HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 170, May 14, 1923P4 , No. t 1 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah--, ''—_=' =-192— end Kattorjohn.-6. i} Oommleeioner Pulliam offered the following motion. I move that the Monthly ,,,j Estimate for Sewer Construction Wort done on District 3B-30 during the month of April a +, Estimate for April work done be approved, and that the E. N. Harding Company be allowed the sum of $16,673.90 on. ,.x., .: •,` by E.R.Hnrding.r-:.'c:.•• , Co:, District. account of said work, and that the Cosmiisotoner of Public Finance be authorised and in- •V -c 3B -3C Sewer y, `. District 13. struoted 'to draw check against the 3rd District, Sewer Funds for said amount, Adopted.: upon cell of the roll by the following -vote Yeae. Pace. Pullinm;'Tul?y, Washington Viand Katter John, -6. 1 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: .That petition of citizens } Petition oitd -.. sone requesting. and taxpayers of west end of city, requesting the opening of Adams Street from 19th oenlcg of Adams is from 19th' Lo 17th Streets, ba reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of, the roll'by the follow- St.:t r to 11th Ste. Ing vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tally, Washington ani. Katterjohn.-6: t' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. a MAY 14TH, 1923. rt e, At a"Regular Meeting of the Board of. Commissioners, held in the Oommi,esioners' ' Chamberlin the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 14th. 1923. Upon ca31 of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-6. On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted; + be read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam. Tully, Wash :- .ington and Kettorjohn,-6. 2iii Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication froml { t Paducah Exohange Club communlea- The Paducah Exchange Club, dated May 10th. 1923, relative to a week's Chautauqua, enter t tion relative; to Chantsugaa tainment from June 11th to 16th. 1923, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the ;.i. June 11 -16th, ; 1923. roll by'the following vote: Yeae. Pace,Pu111am,Tully.Washington and Katterjohn.-b.. Obmmissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the expense account of,the Commissioner of .Public Finance for the trip to'Frarkfort to appear before the Expense aocount , � r'Ooemiseioner State Tax Commission, amounting to $66.77 be allowed and ordered paid and charged Lo �Fubllo Finance.•!` (Wynn Tully, of Contingent Fund, -expense -being as follows: r •, trip to Frankfort , Ia.nd return, rela�. Railroad fare to and from Louisville ................. .$23.76 .'Itive to rail- Railroad fare Louisville to Frankfort and return,..`.,. 6.76 } road aaeesseseent. Puhmnn.porter .............................. 1.00 mr -before State Tax Taxicab and street oar fare and. incidentals....,....... 6.76 , .ICommission. Hotel bill, 3 days ....................... 29.50r Total. V Adopted upon call of the roll by the followine vote: Teas. Pace. Pulliam, Tully. WeahinFeton aryl Katterjohn.-6. L Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I.move that W. R. Stinson be I y t IN-H.Stinson �' •,r appointed dog ,appointed dog-catcher. with police powers, effective May 16th to serve at the pleasure F;;ontoher with .+. :. , t lpolice powers., of the board of Commissioners, salary to be at the rate of $110.00 per month. Adopted upon call of the roll by.the followinir vote: Yens. Pace; Pulliam. Tully, aashingLon Ki ard. Katterjohn,-b. . 1, J. 0.Keeley ', Oitoner Pulliam offered the following motloc: That J. C. Keeley. Chief ,. Y a ommea.. expense e000unt' ' to Louisville Assistant.Englneer, be allowed $22.26 for railroad fare and Pullman expenses to Louis - to + 'denied . ' e villa and:return to acquire data for use in construction of 3rd'DieLliot`9ewereC and the the Commissioner of Public Finance ^be authorised and instructed to pay same and rt ' r, obargs to 3rd District Sewer Funds. : Lost npon Dell of the roll by the follovina vole 4 ' s r Yene. Pulliam affi Tully. -2 Have Washington and Natter john. -3. ` > s. t r - � `tr � , ,. yr i i 'H •.r6 1 , f F'. :'i v.l _f: >' F i , .I - - - � l , t v`�:hJ-Jll}::A:P�%.. ':N"'a:.i. erg. , ._1•.. i .