HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 193, July 7, 1923i ) • .tt ,: i -4 _Z, i �� _^` '' f L '
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''..' Commissioners: Proceedings;: City'of'Paducah_192
on motion tho Hoard nd-joitrnod upon oal l of the rol Y by b, yeas.,:
alc4 ., If A EhOV S1D
JULY 3RD, 19 23.
F At a Called 'Meeting of the board of Commissioners; held in the Oommiesionerd
Chamber in the .0 ity Hall, Fad uoah,'Ken tuoky, on July 3rd, 1923. at 4:40 o'alook
i Upon call of the. roll the folloiiing anewered to their,nnmee: Commiabionore Tully,
4 Washington and 1,ayor Eatterjohn,=3.'
iayor Y.aiterjohn statod r'oasono for. call to -wit:, For the'purrose of allow-
k ung Fay -rolls for the last half of ,the month .of June 1923. aryl any other businoes'
{ that might 'come before the Board.
u Commissioner Tullyoffered' the following motion: I'move that the pay -roll
Juno 1923, ae' per for the last half of the month of Juno, 1923, amounting, to 31£7710.07, .asper' the.
report Com'r.of
Finance.. -report of the Commissioner of Fublio Financefiled here,vith,.ho allowed and ordered
paid and the money appropriated from the Ueneral Fund .to pay'. same.: Adopted upon
call of the roll by.:tho following vote: Yo¢s, Tully, tlaehington and Kat ter John, -3.
CommissionOt Ful.liam entered the Commiasionera' Chamber.' i
Commiosionor Tully offered tho following motion: I move that the pay -roll
Fay -roll last fur.the •last, half of .the month of. Jame, 1923, for the 3d District Sewer, amounting
{ hal f Jun o 1923
j 3rd. J.letrlot
to 3542.52, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of FuUlio Finance be
authorized au:3 instructed to dtnw checks naainst the 1.o. 3 District So:ver Fund
Account.to pay same. Adopted. upon call of the.roll by the following vote:,Yoda,.
Pulliam, Tully, S?aehlnRton and Yattorjohn',-4.
�:, Commiosionor ,Tully'offorod tho following motion:. I move.that.the Commis-
3troot bonds and•
coupons 'in•City �sionor,oP Iubl•io Finance be.authorizod ani instruoted to pay off, tdke up and cancel
National Bank _
( pnid0 street bonds and coupons in the City ]?attonnl .uank'to the amount of,,4794,01 and to
draw `a check arminet the 3peoial Street .Fund Aoc n;nt,to. pay samo. Adoptod upon aall,':'
of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Fulliam,Tully,'Aashington and Kattorjohn,-4..•:.,,.'1,
On motion the Board adjourned .upon callof the roll by 4 yeah.
JULY 7TH, 1923.
' At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commieaionors, hold In the Commissioners',-
Chamber In the City Hr.11, Fnduoah, Kentucky, on July'7th, 1923, at 11:35 o'oloak A1`
Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Faae,
Pulliam, Tully, iiashington and Mayor..Ifatte;john,-b.-
{ Mayor Ketterjohn stated reasons .for,oall.to-wit:. To allow the bills for 'the
(.. month of June, and any other business that miPht come before the Board,'
Commissionor Tully offered the follo,iIng motion: I'Movo that the accounts for
Ace ouil is for last
F the Inst half of the month of June 1923,'emounting.to,'21055.74. as per the report of .
;.half of June'.
1923, per no
report Co^�'r. 'of
the. Commissioner 'of Fubli.o Pinanoo filed hero:vith, be allo`wod and ordered paid and
Public Finance. ;the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay,eamo. Adopted upon"oeil of the
roll b the following vote: Ye¢s,Faoe,Fulliam,Tull 7nshir..ton and Kntter ohm
Y g Y. g J
Commissioner. Tully offered the following nation: I move that the accounts for
Accounts for,last+4 s
haIf, Jun0 1923.
3rd District the last half of the month of June, 1923, for the 3d District Sever, amounting to r !
Sower.' ,1828.50, be allowed and ordered, paid.arrl the Commissioner of Fublio Finanoo be
. authorized and. instructed to draw checks aPainst tho $3 .District Sower Fund Account >'
- _ '..., �•.";s'Is�'3 �y n w ti ..+nk- ...,.. + ,i e. •XJF:'�'+•fCTa^=-ai^ i:7.:x" '.Cis'e!:�T7rL�'.'94.'_?•'t�"n.17,Ti.',i°�fS?'r.-'.. ti.::�.� "�^y.";;ti": r:S:^^'
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Commissioners' .Proceedings, City -of Paducah _192—
to pay name. Aaopted upon call oI the roll Dy the IcllOwing vote: Yeas. Yaoe; YUlllam.
