HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 15, March 30, 1922' � � . � � a J r 4 � - 1:'� � �,w., a -m - sY� r°• <1 iy'.p. �w� 4 � ,�� : �� �! 4 i...i r" � r: ' + -� • o . - , '. - . `.. : - ,Y s,.x. K •.•ne:.i"'--t.•.f..•rnLc.,.a.::-«r,'..•y7.;r:+g N1o:./�� _.tai• Commissioners' Proceedings, .City. of Paducah' ' ' ' 1922—', MOCH 30TH. 1922:. ' - 'S yd t h � 'NN( Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on March 30th., 192E. at 11 o'clock A. M., j Communication of Upon call of the roll the followtng answered to their names: Comiiissionere ?see. Tully, 7t:eolor & Hugh es,. 17ashinrton and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. r Att,:o, requesting Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit:. For the purpose of paeeinR' ! '- oxtet.uion-of tiro a Revolution releaeinP certain employees of the City of Paducah, and any other bust-, , for the oommenoe-•-ii j ment of buildirg ~� j daTots.' i , ,j Reeolutiion re titled. •A R SOLUTION RF.LI2VIIIG CMTAIV r PLOYFES OF THF CITY OF mDUCAN. Y.LNTUCKY, , Roso]ution extend - lie'ing ceran Ing tare -uithin FROM F employees of -the LRITHER DUTY. ',TITTTOUT PAY, MPPECTIVS APR Tl. 1, 1922." be adopted. Adopted upon mhich tho.P & I. City of Paducah. R.R. Co. Is to `) Ky. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeao. Pace, puii tam, Tully. Washington and bog Ln. construction Mayor Katterjohn,-6. of d e Tett e. j %ADL'CAH. KEd,TUCKY." be adopted.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the followtrr, vote:. MOCH 30TH. 1922:. 'S Ata Callas Meeting of the Board of Commisalorere, held in tho'Cormissionera' �.. Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on March 30th., 192E. at 11 o'clock A. M., j Upon call of the roll the followtng answered to their names: Comiiissionere ?see. Tully, 17ashinrton and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. r Mayor Katterjohn stated roasor.a for call to -wit: For,the,purpose'of exteniing'. -. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit:. For the purpose of paeeinR' ! '- the time of building the P. &. I: Railroad Depot, and such other bustneee as' may. come a Revolution releaeinP certain employees of the City of Paducah, and any other bust-, , before tho Board.. j Layor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that, the communication ~� -' from ''7heeler'& Hughes, Attorneys for the Paducah k,Illinots Railroci Company, request- ,j Reeolutiion re titled. •A R SOLUTION RF.LI2VIIIG CMTAIV r PLOYFES OF THF CITY OF mDUCAN. Y.LNTUCKY, , initan extension of time for tho commencement of the builit.nir.,of the depots, be re-` lie'ing ceran eeivei and.filod. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followin!r votei Yeas.—.Pace.- eas;Pace.Tully, FROM F employees of -the LRITHER DUTY. ',TITTTOUT PAY, MPPECTIVS APR Tl. 1, 1922." be adopted. Adopted upon Tully.TashInmton and Ka tterjonn,-4. ' City of Paducah. i:nyor Kntturjohn offerod the•followinm motior.: .I move that a resolution en `) Ky. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeao. Pace, puii tam, Tully. Washington and titled, "RASOLL'TION ZXT3]1DI1.G,7HE Tr.2 ;YITRIN r1HICH TH:a TADUCAH AID ,ILLIIlOIS RA WOAD Mayor Katterjohn,-6. 0OIz;J1Y IS TO BEGIN III* GOOD FAITH THE CONST"RUCTI01t :OF C3:ITAIN DEPOTS IN THE CIIT OF j %ADL'CAH. KEd,TUCKY." be adopted.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the followtrr, vote:. r t. Yoau,•Faoo, 'Tully, '.7ashington and.Katterjohn.74, - {� I� On motion the Board adjourned upon•oall of the,,roll by 4 yeas. ;4•-i', .- ' and Fire Dopertment amounting to $250.04, a total of $664.65, be allowed and ordered paid and the money Adsplleef'` ^d IFS LPP�ZO V'Bdb .$250.04 allowed. 'appropriated from the general funds to pay came. Adopted upon call of the roll by the •;r MARCH 318T. 1922.. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the CommieeionereO� III Chamber in the City.Rall,'Padueah, Kentucky, on lurch 3let, 1922, at 11:45 o'clock A.M. Upon cell of the roll -the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. r Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit:. For the purpose of paeeinR' ! '- a Revolution releaeinP certain employees of the City of Paducah, and any other bust-, , I none that may come before the board. z l'nyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that n resolution an, -' ,j Reeolutiion re titled. •A R SOLUTION RF.LI2VIIIG CMTAIV r PLOYFES OF THF CITY OF mDUCAN. Y.LNTUCKY, , lie'ing ceran FROM F employees of -the LRITHER DUTY. ',TITTTOUT PAY, MPPECTIVS APR Tl. 1, 1922." be adopted. Adopted upon City of Paducah. `) Ky. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeao. Pace, puii tam, Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. f: Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Tay -roll for r t. pay -rolls Polios the Folios Department amounting to S434.6l.-and the pay -roll for the Fire Department Department ;.434.61 and Fire Dopertment amounting to $250.04, a total of $664.65, be allowed and ordered paid and the money .$250.04 allowed. 'appropriated from the general funds to pay came. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. .'.�.r. Oommisaioner Tully offered. the following motion: I move that "AIT ORDI11AUCH , ,•?` Ordinance repeal- Rh0-FALI110 AN ORD WANOE FNTITLFD "AN ORD IIIA110R ORFATING A BOARD OF TRUST FS OF THE ing Ordinanoe Croat - ins Board of True- POLICh .AND FIRA.1?1113 PIS118I011 FUND PRNSCRIBINO THN :)UTIrS OF SAID BOARD AIH) PROVIDING tees of Police & Piremen o Pension FOR A TAX TO BF LEYI-M FOR TITF PURI0814 OF ORFATING SAID F1111D ADOPTm BY 'RIR BOARD OF Fund. COIWISSION".RS ON F4BRWtRY 14TH, 1922, RECORDED F_%BRUAT1Y 15th, 192E AIM PUBLISHFD :'F}MRUARY 15TH, 1922." be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following =' a.. :vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington. -4: Naye, Katterjohn,-I..