HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 198, July 16, 1923�
79 IR W 1*T?i ,r F'ti"
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Commissioners''Proceedings, City -of Paducah —. _';192—
JULY 16TH, 1923.
At n Roau]ar.Mosting of the Board of.0ommieoionors, held in the Commiaolonore'
Ohambor in the Oity Hall; Padtloah, Kontuoiy,, on July 16th, 1923. Upon oal] of the roll.,-
the following. answered to their. names:' Oommiesionore Pace, Dulliam; l7aehinPton and
Leyor KatterAohn,-4.
if `
On motion of Oorvnisoioner �nohington the minutes of the previous meetings
wore adopted as road, upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Yoao,.Pnao, Pulliam,
i7ashington'and Y6ttorJohn ,-.4.
Commissioner Tully. entered the Commissioners'.Oha;mbor.
Commisoioner Pulliam offered the follo-Arg.motion: that the Commioutoner of
Stroet City.
Limits botwoen
1'ublio':7orke be authorized and instruoted.to stako'out street along City Limits be -
Cairo Road and'
13th Street to
.t-,7 Cairo Road and 13th Street, in order that oame•may bo.graveied by tho County,
be otakod off:'
said street being.bet-sen the Rottering end 'Ai111oms property.' Adopted ripen call. oP
the roll :by:tho fol,]owtng vote: Yeas, Pace, Pullinm, Tully.Washington and Y,attorjohn,6
Katterjohn offored the following motion:.I move that Mottle Horndon,
t; '
Vacation City.
City Stenographer, ho'allo'aed h two weeks vacation, with paid, beginninR'Au�ust 6th,
1lattia Horndon:,
1923. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoo; Pulliam, Tul]y,
•, '
Washington and KattorJohn, -6.
Mayor. Kat terjohn offored'the following motion: I move that Roscoe Read,. City.
Veoation City
3aIIaItor , be'allowod a two weeks vacation, with pay, beginning July 16th, 1923.
Roscoe Reed.
Adopted upon .call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace, Pul31am, Tully,
G' I
l7aohington and KetterJohn, -G.
Commieaionor Pulliam offered the following motion:, That inasmuoh as the'oon
tests of concrete on the 9G inch so:ver of 3A trunk llnos'ehow'the.neoonuity of an
j.. ,
on 96. inoh sewer
3naroaso ir.'tho oomnnt content,-. I move that' tho order of the Comrniscionnr of Public
3A .Trunk Line
Wor.ke. Lnorondl'nF the cement oontorit. 10� at a coot not to exceed y1G41.00, be approved.
=� •••..,.',''-: '
Loot upon call of tho roll b'y the followlnR vote: Yeas, Pullinm,-1; Ilgye, F000,,•i'ully,
Waohingtan and Kattorjohn,-4. '. .. ..
..:1: .,. �:. ..
Commissioner Wachington offered the follo.ving motion: That ii, i,. lhrding
Oompany be paid the amount deducted from hie lest estimate on account of additional
t '
E.R. iiard trig Ode �
r , }
allowod amount:,•
comont added to the concrete in the so nstru'ot Ion of 3A Sowers orderod by'the Chief,
deducted from
'rnginoer, and that the.Chief Engineer be inntructod.t000e.ae tho uuo of the edditSonnl
„10': of cement after;.itily 16th,..1923. _ Adopted ppon. gall of the roll by the following
vote: .Adopt ad, upon call of 'tho.roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paco; Pulliam, Tully,'
S1aohington,-4: linya, Rat tor John. -1.
Commisoionor 7auhington offorod t}ie f'ol]owing motion: I move .that the roport
Report RivArelde
of the Rivns
rido Hospital for the month of June.19E3, togothnr with tho-Pationto'
Unport for 'the month o.f.,Jluto 1923, be received and fSlod. Adopted upon call of the
z •+• ; ',.
roll by the fo]lowing vote: Yoas P000 Pulliam 'Tu71 7nshin, ton and. Ka
3 , y, R tterjohn'.-6
1 ! '
' 1
�ommiautoner. ',iadhington offered 'the following motion:. I•movo that AI{ ORDIUAhOE,I-
Crd iiutnon ,rogu]a
R.'WULA'THIG U10110 TO 1119 rL10i:D' Ili 'I'll;; I,A1Zl;l f IIOU;i:: 111 Ir CITY OF rA.DUOAII };;a,"rl;CiY, be
,. s
Linc ulanu in "
MarYot Houuo.:
adohtod. Ad6ptod a}on ou11 of Aho ro31 by tho follow ng veto: Yoan, 1'aon,m
77oahington and, Lotter John,
Oommianionor Pulliam 'offored tho following motion;, That J., Ci Loeloy, Picot
Aeoietant 1inginoer, bo allowod #2.2G,'for inilrond fora and pullmnn oxpansoa to '
exp anooa, t0
( ..
