HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 152, April 9, 1923_-.-..i.�-.,.,..._a.....�..,.a.�,__.n..�.:..._... ..t_.�«.-.A._w.:_.r.-1.L.L•t..� s... J.:.n�.... r.:L. :�'t .}�. w.L.�. �.u:�ar..�. r •'- o • Commissioners' Proceedings,Xityoi'i$aduoAh,,:,:I,,''•,r,i`l YM1 Oommiseionor Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for the : , ••;r':{r r lost half of the month of March, for the 3d District 3ew•4r, as follows: e Fay -roll 3rd Dlutriot Sower Pay Roll—o—.—o—.......a738.60 for last half Sv lies ................... 664.610 a total of $1303.11, be allow - of Maroh,1923. N ed and ordered paid ani the Commissioner of P'ublio Finance be authorized and instructed', 2; to draw checks aRAinat the. He. 3 District Sewar Fund account to pay same. Adopted 4`•;{ 'r upon call of the ,roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Tully, Washington and Katter- John. -4., Ery Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Monthly Estimate Monthly Estimate of work done 'on trunk line sewers, Sub -Divi Bion A.. in Sewer District No. 3, bythe fj , E.R.Harding Co. f t Sub -Division A,' E. R. Harding Company during the month of .March 1923, be approved, and that the Com- �i.'',7• r t ,Sower District- .13 istrict /3 for month of mleeioner. of Publto'Finance be authorized and Instructed to pay to F. R. Rardirm Com -.4 4 March 1993. pony X16,691.06 on enld work, and thnt enme'.bo oharRad to the 3rd .Dintriat Sower Fund. j, •I s , • • >'. Adoptai upon call of the roll by the following votot Yone, Taoe, Tully, Wanhinaton and Kattorjohn,-4. F ti A;. commissioner Tully offered, the fol]owink motion: I move that the Monthly 3ettmste. Monthly F.atimete of work done on trunk line sewers, to Sub-Divtolons B. and 0.. in Sewer DistrtoL No ' '•X R. Harding Co. t :3 ��'. Sub -Divisions 3. by the E. R. Harding Company during the month of March 1923,.be approved, and that., �'i; B. and C.', '. ,. ( a Sewer Dietrlot ,the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and Instructed to pay ,t. R. Harding • /3, for month ... �.- , F1 of itaroh 1993., Company �8,164.EE on said work, and .that gums be charged to the 3rd Distrlat Sower 1 4 Yunio Adopted upon call of the roll by. the following Total Yeae, Taos, Tully, 17ashInR t' f ton and Katterjohn,-4. 1• ':, y + On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yens. Adapted `t 19V4, P_F?.6,0':/: APRIl. 9TH. 3923. 1... I , + T' i At a Regular .Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in tho Oommiseionor a' is x Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah; Kentuoky,.on April 9th, 1923. Upon call of the roll`. tho following.answored to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully, 17ashington and Mayor " Katterjohn,-4. I 1 Y"•: " ' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted;. .� ae,read. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoao. linos; Tully..'7achington and Y,atterjohn,-4. f. Paducah Wa.tor Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that. the oommuniontion. Oo. communionle ' tion .relative dated March 99th, 1923, from the Paducah Water Company, relative to its Franohtse with the to Franohlee . :City of Paducah, he received and ft]ad. Adopted upon an71 of the roll by the follow - f Irm vole: Yoaa, Pace, Tully, Waohinaton and Kattorjohn,-4. t 1Sa76r Kattarjohn offered the fo77owi ne motion:'I move that the communication, , Communication`` i , .ladubah Chapter .dated April 7th, 1923,. from The Paduoah Chapter Daughtore of American Revolutton,'role- ,11r, roln s r. Daua-.htere of o r American Revolu-'ttve to the olosing of the Social Health Clinic. be received. and filed. Adoptedup on Fr. r i . tion,, in re'I r i� Venereal Clinic., oall of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas. Faoe, Tu11y.Washington and Xattorjohn 4. ' Commissioner. Tully, offered the:fo]lowinir motion: I move that the report of the �7 • Report' Com'r .. ,, oommiesionor of. Pub Finance for the month of Varch 1983,. .be received, filed and order ;{x Berort' for ' .3faroh 1993. S; 'ed published in th,e•offiotal newspaper. Adopted upon call of the rolI.by the follow "Inst vote: Yeae. race. Tully. Washington and Katterjohn, 4. Commissioner Pull tam entered the Commissioners" ChnrR,or. t {� � . r,I � • pry a f .}; • {. r I 1 � i Ai l,� nii' •N ' :+? 4 -.�.Iv i. J=: u ! - 1; W .... • _...i , ti , . Y 't1:o.,T 1f '<r C. � h ,:.