HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 195, July 9, 1923A' _ .._ : �, .c�.,.........w_:.�;. +.:,:rs '.:-ut_' ,.!•: s :.ar..1:7 ......:zo�ti..�:.x.�.s.x�: ./♦,...,:.:t._...•:�W .. ' .. -
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Commissioners" Proceedings,' City-of Paducah—r ____'rr_. 192-
,i Commissioner Pulliam offered the, following mofion:_ I-move that'the Mont y �
Estimate for '.vurY. Sono on the oonstruation oY cowers4n Distriot 3B-30 during the :-•
�P Estimate for i!ay month ,of "y 1923 be approved, and E. R. Harding. Company be allowed $2,944.67, on •' '
1, 1923 allowod.E.R.
�i.. Hcrd'ing on Bower account of said work. and that the Cammissionor of Publio Finanoe be authorized drd
construct ion
Daatriot 3B-3C.. instructed to dra".v check arminst the 3rd District Sorror'Fun3e for the sum of $2,944.67
to the E. R. Harding Company, this estimate havtng boon held up-last month on account
of incomplete rosurfaoing of streets. Adopted upon call o,f the roll by tha•.folloaing
vote.: Yeas, 1-aoe. Pulliam, Tully,-'lashington and Eattorjohn,-5. ."
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the'Vonthly
' '?.'•' '''utiimto for 'June Estimator for se-.'ror construction done during June 1923 on the 'Trunk Line Extension
1923 alloaod F.R.
i. R. llardlna. Ooml'.any be approved, ara.that the ::: R. Ikirding Oompnr>y
Ilarding on Trrnk Oontruot of the
line or.toy, slon be allowed 41436.34 on account of said estimate, and the Commisulonor of.Publio
ae ao r a.
Finance be authorized nnd'direoted to make chock for same ar;ainst the 3rd Distriot
Sever Fund. '$500.00 having been deducted from this estimate ponding resurfacing of
.`'_ + '• Brown Street. Adopted upon call of the roll by-tho follorring.vote: Yoas, Pace,
Pulliam, Tully, 77ashington and P.attorjohn,-b. „
On motion the Board' adjour nod upon call of the roll by byouna. ,
Gr cu.* M A VC)R:
JULY 9TH. 1923.
At a Reinilar fleeting of the Board of 0orrmrissione'rs,.hold. in the Commissioners'
Y Chamber in the City Hall. Paduaeh,.Kontuoky, on July 9th, 1923 Upon call of the roll }"
`• the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully, l7ashington and Knyor,,
f'. On motion of Commissioner We,shington the minutes of the provious meeting were
adopted as road upon oall'of the
by the following voter Yeas, Paco, Tully,
;} :lashington and Katterjohn,-4.
Tleport L'aCraokon': Mayor Katterjohn offered the. following motion: -I move that the report of the
1 Coia,t ublio .
.'..F � y'' �' McCracken County Public Health League for the morith'ot June 19.23, be received and '
'Health Learue'for .
June. 1,923.' ,filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully.
` washington,and Entterjohn,-4.
Commissioner. `�lly offered the following motion: I. move that the report of .,
t Report Com' r. of
Finance for June' the Commissioner o,f Publio Finance for the month of June. 1923, be received, filed and.
ordered puhliohei in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call- of the roll by the `
1' following vote: Yoas, face. Tully; Washington and Y.ntterjohn.-4. '
J Commissioner Tully offered the folluwing.motion: ,:I move 'that, the report of*.,.
Report Com'r, of ` the-Commissloner of Publio Flnnnoe of the 3d District Sower Fund Adoount for the month''
F'inanoo for no ;
1923 for 3d"Dts of June, be received,, filed and ordered published in the. official newapaper. .Adopted.
tr fat' Sewer' Fund
e.ocount. upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paco, Tully, ',lashington and
Yattorjohn.-4. i
Retort Corr.'t, of
Commissioner fully offered the foliowing.motion: .I move that the report of
Firar:ce of Spooial -the Commissioner of Publio Finance of the .Special Street Fund for-Aho half year ending
Stroot Fund for. .
belt yoarrondin13 Juno 30, 1923, be received,: filed and ordered puhlisho4 ir: the official newspaper..
