HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 188, June 25, 1923•.,IS y'.'• ,^rn, �-'••1;7n'. .'f>'^'x'.v "` ]v1r!'._i'.. /' a' •t+.' a.% :-C., 7 >.1 , 7' .J :: �� L. • : l,y. - +
No. /i P
f ..Commisaionera'.Proceedings, City of Paducah —192.-
call of the roll by the folloving vote: Yeaa, Paco, Tully and Katterjohn.-3.
Commissioner Tully offered the fol]o;ving motion: It appearing that the Assessor
i a
in copying his book, made an error in the bill of T. G. & Annie Stevenson, #3479,.,., s i
Errors in 'the
assessments of.' Wherein the assesement of personal property was,duplioated to the extent of ,$660.00,
T.G.' & Annie
Stevenson. also in the bill of Alvin Brown, $4208, .Oherein personal property to the amount. of.;
Alvin Brown, ��,•�`�
Alberta Brown; , $200.00 was duplicated, also in the bill of Alberta Brown.J4213, wherein personal pro
perty to .the amouritof $100.00 was duplicated. I;move that. the Commissioner of Public
�'• 'Finance be authorized and instructed to make corrections on said tax bills." Adopted
upon call of the rollby the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Tully and Katterjohn.-3..:.
i It appearing that the tax bill $2617 of Rose LoGinnie shows an increase in, 'r
assessment -of from $3460.00 to $4800.00 and it further appearing that notice of this
Error in the..",.'
-,'.assessment of increase was. made out by the Board of Equalization but was not taken from the book and .•i; y;,, ��'"
' X'"
Rose McGinnis
`corrected: was never served on Rose McGinnis and said notioe is filed. herewith and shows that it i
was not served arid. Rose McGinnis having tendered the, sum of $82.31, being the .amount
s x• of her taxes based on the assessment of 1922, I move that the Commissioner of Publio r ,
p. 2' F:
,ar Finance be authorized..ardinstructed to accept this amount in payment of her tax. Dill
fand.to receipt same aoeordinely. Adopted.upon call of the roll by the following vote
Yeas, Pace. Tully and vatterjohn,-3. jt C
+� On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeno.: r '
Ai�toi�� dS''� N � At':E'FtiU V rJ1J c
t:• JUNE 26TH. 19 E3.
,y At a Regular Meeting of the Board"of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners''
Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on June 26th, 1923: Upon call of the roll fi
++7 the following anewered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam, Washington and
Mayor ,Katterjohn;-4.
On motion of Commissioner Pulliam the minutes of .the previous meeting were
adopted as road upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam,
a `J Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Tully entered the Commissioners' Chamber. a.
Commieoioner Tully offered the following'motion: It appearing thdt.there is :•r 4 a
Sohools allowed duo the Schools the sum of 46960.13 from the.ourrent tax oollootione.for the week end
-;:.$6960.13 texas
duo fr.om ourront Ing Juno ESA, I move that it bo allowod and ordored paid and the money appropriated
tax oor]]not Lane
for wook and ing from the Gonoral bund to a same. .Ado ted u on oal.l of Lhe roll b the followin
'June 23. 1923. ,. P y P P y g
vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully.1.7ashington and Katterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following, motion: I move that the petition
iFotiton"citizens f
from the oitizons of Paducah reeifling in Msohanias urg arra vicinity, nith refereroe to' k.-;
-i,, .rouiding in - •'nc+ '
.Mochanicuburg the solt drink plaoea.on South 4th Street, be received and referred to the Commieeion j,
and vicinity:,
relative to cofL Y er of Public Safety_with instructions from this body to the Chief of Police that any, i T `
drink places
` 'on S.4th St. nuisance or ,law violations of any character at those places be abated at once.
�. 'Adoptod'.upon call of'the roll by the following vote:'Yeae; Pace. Pulliam. Tully; c
Nashingt m and Katterjohn;-6.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following. motion: I move that the six blue."
Canvas .of bide prints containing a complete, canvas'of,bids racelved""June 1, 1923; for contracts Noe." "
reooivod June 1, .." v,
1923 for con- 1, E.,3, 4, 6 and 6 for street, construction and. -contracts Noe. 7 and 8 for oonetruo- . �•,"
tracts "on Street
and sidewalks &o tion of concrete pavements curbs and gutters be received and.. filed.' Adopted upon _ +
construction <
call of the',roll;by tho::following vote:_Yeae.;ipaoe;• Pulliam ;• Tully. -Washington and FJ
t Kattor john, -b.'
. .., .. + . _ .. .. .. .. ...n,.. _ .,.._. .. ... ... ti _tr.'s.,.-, .. .<_ .. � �•
�:,9ti .•l. - .. , l.yl...ai::y7;d. a.:. jN, 4 .,. .., ... ns•! .. a.,r wavy.+w +.+ _... .a ••a• ..�.a 1. ,.:.6=: ..r.
