HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 145, March 26, 1923i l'r`, q R^''.''"+Y• `F. R� °}+''� r �� ti sy if x,� �._ .'4a, ,*k ri.t•�.q t',! Y7rr ', '!M... .Iec :—f'q` , 7 - - , 4 Y7. sh w'P0,;3 -. t. •If j Nam_' . n� City.o•PaCommissioners'Proceediducah MARCH 23RD. 1993. F jAt a Called Meeting bf the'Bonrd of Commissioners, hold'in the Commieeionera, �iChamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on March 23rd, 1983, at.10:40 o'clock - A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace. Pulliam, Tally, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-8. ' Mayor Katterjohn stated.reacone.for ball to -wit: Per the purpose of approving y the Flans and Specifications for the construction of .Sewere.in Zones one, .two, three. four and five, Seiner District Ho. 3, and any other business. that might come before the Board. :;:1_,; '} Resolution adopt- Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move -that a resolution ire Plane and Specifications 4'entitled "A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PLANS AND STECIFICATIONS FOR TIM OONSTRUCTIOH Of for construction of Severe in Zones, SETERS IN 9�WFH; ZONES 11U1033t9 ONE, T:90, THRO;, FOUR AND FIVE OF 93YFR DISTRIC? NU!!BER - :•; ' 1,2,3,4.& 8.' . Sewer District Y THREE," be adopted. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Sao.', #3. 1 .Pulliam, Tully arra WaehinRton.-4;.Nays, latter John.-l. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. h[AT 0 k MARCH 84TH, 1923. I At a Called Meets V ng of the board of Commissioners, held in the Oommiseionere' 11Chamber in the Otty Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. on March. 24th, 1923, at 11 o'oloak A: M. +;•. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names:'.Commissioners Pace. I; Pulliam, Tully, Washington and 1.%yor Katterjohn,-8; Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For .the purpose of extending the time of the sitting of the board of Equalization.: _ Board ofEquals- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the time of eitti.ng ofr:•',,:. nation, time of sittina extended the .board 'of SqualIzation be extended to and including Monday. March 26th, 1923. to ani inolud ing March P6,1923. .i Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. vote:. Yeas: Pace, Pulliam; Tully. ". . } Washington and i:atterjohn.-8. On .motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 8 yese. r ?' MAROR 26TH', 3923. At n Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommissioners' J1. :{ J . 1 . - Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah. Kentucky, on U.aroh 26th. 1923.. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam. Tully, Wash Kington ezA Maygr Zatterjohn.-6. i The minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read and corrected, on motion of Commissioner Tully, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-6. k Commissioner Washington offered the fol]ovinemotion- That the petition from i Petition market-? . t are. asking that{ the marketers to change the market from Kentuoly Avenue from 'End Street to Pirst =, the market be r charmed back to il Street, back to End. Street from Kentucky Avenue to laahinaton Street. be received and 2nd St. from.. Ky.Aven.to ,lash- filed. and that the Commissioners consider the request_of the petitioners. Adopted '. ir:zton St. i. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Pace. Pulliam. Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-8. ' or -- f. �''�'c.rxt�c•�` � `'•{� ��x�'d^'S�"�E�+-it'rT-r. i tP`+Llb'+ - -eg.� � :y�.s, � w.:.,�r � 4 { Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor be.t a•�7-,:;.-• �.._ �1;,;', ,F .s' �.