HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 193, July 7, 1923i ) • .tt ,: i -4 _Z, i �� _^` '' f L ' � • k Na._ ''..' Commissioners: Proceedings;: City'of'Paducah_192 on motion tho Hoard nd-joitrnod upon oal l of the rol Y by b, yeas.,: alc4 ., If A EhOV S1D JULY 3RD, 19 23. F At a Called 'Meeting of the board of Commissioners; held in the Oommiesionerd i Chamber in the .0 ity Hall, Fad uoah,'Ken tuoky, on July 3rd, 1923. at 4:40 o'alook i Upon call of the. roll the folloiiing anewered to their,nnmee: Commiabionore Tully, 4 Washington and 1,ayor Eatterjohn,=3.' iayor Y.aiterjohn statod r'oasono for. call to -wit:, For the'purrose of allow- . k ung Fay -rolls for the last half of ,the month .of June 1923. aryl any other businoes' :. { that might 'come before the Board. u Commissioner Tullyoffered' the following motion: I'move that the pay -roll Pay-roll.,lest'halt Juno 1923, ae' per for the last half of the month of Juno, 1923, amounting, to 31£7710.07, .asper' the. report Com'r.of Finance.. -report of the Commissioner of Fublio Financefiled here,vith,.ho allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the Ueneral Fund .to pay'. same.: Adopted upon L'• call of the roll by.:tho following vote: Yo¢s, Tully, tlaehington and Kat ter John, -3. CommissionOt Ful.liam entered the Commiasionera' Chamber.' i Commiosionor Tully offered tho following motion: I move that the pay -roll Fay -roll last fur.the •last, half of .the month of. Jame, 1923, for the 3d District Sewer, amounting { hal f Jun o 1923 j 3rd. J.letrlot to 3542.52, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of FuUlio Finance be Sewor. authorized au:3 instructed to dtnw checks naainst the 1.o. 3 District So:ver Fund Account.to pay same. Adopted. upon call of the.roll by the following vote:,Yoda,. Pulliam, Tully, S?aehlnRton and Yattorjohn',-4. �:, Commiosionor ,Tully'offorod tho following motion:. I move.that.the Commis- 3troot bonds and• coupons 'in•City �sionor,oP Iubl•io Finance be.authorizod ani instruoted to pay off, tdke up and cancel National Bank _ ( pnid0 street bonds and coupons in the City ]?attonnl .uank'to the amount of,,4794,01 and to draw `a check arminet the 3peoial Street .Fund Aoc n;nt,to. pay samo. Adoptod upon aall,':' of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Fulliam,Tully,'Aashington and Kattorjohn,-4..•:.,,.'1, On motion the Board adjourned .upon callof the roll by 4 yeah. II` JULY 7TH, 1923. ' At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commieaionors, hold In the Commissioners',- Chamber In the City Hr.11, Fnduoah, Kentucky, on July'7th, 1923, at 11:35 o'oloak A1` Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Faae, Pulliam, Tully, iiashington and Mayor..Ifatte;john,-b.- { Mayor Ketterjohn stated reasons .for,oall.to-wit:. To allow the bills for 'the (.. month of June, and any other business that miPht come before the Board,' Commissionor Tully offered the follo,iIng motion: I'Movo that the accounts for Ace ouil is for last F the Inst half of the month of June 1923,'emounting.to,'21055.74. as per the report of . ;.half of June'. 1923, per no report Co^�'r. 'of the. Commissioner 'of Fubli.o Pinanoo filed hero:vith, be allo`wod and ordered paid and Public Finance. ;the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay,eamo. Adopted upon"oeil of the roll b the following vote: Ye¢s,Faoe,Fulliam,Tull 7nshir..ton and Kntter ohm Y g Y. g J Commissioner. Tully offered the following nation: I move that the accounts for Accounts for,last+4 s haIf, Jun0 1923. 3rd District the last half of the month of June, 1923, for the 3d District Sever, amounting to r ! Sower.' ,1828.50, be allowed and ordered, paid.arrl the Commissioner of Fublio Finanoo be . authorized and. instructed to draw checks aPainst tho $3 .District Sower Fund Account >' - _ '..., �•.";s'Is�'3 �y n w ti ..+nk- ...,.. + ,i e. •XJF:'�'+•fCTa^=-ai^ i:7.:x" '.Cis'e!:�T7rL�'.'94.'_?•'t�"n.17,Ti.',i°�fS?'r.-'.. ti.::�.� "�^y.";;ti": r:S:^^' <'•+.r. i` -a '+�nc•f.•t.�,e'siY.. -•+r' K• w?r'r > s. pF 1},y r•,� n.• -,,r - `t'•: r �. �i'�•�Z, -, V' _�'{ .A.en Soh :'%Y:. - '') «.