HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 151, April 3, 1923`., ` M'7x�n d n-r.r)�� i'K''''"�'i'�R[ar t*+G ti:rtJi�'1.�"S k 'slot. it^� f••� k . �n zN �i'� is i y Y,. .C- .N E C . �' i . - - ' .. r f r. . -:__, _ - F._..:_ •.:�' s.-q:.•:._.,rs,L_l�inrl r •� '' ,y3 Sea*r 4 ,,� ' _� , ' Commissioners' Proceedingid, City. of.Paducah ' t, ;- 192 ) . ' i APR IL MW. 1923. Ata Called Meeting of the Board of Comm to stoner a, held.. in the Commissioners!, 71 i' Ohamber, in the City Hall, Paducah.Lontuoky,"on April 3rd, 3923;,at E:46 o'alook , p.M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; Commi'aoiotiers h.Pace. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Kayor Katterjohn,-6. Meyer Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit;: To take up the matter of apportioning funds to carry on the venereal. clinic, and any other business that might come before the Board.! 17 Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that $2260.00 be taken Venereal '. I. from the 49000.00 appropriated for improvement of Riverside Hospital, be set aside Clint I for the Venereal Clinic. Lost upon call of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas., J. I M Pulliam and Katterjohn.-2; Naye,, Paoe, Tully and,9ashington.-3. Commissioner Tully ofered the following motion: That the Apportionment Apportionment.. ' . Ordinance to ol Ordinance stand as it is. without ohanRe. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol- stand without' stand I' )> ' shame. lowing vote: Pace, Tully. -Vashinaton and Katter john, -4; Nays, Pulliam, -1. Iu Commisnioner Pulliam offered the 'follonina motion: That the present quarters -, Venereal, Cl inio.l.and equipment of the Venereal Clinic be placed at the disposal. of.. the City Health c~ y Department, under the direction of the Bureau of Venereal Disease, provided that the < City be in no way obligated for funds to.operate the Clinic. LOet upon call of the roll by the follonina vote; Yene. Pulliam and Katterjohn,-2; liays,.Paoe, Tully and Washington. -3. -� ' On motion the board adjourned upon can, of the roll by 6 yens. ' " V. _ Adupicd�.�._.19 � /►�2,C7VY3af • cur 0_6 MATaw - ... APRIL 6TH. 1923. <. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' . Chamber in, the City Ha11,,Faduoah. Kentuoky, on April 6th.1923, at '9; 60 O'ol.oak. A.M.: t Up on-call .of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Faoe' P Y Tully. 'i9ashington and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. ` ,'•�• Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -nit; To allow payroll for last .half of the month of March, and any other buoineea that miOht.come before the Bonid. Commissioner Tully offered t)ie fol]owir) motion: I move that.,the.a000unts for,,. b:the' ]nsthn]f of the month of Yaroh'. IVE3, amounting to $19361.44, as per. the report Accounts and ri report Com'r of the Qommiestoner of Tublio F nanae filed herewith,' be allowed and ordered paid and Finance for , ' I ast half of the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the march 1923. { roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. } Commissioner Tully offerered the fo]lo•vina motion:.I move that the' pay -roll for' '` ,'' Pny-roll last to $32.34, .'..the ]net half of the month of 11nrah for the Speoial Sewer Fund; amounting half March 1923 for Spe4lnl Sower Fund." .bo allowed and ordered paid and the Commieoloner of Tublio Finanoe be nutharised and +�f instructed to draw checks aaninnt the Speooil Sower, Pund Account to P4V came. .Adopt ed upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.. paceTully, laehington and a,"�`• ' Katterjohn..-4. } s