•.l" l Sr.-i•:l .:'iF.T4 L , i3e. A •, iw vA:����fh°yrr P" .wrw•y,R�T�r Y,`�"aTra,w�+.yl ��nt<t.+.1.,..5t:..;^'lt. �.,..,.4�;131;t,:.i ,.:�'�:�,�. ,r. ....�.�: - ., _,,. rs, oa...-�,.w.. _...:.v ,.1•.:-µ,LAwfr.. ...d,.:.�t.,:L «cu_5,:yu.:-:!i....ee.,.. t.,e;��.•,.1 - .'.:Oy,,.�u . Commissioners' Proceedings, City ot: Paducah• f I; Commissioner Tully .offered .the following motions I move that'the report of Repport Oom1r. of C the Oommiustoner of l'ublio Ytnanoe of the 3d Dietriot Bewer'Fund Account of the month 1'ub] a .Finanue of hh + 3d Diairiot Bower i�of March be reoeivnd, filed and ordered publluhed In the official'newii aper. Adopted Fund Account for March lVE3., 4 upon call of the roll by the following voter Yonn, raoe, Pulliam; 'fully, Washington (i and Y.atterjohn,-5.' Ile } Commiesioner Tully offered the following motion:. I move.that the aomnuntoa Goo.W.katterJohn, oomiturioatiun. i tion from ueo. '-1. Katterjohn be received and filed. Adopted upon call of. the roll by the following vote:'Ynan, 1'aoo, rulliam, 'hilly, Washington and Y.etterjohn,-5. Oommientoner face offered the following motion:,I move .that John W. Franklin John.W.Franklin and Bon F.Mitohell and Ben F. Witohell-be appointed as Patrolmen, effective immedtately. Adopted upon.. apl•.ointo d patrol- ' mon, ry call of tha. roll by the following. vote' Yana, Taos. rulliam, 'A:lly.,"4eshinaton and IIY.nttorjohn,-5. Commissioner peoe offered t'no following motion: I move that the report of Report Chief of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of Mar oh 1923. be'reaeived and filed. 't ' Eire Dopnrtmont for Mhroh 19E3. ., Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeau, Paoo, rulliam, Tully, lashtngton and Katterjohn, Commissioner race offered the following motion: I move that the communication Communication 0.11. I from 0. N. Bakes, dated April End, 1923, hPxeetnR to fnrnish to the City .of Paducah.'" Baker, relative to mals of Stutz h yontuoky, one Stutz G90 Touring Car 1923 1.?oriel'for X1150.00. and the delivery to him oar for. Fire h Chief. by t}io Otty of taduoah, the Butok oar now, being used by the Chief of the Fire Deport- mont, be received, filed and accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow- ing vote: Yeas, Iaoe, Pulliam, Tully. '.laehinaton and Y.atterjohn.-b. Commissioner Pulliam.offored the following motion: I move that:the estimate ; I'stimate of it of expenditures to dote, nrd extenAit4>rnA nntiotpatod, of the 3r4'Dtet,Sat Sewer ` expenditures and j untiolpated ex- Funds, as compiled by the Oommtestoner of publio '.vorke, be received and filed. Mopted y' pond,ituros 3rd Dintrit t Senor. .;,�I'upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yean, Paco, Pulliam.'Tully. Wanhinaton .and Y.atterjohn,-5. . Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: `Whereas, the bids received for the construction of trunk line nowere 1n Sub-Divinione A., B. and 0.. Bower ` Grade line ohangedii'District No. 3, indicate that there will be available surplus funds after al lowing, for in 3rd District - Sower trunk all payments due under the present contracts. and after other neoenaery exp nn nes are 'lire. .� met, I move that the trunk line sewer on 19th Street, between Clay Street and Joe J .' Street, be lowered one foot below the grade line previously authorized; and that the' r- HinY.levil]e Road, line above 19th and Clay Streata,'be lowered a maximum of Ear feet �f below'i the .F;rade Iine. previously authorized by the Board. of Oommisstoners of the City' �.of Paducah, and that R. R. Harding Company, oontraotors, he notified of thin increase i. li in depth, and be furnished with profiles sho ins the new grade line. Adopted uron fi call of the roll by,ihe following vote: Yens, Paoe,.rulltam. Tully. Washington nna h Yatterjohn,-5. