HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 18, April 10, 1922• 1 LLfr+' 7i 1;1 f { �'+4, Yf ) : 1 + f_ l ,,r:�-. .rte. ._�. .._-. ..r -.... . , _�.w_._-_.... �.._....rv.._._.� _v.u�J .u_..:.ya1C:J...rn..�LitL.-,-..'�w,..3..'_lu.`�..w-'y: �...a�it_,:•-i�� f' mH • 1. iCommissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah t following vote: Yeas, Pnoe...Tully, Washington and Latterjohn,-4.' 4 ' ,,-1ODi�ijesioner Tully offered.the following motion: I move that the Pay Roll and )y, ` :r SA000tu+ie,tor `the • Thlrd District Sewer. as follows: _ ( j •%'a 1f` Pay Roll ..............$ 721.00 ' ' ' - -• Accounts for Supplies. 462.31, a total of $1183.31, Pay -roll and accounts for f' be lowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and. . supplies in re: �„ _ 13 Distribt', +.Sewer., inetruoted to.draw ohecke.againet the No. 3 Dietriot.Sewer Fund Account to pay Sarre. ) , II Adopted u.,on call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. H- Mayor. Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report and re-• i. Resort 4ity u .Solicitor reln e•'ttfi'claim commendation of the City Solicitor. relative to making settlement with Frank Clark k, �Qf+,Frank; Clark. for $176.00 for injuries sustained at 3rd and Broadway, by falling into a manhole. be ..r,. r .. c<' 'De received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the following vote: Yeas, p Pace; Tully, Washington and Y.atterjohn,-4. ` ILayor Katterjohn offered -the following motion: Upon recommendation of the City Solicitor, I move that the claim of Frank Clark agoinst.the City of Paducah for person- Claim of Frank, Clark for in- 'al injuries, by falling into a manhole, be settled for the sum of X176.00. to be paidr nth,juries by fall - in -manhole as follows. to -wit: $160.00 to W. A. Middleton, Attorney for Frank Clark. and $25.00 settled as follows: $160 to Dr. H. H. Duley for services rendered in treating said Clark for said injuries; and } h ,.` to Clark ander;. '•,$26.00 to'Dr., the Commieelonor of Pub110 Finance is hereby authorized to issue checks, as set -out :? 4 H.R.Duley.r tr p., above, and charge same to Coete and Suits. Adopted upon oall 'of the roll by the follow t jl i ing.vote:.Yeas, Pace, Tully. Washington and YAtterjohn,-4.' r (, t On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. 19 A } u, n-.*. MATpYC r` APRIL 10th. 1922, AL n Regular Meeting of the Board of.00mnissioners, held in the Oommieaionere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Apr il.10th, 19EE. Upon oa1T of the r . + :roll the following answered to their names:.Commissioners Pace; Pulliam. Tully, Washinreton and Mayor Katterjohn.-6. On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous meetings were 2 adopted as road upon.oall.of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pu111nm,Tully, r)r- 1 e Washington and Katterjohn,-6: ; Lager Kattorjohn offered .the following motion: I move that the report of the Y�Report McCracken McOraoken County Public Hoalth League. for the month of March 1922, be received and County Publ.io t Health League, . filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo110wiMR vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, .� for.L'aroh,192E., f Tully. Washirgton and Katterjohn',-6: x: kk Mayor Kattorjohn'offered the following motion: That the .latter dated. April,bth. 4) Communication of 'Roy Manchester.. 192E from Roy Manchester, be received and filed and the request be'aranted.`. Adopted relative to Boy, f i }' Soouts taking upon oall of -the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace, Pulliam. Tully,-"Ichington ? ogre of Fly `Traps. and Knttorjohn,-b. r Oommiseloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Oom'ri. ,Oommieeionor'of Public Finanoe for.. the'. he month of Liar oh be reoeived;.filed and ordered �. Finance for ,`•', March 29BE. , }}} ; c•.. published iehod in the official newepaper: ,Adopted upon -Gall of the ,roll by the following vote ;,Yeae ,.Pane, Pulliam..Tully. Washington and Katterjohn;-6. " Ca s x f W '•'i -.i1777;7777 i, F.cc . ...xs•A.:;.:+-i..il.r : ..;:.. ,.. � ... .. ,^..i.,u � ..,): w .' •:.r u . v,.y '•-,-'9 .F' nn. ^e5tj � r " , N„ ,rr r{ 1 +. t i ' 'r !,' + ."'i+F�. /, t'+.'.. _ r ( v� r1 a Ir«._ `i"1l'tL §$t,�y-w W��:•a?t,i^•.bK dna �,"�4t,. tly 't u'x,�''•�'�,�"''r'�:t�w w"t. 1lcv�.r+vr 1-�5'r't �' �' �i �t� �' _ ...:� �.�.:a:'s=d�.:�.�;...t .:.J_..�'.•....._.r..� 3• : yVJ! : i"n ..;..s!:r .moi..+-:.. , w , J Na 'I�9 Bf Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of'Paducali 192 t 'Oommiesioner Tully offered the following 'mo'tion I•movo'.that the,report 'of Report Oom'r.Finanoe!