HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 197, July 12, 1923• - j Ps.°r. e 1 .
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Commisaionera'. Proceedings; City -of Paducah;-1�'`_ :..I_ �'r 192-
July 7th; I novo that .it be allo::ed _nd ordered pai ar t e money eppropr a e rem
I` 1
the. Oonoral Fund to 'pay same. Adopted upon call•of-tho roll by the following vote: Yces
Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, ']achington:and Kattorjohn,wB.
^' f
0ommieaioner Fees offered the i`olloaing motion: I move that the roport.of the
Roport Chief of
Chief of the vire Dupartmont for the month of Juno 1023 be r000ived and filed. Adopted
for . Juno,1923.
�� �� `•
upon sell of.tho roll by the follo•rring.veto: Yuyu, I'aoo,. Pulliam, Tully,-Wachinaton
Commisuior-or lushington.offerod the follo.ving motion; i move that the trernfor
' Garde tory trans-•.
r'•:"• for from V. B'.
from V. D. Der. and Nott Is Ilor, his :vife, to Chris. Burger to the roar 18 feet off
✓ Nettle Ilei
to OhrIa Burger.
of Lot i�bE in Sootion C., Cal: Grova Comotury, be rntlilud. _Adopted,upon call of the
roll by the folloWIng voto: Yoan, I'ase,.Iullinm; Tul];r, 7unhlrgtori un d. linttorjohn,-6.
On mutton n bourd.adjournod upon oall of the roll by 6.yon o.'
Adopled /G tf n1�r2 o
JULY 1ET11; 1923 MAYOR.
At a Called Moot Ing of the Board of 0ommieulonore, hold 'in tho Oommiuntonore'
OhnmDor in the City hall, raduooh, Y,ontuoky, on July 12th,'19£3; at 10:28 o'olook
A. M., Upon oull of the, roll the.i'ol3owl»g nnuworod to thatr namokil Ornnnl.nulnnern
I'uoo, Tull -loin uuld 1:9yor Kattorjolin,-3.
1:rtyor 1,uttsrj%hn, ntatod ronnonn for. oa11 to-witi To allow nuttrmtou -for work
on sewer oonotruotIon 3rd Dtutriot 3ownr rind nny ethnr bunlnnan.tllntmight come before'';
the Board.
Oommiustoner lulltam offered the following notion; I move, that .t)is Monthly
Estimate for work don,i on the oonutruotion of unworn to Diutrlst 3B-30 durin,a, the
month of Juno 1923, be uprrovod and that tlio':1. R. hording Oomhuny be allowed
But lrnte E.R.
1lordingCo., for
,257.78 on a000unt of. said oo.ttmato, nr,d. the Oomminnlonur of 1,011a Finan se be
Juno nowers in
i. t,DIntriat :ib -30,
nuthsrizud and 1,nstruotoA. to druw.ohuok alminut the 3rd Diutrlst 3owor Fund for..thie'
hmuuut, 03,000.00 being deducted from the, rngular pnymont No oil thin outimota on
a000unt of the lnoomhloto onudttion of thu ro-nvr.failinm of Vdynro Street and Caldwell
Avenue. Adopted call of the roll by the follovrina.voto; Yoan, Inco, Pull tam
and Y•atterjohn,-3.
Ooumluulonor hulllsm off ored the following motion; .'I noun .that ..the I'onth]y '
i:etI to E.lt:
1:'otlmato for ':mor):. done on the oonutrtotion of aorvoru In Dt.utriot 34 durirar the month''
Harding Oo. for
Juno un:reru in
of June 1923,,be approved, and that. the �. R.. llnrdlnq Company be n7losrod x19,2..3 8.71',
i' Diotrio.t 3A.
-on account of said ostimr_tn. end. the CommisuLoner of Rub3i6 Finanoe be authorized aid•_
tnstruoted to dravr ohoolc.against the 3rd Dis'triot'Sovrnr Fnnd far' thin amount, the •.
�'133.50.axtrr. ooment Item'-boir.r withhold' until. a-thortsod by -Board; Ad optod upon-
oall of the roll.b.,,the following veto: Yoas, Paoe,.'Pulliarn and YL.ttorjohn,-3.
Mvyor Kattoijohn offered the' following. motlon: I move- that A I.RPSOlUTI011 PRO-
i '•
Resolution so D_
struotion of
7ID.IIiG FOR 'iVF 001181RUCTIOh OF All Alli:Y II: BMM' 9 OLD TO -III, TOO ill::?? 711TH 1.1.1. lads-
f allay from 2rd
to 3rd 5t. barn
I113; II'rAS A110 .`il::'.Ci1I PIP ,S, ?1U11HTNG MOM `'INC010 T TO'.
$ARY 1'ANHOLR3, atTCIq- BGSl_.
D' Nay .i nd Jeff.
1 ;troota,
THIRD 9'PR:: sT; BET3: _E1; BROAD:YAY AI1D JIFF 15011 $19. T,' IH i'?:; C1'`fY OF PLDUC,I?l, Ei37TUCYYI
AT `fli;: COS'P OF Tli.: ABUTTING 111 U1RTY O'311:RS, All 1). PNOV.1ll.IIlC Tlli.'P' �1J;1:, til.11.1: D 0011-•
S11PUCT1:DU1'Oil 'lith'. T::11 Yl -;A11 N.'&:11T FL,U1. be u4ol,tud. Adopted upon oall of the roll
by the following veto: Yoau, Feoo,.Fulliem-nod Kattorjohn.,
On motion the Board adjourned upon,oall. of the roll by'3 yonu.
' � t M44 ',C%i ��'!T am �, `•'e+Y ... 'Wed`' t'{. N"t •i.Md y, . •Y 4--iY. 9,-.' f .. _ly. ;, r,. .y., q„t .. ... .. ., . r 1