HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 17, April 5, 1922.. .. #�-yr. �.'i^m+. t�'{A^"rr���i"�:yt"'J'^r` ,} �'i�+iMMTt CC��e3 C _:,, .11�id'�a , •A"`I,f' ';'. tP': "rim: f}'���tl.,,:'ll 4 } :.` - '.. 'Y y�.''' �.:L �fa.� ,•�� _,�—.. G } Y ,i5 1 S V J �' 7� (�4+ •/ye�ha Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__' i' Mayor' Katterjohn,offered the following.motion:.. I move that the opinion Opinion of Court . of the Court of Appeals in the cane of W.-J. Base vs. P.-W. Katterjohn &o., in which of Appeals in case of W. J. Base vs. q the Hospital Bond Issue is held to be invalid, be received and filed. Adopted upon : F::7.Lattorjohn,in re:Hospital Boni! ' call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,.Tully, Washington and i Inoue. Katterjohn.-B.' } li On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by.b yeaB. . iopled MATQR' . APRIL 4TH. 1922. At a Celled yeeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commission ere' Chamber in.the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on April 4th, 192E, at E:30 o'clock P. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names:-Conmisetoners Pace, Tully, Washington and I.'ayor Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Kattorjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To buy a Ford oar for I ii. the Department of Public Safety, aril. arW other business that (night come before the t_ Board.. Commissioner Face offered the following motion: I move that the.purohaea f't 436.00, i of a Ford Touring Car by L. A. ''ashington, Purchasing Agent, for the sura of $436.001- �. Ford Touring Oaf' Ford do purchased for Fo- {j be ratified, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed " lion Department y ' from P.D.Hardest Y.. ;� Y to pay said eum of $436.00, and charge same to the Police Department, and the check a for $436.00. made payable to P'.. B. Hardesty. Adopted upon oall'of the roll by the following vote: ' Yons,.Fnoe, Tully, l7nehlr.Rton and Yatterjohn,-4. "F r1CommLeeloner Pace offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Ordinanoe author- II entitled. "AIS ORDIlWI03 AUTHORIZING L. A. 7ASHIIIGTOII, COl•7:IISSIO111M OF PL'BI.IC FROP.WY. ing L.A.9ashing- ton to purohase I' j; TO PURCHASE 1200 Fl-Xf OF HIGH ?3T IHT:•:R"'OVlBJ FIRM HOST. TO BF USED BY.tl!l FIRS DE- 1200 ft. fire hoes;; introltuood and lay;; FART1'I-,N,T OF T!t1s CITY OFPADUCAH, '0',NTU0X`Y, AND DESIGIIATIIIG VE' FRIOP TO Bu: FAID TIVRJi- ; over. it FOR." be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following 1 , Ifi Votn: Ycas, Pace, Tully, Jushington and Y•atterjohn,-4. < Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the account Indian Refining of the Indian Refining Oo. dated IJovember 7th, 1921 for b0 itallons of Indian Y.erosene ,• ,,' ` Co. allowed $6.00 foT 50 mals.koro- h at 1.2 cents, amounting to $6.00 be allowed end ordered paid and oharRed.to the Fire Bone, at 12v. a. -I; Department and the money approprintod from the Ueneral Fund to pay came. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following note:Yoas,Paoe,Tully,17aehinRton and Katterjohn, ` „ On motion the board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. g A d e p/( e� d1 19 A PyF�y'yJF(LO�TIb`i�J .i � ���� ir:L �=-:���\4 y+` t, • - - ' � Yr tit' CL, CM,.� APRIL 6TH. 1922. ' f At a Called.Ihootine. of the Board of Oommiesionere, held .in the Commisoionere' , Chamber in the City ]call, Paducah. Kentucky. on April 6th, 1922, at 11 o'olook.A. ,,, ,i, ,.- ,•: Upon can of the roll the follrnving answered to their names: Cat®Sesionnre Pnoe, Tully. Plashington and Llayor 3:atterjohn,-4. + Mayor Kett erjohn stated reasons for call. to-wit: For. the purpose of. allowing pay-roll and any other buuiness'that might come before 'the Board. i• I. Oomolesiorer Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay. Roll Report Com r. of V'ior the lust hnlf of Maroh, amounting to 019.151.29, as per the report of the Commie " Finknoe of accounts . and pay-roll for eionor of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid,and the.monoy t It,:t half .of ti r : L'aroh,1922. appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by th0 t .,.1p: _I w'�,f;'M.%,. ,:i^, ""l'""'•,�._ a '. +..: .c r- .sr rye a _�,,�.,,.w.t':1.T`.c AAAA .