HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 175, May 28, 1923I
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! . Commissioners' :Proceedings,: City of Paducah _- c ?. �92-
41ty Solioltor Mayor Katterjohn.offered the fo]lowinO motion: I. move. that the City Solicitor
to go to Frank- '
fort in ease of be .authorised to mo to Frankfort in the ones of C. H. Y.ina, &o..vs.,F.}W. Katterjohn,-
0.H.King,&o. as., :I
F.W.Y.atterjohn &o., expense of said trip to be:oharaed to Costo and Snite. Adopted upon,oal] of the _
&o. 3rd Die-
triot Sewer. roll by. the following.. vote: Yens, Paos.rul3tam. Tullv,Waehinaton-and Katterjohn;-6.
On. motion the Board adjourned upon so]] of the roll-by 5 yeas..
w [UI;.
MAY 28TR. 1923.
:,. At a Regular Meeting of the board of Commiselonere. held in the Oommieeioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on May 28th, 1923., Upon oall of the roll
the-following answered .to their names: Commi*soioners Paoe, Tully, Washington and Mayor
On motion of Commie}mtoner Tully the minuten of the previous meeting was adopted
as rend upon oall of the roll by the followirm vote: Yens, Pnon,'Tul]y; lnnhington nrd'
Katterjohn,-4. ,
.. P Mayor Katterjohn offered the followtna motion: I move that .the petition from
Petition pro property owners on Ilorth Twelfth Street, between Yonroe and 17.adieon Streete'aaking for
party owners on•
lEth St. betn.' an extension of the water mains, be reoeived•and filed, and the City Sol totter is here-
1lonroe and Madi-
:;• eon, asking for. by direoted to bring in a resolution for the-extension of said water Maine. Adopted
extension of
xntor rosins. upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeao, 1'aoe, Tully. lashir:gton and Katter- �t
John,-4. dr
i Commissioner Tully offered the fol]owIng. motion., I move that the Commissioner ...;: :,:•,'
Street bonds & of Public einaroo be authorized and instruoted to. pay off, take up and oanoeh street
ooupone paid off
in City Nationals bonde and ooupone in the City Rational Bank to the amount of $376.32 and to oharge same
to the $postal Street Fund A000unt. Adopted upon oall.of..the roll by the following
vote: Yeas., Paoe, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. =`'?
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: R. F. Vo ora having reetaned
his position under the Department of Publio lorke, I move that his salary from May
R.F.•b!oore re
! siRrtation. 16th to E7th inolusive, be allowed as follows:
(' New Co'nstruotion....... $36.69
Sower Diet. #3......... 9.44, and the Commienioner of Publio'
! Finanoe be authorized and instruoted to issue ohooke to pay some. Adopted upon oall
of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Foos, Pulliam, Tully, Tashington and Katter
1 Commiasioner Jashington offered the following motion: I move.that,the tieyor
be authorized and instruoted to sign the oontraot with the United States Veteran h
Contraot U.S. t
Veteran Bureau
Bureau for entering patients of the United States 7ateran Bureau into Riverside Noe
j Hith ttivoreid'e p
Hospital. fl pital for the year July let. 1923 to July let, 1924. Adopted upon call of .the roll
by,the following vote:. Yeas,Paoe,Pulliam,Tully,'.'lashington and'Y.atterjohn,-5.
Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the following motion: I move that A RESOLUTION RE
�d� Resolution re- 5
Water Company to �}
on N.12th St.
r• . beta, Monroe and �. APIROXIL'AT3LY 346 r^r.BT be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the. following
4•` Lad icon Streets..
vote: Yeas,' Paoe., rulliamn,• Tully, Tashington and Katter john,-6..
