HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 16, April 3, 1922.,No. Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah. 192_- '' itro.lLA.Wall, Oommisuioner race offered the following motion; I move that Pre. N. A. Wall + lf. ' appointed- to Polio De appointed to the Polio! M RO. to take effect April lot, 1998. Adopted upon ` .'Clerk Judge♦ of•the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Pace, Pulliam, Tully..Washingtoa,-d� Neye, r t '' itro.lLA.Wall, Oommisuioner race offered the following motion; I move that Pre. N. A. Wall + �; ' appointed- to Polio De appointed to the Polio! M RO. to take effect April lot, 1998. Adopted upon ` .'Clerk Judge♦ of•the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Pace, Pulliam, Tully..Washingtoa,-d� Neye, r t call i;atterjohn.-1., On motion the.Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. Adop -RID &P CIO Cir► t e r j s APRIL 3RD. 1999. ` i! F' t. At a Regular Meeting of'the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'I �>Ohember k;4 in the City .He 11. Paducah, Kentucky, on April 3rd. 1998. Upon call of the roll •' c,. 1 ' c answered ed Lo their Anmee: Commissioners Pace, Tully. Washington. and following r .�. . { Ltayor• Kattorjohn,-4«� ! .. r'.` On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous meetings were i` " adopted. e.s read. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully, �'• i .Washington and Katterjohn,-4. k , ;{ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sun of $37.60 having k,F' r V been paid into the.Treasury, as evidenced by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that Cemetery Deed deed be granted. to 'Van G. Miller for Lot No. 20 in Block No. 9 on the Sonth side of �-• Y:, 1 '_ -'- to Wall G. Hiller. on Hannan Street betwoon Baker and Miller 9troets.In Oak Grove Cemetery.- Adopted upI :_ hK:,-•� i:., .. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully,7ashinaton and Katter john, -4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $37.60 having p; ) kbeen paid into. the Treasury. as evidenced by the rooeipt filed herewith; I move that I Oemetery Deed to Clyde deed be. grantod to Olyde I'adden for Lot No. 66 in Block IWo. 2 on the East side of.liiller 4 • ,. Madden. .. Street. between Ford and Hannan .Streets in Oak Grove Oemetory. Adopted upon call of the I . -• r roll by the following vote; Yens, Pace. Tully, ,4ashdnaton ani Kattor john, -4. I' 4; Commissioner Pace offered the following motion; I move that tho report of Report Chief . of Polios for the Chief of Tolibe for the month of March 1998. be reoeived'and filed. Adopted upon Haroh 1922. 1 'ball of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Washington and Katterjohn,-41 ti .Tully, Oommisetoner Pulliam entered the meeting.. f ' r. r r { 1.;ayor Kafterjohn offered the following motion: I move that a reeolution.en- .�i•: a - 'R000lution -'titled. "A 1IR&OLUTION rR07T1)TIIG FOR AND AUTHORIZING THR CONDEI.BWATIOII OF C;:RTAIN PROI`1 d -I authorizing. condemnation ',TY FOR SUB -DIVISIONS A. B. AIID 0. OF 3070 DISTRTOT IIUIIM-1d THRES, IT,' TILE CITY,OF PADU- 5 of property i In re;9owor District #3. OAA, Yc{IITUOKY, FOR T111i rURPO:ii; OF PROCURING A RIGHT-0F-;4AY FOR, TRUNK LIMP; 9s7FR8 TO BE s.". s, '00I1STRI10T:1) FOR SAID Ss"•"i?I DISTRIOT AIDI10.'.OVFR AND UId9I'-d SAID PROr dTY. AND W'SIGNAT- •. ING THP:rROPERTY TO BE CONXIIII::D, AND OVPR 71IIOII - SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY IS TO K. FROCUIi:D," 4 be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by foll.o}vinq',votei Yeas, race. Pulliam,., 1, it .the ' Tully..Waohington and Kattorjohn,-6, { Oommieoioner Tully offered the following motion: That the'Commiooioner of ' •B1110 Public Finance be instructed and authorised to include in the regular monthly payroll for 9troote Sew - ti etc and �$3 Dills as listed.far e>. ` District Sew-' streets....... .° .$137.90 s ere enthorised to bsaid..: p Sewers.. ...... .:.::: 14.76 j ¢S Dietriot'Sewer ..:.... 166.94 ti r A4opted.upon call of the roll by.the following vote Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. and S ton Yet t• ' J�.• Ler john.-1.Washin -4j NgYe. , f y'. I }.. ; " � � •�. Y- r ) )u � it r / { i st 2 t .t r � .,r:;.... a,..xy...,. �u....•...,..,.;-....�.�,.,..,i..,..�t.-...;.�lC..r w�r.�F:.