HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 151, April 6, 1923''.•.d. �!- ;h �� _t .t"�!fA1�'Y. T ']L.� 'ti �'..!•� l kw�� �� .!s%♦ s!�rr istr> raw wr Y �.: 1 n > �r , c . P►�b 42i �. b r'Jdnr 'rrv's:•).•°(Mf"Gt C'^'i,f -, ,!-fit '; i � t ?�'r r ;.�.- -F � `'�'.. t .'c. ,s.r � �,T.`t t t :7. t Ja..vl 1 -•C`;. 4. f +a; .. _ t NO. Commissioners' Proceeding*;. •City: of Tadilcah APRIL 3RD . 1923. ' At a Called 'Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners.. ,� + J Chamber, in the City Hall, Paducah. 'Lontuoky,'on April 3rd, 1923,.at E:46 o'clock s P.M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their nameoi Commi'soioners k Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Yayor Katterjohn,4. ,p Neyor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To take up the matter of: apportioning funds to carry on the venereal. clinic, and any other business that might } come before the Board. Q, Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that 82260.00 be taken.' Venereal II from the 89000.00 appropriated for improvement of Riverside Hospital', be set aside 3: r` 0linio._. �. �I for the Venereal Clinic. Lost upon call of the roll by the folloaina vote: Yeas., P1 Pulliam and Katterjohn,-E; Naye, Pace, Tully and Washington, -3, . CommiaBi.oner Tilly olfered the following motion: That the Apportionment }? Apportionment Ordinance to Ordinance stand as it is, without ohanae. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol stand without ohenee. lowing vote: Pace, Nlly, -Vashington and Katterjohn.-4; Naye, Pulliam, -1. j Commi'enioner Pulliam offered the following nation: That the present quarters i Venereal Clinic. and equipment of the Venereal Clinio be placed at the disposal.of tho City Health Department, under the direction of the Bureau of Venereal Disease, provided that the City be in no way obligated for funds to.operate the Clinic. Ldat upon call of theJ. ' �. roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pulliam and Katterjohn,-E; Naye,.paoe, Tully and 'Y r 'Rashin.gtcn.-3. ; u On motion the board adjourned upon can of the roll by 5 yeas. , V.. Ad -up lcdC�Ql,,/ 19 u3 �?�,OeV� cul o..r APRIL 6TH. 1923. At a Called Vesting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieeionere' • � ! } Chamber in. the City fta11,.Faduoah', Kentucky, on April 6th..1923. at 9;50 o'al,00k.A.N. 4 Upon•call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Face. Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To alloy pay roll for lent half of the month of March. and any other buninesn that milht.come before the Boajd. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motYon: I mope that .the .accounts for Accounts and the`lasthalf of the month of Varoh, 1')23, amounting to 819351.44, as per the report i report Oom'r. 1' Finance for ;• of the Commissioner of Tublio Finance filed herewith, be all and ordered paid and 7 last half of he the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay some. Adopted upon call of t March 1923. <;y j roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Tully, 'Sashinirton and Katterjohn.-4. Commissioner Tully offerered the follo,*tnrr motion: .1 move that the Pao -roll for' ' ;pay -roll last , �' " u the last half of the month of Varoh for the Special Sewer Fund; amounting to 83E.34,''' ;t ... half March ,. 7923 for Special Do al3owed and ordorad paid and the OommisoIonor of Tiib IIa Finance be authorised and Soaor Fund.. I1 instructed to draw oheoks aaainnt .the Speo ail lower, Pund Account -to pay same. Adopt - j'' ed upon call of the roll by the followina vote; Yeae,.'Paoo; Tully, 19ashin..ton and w` Katterjohn.74. l4 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 1 move that the nocounto for the rfir' lost half of the month of hZroh; for the 3d Diatriot 3ew•,r, as fol]owe: Pay -roll 3rd i xt t Pay Roll...................$738.60 be .. _:.-._.�. -. ._u_ ...._Y+�... -.- .. ......._ .t•• ..-...�y.11..�1..�.,,.-c...l,:.�4.:....-_r.. _..� t ..�r,•u+..��-.-._...: �•t.-..��.�..._I of Maroh,19E3. Commissioner 1'� � �.i�it%S�M.+�.�1�`u..• r`1f1's1Y'L' �`.+�.-.Sl�.....