HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 139, March 19, 1923lr ¢J r;� f , ;�+.+ ; rt,CrT '{i•'*'+cZi � Vw„r ti°i��'', "��� �i ke �t iPor .Yf1(Y - f ?j. ,{ t j 1 . . t•0. -Sf'7-.a.rv.vrvn.,-.i•,-v<-•, a air. •'a f . S - r No. Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of -Paducah .1'. " 192- Adopted upon o of roll the _ollowirrr vote: Yeas, Taco. Iu]liam.,Tully. 1 all tho by : 'Washington and Yatterjohm.-6. r. "* On motion the Board adjourned upon call -of. the• roll by 5'yeay..• kaa'ted.��--l9'�a.. T T A'fOR 1WRCH 19TH; 1923. At a 3egimlar t'eeting of the Board of Commisnior:ers, "hold in the Corrimissiorora' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduaah. Lontuo�y. on i;rrch 19th, 1923. Upon call of the roll the following ans-aored to their rmmos: Comrnisotonars Taoe,' ;lcs}iinaton.and L'a�or r: Yctterjohn,-3. 1_ On motion of Commi-esionor ',7aehington the minutes of the previous rneetina was. adopted as road upon call of the-roll by the,follo.ving vote; Ye+in, Face. '.7eehington.-,' r and"'Y.atterjohn,-3. F . Commissioner 4'u]ly entered the Commissioners' Chamber. r,4 Board,of of E9Qe11nn- "" Commissioner Tully. offered the following motion:" I move that the time of', ' � .. •. , : :, tion time of sitt-Il.sittira of the Board of F.qualization,be extendod to and ina,luiing Saturday, Iaroh•24th 4.� Sna extended to and inolud ing q f : March E4, 19E3. Adol:ted upon call of, the roll by the. _ollo".vina,voto: Yens, Teoo. Tully. '.7aehinaton rrrd Yattorjohn,-4. :•: pyy i.,•.,1,• Commissioner Fulliam enteron the Commninsionors' Chamber.- Cormnlssiorre'r '[hill;, offererl the folloninm+, motion:I-move tict the pny-roll far ° tho'i'irut half of the mor;th of hir.roh;'19?.3, amounting to ;728E',84, an per the report Pay-roll for first; " half of March and ij of the Commissioner of Tublio Finance filed horo-.71th, be cllownrd.and ordormi paid end } ^'k report Oommiesion-; # or of Public I; 'the money appropriate4 from the Goneral Fiml to pnp same. Ardoptod upon call of the r Finance. I� roll-by the follo".71nz vote: Yeas, Pcos,Tullicm,ihm]ly,t7aahinaton and Ycttorjohn;-6. Commiestoner .,till; offered the fo2lo-ain2 motion: I movo that the pay-roll '! for"the first half of the month of"i:crch..1923, for.. the 3d District.-Somor, amounting �r Pay-roll for first 1 ' half of Larch for G �'• to , 776.11, be allowed. and ordered paid and:the 0omniaaLoner of I'ublia'b'ineroe be r 3rd District Sewer t ? authorized and instrnotndto draw checks against the 17o. 3 D1ntriot Sever Fund A000unt •3, pto pay 2ame. .Mopted.upon call of the roll by the fo3]o".71r:c vote: Ynaa, rooe,' Pulham :. .Billy arr1.:7auhdngtm,-4; Vnys. Yatterjohn.-1.' bCommissionerTcoo offered tho following motlon: I move that the petition of 1 1 prol:erty o,Trera on Kontuolzy ;:voriuo, .botaoon T.7entioth arxd 111,7anty-first Streets, asking Petition property omer a on Yy. Ave.!that same be raveled'.'be reon'lved 6nA filed. . Adopted ,upon call of the roll by the between 20th and j Elet .Ste. asking N fo11o7L�'r* vote; Yeas, Igoe;-1-ulliam, Tully, 7asningtott end Yattorjohn,-5. that same be 7 graveled. jj Commissioner Tulliam offore3" tho followira, notion: I move that. the preliminnr 1estimate of tiro cents of lateral nowtirn and r°runY. line ext6notons in 7onos 1, E, 3; :. Preliminary'es- timate of coats l 4 E 6 of 9o'70r. District ho. 3, be r000lved and filed. 