Jur.•o 30,1J23. N,
Adopted upon call of tY:o roll by the following vote: Yoas.. Pace, Tully, :lashington
f: x r,n3 Eat terjohn,=4.
Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissionore'.,Chamber. ~
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Commissioners' Proceedings,, City of Paducah_192
`aRepart .Com'r. of
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the rsport of the.
t t
of Publio Finance shoving the Amounts Expended end the Balances yet to
r• '
mounts oxpondod,'Commissioner
-rba]rnosc, Appor- 999J
for the various coo ounte,.aloo showing the Apportionment, the Amounts
! V.
tior.ment &o. .bo
Expended and the Dnlanoos to the credit of the vnriove accounts under the different
ttit ,
'.rr ..
departments to the end of June 30, 1923, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of
the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and ynttorjohn B€�
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties hnv3ng
the sum of $50.00 each, toFether with 9Pplioation for Valt or Carnal Beverage
Malt or :Cereal
•i Beverage License
Lioenee, I move that lioor,uo,to cell l,lelt or. Cereal Beverages or any admixtures there
lnnuod, to
Turnor do.'Waloon,'
of; be grantod to them at the Plnooa sot out opposite the Lr names for the. poiiod of
:ar and O.A;Toloo..
oix months, beginning July lut and onding Doo. Mot, 1923.
Turnor. & 'laloon, $106 youth End St.
' 0. A. Zeiss, .. 411'1 South 3rd St.
Adopted upon ,call of the roll by the following vote: Yoaa., Paco. Pulliam, Tully,
Washington and Kattorjohn,-6.'
Oommiaaioner Tully offer.od the following mo tion: 'I'move that oommunioation of
Dr.Vornon D]ythep
Dr. �ornon Blythe, President of.tho Board of iduortion, addressed to the. Commisoioner
r in.ro: City pati,.
Bank appointed ..of
Publio Finance. designating the City National Bank as '14•easurer of the Board of
Troautffor of
"I Board of Eduoa=
" Education for the.yoar 1923-1924, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the
"i tion for 1923-'.,
I. 1924.
roll by the followlnp, veto: Ycau, Paoo,Pu111rm,Tully,7ashington and Kattor john; -5.
Oommissioner Tully offored the following' motion: It appearing that the interest +.,
on the .$600,000 outstanding #3 District Sever Bondo, amonnttng to $16,037.50 is due
,Interest on
86000000 'oat=
standing 3rd
July ]0th, I move that the amount b.e allowed and the -money appropriated from.tho
a, District Server
General Fund to I-ey same; ani the Commissioner of Public Finance be' authorized and
inotruotod .to*.deposit same to the credit of the a District 5o.7er. Bond Sinking Fund
in'the Nation I bank. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the follovinq vote: 'Yeas
pace, Pulliam, Tully; tYashington and Katterjohn;-5.
Commiaeionor 'fully offered the following motion: I move thr_t the COMM. iaaianar
{' .8G00,000
of Fublto Financo be authorized'rind inatruotod to draw a chock against the No. 3
stand'irr 3rd -
District Bower
District Sevier Bond Sinking Fund in',the First ilational Bank for the eat of. ;1G037.50
to'pay.the eomi-annual interest on the ip600,000 3 District Sever Bonds ::hioh is duo
at the United Statoo'Mortra.T.o k Truot Co..liew York City, On•July ]Oth.'•Adoptod upon
call of the roll by, the following vote: Yeas,-.Paoe, Pulliam,' Tully:, •aashIngton and
Commissioner Tully offered' the following motion: It appearing that the semi
Interest on '' annual irit,froat,,amounting to $6175.00 on the $247,000 outstanding School Improvement
$247,000 out
• Iml�rovomont
Dond'u lu duo. July 1Gth, I move that the oum be nllotvod and approprAnted from the
Bon do.