{ g of #3 Se.aor Dia- 4 the'.0ommissioner of Public Finance of the Third District"Sewor'Aocount for.the.month.' triot, for March 1922. of 1<aroh, be received nnd.filed and ordered. published in the btfiolel newspaper.' Adopt- ad dopt ed upon call of.the roll by the following vote: Yeae,,Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington' 1 and Katterjohn,-6. / Report Com'r.Finanoeli Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: .I, move that. the report of #! Showing apportion- ment, amounts expendi the -Commissioner of Public Finance showing the apportionment., the amounts expended t�.." ed and balances to q'ls 2 credit of various ? and the balances to the credit of the various accounts under .the different departments I• accounts ander the I different dopts. at a at the ord of March 31st, be received and filed. Adoptedupon.oall of the roll by the. the end of 1:aroh, q f> 1922. following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter,ohn,-6. i I Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: There being no Police and I' #I Oom'r.Finanoe to i; refund 1% of the � Firemen's Pension Fund and it appearing that the sum of $16.66 wan withhold from the salaries of the Il . Firemen and Police-` members of the Fire Department and the sum of $14.21 from the members of the Pollee i men .vithh0ld for I I0110o & Fireman's '. D'epcvtment for the first half of the month of Yaroh, betng to of the pay; I move that 3 s;. Ponnion Fund. �kq those amounts he paid to the various mon entitled to Baine and the Commissioner of {; , Public Finance be authorized and: instructed to pay same. Adopted upon. call of the roll J by the following vote: Yana, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Wachington and Kattor)ohn,-6, p n Commissioner Tully offorod the following.motlon: It appeartnq that the sum s i Com r. Finance to tc j refund $100.00 to of $100.00 was paid to the Commissioner of Publio.Finanoe by J. 11. Slaughter, Fire !:�n J. 1.31aughtor,Fire , Chief, .girt of Yopp Chief, to go to the orodit.oi: the Fireman's Pension Fund, said $100.00 having been ?; Soed Co. to firemon, same having boon (,given by the Yopp Seed Comi�any.and there being no Police and Firemen's Ponsion Fund, placod in .the Fire- men's Pension Fund, li I move that the Commissioner of Publio Finance be.authorized and instructed .to refund and pay over the amount to J. M. Slaughter, Fire Chief. Adopted upon oall.of the roll byJthe following vote: Yoae, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 17ashington and Yatterjohn,-6. . ,. Oommissionor Pace offerod the following motion: I move that the Commissioner Volunteers of America allowed y400.00 for II of Publio Finance be unthorized and instructed to pay to tha Volunteers of America y Charity. fl ;400.00, same to be charged to tho account of l'isoellaneoue Charity. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:Yeas,Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,'.7aehington and Katter II John, -6. rJ Commissioner race offered the following motion: I move that the report of >` Report of Chief ot. yy Fire Department for !I the Chief of the Fire Depertmont for the month of 1!nroh 19EP. be .received and filed. March 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoaa, race, Pulliam. Tully, y ) C li ',Ynehington and Y•ntterjohn;-6. • Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that S. r:. AerT}e-k S Z.Coyle allowed V� „c , 440.00 for services r be allowed ,$40.00 for his services, as draftsman, on Third District Sewer Plane, up ri as draftsman on $3 ,District Sorter Plane., to and including April 6th, 1922, the services of.the said G" having terminated s• J on.,that date for this work, and that the Commissioner of Fub110 Finance be authorised �! and directed to pay same, and ohdrrre same to Se7ior District $3. Adopted upon call of 'the. roll by the following,vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ':7ashington and Y.atter�ohn 6. Y h Oommienioner Pulliam offered the following motion: ' That the report of the I Report of Street De!•nrtmont for ldarohL�L etroet Department for the month of Ltaroh 19£2. be received and filed. Adopted.upon 1922. P call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,,Iulliam. Tully, Washington and t r i1I � Katterjohn,-6. y� , Report Com'r. Publiop Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the report showing 7orke showing aspen ditures for the month the expenditures for the month of Larch 192E for Third District.3owere be received of Varoh 1922 for '{ "•" " `3rd District Sewer.. I and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll' by the. following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam,,' ` q ` Tully, laehinaton and Katterjohn,-6. .:T.u.