-t:. .f •`t :...7.'?. � .r tiHYl': rV R' Y1'. �. , F'�-I. K _ 2. _. -H. _. � - h 1rz 0f V No. Commissioners' Proceedings,` City e , ''' 192.-" . CommieeionerWashington offered the following motion-. I move that'the report of the_ r Report Supt• Riverside Superintendent of Riverside Hospital for the month of April '1923. consisting of Patient, Is Hospital for '.i. April 1923. Report;'Unpaid Accounts April 1923, and Amounts Paid During ,the Month of April 1923.be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yoga. Pace,' jPulliam. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6.; ' Commissioner 8ashington offered the followina motion: I move that.the.Mayor be., ;.... Contract between., authorized and instructed to sign contract with the Surgeon General,, U. 9. Public City and U.S. Fublio Healthf Health Service. for entering patients into Riverside Hospital for the year.July 1923 ' Servioe; Mayor 4 to sign contract: to July 1924. Adopted upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yeas. Paoo,Pulllam. Tally. 7ashington and Katterjohn,-6. 1 r, Commissioner Washington offered the followina motion: I move that the Commie- ' Contract between City and W.L. stoner of Public Iroperty be authorized and instructed to renew the contract with W.L. Yancey renewed for rent of Yancey for the rental of the bottom land, between Flournoy Street and Terrell Street, land beta. Flournoy and I! for the year 1923. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, , F Terrell Ste. Pulliam, Tully, 'lashington and Katterjohn.-8. 'PI f r Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the petition from Petition pro- property o(mere,on 10th Street, between Broadway and Tennessee Street, be received and party o'+xners on ` •.c, .10th Streetfiled. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe. Pulliam. Tully 1 r between B.'way ; - 4 and Tennessee Washington and Katterjohn,-6. i St. _ ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion- I move that AN ORDINANCE Ordinano8 for p G ECT PROVIDING THE CONSTRUION OF TILE DR IVF-nAYS, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES. construction of r 10th St. beta. y CATCH BASINS. IIITAI23 AILD SE7W PIPE CONNECTIONS ON SOUTH TENTH STREET. OR MURRELL Bl*ay and Tenn. h a 3t: w BOULEVARD, FROM SHF SOUTH.PROPsM Y LINE OF RROADnAY TO THE SOUTH PROPMTY LINE OF ADOPTED. ; k. TENNESSEE STREET. IN THE CITY OF PADUUH, KAITUMY, AT TITF. 003r.OF THF. ABUTTING.PRO- PERTY OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT ' PLAN be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas, Pace, as �I �i Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4; Nays. Katterjohn,-1. rr Commissioner Pulliam offered the following notion: I move. that AN ORDIhA1ICE Ordinance forPROVIDIIIG FOR THE MIISTRUCTION OF 'PHM. DRIVEWAY. TOG3TFIF11 7ITH ALL NECESSARY 1AAIitILEs. I. construction of 1. i 10th St. from CATCH BA3IN3F INTAXES AM SE -SER PIPE CONNECTIONS. ON T! -11TH 3TRVET FROM THE NORTH PRO - Jefferson to it Madison Streets. PERTY LINE OF JSFF:2SON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROV:RTY LINE OF MADIS^N STR?ET, - IN THE. ADOPT?j). C. CITY OF'PADUCAH. YENTUCKY. AT THE COST, OF THE ABUTTING,PROP7 TY 0WI1- 3, AND PROVIDINb, '?' T THAT W-13 SHALL BE C01137RUCTFO UTON THE TEN YEAR PAYI-214T PLAN be adopted. Adopted npoa 1. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. pace. Pulliam, Tully. Taehington and Katterjohn, Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINANCB , y h PROVIDING FOR THE C0113MUCTION OF TH3 DRIV3'r1AY. TOG13MUi WITI ALL I1F0HSSARY MANHOLES. t a� Ordinance -for 1 construction of q CATCH BASINS, INTAI:ES AND 8? -w PIPE CONNECTIONS. ON 1101ROE S"KF.T FROM TIT? '.LEST PRO- Bth St. from 9th . � Street on Monroe,' PERTY L1113OF EIGHTH 13T.9::2 TO THE FAST PROPERTY LIKE. OF NIIITH STREET; IN THE CITY OJP Street. 1 ADOPl'�). PADUOAH, K:lITUCKY; AT THE COST OF TiIE ABUTTING PROIv'RTY O'nI319, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME SHALL Bs CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYCF:NT PLAN be .ado tea. Ado ted upon call of ` the roll by the following vote:Yeas,Faoe,P'u111am.Tully.Washinmton arM Fatter John. -+6: r.. i commissioner Fulham offered the followina motion: I move that AN CROTFANCE Ordinance for k i -`- oonstruotIon of IROvIDI11G FUR 'r!r'• CON3rRU.