Comma] Fund an1 tho,Oommtsulon�r of 1'ubl'io Finanaebo authorized and instruotod to
dopoeit naive to the ,oredIt,of the yohool.Improvomont Bond ;inking Fund in tho.Cit i
zens'Savt,ngs Hank.. Adopted upon call of the roll by tho following'doto:,;Yono, Ieoe
l '
Pulliam, Tully, ,Yeahingtor. and Kettorjohn;-G. .
-GOmmisuicnor Tully offered,the''following motion: I move '.that the CommiasIon or
Interoat on
r �., '•
_ of Publio Financo be authorized and instruoted to drat+ -a check a2a:Inst the School-'
f �,,47,000.gut-
rA' otandlnr 9ohoo3
Ing, Bond''Sinkirg Fund in the Citizens Savings Hank amounting to v"G175.00'rrd
+,+ Bondoi
dopooit i'n the Olty llctionol Bank to•pay the Demi-anmiel lntornet on�tho $247;000
oututandIng 9ohool Improvement Bonds duo at the City'National -Dank on July 16th:
Adopted •call'`oi.tho'roll b the fol]owin voto: Ycas paoo, pull Jam Tu71y,'
1'upony g'
' cI
3auhinrton and Katterjohn-6'9
Uommleaionor.Tully offered the fol]ovinF rnotIon'- It'aprnnrinq that thorn to due
;Sohoolu taxue
for 'wook,,'andin
the Schoole the' num of-�1G036.17 from the .collect brio of 1923'.Luxeu fur the ,rack on11n
I '
�, .:5 a_}•�, ..1 s:J•-��r > dla,r�sr] , yt^-'r t'{K�1 � *.- -:�. >_ iY- 'Js -�+.- r .. .
t. Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ;_ =: { 192-
.., t t be. _.d ordered Hai and the eppropr soromJuly 7th; I move t
the. General Fund to 'pay same. adopted upon call'of the roll by the following vote: Yocn
Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, '7ashington:and Kattorjohn,-G.
• 0ommieaioner Faoo.offorod the i'ol]o•.ving motion I move-ttiat the roport,of the .
Roport Chief of
� .,•' ,. briro' Department
Chiof of the vire Dupartment for the month of Juno 3DE3 be r000,ived and filed. Adopted
fur Juno,19E3.
upon call of .the roll by the fol ]o;ting.voto: Yuua, 1'aao,.Pullinm, Tully, :7nohinaton
Commisuionor '�fuahington offered the follo.ving motion: I move that the trerrifor
' Cemetery trans -
i' for from V.B.
from'V. B. Ilor.und Hottie Iter, his wife, to Chric. Burger to tho roar 16 foot off,
i 1, Hattie Ilor
E to Chrlu Burger'.
of Lot 452 in Section C., Oul, krovo Oomotury, he rntifiud. Adopted, up on gall of the
roll by the fol]owtn(t veto: Yogi). Yugo. .In]11nm; Tully, un d_ J.:nttor.iohn,-8.',
On motion iI bourd.adjournod upon oalI of the rel.] by 6.yon9. ,
sd�►la� 'Uhd , G
JULY 12TH: 1923 MAYllFt.
At a Oulled Mootlnq of the Board of 0ommieuLoner e, hold in the Oommiunlonera'•.,<
OhnmDor In the Oity 11411, raduoah, Y.ontuoky,'on July 12th, 19231 at 10:25 o'ulook .
A. 1.1., Upon gull of tlra, roll the i'o]lowlng rtnuwnrod to that nrtmnu; OrnanLnutanern
Iace, Pulham and Mayor Kattorjohn,-;t,
• ! Y'� 4
1,l yor 1iuttorj%hn ututed ronnonn for, call to-w.tt1 To allow nuttrnttoe for work
• Y ~'
on Dower oonotruotton 3rd Dtutrtot Sower and any othnr buninnun,tllntmilit come before.'w
the Board.