Tully, Washington and Kattorjohm,-6.
Mayor.Katterjohn offered' the. following motion: 'I move that the judgment, amount
ing to the sum of $116.01, rorderod against'the City.of Pnduoah in the cane of C. T
t I
C P•Allen vs
City of Paducah
Allen vs. City of Paducah, pending An the McCracken Cironit.Court,,be paid to 0. T.
"judgment and cost_
Allen, or his attorneys of record, -and that the costs of said notion,' amounting to
a ;
$10.96, be paid to .1. 0. Seaton, Clerk, and that same be charged to. Costs and Suits
Adopted upon call. of the roll by the following votYeas,- Paoe. Pulliam, Tully,
Washington and Katterjohn,-&-
Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move. that the Comnunication:'from
Lhe Peduoah Bleotrid Company, dated June 28th; 1923; relative to. the operation and .`
i•` :''.1
}r; ,
final abandonment of the district steam hoating•system, be received and filed and
recorded. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam,
Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-5.
Said communication is as follows, to -wit:
"Paducah, Kentucky, June,28, 1923
_',Iaduoah &lootric
Lir. P. W.' Xatterjohn,
Mayor. City of'I-aduoah,.
•, oommunioat.lon
' Taduoah. Ky.
relative tb aban
` donmont of Steam
Dear. SLS:
�H-ating Bran
oh 189
In accordance with your request that I submit to you a letter
setting forth our intentions rolativo to the oparot ion and final abandon-
mer, t of the diatriot steam hen tinm system, I bal! ta.snbmit the following:
As you know tho atcam heating department of thin company has boonrrl
4 koporated at a lose for years. This is due to circumstances over *rhioh no
hevo"no control, the principal of which is oxeeonivo rr.intonanoe charges
caused by annual overflows of the Ohio River.
On Sept. 3rd, 1922 the franchise of this department oypirod
and niter, due consideration it wan 4eoided that it would be to the best
Interact. of all our oun'tomers to abortion the system entirely rather than
continuo it under oxistinm aanditIons. We recognized the fact that un-
lass thin was done grodually it would in all probability work a hardship
on those who would be compelled to provide their can source of host and
that • it would be to the bast interest of all concerned to eorn)lote the ;t ,•;
abandonment through a period of throe years.
It was decided, therefore, to divide the districts served by
steam boat into three sections, namely the section lying '.vest of 5th
k ,
street; the section bet and bth streate, and the section between
3rd'arid 4th atreats, and to one of those soot:ions each year.
On Jan. 1, 1923,.a letter was sort to our patrons In the
saction lying :rest of 5th street, notifying them of our intention and
csk'inr, them to make heating arrangements of their o.m aftor i.'ay 1. 1923.
'Thio diatriot will not be served by un during the coming season.
A similar letter is now in ooiu•so of preparation whioh will be
sent immodiately.to thoso residing.bot'.voen 4th and 5th streets, notifying,"
them' cis intention end asking them to provide heating dri&ngemente of
their own after Day lst, 1924.
You will plenue oboorve that by carrying out thin policy the
heating cyatem will bo entirely abandoned on I:ay 1, 1925. Indeed, were
It not our dooire to protect those 'oho are doponiIng upon un for heat, to
the, fullest extent; we -would be willing to abandon the system at once.
Yours vary truly;
FC/B'.'IC ,. 1'R :D ChOP21. Gon' 1. Supt:
Commiocioner Pulliam offored the following motion: 1 move that copy of'tho oon
I.C.R.'R.Co. and
tract between. the City 'of 1'aduoah and the Illinois Control Railroad Company, covering
City of,Faduonh
in re ao°.rare on
the oonetruotion.,of 'se:vor under'its trnci:e 400"foot -est of'tlnion Depot', bot'.veon:
Cald •oll Avo.
ural little. ave.
CaIdwoll`'�.venue and little Avenue', aimed br A: ;:. Clift, dioo-Trecident, and F. 'A...
foot tivoot of.
Union Depot.,',.
KattorJohn , buyer, be received ani filed. Adopted arca oall'''o£'tho roll by the follow-
ing.voto:,Yoas 7paoo. Pulliam', Tully,'Washinvton and, Y.attarjohn.-5.
'Gommiselonor' FulIiam-'offered' thio •.follo:4ing mo tion:. That the I. C.R.R. -be allowed
$46.12 for'Iowering water'mair on"railroad propor'ty at Brakeman and Bnum er Avenues,
paid j46.12 for:
to al.loci'24" eewar•:onnstruotion., and* that name 'bo-ohnrgod against 3rd District Sewer
ipain on railroad
property at
Fiinda. -Adopted upon dell of the roll tho'following vote. :Yeas, Paoe. Iulliam.
Brakoman, ani ; ,.
�Baumor Avonuoe:Tu17y.
