HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 183, June 11, 1923' '4.r 3'•yt �lq d Y ,vita 1 i 4F-1' t'. ycl"'A +1' 7��'�. {V•1 'di y. �I, c �-. it M1t v! _ •.� S .,�
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Comm issioners''Proceedings,: City, of. Paducah__:-� _ ._ri' - 192—'
Juin, 11TH, 19E3.
6t a Regular meeting of'the Board of CommiBetoner. e -,held in the Oommiseioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Santuoky, on June lith, 1983. ,Upon oall-of the
roll the following answered to their names: Comminnionore Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,
Yashington and Mayor Kattorjohn,-6.
On motion of Commissioner Washington the mtnutee.of the *previous meetings were
adopted as read upon call of the rel] by the followingvote: Yeas,•Paoe;"Pulliam,
Tully, Washington ani Fatterjohn,-5.
Commiseioner Tully offered the following motion: I movo'that the report of the
'Commissioner of Public Flnanoe for the month of Vey 1923, be.reooived;'filed and order-
F1ranoe for
Diay 1983.,
ed published in tho.off total newspaper.' Adopted upon call. of the.11 by the follow-
ing vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Ketterjohn,-5.
Oommisolonor Tully offored the following motion: That the roport-of the Oommie-'
'Report Com'r. `°-
sionor of Publ•Lo Finance of the checking account of the.$3 District Sower be reoeived
'Finance for
-". gay 1923 of
and filed and ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the
#3 District
Seaver Checking'
roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Pace,1'ulllam,Tu3ly,Washiington and Y,atterjobn,-5.
Commivaloner Tully offered the following motion:.l move that the report of the '
Report Com'r.
Commissioner of Public Finance showinm the Apportiomm�nt, the Amounts �xpended and the
Finance. showing.
Balances to the credit of the various accounts tinder the differont'departmente at.the
Amounts Expend-
ed, &o.
and of Ilay 1923, be received and filed. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the.follow-.
Ing vote: Yeas, paoe,'Pulliam, Tully, iashington and Eatterjohn,-6.'
5 C.B.Rer.som
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that the Assessor
made an error In copying the aosesement of C.,B. Raneotaon Tax Bill 0919, I move that
the Commissionerof Public Finance be authorized and instructed to oorreot eamo. '
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote': Yens, Pace, Pulliam, Tully,
Washington and Katterjohn,-5.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing there is due ;he
Schools allowed
$4454.95 from .''Schools
the sum of $4454.95 from the 1923 Tax Colleotione to and including June 9th;',
1923 Tax Dol-
f -
loctlons to
I move.that the amount be alloaod and ordered paid and the money appropriated from
end includ Ing
Jute 9th, 1923. '
the Cenoral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:
Yeas, Pao o, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Ym ttorjohn,-5.
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move*that the report of the
Report .Chief
Chief of the Fire Department for the month of May 1923 be received and filed. Adopted'
of Fire Dohart-
ment for the
upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace,' Pulliam, Tully, Washington
month of May
u and Katterjohn,-5.
Commiat3ion:or Pulliam offered the following motion: .I move that 0. H. Brodbeak,
Frarh Johnson and J. C. Keely, who are throe expert 01611 bngineers;,be appointed to,
Frank Johnson.
't ,•,-,•' ;, ,' and .J.C.leoly
constitute a Board for the purpose of makingexamination of'. the fitness and qualifi-'.=
appoLr-tod Board
to mako examina'
cation of any and all oanlidnten for'Oity Enginoor. In all branches of civil engi-
tion &o. of
candidates for
nearing, any candidate may. appear before this ),card to be examined, and if said.Board
City Engineer.
of the opinion that eaid onndidate or oandidatou'are competent to hold sail office,
they ohnll issue their certificate of the candidutea'oompetency and deliver name to
aald candidate, nrA a copy of said oertifioatn to he dolivored to the Clark of Board
of Com. ission.ere. by him to be delivered to the Board; of Oommiselonere. ;Adopt ad upon
call of the roll by the following vote: Yeats. Paoo, tulliam, Tully, 'Aashington and '.
Commissioner Pulliam offorod the. following motion: That the Purchasing Agent,
{ Purchasing
Agent Washing-
be authorised and instruotod.to purchase'lot:lio. 16, Block 13, on Aortheant corner of
ton to purchase
.• Lot 11o.16 Block
.5th and Husbands Streeta, 411'8" x 169' 9", for the purroee of widening Hssaband a
13 on 5th .&
m Huouun•io at. -
. `.