Commival.oner Iulliam offered tho following notion; 'I move, that tho Monthly .
L'utimato for work donti on the oonutruot ion of 'uoworo 1n Diatrlot 38-30 during the
month of Jium 1923, be uprrovod and that the::. R. liurdtng Oomhuny be allowed
" But 7nnte R. It.
Ile id tnP Oo. for
,267.78 on account of said ou.tlmuto, and. the Oommlon'lonur of I•0110 Fin inoe be
Jut♦o,uu•vurn in
otr.l of 3b-30,,
authorized and lnotruotod, to draw ,ohook a+minut the 3r4 Diutr I of Suwor Fund for. thte
amount, 43,000.00 bolnP,deducted from tho_rogular pnymont duo on.thInautimuta on
n000unt of tho inoomplato onndl., of Chu ro-nvriva.ing of Voyoru Stroct and Ouldwe,
Avonuo, ddoptod;upon call of tho roll by the following veto: Yoan, Tnoo, Pull tam
and 11,atterjohn,-3.
Ooumiuulonor Pulliam offered tlia following motion; I movo .thnt .tho.Monthly
Eatim¢to E.H. '
Sotlmzto for -rrorh done on the oonutr4otion of aoworu In'DLutrLot 3A .luring the month
Hard Ing Oo. for
Jur.o uo:roril in
' t ,
of Juno 1923,,be approved, ¢nd th¢t the i:. R. itardinrt Comp any be all wed 414,2..5,.71'
District 3A.'.
,'on n000int of said estimate, acid tlio .CommieaTonor of Pub]io Finanoe'bo ¢other}.^.od and-.
lnstruotod to dr aw'ohook.againat the 3rd Dis'triot 8ovinr Fnnd for'thi.n annunt, the '
` +
$133.50.oxtra cement Item'-boir.r withhold until a-thorl,-,od by Board. Adopted upon''
call of the ro11.b•. tho following veto;.Yo¢e, Paoe,.PuJllnrn ¢nd, %attorjohn,-3.
}dayor Kattorjohn offered the' follonina motion. I move that A RESOLUTIOIt PRO.
Rosolution eon -
I struction of
7ID.Ti+v FOR '1VF 001181RUCTIOL' U All A111:Y 111 B:001: 9 0L0'TO.1II, T005:T11:?? 7/T P!{ P•JI. 1?'CCE3-'
alloy from ?.rd
1 ; to 3rd 5t. butn
SA.RY VANHOLF3; WTCP- BA3IM3i III'P:1r:S MID `J;i;^'} PIT :`i, RU1111T110 2XC01TD ST3 :RT TO .
BItray arid Jeff.
- itroots.
TiiIRD 3'M ELT, BE'1'IELl: BROAD:'I:,Y A11D JEFi:�I30I1 3V: -2T., IH 'P 13 CITY OF PADUC::^, KiXTUCLY
AT TUI 'OV 0i' TH:': ABUTTING ]i}U] 5RM 0',711 -Rd, A111)I.1tO V.LD.111G THLT: 'i,U;l':, :115:1.1: Dl; 001:--
STRUCTRI) UVOl1 'illh'.T:iI1 YI•:All 14'O.:;11TPLA11. be arloptud. Adopted upon call of .the roll
by the following vote: Yoau, race, ,PulIiarn and KILL ttorJohn, -3.
On motion the Board adJournod upon. call of ,the roll by' 3 yeau.
Aiep i A&?.
• r
A 'fn r.
' rr••:,•J- r _ "'titer "'r"a ..
-- - -
' s t �'rrynln ��:.' :ir.f •4I;„4t•'.��X ,r.�„o ,t'} `p i ,.«a•1 ` .. ,p,.•k y,�,�': t. s.,y ,.. ..r :•},r r...: - .• p