� .r>t�•:.:„'==��u�. s::,r.6:; - r instructed to bring in an ordinanoe !ranting an extension of,120 days time to the P.. do Paducah and Illinois Railroad within which to ocmmenoe work under the terms of their -p Company granted ' extension. r' ral r�A,Pi� s No, !0 ­1� r Commissioners' Proceedings, .City, of Paducah `:? ~' ” 192 } Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor be.t ! - r instructed to bring in an ordinanoe !ranting an extension of,120 days time to the P.. do Paducah and Illinois Railroad within which to ocmmenoe work under the terms of their -p Company granted ' extension. franchise V,rcnted by the City of Paducah, with the amendmsnts thereto. Adopted upon �l call of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas, pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington. _41 . Hays, Katterjohn,-l. at t ' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Annual Report of it Annual Retort the Health Officer and Sanitary Officer, for the year 1922, be received, and filed.'F� A Y y ,i for the year 1 92E ity Health r92B Cr and Adopted. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. race, rulliam. Tully,Offi ' E, t Sanitary .In- �t epeo.tar. Washington and Katterjohn.-6. • _.. ^ - �s4 { Y{.;', Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion; "Paducah, Ky.. Mar. 26th,. 1923. � r Honorable Mayor and Board of Commieetoners. Paducah, Ky. Gentlemen: -.You have Detore k ' you the report of the Board of Fqualization which shows a total assessment for the year .1923 of $17,230,000., this being an increase over the assessment of 192E of tzr r� •82.069,690. k• �� � ` I have always been opposed to a radioal tnorenee.in assessment. belleving the I - Commisatoner beat administration of the City's affairs to be the one that could give results with PnDlio 5�inanoe Y (d'• ks , , +' asking that report of Board the least possible expenditures of money. While 'it is true the assessment of the city , of Equalizations,^ i-rf4& lE be.. of Paducah has heretofore been increased but one million and a half dollars in. the eo past ten years, the returns as made by the Hoard of 3qualizatton in many instances, if. not all, are so unfair and so unequal and the tnoonalatenotee of the equa]izatlon, when' h, 1 Y + e oo arisen is mode with acme property in the rams ]ooe]ity, are so a mp p pparnnt, ihaL I t . t cannot vote in favor of such an aasosement. For this reason, I move that the report of the Board of Aqualization be rejected. Lost upon call of the roll by the following I, i 'vote: F ' Yeas, Pulliam and Tully, -E; Hays. Pace'. Washington and 7atterjohn,-3. . Mayor Katterjohn offered the. following motion: I move that the report and state I y f Y " merit of the Board of Equalization for the year 1923. showing the Rroen asaesement of J 8egort Board real.property and the groan aaueonment of personal property, and the sums thereof. and s� " of Equalization 1" for the year .' e ehowing the increase in the total as"eesmont, be received and filed; and that the re - 2923. 1923. oolpt of said Board, showing that they received .the Assessor's Book" and all neooBeery records for the year 1923, together with the receipt of the Commissioner of rublio to 'Finance, showing that all books and records have been returned to him. be roost ved and gggg filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe., Pulliam. f,• ,. � , ftehinaton and Katterjohn.-4: Hayo. Tully. -1. �4 f Commissioner Tully offered the followina motion: I move that the bill of S. B B117 S. B. Gott. 7 Jailer of Gott, Jailor of MoCraokart Count aaainet the Cit of Paduoah. for the sum of 776.90 d y. y $ I' p L ti: -McCracken 00 'Solicitor t• ,against City be referred to the City for tnveatiaatton. Adopted upon'call of the roll �. r Jreforred to 'City Solicitor. by the following vote. Yeas. Paoe.ru11ism. Tully.Waahington and Kattorjohn,-6. .1 I'' �• I Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: That the deed transferrins 3 '• °! Cemetery trans -I the rear portion of Lot 166 Section "H" from Mre. D. M. Evans to Mrs. J: U. Byrd, by for from Mrs. I g - D.1S.Evans to ratified and same be transferred on the Cemetery register. Adopted upon call of the y. P P roll by the following vote: Yeas.Paoe.Pu111am.Tully.Washington Katterjohn,-6: I and ` Chart Commissioner Pulliam offered the following mo.Lionr I move that 'the.obart showing t,' showing 1 itemized State- }merit the itemized statement of prices of bide received.March 20th, 1923, for the oonstruo-.L i of prions of bide re- tion of: trunk 'ltne�eiteneion sewers.'ii Sewer. District #3.'be received and filed.. calved Marcht ", 20th 1923 for Adopted upon call of the roll byfollowing iota: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam. Tully. }: trunk line F: extension sew- WashingtOR and Hatter John. -6a j ` ,. ere.. 4 •- �' I 41 �_• lwl' :Y�i� .