. .. .. ....... .... -----------
—. ,_—
t r ` Na
Commissioners' : Proceedings;' City of Paducah-" 192-
Commissioner Fulliam offered tha following motion: I move that the employ- .
r Herbert H,Sohakel specter on concrete street :construction.' at
meat of Herbert H. Sohakel, as Engineer In
employment as '
Engineer In- $150.00 per month, as authorized by motion of June 1, 1923; be ratified effective
speotor on con-
on orate street ocm June, 22, 1923, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Pace,
Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kattorjohn.-5.
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that-the,00mmunioe-
Communication of
Lion from C. C. Pace relative to placing faro truck to protect property from fires
C.C.Paoe relative
to fire truck onns lona as I•teyore Street is. closed, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the
i Moyers Street.
t roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pullism.Tully.1ashington and Kntterjohn.-5.
j, Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move .that the written.
1 contract, dated June 25, 1923, entered into by and,betneen the City of Paducah, Ken s'.
tacky, and L7; L. Yanoy and R. B. Johnson, partners trading and doing business under .
,< ,the firm name and style of YAIICY &. MIN oil. for* the oonetruotion of the driveway on
the following streets, to -wit: +
.12th Street from Jofforson. St. to iladison Street. '
S. 12th Street from Tennessee St. to Jonos St. „" •;:
Cortreot between H. 11th Street from Jofferson.St. to lied iaon St.
Yanoy & Johnson N. 9th Street from Jefferson St. to Mtil aon St.
and City for the ,, 11, 6th Street from Jefferson St. to Mr.dison St.
oonbtruation of 14. 7th Streot from Jefferson Street to 1ln4iuon St.
streets, sidewalks S. 7th Street from Yentuoky Ave. to 7auhtnaton St.
curbs and cnittere11. Gth Street from Jefforson St. to radison St.
received and S. Gth Street from Kentucky Avenue to Washington St..
• fIIOtt . N. 5th. Street from !lonroe Street to liadison St.
N. 10th Street from Jefferson. St. to. Madison St.
' - - N. 4th Street from Monroe St, to Madison Stroet. s
i A
S* 4th Street from Naahington St.. to Clark St. ,
t ftehington Street 5th Street to Gth Street.
I Monroe Streot, 5th Street to Gth Street. Si '
L+orroe Street, Gth Street to 7thStreet.
f r K•:ntecky Avenue, 9th Street to 10th Street. j
- Tennessee Street, 10th Street to 12th Street. f
3tonroe Street, 9th Street to 10th Street.
r 11oe Street, 10th Street to'llth Street. `
Llonroe Street,.11th Street to 12th Street.
End Street, dashnnP•ton Street to Clark Street.
), 3rd Street, Lionroo Street to Madison Street..
Llonroo Street from L'th Street to 9th Street.
I` Yurrell Boulovard from I'roadi'ray,to Tennossee'St ;
E`. and 'for .the oonetruotion of curbs and m+ttors on the follo:-ring streets,.,to wit r'
r ,
fJ N. 10th Street. Jefferson Street to Mattison St.
j - } Monroe Stroet, 6th Street to 12th Stroet.
S. End :street, '•Vashir gton Streot to Clr.rk Street.'
I7. 3rd Streot, I:onroe Street to &ad is on Sirret.
t.. llth Street, Jefferson Streot to 1.1ad taon Street.
+: -a S. 12th Street, Tennosaae Street to Jones Street. r.'
11. 9th Street ,. ilonroe Street to Madison Street.
N. 6th Street, Eonroe Street to Madison Street.
and for the.'oonetruotion of concrete side'en]ks, carbo and gutters.on the ,south side
fr+ of-Tenn'eseee'Sireet, from 'Third Street to the top of the Bark of the Tennessee Rivgr,
be accepted:; ratified and confirmed. Ado.ptod upon call of the roll by the follow-
ing vote: Yaws. Pace, Pulliam. iul]y, Washington and Yatterjohn,-5.
C + Corrmissionor Tully offered the following motion: That the Bonds of Yanoy
• ' Bonds of . Yanoy. &
-'Johnson approved, '&Johnson, Contraotors; be approved and the Commissioner of.Pnblio Finance be au-
' and certified k+
':. checks filed with .`thorized and instructed to return the certified checks filed with.their bide. Adopted
btdo returned.' w
upon call of the roll by the following vote Yoas, race. Pulliam,' Tully. l7ashington,
and •ratterjohn,-5.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion:'Imova,that the.Southern '
Southern Roads Roads Company -be, and that they are hereby nerved a notice instructing said company
Company notified
to;oommonco work to commence work within 10 days on the contract awarded for -the construct ton of.
on contract on �.
17th St. or Foun-t7arrenite-Bltulithio Surface on .Fountain Avenue, between Broadway end Joffere=
tain Avenue,
betn. Broadway. Street. -Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo]lowinR vote:.Yoas, Pace, Pulliam, '
er:d Jefferson
tStreet. ' Tully',+waehinRton,-4: Nays.Katterjohn,-1.
V �..
+ '�t�TF�Tti^%S : ,.l'1'Tx`�.'v?: �.F,+,F�.,.. ..ti .. .w ... Z_ X. • ,_ :a ==Z�..,s"3^.I�.:'^ .^ 4 .,.•-a. +�':3 <.. . .