� - - _ 1 { ' ed and ordered paid ant the of Tublio Finanoe be authorized and instruoted�; to draw chocks agitnet the. No. 3 DietrLat Sewer Fund a000unt to pay name, Adopted rl Na "'" Cdaunissioners' Proceedings;Xityr df PadW_h-1 Jir'x- fif -192i 1 upon oall of the ,roll by the following vote: Yens, Pnoe, Tully, 708hington and Kntter- , --itl•12 John. -4. l4 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 1 move that the nocounto for the rfir' lost half of the month of hZroh; for the 3d Diatriot 3ew•,r, as fol]owe: Pay -roll 3rd i xt Diotriat Sewer Pay Roll...................$738.60 be for last half Supplies ................... 664.61, a total of $1303.11, allow. r� of Maroh,19E3. Commissioner 1 :•' ed and ordered paid ant the of Tublio Finanoe be authorized and instruoted�; to draw chocks agitnet the. No. 3 DietrLat Sewer Fund a000unt to pay name, Adopted "'" upon oall of the ,roll by the following vote: Yens, Pnoe, Tully, 708hington and Kntter- , John. -4. 4i Oommiseloner Tully offered the following motion:' I move that the Monthly 3etimaLe Monthly Estimate of work done on trunk line sewers, Sub -Division A.. in .Sewer 'Diatriot No. 3, bythe > K.R.HardlnR Co, +f•Sub-Division A. E., R. Harding Company during the month of 1!ardh'1923. be approved, and that the Com t +f (`13 . Sower Diatriot for month of . mtssioner. of'.Publio'Finnnoe be authorised and inetrlioted to pny.to F. R: Harding Oom3'; ' Marah 7923. puny $8,691.06 on enld work, and that enme.bo ohnraod to the 3rd .Diatriot 9nwar Fun4. R i Adoptocl upon on]].of the roll by the following votoi Ynne, raoo, Tully, tvanhtnaton • t:.:''., e",':. �I 1`;i and Kattorjohn,-4. << ' y ' Commissioner Tully offered, the following motion: I move that the Monthly 3atirtate. `•' ` S .,' `. '.Monthly Estimate of cork done on trunk line sewers, !n Sub -Divisions one B. and 0., in Sewer Diatriot No t S:R.HerdlnR Co..; Sub -Divisions .: 3. by the Z. R. HardlnR Company during the month of Maroh 1923,.be approved, and that'.,; ,. B.:; ' and G... Sewer Diatriot ,the Commieatoner of Publio Finance be authorized and instructed to pay ;t. R: Hard Ina l' o3', for month ... i r f Maroh 1929.• Company- 98,164.2E on said work, and that same be aharged to the 3rd Dtatrlat Sower 2 . �. Purd. AAopted upon oall of the roll by the following votes Yean, Taoe, Tully, % abing f �• f rt' 'ton and Katterjohn,-4. ". , rlr i On motion the Board adjourned upon gall of the roll by 4 'yen e. 13 Adopted19�.-Y: •''=-tilf-F•'t�J.-C.•-�r1Y.lV+w^."„ ~!' cup csra �h?AYQR. ATR IL 9TH, 1923. 1 At n Regular IteeLinR of the Board of Oommieutonors, hold in the Oomminsionora' Ohaiobor In the 01 t Hall, Paducah; Kentucky,. on April 9th, 1923. Upon oall of the roll(' ` a� the Toll owing .anowored to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Tully, Washington and Mayor I ' Katterjohn,-4. { 'r•. On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetingswere adopted; 3. , `.�se•reoA, upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, face, Tully,.7aahinaton and Y•atterjohn.-4. �• •I a p r, .Taduoah 7a.tor ' Mayor Kattor ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioation, j I . 1 Sti .i•• Co. oommunion=. tion relattv dated 11aroh 29th. 1923, from the Taduoah Water Company, relative to its Franchise with the to Franchise. City of Pnduoah. he reoeived and it7nd. AdoptoA upon call of the roll by the follow - I; ins veto: Yens, Tooe, Tully, :'laahtnaton and Kattor john, -4. - .. - - •,, ,•'Z�,' _,,:? I!ayor Katterjohn offorod'the fol]o-stne motion: I"move that the oommunioation, `. ,Communication I' laduoah Chapter .dated April 7th, 19E3,,from The Taduonh Ohapter Dnuahtors of Amorioan Revolution,"rein ,AV— 3r; Daughters' of1' American Revola- tive to the olosinR of the Sooial Health Clinic, be reoeived. and filed:, Adopted upon 'tion,•in re Venereal C]inio:� oall-of the roll by the following vote:. Yens, Paoe. 701y,WashinRton and Katterjohn, 4 ,..a 4 Commissioner.. Tully offered' the: following motion:I move that the report of the Report' Com'r t, Finance for Commissioner of, Publio Finanoe for the month of Varoh'1923„ be reoeived, filed and order - ;1 Maroh 1923. ed publ iehed in the offioint newspaper. Adopted upon call of the 'roll: by the follow Y k tr } Inst vote; Yeas, Pace. Tully. Washington and Katterjohn;-4..' ,i R Commissioner rul]lam'entered the Oommiseioners' Oha*ar. ' •1r'o ..:. . ,. ., .. - , .. .. ... .k.. ._... ._ ..... , .. a .. ... .. ,1 _'-a'.�K..u, __ I _ • .I@f'r.n q7p,; Lit.,, ' .. :r,#: : ai.;a_$.K• •. ..w rr;ra;. < :.1 ..q -++C - h .. r...- .•.w+e.:.,ua• - n.�. st.n: a •t nh . s ..