Washington and Ka'ttorjolin,-6
:L+�.FJ4%4I� • _ �:1.` ±^.+.. r.Y ... /'.4 v..... i},} .,�. k...l}::[ Y: s�!}! .v+ -�h,w it:_YY-•.,...1 .+»,.:... .. _._
.... R.4•.e
1 ! .),7 3 "" �L �.�T �'> rt4-Yrr file •'1r �j •+v y s�+. �� ia, '�>{ � F .r. r
-- ••--.r,r..•-•1..., ,.: _:r..,� w::.:i.:.,..1 ...w+ ..5.r ,•C�, a�:r� Lw.,.w�a:+.L.x�.�n::: ` - . ' ..
- Na s s.
Commissioners" :Proceedinga,:City',ofPaducah »fr. ,'F," ''' 192—
Commieuloner Tulliam offornd the. following motion:, I. move that'ths Mont
Estimate for .7ork lone on the construction of oeworo in Dintriot-3B-30-durinR the
Eatiate for May
month of ?Lai 1923 be approved, and R. Harding, Company be allowed $2,944.67. on
Harding on se -nor account of'said work, and that the Commissionor of. public Finance; be authorized end
District 3B-30.. instructed to dra•a check aminst the 3rd District Sowor Fund for .the sum of $2,944.67
to the E. R. Harding Company, this estimate having boon held up -last month on account
of incomplete roarufacing of streets. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following '
vote.: Yeas, Iaoe, Pulliam, Tully, 'Jashington and kattorjohn,-5.
Commiasioner Pulliam offored the following motion; I move that the Yonthly
;y etlmator for se:�or conntruation done during June 1023 on - the 'Trunk Line Extension
�•' :atiiato f.orJune
1923 allowod E:R• Qontruot of the i:. R. Hardinr.. Oompany be approvod, ani. that 'tho ;:: R. Harding 7omparly .
IlardLng on Trrnk ..
dine or.tonulonbe allowed $1436,34 on account of said estimate, and the'Commisulonor of.Publio
°1 Finance be authorized and-dlreoted to make chock for'same ar;ainet the 3rd District
awer Fund, $500.00 having -been deducted from thia estimate peniing resurfacing of
Brown Street. Adopted upon call of the roll by -the folloningvote: Yoae, Paoo,
Pulliam,Tully, 'lashington and Y.attorjohn,-6.
On motion the Board ;adjournod upon call of the roll by 5.yoas.
AaYiled 1� q`�' 1Y�
car a..a
JULY 9TH. 1923.
At a Rejrular Fleeting of the Board of Oommiesionera,:hold. in the Commissioners'
Chamber In the City Hall, Paduaeh..Kontuoky, on July 9th, 1923. Upor- gall of the roll
the following answered to their names- Commissioners Pace, Tully, 17eehington and Mayor,'.,''
Y.attor john.=4.
On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous meeting were
adopted as road upon call of the roll by thn'following vote: Yeas, Pace. Tully,
Washington and Yatterjohn,-4.
Report L'oCraakon Mayor i:atterjohn offered the;follov+ing motion: I move that the report of the
i Coimty.Iublio Ilopraoken County Public Health League for the month, of June 1223, bo.reooived and
• Hoalth Lee mle' for .
:,June 1923. Ifilod. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following veto- Yeas, Paoe, Tully.
` 7aehington.and Kntterjohn,-4.'
1, R9pOTt,Com' r. of Commissioner:`$rlly offered the following motions I: move that the report of
Fin_roe for June' the Commissionor of Tublio Finance for the month of June. 1923, be 'received, filed and
ordered puhltnhe:l in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call -of the roll by the
foll.xving vote, Yoas, loco. Tully; Washington and Zatterjohn.-4.
s Cocantesloner .Tully offerod,tho follosvina,motLon: .:I novo thnt.th0 report of
Report Com'r, of the Commissioner of F.ublio Finar;oe of the 3d Distriot Sever Fund Account for the month'
Finanoe for June ;
1923 for 3d'Dis-' of June, be received,.. filed and ordered published in the, off loial newspaper. .Adopted
tr lot Sewer Fund "
Ao count. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Tully, 'Washington and
a p. Xetterjohn,-4. .
l� Commissioner Tully offered tho following.motion:.I move that the report of
Report Com',,.: of
t Firrr.co of Special -the Commisoioner of Public Finance of the .Special Stroet Fund for.tho half year ending
Street. Fund for. .
half year ordingJuno 30, 1923, be reoolved,.filod ar'd orderod puhliehod 1n the official ne'Aspaper.. q,
'~.i June 30,]023.'
,; Adopted union call of t�:e roll by the following vote: Yoae., Iaoe. Tully, Washington
and Yatterjohn,-4.
y, Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissionors'-Chamber. ,
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