sewer Dist.¢3. District #3.. be. rnoelved and _filed. Adopted ul'on call of the roll hy.the following }, veto; Yens, Face. Pulliam, Tilly, ',iashington and Latterjohn.-6. n + 'Oollootion of Commissioner 'Pully offered the follo.vinv motion: I move that'the "10.00 paid to ?� bills duo River aide Hospital by the City Solioitor.b;: i:re. £aul Fdathewe,,part payment -on account of Riverside Pospital;l j City Solicitor. ' be turned over to. the Commisnloner .of' Publio FYoperty.- Said Solicitor havtnrr hereto- fore ereto fore turned over to the Commissioner of'Fublio.troperty the sum of $3.00 paid by Ira: F E. U. Allison. and 07.16 paid by Ylkh Iceman. and $6.00 having been paid by Joe Allen. �II t which :�aa turned over to the'Commissioner of lublio Pinanae. Ado ted .0 on call of t r P roll by the following vote:.Yeas. Pace.Pu3liam,Tully.l9aohington and. Katterjohn.-6.' 1 }Reports: Supt.' Commissioner Aaehington offered the following. motion: I move that the report of ` u f Riverside Hoe- .= �'the'Suportntendent of Riverside Hospital. showing the a enlitures ani collections and 4 ,e pital. Private P xP Patients. Col l ; tho amount of w}oolleoted bills for the month of Maroh together with the re ort'of t ; eotione, and .• P Paluoah Labors the Private'and City Patients. together with a statement of the comparative axpenditnree..,. tortes for the month of Lnroh. and oollootlono from .the Commissioner of PiublioProperty for'the months of, Janiuiry, � l 1922. € ir; Febrnarq and Fdnroh 19EE. and the�isport.oi the raduoah laboratorissfor .the month of.. ' "? March'19EE, be received -,:`4r3 filed.'..'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote,, a X I MR V •:` +RiHr .•s.,. - ...N..K„.O ?4A. -�xw.. ,,-rd:» .,uc .�: �� +., r. ,.. ,......:.,_ >v: _,.n. _., .. �fu •1 - •. a.',r ��. r f No. Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah192 ; ' Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Ketterjohn,-5. Commissioner. Pace offered the following motion:' I move; that an ordinance I, •. i, } entitled "All ORDIIWZC:: ALEIIDING AlD 1111-EIIACTIH, S CTIOiI'1 OF All ORDII'ANC3 82ITITLSD Ordin.anoe relating A.N. ORD II[AI 0 IROHIBITING rzHICLIM OF AIN CIIARACT:4 FmOLi PAniva OH EITHER :SIDE OF to parking on Broad-.; way. B?OI.D"'AY STREET, K' '-!3I FIRST MID VW-KITH STREET, 'III TFi:: OITY OF PADUOAH,,--Z3IlTUCEY, ' AND PR07IDIIIG;, Pi:IIALTY FOR VIOLATION OF 5.11:3, AllOFTFD BY THF BOARD OF 001Al1IS3IOIi7. •1R9 OF T}Ir. OITY O.F I.ADUCAII ON :'FBRUARY 15TII, 1928," be adopted. Adopted upon cell of the i•, roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Paoo, Tully and '7ashington.-3; Ilaye, Pulliam and �. 3{ ` Katterjohn,-2. Ordinance ! a;:thorizing Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: .I move that an ordinanoe L. A.l7ASI',INGTOq V. ,i Iurahasin� Agent, to ! entitled, "Al: ORDIJWICE AU`I'HORIZIIIG L. A. 1ASHII!GTOII, COLWISSION:2 OF PUBLIC IROP-197Y, purchase 1800 ft. R Fire Hose. TO FURCHASE 1200 P;iZT OF HIGH TEST II!T::WOV;M FIRE HOSE. TO B3 USED BY TF_ FIRE DF- ; - IARTI_::L'T OF VE CITY OF IADUCAH, IMAITUCIa(, AID DESIGIIATIIIG THB PRICE TO BE PAID THERE- POR, " HERE- FOR," be adopted. Adopted upon. call of the roll by the following. vote:,Yeas. Pace. i Pulliam, Tully, Yashington and Latterjohn,-5. ,`;i• !I On motion. the Board adjourned upon.oall of the roll by 5 yeas, • - _ .' � Ac•M.c �if �3% APPl't,pjT:�D , 01V Clwb N+N ntATOR• 11 { P APRIL 21ST, 1922..' l jAt.a Called 1xeoLinP'of the Board of Commissioners. held An the Commiealonersl . Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Y,or_tuoky, on .April 21st, 1922, at 11 o'clock A.M. Upon call of the roll the Pollowina answered r LW.tbeir names: Oommiseionere Pace. Pulliam, fully. 1ashington and payor I:atter john.-5, Liayor Katterjohn stated reasons for gall to-wit:, For the purp000 of allowing :payrolls for first half of April. ani any other,businoes thatmight comes before the I' Board. Commissioner Tully offered the follosing motion. '1 move that the Payroll for . Fay-ro71 for first the firot half of the month of dpril, amounting to $4943.11.; to per the report of the half -of April 1922. } Commissioner of Fub11o'Finance filed herewith be allowed and ordered Laid and the r money aplropriate3 from the general fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll .by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pullipm, Tully. JoahinP,ton ar:d >etterjohn,-5.' Commissioner Tully otffered the fol lowing: mot ion: I move that the ray-roll Iay-roll for first -for the first hall' of the month of April for the 3rd District Sewer, amounting to half of April 1922 for the 3rd $597..00, be allowed and ordered paid aril the Commissioner of Public Finance Do anth- Distri'ct Sow r..: i ' orized.end instructed to, draw ohoola against- the. Vo. 3 District Sower Fund Account - to pay same. Adopted, upon a ajIL of the roll by'the following vote: Yoas,. Pace, % Pulliam, .Tnlly,..9ashington and Latter john.-5, Cor"nisaionor Pulliam offered the folio-ming motion: Wheroas, J.•'7, Johnson, ,. Rosianation of J. 1. Johnson and the Stable Bose, resigned hie position, r_nd R. Z. Ballowe havinr, been.apl-ointod Sn ap!ointmonL of R. .Bc.11owa as his stood, effective April 4th, 1922, I move said aplointmont be ratified. Adopted Stable. Bos:. , ! upon call of the,roll by the followinT vote: Yoas,•pcoo,'Pu]liam, Tully; :7ashi.ngton and Y,atterjohn.-5. !: J.R../I1Lersor,Y. �. Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I.move'thet J. R. , claim for injuries sett:oi' for ..20.00! Ullkorson be'al,lowad y20.00 for personal in sustained, and for lose' of time X?; on account of automobile,. in which-he.was riding, running to rook pale on 11. 38th Street, and that the Commissioner of Fub110 Finar,oe,'is hereby ai:thorized to issue,,. voucher for said sum an-4 charms name to Costs A. Suits. upon release being'sivned and presented to him, adopted upon call of the roll by the follo',vinn vote: Yeas, i — 5 . . <5'^�•p—"`si57LT•:�y"'.:.., ,r Y....r,.,� .• . :.�.. . i..:..u,.v_ -K... _,...+.i.' ' .• . .., t....