HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 191, July 2, 1923. ..���r -•°; hf�^!�'..+lx .: ,.d �,.�d�ri"�'�' tc•� x r 1�'l.Lr`p'•.fi�t1"'�.� IMRt"ktc`-imz��.*.'--rry "o�.i. 'otA .i`... .tw.,y; 4 .� r ..�". '.'Rt'rY Tr.j•,
..-.....,,.r s. N.kv.`--r � �L-�. +i -ti .--•11w .. W"_...•. F.4_J .,. .. �5.. r_..c..�..x_1 • _. _ ._ — ,. .. _ ..
y ,
Request Amor loan.
legion and the
Paduoah ihr Ine
& Co., to audit
aocounte Board of
::du out ion.
Shellie Thornburg
Till lam Fields
asoouacent oor-
:y '.
Paduoah :Yater Ca'
rolut.ive to Brown
Street '.Tater Laine
Iaduoah Nater Co. '
bill for quarter''
end Ino. June 30,
y ,
Request Amor loan.
legion and the
Paduoah ihr Ine
Iub with refor-
enoo to 3hon at
10th &. Broadway,
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah —192—
JU11R 28TH. 19 23.
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommienionore, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentuolpr, on June 20th, 1'923, at 12 o.'olook A. M.
Upon.aall of the roll the followinganswered to their names. Commissioners Pooe,
Pulliam, Tully.. Washington and. Mayor Kattorjohn,-5.
Mayor Y.attorjohn stated roasons for oull to -wit: For the purpose of appoint-
ing. an Auditor to.audit the books of .the Board of F1luoatlon,.and any other business
that might oome before the Board. ,
Commissioner Tully offered the fol3owlna'motion: I movo that Mdarxvi'ok, llitohel
& Co., oertified a000untants ard.auditors. bo employed to make an audit of the 'ao
oounts.of'tho Board of iduoation for the fiaonl year ending June '30th, 39E3, in
a000rdanoe with their latter of June.Mth whtoh is filed herewith:. Adopted .upon oall
of'the'roll by the following vote: Yous, Ieas. Pulliam, Tully, 'Tashington and,
aommI as toner, Tully' offered tho.followina motion: It appearing that tire. '
3hellie Thornburg Is the owner of the proparty #816 I::adlson Stroet annoened to.
William Fields on 'tax.bill.41100 and 'William Fields not being a ronident of Paduoah
but on .this bill was aooessod %Yith peruonal proporty,-$2E5.'00,'whioh the Assessor '.
oopied from the 1922 anaeoument and Urn. 'Shellie Thornburg.. having, paid the June
.half of otty taxes on this bill. I move that uho be refunded the uum ofta.BB, this
boino the June half_ of the tax on the personal property. aiiaposef at $EE5.00 as
stated. Adopted upon oall of tho roll by the following vote: Yoas, Pcoo,.Pulliam,.
Tully. '.7aehington and Kutterjohn',-5:.
Commissioner Tully'offorod the following, motion: I move that the oommuinioa-
tion from the Paduoah Wator Qo., relativeto the oomplettor._of.the aftnnoton of matne
on Drown Straot, boginninm at the Union Station rumina south 800 foot and the plao
Ina thoreon of t}70 fire pluvs, be reoeivod and fI]ed..'Adopted .upon oall'of the roll:
by the follonira veto: Yean', Paoo, Pulliam, Tully. "laehtnaton and, Y.atterjohn,-5..
commissioner Tully offered the followtna motion: That the bill of the
Paduoah '.Tater company of $3743,30 for. thn qunr.ter ending Jura 30th, 39E3, he allowed
and ordered Imi'd and the Con:miautoner of Y-nblto Flnanoo be tnstruoted to -pay nnmo.
Adopted upon :oall of the roll by the followLna veto: Yeas, Paoo, Pn111rim. Tully and
lauhinaton,t;4; Payo, Y.attorjohn,-1. .
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeah,
A1� Y.Ir<.J V :531
JULY EIID , ' 1923. WA7nit
At a Boqular Coating of the Board of Oommisntoners, held 'in the Oomminulonare'
lhamber 1n the City Hall. Paduoah, Kentuaky, on July 2n4, 19E3. Upon oall of the roll
the following answorod to their namea: Commissioners P000, Pulliam, Tully, 17ashington }
nrrl Mayor Kattorjohn,-5. on motion of Commisotoner Tully.the m_lnuton of the prov.ioue'
ioetinao :Toro adoptod ea read upon oall of the ioll by I: yea u.,
Commissionor 'fully offered the fol.lowina motion: I move that.the ruquaut of the
,lmurtoan loxton and the Taluoah Shrino Club with roforonoe to a nhow at'10th•.er.4 Broad-'
way the latter, part of July, be rooeivod and filed, and thnt they br rrnr.tod'permin- t'
eion for o,une, math the undorntandlr.g that nothing uhall be pinoed about the publio
fountair crd that tho Tark:vay shell be protootod from injury or damoao. Ad optod upon
ou11 of tho roll by tho .I'olloning vote: Yoa3, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully, t7nuhington.and
't :ti". -i: v1:\'�.. y.'t,•`.;`C aPC,�!•7.r^! ,+. 77F�,�"+.;i'�uo�°' •K: `.: �`1 �•, µM-y'r- '.T..��..4:.� '�>. 1,�'.Ms T4i, -
. Alt 9, r .c.. x;n :•t.. e y. '� i^� ...J 1
}'I< Na'. }
, Commissioners' ProceedingsCity of Paducah
Commissioner fully offered the following motion: The sum of ii50.00 having been '
!` Oemotory Deed to paid'into the Treasury; ae..evidenood by the reoeipt filed her".ith,.I move that deed
T.J.Ra'wlo and
�.H.G.Lind soq.,,,.: be exeuoted to T. J. Rawls and H: U. Lindsay for Lot i17, Blook #2 on the South side of '
(lanran, Street, bet
veen Baker & Miller Streets, in Onk'Crove Cemetery.' Adopted upon l
oall of 'the roll by the,fol'lowinv veto: Yeas..Paoo, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and
.... Kattorjohn,.-6. ?