^.TION OF TI!A DRIV?TAY, TOG7TRFR WTTP /.LL 11SC399ARY VANHOLES 17th Street or Fountain wvs. CATCH BAS 1113. INTAY, .3 A113 SEWFV TIPS 000NOTI0113. ON SRV-..NT!?:11TH STR!•:FT. OR FOUNTAIN RM1 from B'Way to Jeffernon St. AVENUE. FROr THE YORT11 PROPERTY LINE OF, BROADWAY STRSET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE Op, AD OI•TED.' JSFV` RSON STRZET. IN THE OITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. AT, THE COST OF THE !.BUTTING PROPER- TY OAIIERS, AND PROVID ING THAT SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UT -011 THE TIT.II YEAR PAYID:HT PLAN , 1. • e a ' p be adopted. Adopted upon call of the toll by.the following vote: Yean;'Pace. Pulliam.- b _ .2, `• Tully. Weehington and Katterjohn,-6. Y (Lr -.79;'x.". i ^'a r^R;. .., ;.'�'-�',.l'!.. i �;^L.xr:....�...5�:?`r.. .. ,!":'-nC-.�%. ... _ .. •* . .. .y v..�l�7'_`7' r-•e•;�-- •f. T" 'T: 'niJ �t"":1 . 1Yv .: Y•�^"'1"",' _�r..-.i':'�. <..%.JSSv%�, No. Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah-_______ --192— „J I �-. Commissioner Pulliam offered the fol)6wing mention: I move that Ali ORDI11ANCE Ordineoe for i oonetruoton of FROVIDIUG FOR 71TE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY. TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MAIIHOLE3. : 9th 3t. from BASINS. INTAKES AND'S-77ER PIPE CONNECTIONS. ON FOURTH STREET FROM TH3 NORTH PRO - 1?oar oo to madi- .CATCH con Street;fro FERTY LINE OF L'ONROF. STREET TO THE SOUTH PROr2RTY LINE OF MADISON STH:°ET; ON FOURTH 4th 3t. from' Wauhinaton to STREET FROM TRE SOUTH PROPERTY. LINE OF WASHINGTON ETR ;i'T TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF Clark Street; Washington St. from 5th to 6th CLARK STREET; ON WASHINGTON STREZT FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 'FIFTH STREET TO THE Streets; PROPrRTY LINE OF SIXTH STREET; ON'NONROE STREET FROM THE WEST FROFERTY LINE OF Street EAST. r'tKonroe { from. 5th St. to. 6th Street. FIFTH STREET 1O THE EAST PHOFERTY LINE OF SIXTH STRb:ET; OIl IONRCE STREET FROM THE WEST ; Monroe Street rf,ERT. LINE OF SIXTH STRFZT TO THE FAST PROPERTY LINE OF 33VFITTH STREET; ON X34TUCEY + from 6th St, to'7 ,, 7th at. r Ky. Ave. from AVEIIUE FROM THE EST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTH' STREET TO THE EAST FROPF.RTY LINE OF TENTH :! 9th St. to 10th "� STREET. OR MURRhZL BOULEVARD; ON TEDINESSEE STREET FROMTHE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF MURREL i Street; '•'I • ,I .Tfta. St. .from 10th St.'to 12th BOULEVARD, OR TENTH STREET, TO TAF. 7):3T PROPERTY LINE OF TWELFTH STREET; ON MONROE Commiesionor Pulliam offered the following motion:.I move that AN ORDINANCE i Street; STRUT FROM THE TEST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTH STREET TO A LINE PARALLEL TO AND FIVE FEET Monroe. St. from 9th St. 12thEAST77ARDLY FROM THE CENTER OF THE EAST TRACK OF THE I.O.R..R. HEAR TENTH STREET; 110I1ROE Street. ' f9t. from ° son to Jef� Jefferson End Ht. from Washington to STRPFT FROM A LINR PARALLEL TO. AND FIVE FEET P's'3rIARDLY FROH THE CENTER LINE OF THE i" Clerk, 3t; 3rd St. from 11-STTRACK OF THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD NEAR TENTH STREr 1' TO THE EAST PROPPETY LINE ' Monroe 9t. to i OF rDhVr^NTH STRF1iT AND FROM THE "►EST PROP RTY L11 T? OF FLEW21TIl STREET TO THE EAST PRO - PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MA.DISCU STREET: ON i Madison Street.' 