�• ..1 fF-3 f. � S - IXF Commissioners' .Proceedings, City -of Paducah _192— to pay name. Aaopted upon call oI the roll Dy the IcllOwing vote: Yeas. Yaoe; YUlllam. }r . . Tully, Washington and Kattorjohm,-6. Mayor.Katterjohn offered' the. following motion: 'I move that the judgment, amount ing to the sum of $116.01, rorderod against'the City.of Pnduoah in the cane of C. T }Fi , t I C P•Allen vs City of Paducah Allen vs. City of Paducah, pending An the McCracken Cironit.Court,,be paid to 0. T. "judgment and cost_ Allen, or his attorneys of record, -and that the costs of said notion,' amounting to a ; t .paid. $10.96, be paid to .1. 0. Seaton, Clerk, and that same be charged to. Costs and Suits i i e: Adopted upon call. of the roll by the following votYeas,- Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, f Washington and Katterjohn,-&- 4 r } Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move. that the Comnunication:'from F ' Lhe Peduoah Bleotrid Company, dated June 28th; 1923; relative to. the operation and .` i•` :''.1 }r; , G final abandonment of the district steam hoating•system, be received and filed and lT'" t� recorded. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, {� Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-5. r: Said communication is as follows, to -wit: l J "Paducah, Kentucky, June,28, 1923 _',Iaduoah &lootric Lir. P. W.' Xatterjohn, Mayor. City of'I-aduoah,. •, oommunioat.lon ' Taduoah. Ky. relative tb aban ` donmont of Steam Dear. SLS: �H-ating Bran t ^1 oh 189 In accordance with your request that I submit to you a letter f{ ' setting forth our intentions rolativo to the oparot ion and final abandon- mer, t of the diatriot steam hen tinm system, I bal! ta.snbmit the following: t; As you know tho atcam heating department of thin company has boonrrl 4 koporated at a lose for years. This is due to circumstances over *rhioh no k hevo"no control, the principal of which is oxeeonivo rr.intonanoe charges f caused by annual overflows of the Ohio River. p' ti On Sept. 3rd, 1922 the franchise of this department oypirod } and niter, due consideration it wan 4eoided that it would be to the best (}� Interact. of all our oun'tomers to abortion the system entirely rather than continuo it under oxistinm aanditIons. We recognized the fact that un- r lass thin was done grodually it would in all probability work a hardship - on those who would be compelled to provide their can source of host and that • it would be to the bast interest of all concerned to eorn)lote the ;t ,•; abandonment through a period of throe years. It was decided, therefore, to divide the districts served by steam boat into three sections, namely the section lying '.vest of 5th k , street; the section bet and bth streate, and the section between 3rd'arid 4th atreats, and to one of those soot:ions each year. { On Jan. 1, 1923,.a letter was sort to our patrons In the saction lying :rest of 5th street, notifying them of our intention and csk'inr, them to make heating arrangements of their o.m aftor i.'ay 1. 1923. a- a 'Thio diatriot will not be served by un during the coming season. A similar letter is now in ooiu•so of preparation whioh will be sent immodiately.to thoso residing.bot'.voen 4th and 5th streets, notifying," F them' cis intention end asking them to provide heating dri&ngemente of their own after Day lst, 1924. I. You will plenue oboorve that by carrying out thin policy the heating cyatem will bo entirely abandoned on I:ay 1, 1925. Indeed, were It not our dooire to protect those 'oho are doponiIng upon un for heat, to the, fullest extent; we -would be willing to abandon the system at once. Yours vary truly; . FC/B'.'IC ,. 1'R :D ChOP21. Gon' 1. Supt: i Commiocioner Pulliam offored the following motion: 1 move that copy of'tho oon !"Contraot.betn. I.C.R.'R.Co. and ' tract between. the City 'of 1'aduoah and the Illinois Control Railroad Company, covering City of,Faduonh _ in re ao°.rare on the oonetruotion.,of 'se:vor under'its trnci:e 400"foot -est of'tlnion Depot', bot'.veon: Cald •oll Avo. „ ural little. ave. CaIdwoll`'�.venue and little Avenue', aimed br A: ;:. Clift, dioo-Trecident, and F. 'A... foot tivoot of. (400 Union Depot.,',. KattorJohn , buyer, be received ani filed. Adopted arca oall'''o£'tho roll by the follow- -' ing.voto:,Yoas 7paoo. Pulliam', Tully,'Washinvton and, Y.attarjohn.-5. 1 'Gommiselonor' FulIiam-'offered' thio •.follo:4ing mo tion:. That the I. C.R.R. -be allowed I.C.R.R.Ooc`. $46.12 for'Iowering water'mair on"railroad propor'ty at Brakeman and Bnum er Avenues, is paid j46.12 for: loworing.wator to al.loci'24" eewar•:onnstruotion., and* that name 'bo-ohnrgod against 3rd District Sewer ipain on railroad �by property at Fiinda. -Adopted upon dell of the roll tho'following vote. :Yeas, Paoe. Iulliam. Brakoman, ani ; ,. r}, �Baumor Avonuoe:Tu17y. Washington and Ka'ttorjolin,-6 z: F } :L+�.FJ4%4I� • _ �:1.