..Louisville for eowor.00nstruction data not'available An.i'aduoah''ardl.thnt-same be
charged. 3rd Distri.oL Sewer Fund e. Adopted upon onll of the'roll'by the follow
ins; -vote' Yoie,. Paoo.'r11lI1am;_,Tully, 14aohinaton,-4i iTays, Katterjo,hn,-14"
t•t. ..:..;•
`` ? i • Commissioners" Proceedings, City of PaducaH'_`i __:::4a.:::' ;�.�� 192-
On noClon tho hoard a(tjournn.l upon o01 of Chu roll., y 6 yon:,
JULY 20TH. 1923.
At a Onllod ldootinq of the Hoard of Oormniauionore, hold in the Oommtoalonor'e'
in the City Hall. Pnduoah, Kentucky, on July 20th, 1923, at 1Ot30.o'olook A. 11
Upon oall of the roll the following anowernd to'tholr names: Oommiealonore, Paoo,
: =
Pu]Ilum, Tully qnd !7asMngton,-4. In the ab nnnoe of 1!%yor Y.ntterjohn• from the City.
` d
yor Pro. Tem. presided.
L. A. Washington Mayor
Mayor Pro. Tam. '�laahington stated reasons for pall to -wit: To. a]low pay =rolle '
for the first half of the month of July, and any. othor. brnninesa that might some before
tho board.
Cormniauioner Tully off'irod the following motion: I move that the pnq-roll for the
for first
first half of the month of, July, 1923, nmountin to $9297.76, ce por'the report of .
1 Pay -roll
half of July 1923
au par report of
the'Oomaisaloner of Jublio 1'inanos filed horewith, be nllo.ved and ordered paid and the
Ti Commiaoloner of
Pub].So Flnnroe.
money approprlated from the Coneral Fund to. pay soma. �.dopted upon oa]l of the roll.
by the folloaving veto: Yone, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully and Wanhirmton',
Oommieuioner Tully offored tho following motion: I move that the pry-ro]l.for Lhe.
PaY-roll for first
July, 1923, for the 3d Dintriot Sownr, amounting to
first half of the month of '
half of July 1923;
for 3rd Dtatriat
0545.69, be allowed and ordered paid and the Oommienioner of Puhllo.Ftnnnoe be ,
authorised and instruatod to draw oheol:n a!rainot the Ito. 3 Dint. Hewer Farvl A000unt'
`.�to pay acme. Adopted upon nail of the roll by the fo]]o:71nr, note: Ya¢o, Pnoe, .'.
Pulliam, Tully, e'nd:.'9asb1ngton,=
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the'Struotural 1'ateriala
Research Laboratory of Lewis Instituto, 1951 W. C;adtuon Street, Chiongo, be aIla!
Yaterials Re-
soaroh Lnbora-
$3.92 for express on aonarotn Lost oglindoro and that some bo oharRod to 3rd Dis-
4s ' tory allowed
43.92, 3rd Diet. �'
triot Sewer Fundi; Adopted. upon oal] of the roll by the fo] loWing.vote Yea a.' Paoe, .:
Sorter Fund a.
Pulliam, Tully aryl 17ashington,-4. "
On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the rol7.'by 4'yeas.
k .
JULY 23RD. 1923.
Ata Regular Zieeting.of the board of Commiesionere, hold ,in the 0ommisetonere'
• �. r
Chamber in the City Hall. Paduoah, Kentuokq, on July.23rd, 1923. 'Upon.oall of .the
roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and
Naohington,-4. Mayor Katterjohn being absent from .the City Mayor Pro Tem Naehingtoa
On of Commiesioner Paoe the minutes of the prev.ioue meetings were adopted "
+'I f
as read upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pnoe,, Pulliam. Tully. and
; t ,
Washington, -4•
Commisaloner:.Pnllie offered the following motion: I move that the E. n. Harding Co.,.
be allowed $1500.00 of. the amount withheld from Monthly Estimate of work done during.
f Company allowed:
-' X1600.00 on June;.
June 1923 on 3B-30 Trunk Line sewers on a000unt of incomplete condition of street re-
Estimate with-
surfaoing. Adopted upon oall of the roll.by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam,.
Tully and Washington, -4-
`,- er ��:j7';*r�tT^'•;`*^,a lli"'S:'+^t't AT iVP+`__�{"'�+c�:,;!+t^'�ie"�:TiT �r7'•','.-�.�t.�5?3.r.T"''('>:.:� ;Y."'..