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion. That the Commlout oner'. ' LaCIell,e-Ohristy .' of Yinanoe be instructed to. pay the attached bill of The,LaOlede-Christy Olay Products Olay lioduote.' Co. ,.a13owed i Company, amounting to #48.06• lose 5%. so by pnyi.np. this hill on or before the 10th a000unt. of April, the City to entitled to a 5% discount. Adontod upon on)] of the roll by' the following vote: Yeas. Pace, rulliam, Tully. Wanhinaton and Y•atterjohn,-5.' Commissioner 7laehinaton offered the following motion: That the unearned per-.., Insurance `on :1 G house #3766 I"ndi- tion on policy on house #1766 Madison Stroet,.purohaned by S. R. Bradshaw, be turned ' son Stroet deliv- ered to 3.R. over to him, adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, rullian Bradshaw.. j. Tully. Washington and Yatterjohn,-5. r � J t j i I, • �r Na i A, C thtnissioners' Proceedingd, City of Paducah..; `I 192. Commissioner Pace offered the following motiOD: I move that.an ordinance enti Y�. ; ' Ordinance to •„, [,:tled "All CRI)DUCE AUTHORIZIIIG AND DIRECTING L. A. WASHINGTON PUROHASING AGENT TO purchase Fire �� Y'_; J; ' +,:.• by Foos. PURCHASE FR011.THa UNITr9 STATS RUBBr..R COMPANY Ci TAIII HOSL FOR THE FIR'DEPAR'IVENT, 'AILD SETTIIIG OUT '11th AMOUNT TO BE IAID VER.'VOR.” be introduced and laid over. Adopted upon call of the•roll by the follo.,ving,vote: Yeas. pace, Pulliam. Tully, Waehinaton ' 77, • .: •.and Katterjohn,-6. '' '� • 4K ••I .•.tl �, , , p� + Commissioner race offered the following motion: I more that an ordinance enti j' r !! Ordinance to ,..tied "All ORDII:AIICE AUTHORIZING All) DIRECTING L. A. '.VASHINGTON, PURVASING AG217 TO ryr..i.purchase auto- mobile uto mobile for .PLR'CHASF. FROM C. It. Baia A CAR FOR TY I, ORI .-7 OF V14 FIRE DFfARTNFNT, AND SFTTII:G OUT (� Fire Chief. F THR AVOUPT TO B;; PAID, AND iYX, T:It1S5 OF PA be Introduoed and 1Adopted lay over. 66 1 INF upon cal] of the roll by the followin Ig, vote: YcaR, Pace. Fulliem. Tully, tPaehtngton `. r ;` Ir ; r•' and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the contract, dated k` Contract betn. April 9th. 1923, between the City of Iaduoah..Kentuoky, by L. A. '1ashington, Purohas- `'' . rK.City of Paducah and U.S.Rubbort ..ina.Agent, and U. S. Rubber Company for. 2600 feet of fire hose for,the sum of .47,0o., relative to purchase of.. $3,000.00. and the terms and stipulations set out therein, be accepted, ratified and •I �� Y fire hose. l c f � •.aFI oved.:Adopted u on.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, race. Pulliam, i Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. ' t Y O. T.Votaw,. 11,ayor Katterjohn offered the followina• motion: I move that C. T. Votaw be allow; '•F state Sanitary. E g' Inopeotor salar ,',.ed his salary as State Sanitary Inspector up to May let, and to be charmed to Obntin- al lowed . (.'.. cent fund, amount being $125.00. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: �•: {f r 3 .. 'teas. face, Pulliam and Katterjohn.-3;, Nays. Tully aryl laehtnaton.-2. r f t: Ax ft Commissioner Pulliam offered the followina motion: I move that Henry A. Pul]iam Henry A. Pulliam }• Com'r.Publio Oommisolonor of Publio 'Aorks, be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to advertise works to adver= I ' 'tile for bide .for bide for the-oonetruotion of,branoh line sewore in Sewer Sones 1. 2, 3, 4 end B •. 1 -. " for sewer Zones. zl•2-3=4 b 6 Sewer District 11o. 3., by three insertions in the Newe-Demoorat, the official bows- Or ews ` • r f, n i_ l 4 r paper, at least two weeks before ray 25th, 1923, and by two Insertions to some Enai- � i I ,neerina Journal: said bids shall be received by said Commissioner of Public Yorke up f ` r antII May 25th. 1923. at 10 o'clock A. L'., at which time he. will return all bids to ; the Board of Commissioners in tho Commiskonerei Chamber in the City Hall. he will ^r xf , receive sealed bide, and will require a certified check from ench bidder; the armunt to be named by him. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas, Paoe, e Pulliam, Tully, Washington, -4: flays, %otterjohn,-1.' v i 4 }` On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. eF j Adopted l6°d 9Cr' ? r APRIL 131H. 1923. a e i At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in. the Gommteoionera' a. Chamber, In the City,Hall; Paducah. Kentucky; on April 13th;:.1923, at 10:30 o'clock A.M. ' _• o '.'Up= oe1l..of the roll the following answered to thnir names: Commissioners Peoe. �' + Pull Ism. Tully, Raehinaton and itavor %atter john. -6.', , • .. ..,: •F � ,F t< gay. or Y.at,t®r-jdhn. stated reasons for'oall to -wit: For the purroes-of paooina.rneo-�`' d lutione for street improvements; and" any other, bneineee that 'might oome before the Board -> n tj kk .r y ra,;-...�. • :.H ��-+: r .;�`•:. -.1' .., ,..:..a _ ,+. ..'. •>,... _, rr ,,.., . www. }.�„ � :s,.:to+�):..,:.w;an<: e c :.