� ,� ,» :�..�.......i.s.t ,,,,_,f ,+.,•.,...r.3.,.�,.._..:�_ _ ...._ ,�r.,..,+ �Cf1 4(i- w..,:/�. 4. L •r1�1,LVte,�.:}? :•1J'.1`i . ::P .1�••s J�.� .� ,.- .J MT. •. .�< J'':niwl. V:Yr.. � � ``t�..`s.. JJJ_;v.yt4#s''Ki^S,#r"`�'^a'"','""�'"r� .pr+a•e:.Juror•x rn r 4" i. 'Sr J,.L h. ,'.�>t: •.•,t r. d' _ �' '�''� ... 1_m.J '�` S w�•c..S.: i�4'pt'J`i'ktiS"3"�'I�•'8^K4�2Y�YF�'P'F7 , i I ?. ). ��... j>,., =f , f,+ aG 2 9 ?t"f iti c„{ �..-}:' 1" ,.i � �" • Y�41 i, '� -� ._ Y � i Na' Commissioners Proceedings, City o4 Paducah 192 ; f mayor Katterjohn.offered the following.motion:. I move that -the -opinion Opinion of Court j', of the 0ourt of Appeals in the cane of R. -J. Base vs. F. w. Katterjohn &o.. in which of Appeals In case ' of W. J. Base vs. the Hospital Bond Issue is held to be invalid, be -received and filed. Adopted upon " i F.7.Yattorjohn,in.: re:Hospital Bond call of the roll by the following vote Yeaa, Pace, Pulliam. Tully, yaehington and Iscue. 4 Katterjohn.-S.' :<.:.;,• } On motion the Board aijourned upon call of the roll byb ,yeas. . + Aoplod 6?`�' 19 A� APPR0V�i1D /J I• APRIL 4TH. 1922. r ' At n.Called Leeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commission- oral Chamber in.the City Hall,'Paduoah, Kentucky. on April 4th, 1922, at E:30 o'clock P. Li. Upon call of the roll the following answered to the Lr names: Commissioners '. r•' Pace. Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Kattorjohn stated reasons for cell to -wit: To buy a Ford oar for j•the Department of Publio Safety, and.aTW other business that might come before the +' �I. Board I Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the.purohaee II of a Ford Touring Oar by L. A. rashingtcn, Purchasing Agent, for the sum of $438.00. Ford Touring Car i' pxwohased for Fo- I be ratified, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed lloo Department N from P.D.ftardeoty.i to pay said sum of $488.00, and charge same to the Polioe Department, and the check for0438.00. I I i I made payab:o to P.. D. Hardesty. Adopted upon call of the roll by.the following vote. Yoac, Face, Tully, l9aehir.Rton and Katterjohn.-4. commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Ordinance author j entitled. "All ORDI11AN03 AUTHORI.°.ING L. A. '1ASHINGTON, COI.LIISSIONi�i OF PLB].IC PROP ItTY. Ing L.A.Waching- .II ton to purohaue j, TO PURCHASE 1200 FEW OF HIGH ST INT:?RTOv':21 FIRE HOSR. TO BR USS BY THY FIRE DB- :` 1200 ft. fire hoes;, introduced and lay; PhRT1::;11T OF THE CITY OF PADL'OAH, 1Qs1ITU0%Y+ AND DYSIGIIATING TIL': FRIOIi TO BE PAID T111RS- over . • j. `, .1 FOR," be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following I, vote: Yoae, Pace, Tully, Jashington and K.atterjohn,-4. t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aocount ' Indian Refining of the Indian Refining Coe dated November 7th, 1921 for 50 is llons of Indian Kerosene Co. allowed $6.00 pp for 50 aals.koro- .� at 3.2 cents, amounting to $6.00 be allowed and ordored paid aryl oharRed,to the -Fire eone, at 12¢. g i;• Dopartment and the money approprintod from the 0oneral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon on 11 of the roll by the following vote -Yea arace. Tully,',Yaohington and Katterjohn.-4. ! On motion the board adjournod upon call of the roll by 4 yeas., / AdapedhPFFLOV}i-ixi AVRIL STH. 1922. 4 At a Called,Lleoting of, the Board of Oommlesionors, hold.in the Oommisaionare' f Chamber in the City hall, Paducah. Y.ontucky. on April bth, 1922, at 11 O'olook.A. L1. a' Upon call of tho roll the following answered to their names: Commiesionors Paoe, J. Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. t L'ayor Yatterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For. the purpose- of. allowing j pay -roil and any othor'buoineec-that might come before the Board. " Oommissionor Tully offorod the following motion': I move that the .Pay Roll Report Com'r. of t Finance of accounts ,for the last boli of ldnroh, amounting to $18,151.E9, as per 'the report of the Com lo- t and pay -roll for stoner of PublicFinance filod herewith, be allowed and ordorod paid ,and the money , 143t half of larch 192P,. appropriated from the General .Fund to pay same. 'Adopted.upon call, of the roll by the -IIs Y rc, r U _ C 77 �,: - r ,. •w77'7' .., '. -F.7.:T•w..w^..5*L!^ . ..w... _,..:�c