�.r.:.� :.. AX29:'.iR:.i7'r.,^^.,..3TT'`:17SS,R • 1 ". - r . r T � "b'_ ■ I , 4. .. ..- •r. .1,^, -'Y -•rte_ ,......._.r.-...._. �...... ..... ... _._ - ... �...�..,.....V....� �......�.., �...4..,..\. ._..-r.,. +. ,_ 1 w� :N0. •t � Commissioners Proceedings' City of Paducah following vote: Yeae, Paoe,.,Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. ' v L i t f-1 i fir'kibAPmJesioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay Roll and • • r. r t } QiJ :AoaouRWi• �or*the'Thtrd District Sewer. as followo: ov Pay Roll ......... ..... $ 721.00 "Pay -roll and Accounts for. Suppliee. 462.31, a total of $1183.31, ' accounts for supplies in re: be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and v Y$3 Dietri'ot', 4•Sewer. instructed to draw oheoks.againat the No. 3 Dietriot.Sewer Fund Account to pay Sane. { TAdopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace., Tully, Washington -'+and Katterjohn,-4. }Yr Report'�bity Mayor. Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report and re i'/ �.,. ^.Solioitor rola-q `twe`xty.olaim commendation of the City Solicitor, relative to making Settlement with Frank Clark % F; Qf•,Frsnk: Clark. for $176.00 for injuries sustained at 3rd and Broadway, by falling into a manhole, be 4 y�+ 'be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll.by the following vote: Yeae, t_ `Pace Tully. washin ton and Y.atter ohn -4. }, 4dayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion: Upon reoormnendation of the City_:a Solicitor, I move that the claim 'of Frank Clark against. the City of Paducah for peraon 0 Claik forFinm of -el injurteei by falling into a manhole, be settled for the sum of $175.00, to be paid 0, urisa b fall- ? f j l as 'follows to -wit: $150.00 to W. A. Middleton Attorney for Frank Clark and $25.00 �.'in manhole , . Y . cf settled as �I'follows: 180. to Dr. H. H. Duley for services rendered in treating Said Clark for said injuries and to Clark and,.r:, $25.00 to Dr.- the Commissioner of Public Finance 'I e hereby authorized to issue checks, as set -out i above, and charge same to Coote and Suite. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the -.fol oir 3 £ ing_vote:..Yeas, Pace, Tully, Washington and Y.atterjohn,-4.' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.` n.•' 1 4 CX. tti - l •• r V. Adepled _ _ Q 19iL9, — AF'.N1?10 V HID f APRIL. 10th, 1922. P j {. +. AL a Regular Meeting of the Board of commissioners. held in the $ommienioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on April. 10th. 1922. IIpon call of the <roll the following answered to their nnmoei commieeionere Pace; Pulliam, Tully, washinrrton and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. 14 ;. On motion of commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous Moo tinge were 7'� t adopted as road upon:oall of the roll by the following vote- Yeae, Taos. Pulliam,Tullyi �r kWashington and Katterjohn,-6: 1 14 Mayor Katterjohn offered .the following motion: I move that the report of the Report McCracken MoOraoken County Public Health League, for the month of March 1922, be received and i Ootmty Fublia Health League, filed. Adopted, up on call of the'roll by the following vote: Yeas, race,,Pulliam, , for. March. 1922. ;: t f, Tully. Washir-gton and Katterjohn',-6: •. MayorKatterjohn•offered the following motion: The. the latter dated, April. 6th, � ,communication of "'Roy Manchester.. 1922 from Roy Manchester, be received and filed and the request be.aranted.'• Adopted jy relative to Boy' f Scouts taking upon oall'of•the roll by the following vote: Yoga.' Pace. Pulliam. Tully, 7aehington r ':y� I t care Fly Trap e..- and Knitorjohn,-b. Oommieeloner Tully'offered.the following motion:. I move that the report of the y Report Como r. k ered Pinnae Yor :n + :;:OommisSion or. of rublio Finance for.. the month of L!nroh be received, filed and ord�•' R March 19E2. ,! -published 'the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the.roll by the:Yollowing F t, { > V"': r t •vote: Yeae;, Pace, Pulliam, Tully.. Washington and. Katter john. -6., �5 _ r• + 4 ,s-.i,!r�•rr.?:yl ••J 'Jir{i,:, ti•, +K .. .•r. w...Y. t..,sJ,�....., .L-.,« MIvY: ,I': -1 _ '-_.,•+✓ .15:wA.a, :f_.�•<e t?Zt. l. a r � G:. .. •�'1• - ..