•': �.—/�J. .+-.: i'.a�� r,. •A%.+,� ,+t,. i.•i: ,`, e+'�� t..� .n .... ,......:.�. r ... .�;f..-nom ,1.� � ..- 2 t ' _ ' 1 ._ti h�C �.•. � n tx. s `•`.''a,r�.by,a •f.r+..7'°�.l y$} f rYi sp•,y ? s.rr+ .{ j! s±' r,} k r, > -. - _ _L,_- ..L r F No. Commissioners' Proceedings; City' of Paducah.. 192. 4 Oommissioner`Tully offered the following motion: It 'appearing that.there are t unpaid tax bills, for the year 1918. totaling $1284.21 which are unoolleotible be- .Unpaid Talc bills cause of-arrore in assessments or no property, a list of which ie'wtven herewith with for 1918, to i.•' `, be. stricken !� the number of the bill, the names and addressee of the parties and the amount of the off books ae uncollootible. billet I move that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to strike these bills from the records. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following 'vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Xatterjohn,-b. . Commissioner Tully offered the.following motion: It.appearing that there are' "5 r - 1 , Unpaid Tax billet unpaid tax bills for the year 1918, totaling $1572.44, which ray be oolleotod, a list for 1918 re- ; ferred to City i' of which is attached hereto. giving.the number of the bill, name of the property own Solicitor for collection. 11 or. the location of the property. aid the amount, I move that the City Solicitor be lauthorized and instructed to take such steps as he may doem necessary for the col- "•. 1 ]eotior, of these bills. Adopted upon cal] of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. :� Paoe,.Pulllam, Tully. Washington end Xattorjohn,-5. On,motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by.6 yoao. ( ' 1913 MARCH 29TH. 1923, r � At's Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on Maroh 29th. 1923, at 4 o'clock P.Y. 'Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiseloner.e Pace, Tully, s ryi Washington and kayos Xatterjohn.-4. ;. Mayor Xatterjohn stated reasons for ,cell to To pass the Taal Levy Ordinance for the year 1923, and any other business that might come before the Board.' y?.` Tax Le, -Orli- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move TRA.T AN ORDINAI!CQ FIXING °'. nanoe for 1823. ;, TH3 TAX RATE. FO?R,IVA Y;1AR 1923. FOR TRE CITY OF PADUCAH, Be. adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Tully, Tashington nid.Xattarjohn 4 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the statement of the ` } 1 1 Stateinant of Anticipated Revenue of the City of Paducah, for the year 1923, be reoeived, filed aid. Com'r.Fub,lio ;. Finance of 11 approved and recorded in the mirutee of the nonrd.of Commissioners. Adopted upon anticipated h Revenue. of the'. Dell of the roll by the.followirg vote: Yeas, Pace. Tully,4aehinRton and Xatterjohn,4- ally for 1923. ti Said Communtoation is as follows, to -wit: hi "Paduoah, Ky.. March 29th, 1923. h. Honorable Mayor k Board of Commissioners, ., ip Paducah Yv !! Gentlemen: The following ie a statement of TnJ Rr.V11U3 FOR 1923. wl stat ANTIO TUU Poll Taxes 1923 .................................... 5000.00 11000.00 00.00 Penalties. 1923. 000.00 I Taxes 19 22 . Penalties 1922 200.00 .z ., roll Taxes 1922 ..............................% .... 250.00 @@ 'Back axes ........................................ 1500:00 p1.Soaneee ...... ...................................40000.00 tt 4850.00 �fl 1.farkat Licenses. ��• e Auto Licenses .............. 9000.00 r iolioe Court ..................... ...............15000.00 City Scales. .... 1360.00. f y. Riverside 9ospital.. ....35000.00 Oak Grove 3aloe .. 1600.00 Oak Grove Burials..... ............................. 2000.00 960.00 a Rontals............................................ 500.00. :7harf .. .. ... ts. ... ... ..... . 400.00. • � •, t � �`�•: .. Building lermita........... Real Estate.... 100.00 Sundry Treasury. 2000.00 1 Interest G 1 Fun ... ..... -General 183000.001, c' s r .----'-"-- _.,,:..........-.,rn•..�.-,a.....,n.o...,,-•--•Trc.-^..-,-t>:rre. .,.; �. rtrr.Nt"Tr�n*2q-...