. �4 f
' .- . .. fit, 1 •}'
s'r:.'r';!'vTF''P°'.aTS+�':li;:^.:�t."t.': ir.T.,,}... xi.*;.v.2"a,:, of / r.....r a...u."'_7 .7'Y.: •7574�'I"'p"a. ..."w`+Z.""= �T°il •.,.-c..•._"..,.-.''R•""1?.'-".�'O..I.n%Fl=.=•'..r^.o'_..1.". ^"'.,.r'S....'.'C:%,.'F
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{ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That'the appointment of
'Appointment oft,
R.K.liiboe.'as R.'Ka.'Riecb as City sanitary Anginser be ratified,, effective May 219t, 1923. Adopted „':;,,..'` F'?
City sanitary,';
inglneor. upon call .of the -roll by the following votes Yoae, Pace, Pulliam,. Tully, -Washington end
-� on motion the Board adjourned upon call of' the roll by B yono.
AMM / fi .1 '
i a-+ TOR ".
JUITH I. 1923. t• >
At a Called Meeting.of the Board of Commission held in the Commissioners',
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on June let, 1923. at lC o'clock A. U.
Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommiseioners Paoe, fi
i Pulliam, Tully, Raahington and Llayor Katterjohn,-6.
Mayor KeLterJohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of receiving c
and opening bide for hard surfacing streets, and for sidewalks. curb and gutters i
construction. A
Qommieeioiior Pullinm offered the following motion: I move that the bide received
Bide of Yanoy Por theconstructionof otreets. ourbe, gutters and sidewalks, as advertised for this tt 41
i Johnson,
dots, which are as follows. to -wit: ' C
Geo W Katter-',
'j John & son and
southern Roads,Yanoy Johnson
Geo. tip.. Y.atterjohn & son
Co. , for the
Southern Roads Company,
street. oon- ,r•,.
str not ion for ,
1923.: be received and filed, and that this meeting be ad until 3 0' clock P. Lt. this 2.
,date. Adopted upon oall of the,roll by the following vote. Yeas. pace. Pulliam. Tully,
Washington an d,Kntterjohn,-6. ?
JURE, 1, 19230
At an Adjourned Mooting of the Board of Commisoionor.e. hold in the Commission-
r ora` Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kontuoky. on June let, 1923. at 3 o'olook P.11.
Upon call of the roll the .following answered to their. names: Commissioners Pace. °
T r.:
Pulliam, Tully. Washington and mayor Katterjohn,-6. I s
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I movo that the bide of
t Ynnoy & Johnuon for 'the oonstruotion of streets, sidewalks, curbs and rn�tters, submittl I
Bide of Yanoy
& Johnson od on this date, be accepted no the lowest and boat bids. and that the City Soliaitar r c�
•for street,
aid e-4ulk. curb , }
be instructs: to draft ordinances awarding the contract for the construction of all of -�
and gutter. !
oonstruot ioa
+ accepted said work, except the street construction on ?ountain Avenue. between Broadwnv and
Jefferson Street, to Yanoy & Johnson, the City reserving the right to accept any �.• _,• Yr
I- al'ternativo inolndod in said bide. Adopted upon call of.the roll by the following vote:''
Yoac,-rdio', rullfam, Tully; %Yaohington,-4i-Naye Katter John, -1.
0 m eionor Pulliam offered the following motions I move that the bids of 1
o mi e
Bid of Souther Southern Roads Oompany for the oonetruotion of the driveway on Fountain Avsriuo,.be. r
.' Roads Company �'"•
j+ for the con- -• `"taaen Br osdwnq,ard 'Jefferson Street; be aooepted.so the lowest, and best. and only bid 4 �
otruotion of
driveway on
-.received, and. that the City Solioftor be,lnetruoted'to draft''an ordinance award Ing thef .,t 1
Fountain uve:, 3�.
;.between Broad-
contract for, said'oonstruotion to said Company ,`,Lhe.Oity reeerving.the right*to eoIs
way and Jeffer E'
eon etroot any altornattve inoludod in said bid: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following t f
.f` ..vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam and.ftehington,-3 Neys,.Tully and Katterjohn,-2.
r!• t."'�. .. . .. _ :.-. ... .. ,�._ �1..-.mss::: �..��. _:.._........., t....iG ' •+.-
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