Oommisslor,e; Tully offorod the followinr motion; The sum of 360:00 having been, ?
`•• paid into .the Treasury, as ovidonood•tiy the rooeipt,filod h(iro:vith. I' move that dped �
Oamotery Deed. to _..
T.J.Haale and be oxooutod to T. J. Rawls and H. 11.'Lindoey for Lot #6; Bock 42, on the. donth side
H. M. Lindsey. '
!r of Tinnnnn SCrooE, bot.voon Bnl:er k i.;iller Str.eetn, in Oak Groan Cemetery. Adopted upon' -
I;,:' ,t•. �`'. '.oall..,of the .roll by the„following vote: Yoaa,. Pnoo; Pulliam, Tully; 7aohington and :R
�''� f i i4 i • Katter john., -6• ,..
Oommiseionor Tully offered the following motion: The sum of 437.60 havinli been
paid (nto.the Treasury, •as ovidonood by tho•reaelpt filed horowith. I:move that deed {;• i
Oemotery doed t ”
,.'•Ada Roos. be oxeouted to Ada Roos for Lot #43, Blook $4; on'tho Past nide of Ohamblin Stroot;
b,otwoon Ford "& Hannan Stroots' in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted iq,on pall of the roll'
by the following vote: Yoas, Pope, Pulliam, :'Tilly, Washington. and Kattorjohn,-6.
tRoport Ohiof of Oommisoionor,.Paos offered tho following motioni I move that the report of the
Poli.00 for June
1923. Ohlof of Poli,oe for the month of June 1023. be r000lved and filed. Adopted upon'
1 7anhington.and ..
• Oall'of the, roll by the following veto; 'Leas,.Pnae, Pu711am, Tully. ,
' Katterjohn;-6.
Mayor Kat,torjohn offered the rolloaing motion: I. move that A R11!20LUTI011 I'll 07ID1110
Resolution pro-
,.' vid tna for eon- ) OR 11'r; 00119PRUCTIOI; OF AI1, ALL -,Y Ili BLOOK 9 OLS TOWN, TOGET11 R -7ITH ALL 11,V, -WARY KAI1
etrtuotlon of an •
Al]cW in Blook 1101,10, CA'TOH BASINS, ,IHTni iS MID. S071:R.P1T1iS, RUNNIIIG YR C1.1 =0111) STREET TO T11IRD
9, running from
End 't0 3rd St., S11ii 1 T, B P17i;i•11 BROADWAY AILD X& Ft ISON SIREBT. III IME CITY' OF P}.DUCAH. i'FHTUOXY. AT '
be,tn.B'way and ! I.
First 116aAIng. +'
S'IRUCTZD UL''OIJ 'P Hi: 'Pi•71 YEAR PAYLUAIT PLAN; be introdnood and lay over. Adopted upon
call of the 'rolI by thefollowing vote: Yea a..I-aoe,.Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington.'aa2 .
Katter John. -6.
Commiosioner Pulliam was exousod from 'the Commisoloners' Chamber.
Comm isnlonor Tully offered the following, motion.; I.movo that the Report.of the'
Roport 0lv11 oxport olvil unrtinooro appointod to.oxa.mino ?. R. Bradshaw, Jr. ,.paniMe to for City.
n"nglnoorsp .
appolntod to, Lnglnoer, be r000ivod and filed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote!
examine F.R.
ph . Jr. , Yonp, 'Pnoo, Tu] ly;. ',7aohington and Ku ttor John, -4.. 5.
oundidato for
City +:ngInoor:: On motion the Board' ad journad upon roll of the roll by 4 yoao:
Adepled Ili �. F�PR•OV'�D
• • ' JULY 3R1), ..19234 '
At an Ad joiThod )lost Ir.9 of, the board of 0 �ommiudionors, hold in the Commis
} ,' olorioro',n the Oiy']nll, Paduoah ,Kentuo
k, n JillChamher.iy 3rd, 1923, :at. 10:00,
o'olopk A. U., pursuant .to a motion made at -a meeting of the board of Commiosibroro i
held on June.26th, 1923; Upon oall. of the roll.the follo•ving ans•aornd to their names:
' Comm 1.oelonoro,Pope. Pulliam; Tully; Waahington,and-ldayo k&tTorjohn,-6.'
0omm10eidnet.:Pu111am:.offered the following motion: 7horons.tho•ovldonoe intro
r Rvidonod filo �<
In ouuu of Joo dudod An the ouso against Patrolmmn Iver]ett lA oonfliating. I morFi-1hat the 'ovidenoe W
Iverlott and
oharRod agalns .ns tranooribod .be filed'.alth the Olerk as 'a:ronord, 4YA furth.or move that all' ohargee ,
.him dIamIoaed. ;
filed agalnst.opid Patrolman Iyorlott be dipiniunod absolutely. Adopted upon oall of >
r1 the roll by'the followlnq veto, 'You Paoo, Pulliam, Tully; :7aohington ane Knttorjohn,g.
'h w,�, a �,:v.•.:, .,.i: y.js. `11'd.i�lL..7!p+f" .�.y 14.ti. ...,.- �.::!ic..�.-^�...A+ w. .y:. a-s.u..+,.w.osr..tl...m...,:+:.+c Y..•_::i+.;Fa,4 r=: _:. - .