<': s• i' '7.. �.we,.,.r *.. -a i •.^.r.,.r... 47 f :• .�-._....._�._...__.,.... - - _.._ _ _'•.�__s_ ._.ter._ ........- ., � ....._., ,:=_i:.+l . a__: _:! " No. x: Commissioners' Proceedin s, Cit of Paducah 192__4 ..'.. " g Y j Oom'r.Publio Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Oommieeioner of Public "Property. to re- rr Pair roofs on ".Property be instructed to make repairs to the roof of the City Stables and"the roof of },r dCity Stables and #1 Fire. Station. #1 Fire Station, the expense of same to be oharge3 to the Contingent Fund.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face. Pulliam,, Tully and Washington' 4; 4 Days,"Katterjohn.-1. i + =y: r• Cn motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas, r. i a _ a Aiepledd-- � r { APRIL 17TH, 1929. IKAXUR' At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Comnissionere'" .r b• p J -f7 .Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on April 17th, 1922. Upon call of the roll Til;' ( t Y a 'the following answered to their names: Commisoioners Paoe,"Tully,":pa8hiflgtori T, ' and-Nayor Katterjohn,-4. e: On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as ' }`•'t ! .. road upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoao Pace,. WllRhin ton and Katterjohn.-4. 1 Ilayor Y.attor ohn offered the following motion; I move` that the rooipmr.tion of Reoimntlon of j Dr. B.B.Pulliam as mombor of Dr. S. B. Pulliam, as a mombor�of the Board of }ioalth of the City of Paducah, be is V..•a. g Board of Health. I ;: i i, accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoo, Tully, „ Washington and Y.atterjohn,-4. j Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the letter from.' }" Communication ofl-� Chao.I..Dawoon, Atty.Conoral, 4 Chas. I."Dawson,'Attorney General; addreoned to the City Solicitor, relative to ineoes �._ relative to A.D.' ' Dickerson Tobao-'1ina tobacco in posaoncion'of the A- D. Diokoruon Tobacco Company, be received and filed: , c mont"of "tobaoco.i Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoao, Paoo, Tully, Washington and } F Y.attorjohn,-4.III vt, �:►- ,t Commincionor Pulliam ontored.the Commissioners' Chrmber. Commissioner Tully offeredthe following motion: I move that the communication ` 0. Communication " , � • 'of City Solioi=. t: for relative to' from the City Solicitor relative to olsim of Spann for damages be received and filed I t , olaim of Spann.' 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yens Pnoe,..Pullagm;Tully.'Waohiflg i ton and hnttorjohn,-6. + � "Communication of • Yayor Y.atterjohn offereC the following motion: I move that the letter from the tit , Btate Board of, t'. "- ? Health of Ky.State Poard of lion]th, of Kentucky, addresood to the City Solicitor, relative to So -ter �! .ro].ativo to ! 1 -Sower DistJ3. District j3,, bo reoelcod an. filed. Adoptod u1'on call of the roll by .the following i, , „ • fi vote: Yoas,"Paoo, Pulliam. Tally, '.TaBhington and Kattorjohn,-6. f'collection of Oommiseioner Tully offered the follo',Yina motion: I move that the 9;10.00 paid to bills duo River- 'side Hospital bq' the CLty Solicitor b;: 1,'re. Paul 1:!athews,,part pa.nnent"on account of Rivorside i'.ospital,� .Oity Solicitor. 1, be turned over to.the Commiooloner.of Public Froperty.- Said Solicitor havtnir hereto -'I r 2ore turned over to the Commissioner. of Fublia,rropert;7 the sum of $3.00 raid by l:ra E. 3. Allison, and'07.16'paid by Kik8 Iseman. and 06.00 having been paid by Joe Allen } i which .7ao turned over to the Commissioner of Fublio Finanae. Adorted,upon oa31 of the roll"by the following vote .Yeas, Pnoe.Pu]liam,Tully.Washington and. Y:atterjohn,-6. � Rororto: Supt. Commissioner Washington offered the following, motion I move that the report of '' _: C Riveraide Hos-' c 'the' 'Su Superintendent of Riverside Hos ital, showing the e pitnl. Private P P. xpenditures ani collections and Patients, Col-' the amount of uu,aol]eoted billo for the month of "iiaroh together ther with" the report of I a�. leotions; and Pe P I f, Intuoah isbora- the Private -"and •City Fati'ente, togethor with a statement the "comparative expenditures ., :toriee for the i month ,of larch. and oollootlons from .the Commissioner of Public Property for the months of, January, j t 1922. 1 };_ February and March 1929, and the report of the''raduoah I.aboratorte•efor, the•month of. ¢ + „ �� Maroh 1922, be'reoeived.on3 filed.' Adopted upon call'of the roll by the following vote .+. .: '. i i •. •r Vic! a x.;t. O .:d.,Y,.: «..'Li1::^ - r..—N';•r.�,::,` �1: .,."S. .. .n ...i,„tm..i. � .•. . :.r_ ,.r. _, ,, .--..�."•. ea: .._..:1.n.. .... `1 „ .. .