.cf +v:i•:wr.: •-u•�' ; 33 t^�1'Yfl4.T•�' 1�c-n .t h:a �tl•... :Jt-. x_" _ � '•-i..,_•�•..�..�;.:.�..,;::t s.:_a�.,..��,.t.:���--:•. . .d_:rs__.a�..,®�+u ^^*--+.-rm�-.
No..� I 34
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_..__:.__..__._.:....::....._.__._..___192__.
-0ommisuioner Pulliam. offered the following motion; I move that Ynnoy d:Johnoon
'.Ynnoy k Johnson
!notirlod to be, and they are hereby carved a notice inotruotirm them Vo begin work on the *6o* M
bogin work. on.-,hS '.
8 street con contracts executed Datrreon them and the City of Paducah on this date for the', construe
treat s.<tM i
tion of streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pul]iam.'Tully.'Washington and Katterjohn.-b.
�,'.. Commissioner 1-7nshington offered the following,, motion: I move that the petition
Alloy botwoona iri '
II Broadway and from property ormore and 'tenants. relative to hard-eurfaoiriR s]7ey'running Fast and Woa� � !
`f: Jefferson St.,":.'
running coo t 8 between 'North End Street and Borth Third Street and between Broadway and .Jefferson.
} 'woot botn...
f :1I.2d St. and II`. Stroete, be received and filed". Adopted" dpon call of the roll by the following vote: c
•y " 3rd St. Fetl-,r, - 7 .
Lion•relative Yoae, Pace,,Pu]liam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-B.
to 'hard-o-uf1
facing. On"motion the Board adjourned upon call"of the roll by 6 y000.
t '
yr'tNttOT]�l7 s 1 t.
ty .I
JURE E6TII, 1923..
At a Called of the 'Board of Commissioners, -hold in the Commiosion
F ere Chamber in. the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on June 26th, 1923, at 2:30 o'clock
P.M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to thoir names: Oommlesioners ;}�
_ R, ..
l 'Pace, Pulliam; Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,
r, V
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to For the purpose of hoar- }?
ing'"ohargee•preferred against Patrolman Joe IverletL. and arpr other bucinees:that rST
' mi.ght come before the .Board.
Commissioner Paoo offered the following motion: "I move. that the ohnrgoe
Chargoo"pro'fnrr- {f
ed amalnnt Joe and other papore a.gaino't Patrolman Joe Ivorlett be r000tvnd and filed. Adopted upon.': t '
Ivor]ott, Pa- Citi)
;:'trolman. call of the roll by the following veto: Yoas.'Pa00, Pulliam,. Tully,'Waohington,and ' {
Kattorjohni-6. .
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the'hoaring of the o060�'
i Soaring of does '• vo. Patrolman .Ivorlett be adjourned to `10 0' olook A..' LL , Tueeday, July" 3rd," 192 3.
vo. Joe Ivor- �;�•'
;;,•lett, Patrolman 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Pnoo. Pulliam, Telly, ( o
ad journod to
70 o'clock A.M. Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
-Tuouday July t.
3 1923. OomMiesionor Pullinrn oifored the following motion: That a bill for 5000
feet of..2}" oak bridgo"Yloorinq m X36.00 per thousand, amountinm to 3376.00, purohanod 1�
W8178.00 allowed
W.h;.lPlmberly from 1,7: 11. ',limberly, be 01 owed ard' that the .Oommiselonor of" Finance be instruotnd to S
for 2*" oak yi•,
bridge flooring loouo'•oheak for $175.00 to. '.7. 1:. Wimberly r_rd charge to ,etrnote. Adopted upon oal I Y
of the roll by the following vote:'Yoao,Paoa Pu2ltam.Tu3ly.Jashington and Kattor-:
Commissionor'Pulllam offered the fol]oviing motion: That the paymont of '
•., lad ledo-dhrIsty ,01.31 'from LaOlode Ohriety Olay Prod uote Company to tha,0lty of Paducah for oxponeos
Olay Prorluoto
Oo. haylnont of of If. A Pull lam nni 0. F. .Johnoon on innpnot ion of toot of 00 inch ongmnnt block
81..31 or. ited
,.03rd District
nowor ifay,.2�lth, 96th and 26th, 1923, be, received "anrl- orod,ltod to tho'3rd Dtntriot
Sorior A000unt
Exyonuos.H.A... Sower •Acoount','and the Corsmionioner of Public Yinanco be,Ins.tructed to, laoue nhook'to
Pulliam and (►,_�
r +'O.P.Johnoon".and Honry A: Pulliam for this amount and charge to,3rd.Dictriot Sewer. Adopted upon �tr✓a �
al lowed Bald •call of: the."roll by the following:votei Y6ae, Pace;. Pulliam,' Tully,"+Paohington and
} . amount.
On "mot ion the Board adjourned upon /oeJ 1, of ;Lha r o] ]' by 6 yoga.
.,, ;,� , •; , _ it
1;r+e..:,, ..+z„ i:.. 'i...,a; tl t:'�E:.. ...! -en ;^''`""'•' ''.';i .:-uaCT X, .'•,^'1"�.•P1.SS•.