` ±^.+.. r.Y ... /'.4 v..... i},} .,�. k...l}::[ Y: s�!}! .v+ -�h,w it:_YY-•.,...1 .+»,.:... .. _._ .... R.4•.e _ 1 ! .),7 3 "" �L �.�T �'> rt4-Yrr file •'1r �j •+v y s�+. �� ia, '�>{ � F .r. r -- ••--.r,r..•-•1..., ,.: _:r..,� w::.:i.:.,..1 ...w+ ..5.r ,•C�, a�:r� Lw.,.w�a:+.L.x�.�n::: ` - . ' .. ------------- - Na s s. Commissioners" :Proceedinga,:City',ofPaducah »fr. ,'F," ''' 192— Commieuloner Tulliam offornd the. following motion:, I. move that'ths Mont Estimate for .7ork lone on the construction of oeworo in Dintriot-3B-30-durinR the Eatiate for May .1923 n7Josvod.E.R. month of ?Lai 1923 be approved, and R. Harding, Company be allowed $2,944.67. on Harding on se -nor account of'said work, and that the Commissionor of. public Finance; be authorized end construction District 3B-30.. instructed to dra•a check aminst the 3rd District Sowor Fund for .the sum of $2,944.67 to the E. R. Harding Company, this estimate having boon held up -last month on account of incomplete roarufacing of streets. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following ' vote.: Yeas, Iaoe, Pulliam, Tully, 'Jashington and kattorjohn,-5. Commiasioner Pulliam offored the following motion; I move that the Yonthly ;y etlmator for se:�or conntruation done during June 1023 on - the 'Trunk Line Extension �•' :atiiato f.orJune 1923 allowod E:R• Qontruot of the i:. R. Hardinr.. Oompany be approvod, ani. that 'tho ;:: R. Harding 7omparly . IlardLng on Trrnk .. dine or.tonulonbe allowed $1436,34 on account of said estimate, and the'Commisulonor of.Publio cowers. °1 Finance be authorized and-dlreoted to make chock for'same ar;ainet the 3rd District awer Fund, $500.00 having -been deducted from thia estimate peniing resurfacing of c. Brown Street. Adopted upon call of the roll by -the folloningvote: Yoae, Paoo, Pulliam,Tully, 'lashington and Y.attorjohn,-6. On motion the Board ;adjournod upon call of the roll by 5.yoas. AaYiled 1� q`�' 1Y� car a..a JULY 9TH. 1923. At a Rejrular Fleeting of the Board of Oommiesionera,:hold. in the Commissioners' Chamber In the City Hall, Paduaeh..Kontuoky, on July 9th, 1923. Upor- gall of the roll the following answered to their names- Commissioners Pace, Tully, 17eehington and Mayor,'.,'' Y.attor john.=4. On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as road upon call of the roll by thn'following vote: Yeas, Pace. Tully, Washington and Yatterjohn,-4. Report L'oCraakon Mayor i:atterjohn offered the;follov+ing motion: I move that the report of the i Coimty.Iublio Ilopraoken County Public Health League for the month, of June 1223, bo.reooived and • Hoalth Lee mle' for . :,June 1923. Ifilod. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following veto- Yeas, Paoe, Tully. ` 7aehington.and Kntterjohn,-4.' 1, R9pOTt,Com' r. of Commissioner:`$rlly offered the following motions I: move that the report of Fin_roe for June' the Commissionor of Tublio Finance for the month of June. 1923, be 'received, filed and ]923: ordered puhltnhe:l in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call -of the roll by the foll.xving vote, Yoas, loco. Tully; Washington and Zatterjohn.-4. s Cocantesloner .Tully offerod,tho follosvina,motLon: .:I novo thnt.th0 report of : Report Com'r, of the Commissioner of F.ublio Finar;oe of the 3d Distriot Sever Fund Account for the month' Finanoe for June ; 1923 for 3d'Dis-' of June, be received,.. filed and ordered published in the, off loial newspaper. .Adopted tr lot Sewer Fund " Ao count. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Tully, 'Washington and a p. Xetterjohn,-4. . l� Commissioner Tully offered tho following.motion:.I move that the report of Report Com',,.: of t Firrr.co of Special -the Commisoioner of Public Finance of the .Special Stroet Fund for.tho half year ending Street. Fund for. . half year ordingJuno 30, 1923, be reoolved,.filod ar'd orderod puhliehod 1n the official ne'Aspaper.. q, '~.i June 30,]023.' ,; Adopted union call of t�:e roll by the following vote: Yoae., Iaoe. Tully, Washington and Yatterjohn,-4. y, Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissionors'-Chamber. , .• +�.���i, � w rt .•.- - � u ,.�v... ,.. ....,a- .. '•(,Tc'.. t.-�._L�3ia-.•'G.;'i.�,:.�",."•,.."�.'�'�'f W".: `;C"'y �^,.