HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 199, July 20, 1923•• On Hotton the Board w1jourr,W upon call of thu roll., y yons, COti # . �1 — JULY EOTH, 1993. • , At a Onllod Mooting of the Hoard of Oomtniacionere, hold in the .Oommtsatonore'. fI Chamber in the City 11a11, Pnduoah, Kentuoky, on July £0th; 1923, at IOciO.o'elook A.ii Upon call of the roll the following annwored to:thoir names: Commieotonors, Pace, '' Pulliam, Tully and !7ashington,-4. In the ab nonoe o! t!nyor Y.a.ttorjohn from the Oily, �. L. A. Washington btayor Pro. Tom. preeidod. : A Mayor Pro. Tom. 'Aanhington stated reasons for call to To.a]loav pay -rolls for the first half of the month of July, and nray.othor business that might come before f the Board. a Commiastoner Tully off•)rod the following motion: I move that tris pay -roll for the Pay for first first half of .the month of, July, 1923, nmountinr� to $9297.78, cs per 'the report of : -roll half oS July 1923 i of Publio Finance filed herewith, be allo.ve4 r_nd ordered paid and the no par report of tho,Gorivnisoloner Commiucloner of Yub].io Finarae. j, , Adopted u.on ball of the roll,.: money appropriated from the Conarol bund to. same- p p by the following vote. Yana, Pace, Pulliam, Tully nrd ',9ashington;-4. OorrQniesioner Tully offered tho following motion- I move that tho pry-roll.for. the. . :' ' pay -roll for first first half of the month of July. -19E3, for the 3d' District Sewor. amounting to ' 192 l:ulS of July 1923, for 3rd D July iot 3648.89, be allowed and ordered paid and the Oommientoner of Puhlio.Ftnnnoe be Sor,or. authorized and instruotad to draw oheakn areuinut the 110. 3 Dint. Se.vur Purvi'Aoaount to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol]ovinrt pole: Yoan, Fnoe. Pulliam; Tully, e'nd_'Sasbington.= Commissioner Pullin offered the following! motion: That the tltruoturnl 2.!atertals +/ Structural Research laboratory of Le'is Institute, 1951 i7. 1.'adtuon Street,,Chioago, be ello�/ed 1!ateriale Re- soaroh lsbora- ;�3.9E for express:on oonoretn test oylindorc and that enme'bo'ohars<od to 3rd Din tory ellowed $3.92, 3rd Diet. triot Sewer Fund:, Adopted. upon call of the roll by the fo]lowing.vote: Yoae, Peas Sorter Fund a. ' Pulliam. Tully an] ',7ashinaton,-4. On motion. the Board adjourned upon call of the roll. by.4'yeas. ns•�IN Z 2 11% E p • car elm = JULY ESRD. 1923. ' ., �. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold,in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on July.E3rd. 1923. t)pon.oall of .the " •i, roll the following answered to their names: Commissionere Pace. Pulliam. Tully and , Washington. -4.' Mayor Katterjohn being absent_ from.the City 1 yon Pro Tem Naehingtoa u I presided. ti Paoe the of the prev.ioua meetings were adopted.,; E „a On motion of'Oommi.ssioner minutes as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paos..Pulliam. Tully -and YV �i v Af* !! Washington. -4. '. g g Commissioner.,Pul1lan offered the following motion: I move that the E. N. Harding Qo.•.; ` 4 : be allowed ,$1500.00 of. the amount withheld from Monthly Eetimnte of work done daring 2. R. Harding Y -Company allowed' on June; June 19 E3 on 3B -3C Trunk Liae "aware on account of inocmplete.00ndition of street re- ' $500.00 Estimate with- . . surfacing. Adopted upon oall of the roll.by the following vote: Yeas; Paoe, Pulliam, . held. j, Tally and Washington. -4- I • j: 1, .. • '',r•r , "i"j'T!?►r". "G-,'3r?S'.QC.x"'r'!„r t^�;:.1^'-•�y..a_'.7.Tri"1 :-?.!t..^2Y,�!,?^"^ ]^Jr;- r: h,�rFf '^'a. '�f'T�hr�" .. .. T, 'Ij