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah__. x._'__..:______._______192__
N Street, provided same can be bought for $50.00 or lase, and charged to Street Depart-
!dment: Adopted upon call of .the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,Tully, �,
Washington and Katterjohn,-6. ;
,! Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I,movo that the report of
Royort.R.lvorslde the Riverside Hospital for the month of 4ay 1923, together with Patients' Report for
P; 'Hospital and
Patients Report '•the month of May 1923, be receivod`and filed.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
,:,for May 1923.
T following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 11ashington and Katterjohn,-5.. i
Mayor Kattorjohn offered the follow ing.motion-. I move that AN ORDIITATCE FIXING r
^Ord lnanoe fixing
as] ary of City Tia SALARY OF. THE CITY ASSESSOR OF TH:1 CITY OF rADUCAH, Y39rUOKY,'be introduced and In
Assessor. i.. }
`^ i
U over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, rose..Prill•1am, '
Oshington and Katterjohn,-4; Ilaye, Tully,-1. :
' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINAIiOS FIXING ?`•
{ Ordinance fixiM.TH7 SALARY OF 'INE C17 CL.= OF THE CITY OF.PADUOAII, I�1tlTUOKY, be adopted. Adopted
3.I..3'ry.of City I .
!` 01erk. -,upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Washington and Katter. q•q
john,-4; Nays, Tully:-1. ' I
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion I move that an ORDIRAPOS FIXING-'.
-ti...Ordinance fixinf
salary of City.. TILS SALARY OF nHJ i'AYOR OF TNR CITY OF PADUCAH, X311UCKY. be adopted. Adopted upon
call of. the roll by. the following vote: Yeas; Pnoe, Pulliam, Washington and Katter-
i john,-4;•Naye, Tully.-1.
Mayor Katteejohn offered ths.following motion: I move that All ORDIN&N B FIXIIiG [t
solar o! Oity THli SALARY OF '171}; CITY JAILiiR.Ob' TIIF. CITY OF PADUCAH. F:ENTUCKY, be adopted. Adopted
z Y ,
Jail or.
upon call of the roll by.tho following vote: Yoae, Paoe, Washington and Kattor john;-3; F`
1 Nays; Pulllom and Tully,-2.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the followinR motion; I move that AllORDINANCA FIXING °
r Ordlr:anoo fixln
salary of 01ty THE SALAIIY OF'-''1111: CITY TRZASLMM OF THE CITY OF IADUOAH,'Y:IIiTI1CYY. be, adopted, Adoptodl
I Treasurer. }
upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yens, Taco, I shington and Knttorjohn, 3
Nays, Yulljam'..and..TiilIy.-2. ,
Mayor Katterjohn offered the followinR motion: I move that Ali ORD'IIIAIiCE FIXING 1
Ord I ngnoe f I x to
salary of City , •:THE '&1LARY OF '111B CITY uIIGINP.13i OP. THE CITY OF PADUOAII, 'KiiN'Il1CYY,' be adopted. I,doptod
Inglnear. F
;upon '00]1 of the roll by tho.following vote;•Yoae, Paco. Washington and Kattorjohn,-3; z I#
� I
,} Nays; Pulliam and. Tully.
Jt, Mayor Kattorjohn,offered. the following motion: I move that All ORDINANOE FIXING {
Ordinanoo fixing,•
as lary'of City, . THL•' SALARY OF TCH CITY ATTORN!iYOF TI1B CITY OF PADUCAH, K121TUOXY, be adopted. Adopted
Attornoy: t,
L'. upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, race. Pulliam, Washington and. ?'
t=' )
Kattor john,-4; Nays, Tu11Y;-1..
On motion the Board adjourned upon call, of the roll by 6 yeas,
JUIIE 14TH. 1923. :
Ata Called Meet Ing of the board of 0ommieeionere, hold in the'Oommiosionore' ;
,n the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky,
on June 14th, 1923, at
Chamber I
11: E6 o'alock.A.L1. '
+ n
Upon sell of the roll the following anewored to their namoal Oommisalonors .Paco,
L ,Pulliam Tully.. Washington and M or Kattor
} Unyor'Katter.john stated rnasone for-oall.to-wilt For Lilo purpose of adoptinR .'
r ordinances accepting the Vida and award Ing contracts to Yanoy.,& Johneon,'.nnA any other
buslnoes,that might. oome bofore the Board.
— —
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