8.12th St. from ADOPTED. PJRTY LINE OF TWELFTH STREET. ON SECOND STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPZRTY LINE OF WASHING- „J I TON STREET TO THE NURTH PHUFMTY Lltlt: W" UJAN C Z117C.".AT Aiw vn rnutu QLAA r rain mr. ` ys NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 11ONRUE STRNET TO THE SOUTH PROPFaTY LINE OF 1'ADI90N 9TH?ET, IN THE OI TY OF PADUOAH, KKi1TU0KY, AT THE DOST OF THE ABUTT'TI10 PROPATY O'9II.FRS. AND IROVID 'r ING THAT SAVLE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYl1ENT PLAN, be adopted. Adoptedi _ •' , C 1 • • Batterjohn,-6., ' t Commiesionor Pulliam offered the following motion:.I move that AN ORDINANCE i Ord tranoe for 3 oonstruotion of',_FROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY. TOGETHER '.PITH ALL NECESSARY IANHOLF9, $1 ! ' f9t. from ° son to Jef� Jefferson CATCH BASINS, INTAKES AICD Srti71•lt PIPE CONNECTIONS. ON N0R711 T'7ELFTN . STREET FROM THENORTH f „J I TON STREET TO THE NURTH PHUFMTY Lltlt: W" UJAN C Z117C.".AT Aiw vn rnutu QLAA r rain mr. ` ys NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 11ONRUE STRNET TO THE SOUTH PROPFaTY LINE OF 1'ADI90N 9TH?ET, IN THE OI TY OF PADUOAH, KKi1TU0KY, AT THE DOST OF THE ABUTT'TI10 PROPATY O'9II.FRS. AND IROVID ING THAT SAVLE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYl1ENT PLAN, be adopted. Adoptedi _ upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe. Pulliam. Tully, Washington ands'.. Batterjohn,-6., ' t Commiesionor Pulliam offered the following motion:.I move that AN ORDINANCE i Ord tranoe for 3 oonstruotion of',_FROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY. TOGETHER '.PITH ALL NECESSARY IANHOLF9, $1 ! ' f9t. from ° son to Jef� Jefferson CATCH BASINS, INTAKES AICD Srti71•lt PIPE CONNECTIONS. ON N0R711 T'7ELFTN . STREET FROM THENORTH f ' Y I'adison Sreet. PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MA.DISCU STREET: ON i 8.12th St. from Tennessee 3t.' to Jones St. y SOUTH 'I"1ELFTH STREET FROM TRF. SOUTH PROPMTY LINE OF TENNFSS?E STR1+.,ET MTiff NORTH `' �.. N.Ilth St. from E Jefferson.St. PROPERTY LINE OF JOVi Z STREET. ON 14ORTH ELEVENTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE I ' Li g. Y 'to Kadieon St. N.9th St.'from OF JEFFERSON STR1k:T.TO THE SOUTH PROP At TY LINE.OF_IiADI90N 9QtFET; ON NORTH NINTH 9TRRF7; •. 1 _ j'. " Jefferson St. to Y . i;ndieon SL. FROM 7H UOR711. PROPERTY LIN3 OF J&PERSON STREET TO THESOUTH PROPERTY LIN3 OF MADISON I; ;. 'N. Soh St. from; `ON EIGHTH STREET FROM THE NORTH 1IR01IRTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STRiF:T.TO TIRE I ¢, . Jefforoon Jt. to STREET, NORTH Madison 3t. NORTH STREET FRCIT THE NORTH PROPPRTY N. 7th St. from' SOUTH PROFERTY.LINR OF MADISON STRr:ET. ON SEVENTH ; lJefferson St. to Madison St. LINE OF JEFFERSON STHMET TO THE SOUTH PROPINTY LINE OF MADISON STREET; ON SOUTH SEVENTH . S. 7th St. from Ky. Ave. to i" STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY, LINE OF KENTUCKY AVFNUF. TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LIRE OF ; f i . Tanhineton St. 11.6th St, from WASHINGTON STREET-. ON NORTH. SIXTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPMTY LINE OF JyFFFRSON 6 + r °f Jefferson St. to l di eon St. + STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISCII 3TRF.RT; ON SOUTH SIXTH STREET FROM TRE S. 6th from Ky. Ave. to SOUTH FROFERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENU3 TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF '.PASHINOTON ETRETST;I w , Washington St; N.bth St. from AND ON NCRTii FIFTH 3TR&ET FROM TITS NcaTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREET TO THE SOUTH _ ? + 1 Monroe. St. to Madison 9t. PROPERTY LINE OF MLDI90N STREET. IN THE CITY OF FADUCAH. KENTUCKY. AT THE 0, OF THE ; f., r ADOPTED. ABUTTING PROPERTY O"NrMS,.AND PROVIDING THAT SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON TAE TTI j } YEAR PAYMENT PLAN,.be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote, k u Yeoe, Pace; Pulliam. Tully., Washington and Katterjohn,-6. !' is r Commissioner Pulliam offered the'followinq motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE Ordiranoe for PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF. CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MAN er ourb and ?gut oonstruotionton -HOLES. INTAKES. SEYNkS AND CATCH'11ASINS. ON BOTH SIDES.OF.TENTH STREET FROM THE NORTH :.19th St. from Jefferson to. FROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON' STREET TO ,THE SOUTH PROPMTY LINE OF MADIS05 STREET; ON L 'fit• L'edison .Str.eet. Monroe St. from " BOTH SIDES OF MONROE STREET - FROM 'THE WEST PRDPERTY LINE OF EIGHTH STREET TO THE WEST r .' L, Sth 9t... to 12th t .. ._. - ... ... ,. 0.... ` 1.