HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 191, June 28, 1923. __..
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' No._ . 9I
Commissioners'•Proceedinp, City of Paducah_192—
,. 3;
JUIIF 28TH, 1923.
At a Oalled Meeting of the Board of Oommissionare, held to the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall. Poduoah, KentubXy. on June 26th, 1923, at 12 o.'alook,A. Y.
Upon.oall of the roll the followtng.answered to their names; Commissioners Pone.
Pulliam, Tully,: lashington and.I:uyor Y•attorjohn,-5.
Mayor Y.attorjohn stated reasons for oull to-wit: For the purpose of appoint-
ing an Auditor to audit the books of .the Board of FAucat'ton,.and any other buetreee
that miRht some before the Board.. ,
Coumissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that Msrwhok, Mitohel
Co..do'oertifled a000untants ard.auditors. be employed to make an audit of the as-
& Co., to audit.
'l a000unto Boord of.
oounte.of the Board of Bduoation for -tho fieenl year ending June '30th. ]923, to .
y :duoution.
s000'rdanoe,with their l'gttnr of June.Mth whioh to filed'horewith., Adopted .upon gall
r h.
.of'the'roll. by the following vote: Yoas. Inoe,.Tu]liam, Tully, 'thehington and,
Commissioner Tully offered the.followina motion: It appearInO that Mrs.
Shellie Thornburg to the owner of the 'property #016 Vadison 9troet annasned to
Shellie Thornburg
Nilliaai Fields
91111nm Fields on tax. bill . 1100 aM ;Yi]]tnm k'lelde not being n resident of Paiuonh
aseousment oor-
but on .this bill was asoessod with personal proporty, $225:00, rfiioh the Aseeenor
oopied from the 1922 ansesument and I.irs.'Shellie Thornburg, having paid the June ._.
half of otty taxes on this bill I move that uho be refunded the sum of :$111.68. this
boinv the June half of the tax on the p.ereonal property. asesased at $226,00 as.
..:stated. Adoptod upon gall of the roll by the fol]o•ying vote: Yoan, Peoo,.Pulliam. .
Tull 7ashin
Y. � gton and Katterjohn.-b:,
Commissioner Tully offored.tho folloning motion: I move that the oommunloa-
Faduoah'later Co,
tion from the Paduoah Tatar Oo., relative. to the oompletior.,of.the evtonaton of mains
oo mmun t os t i on ;
i relative to Brown
on Drown Street, beginninR at the Union Station runrArm south 600 feet and the plao-.
Street '.Inter L'nins.
ins thereon of t.-.7o fire lues, be resolved and filed.. Adopted upon gall of the roll:
by the fol]owina vote: Yean, Page, Tulligm. Tully,.7nehtnaton and.Y.attgrjolu ,-6.
Commissioner Tully offero4 the following motion: That the btl] of the
Taduoah ;later Co.
Paduoah 'Anter Oompany of $743.30 for. tha qunr.ter nndtnF, June 30th, 1923, be a]lo+oed
bill for quarter.
�. ending, dune 30,
and ordered paid and the CommIastoner of 1'0blto Finance be Instruated to pay namo._
Adopted upon'oall of the roll by the fo]lowtnm vote: Yeas, Page. Pullin ; Tully and
a '' '.7auhington.t;4; !lays. Y.atterjoh'n,rl,
On motion the Board adjourned upon sell of the roll by 5
IC Al Y.Ir?,O
JULY 211D.'1923.
At a Rogular floating of the Board .of Oommisnionere, held 'In the Comm Iouton or9.'.
Chamber in the City Hall, Taduoah, Kentuoky, on July 2n4, 39P.3. Upon oall of the roll
he following answorod to their names: Commissioners Peoo, Tulllcm. Tully, 'laahington
Mayor Kettorjohn.-5. On motion of Co,_misnioner Tully the minuten of the previous'
imostinrzo :7oro adopted as recd upon gall of the roll by I; ynau.,..
Commissior,or fully offered the f'ol.lowina motion: I morn that.the roquout of the :
Request Amer loan
;Amortoan l.o?ion and the T'sdnoah Shrtno Club with rofarnron to n Rho:7 ct'10th•,and Droad�'
L09 Ion and the
poduoah yhrins
p way the ]nttgr.part of July, be rnoeivat and Yilorl, and that they br rrnr.ted Term th-
;lub with refor=
y.1 sass to shox at
Bion for onme, ,71th the undorstan3lr.q that nothing, shall be pinoed about the publio
" 10th &.Broadway,
�fountnin ar:d that the Iarkway aha]] hn hroteotod from injury or dnmuro. Adopted upon
oull of the rol.] by t?:o f'olloning vote: Yoga, Paoo, Tullicm. Tully, 'Aauhlnn,ton.and
Yat ter j ohr, .-5.
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