'A461.tod upon on]] ref the of lateral sewers in Zones 1, E, 3, roll 'by the fo33o'.71ng vote: Yeas, T-aco. 1,0119m, 'Chilly, 7aahtrc�ton and"Ketterjohn,-6. `• 4 and 8, Server Dietriot 3. -' Commissioner I"nlliam offorord the follo",v1r,? motion; That the payrnnnt for extra Bill of S.R.Hard- :rorY, on tunrol un4lor ]:ask Oin-lotrno Co. .to �. .1. Ur_rdins, as re'oormondod by the ing Oompany for tunnel under lack u Committee appointed by thtu-Board to son s,11or same, aon:+ietirr of Ve-yor Y.attorjohn. Singlet roe Co. g j allowed, in Sewer ii t District j13. s Commissioner 7ashingtor; ar,d Commissioner" lullicm,. be approved, said l.aymert hotr.a c's i Extra lumber,18,000 F.B.I1. Cl ,26.00. .;460.00 " 4..,•, i:- P Cement. :........... .... ..... .. 269.60. Gravel.......... .... . 296.00 q labor. 400 00 Flus 10;; 143.46 Cornponsatton Irunrranoo..... 20.00 and that the Oomrniunion or of., Tub] to Finance beauthordzod end frutruotod: to pay nald •- ...._.ro-5..-.,..+°ate-^.... _ -.... .. .... . ... ...........,..._ . -. .. :..._ -... ... ., e_. .�_.�"hT.2 :2s :.-:.T.L':R:»3:.r�'�' NJ - Y f2'J- x f t` Na Hd. Cdontnissioners' Proceedings' Ci ofPaducah' "' 192 — tY`r, ih. amount of 91575.95 to the E. R. Harding Company and oharrre to 3rd District So'rrer Fur,da 1 !a , c 4 �1 as extra vork. Adopted upon call of the roll by'the following, vote: Yeas: lace, I.•-• i r� i Pulliam, Tully, 7aohington and latterjohn,-b. w: J {' Commissioner 'Jachington offored the.follo;ving motion: I move that an ordinanoe '..Ordinance provid-onttt]od "Ail ORDII:.IICE P3071DIll: Fri '!iE.001'311UCTIOII OF COACi1'ir. SIDi 7d:,:S, CURAS nID ', •' , !na for con- p r struot ion of I concrete Side- walks II 'LTi 4S; -1J All- I.^Ci.SSARY 1:11.1:°Oir:S, .IliTYu: S, 3E:7i'�i5'.;ID CATCH BASINS OIl i'Sl W ii SIDE walks k0. on OF' TZ STR':,:T, i: %AST'IYTi2?71:xTI01( OFT :P SSE: LED .TUM TO STR ?TS TEHI �} Tennessee � and °' FROT'1 �Er•.. 3rd Ste.- j3 F TOP `OF TK', BAN!: OF L?::' TEL111 SSi:u RI7:2. III iii: G. CITY 0? PiaDUCAH. i::, i C7 -FIRST RFJIDIRY. AT OF 111'17,' :,BCTTIIIG •T-ROP1Z Y 0'.7I1ER3, ADD Pi10YIDI 1G THAT 3A1i: 17.Y. B1: 74. ID FOR •U'0II''Clli 73' Y?r111 hAYl.U0''T PIAII," be introduced and ley over. Adopted upon call 'of the roll by the �= fo33o;7inq vote: Yeas,.Pcoe, Iullicm. Tully, 7ashin¢ton and Yat ter john., -b.. EE 3: 1 1 1 4c ... Commissioner. Tull;r• offered the follo:gina motion: That Fred 1.'orry rrA John Iseman Y Fred Merry and 1 xi 'John Ieeman, havirtr completed their duties as upootal officers for nerving notioeo of the Board of special officers for serving iaquc7iz.ation, I move they or be allowod the sum of y.�G.00,:being lG days at the rate r c notices oftI t% °of 110.00 er month. 'Adopted u on call of the roll b the'follo-inn veto: Yeaa','Pnoo t Board of Egnali;j P P P y , ' �r zation, duties completed and Fulliem, Tully, :7ashinaton and Y,ettorjohn,-b. :bill for their` services allow- ,` '. ' Commissioner '.7aehir,Rton offered the -following motion: It apr?Mrir;g that herotofore� �. ed. a bill of J.• V. leatherington for cork'done at, Riverside Hospital, }las been a]lo.ved exd,l,.` } {., L Bill of J.M. .,Weatherington ordered paid, and It furthor appearinrr thnt'said J. V. 3eatherina�,has not paid a.plumb for work done at Riverside er!a 1loenr.e for the year 1922 end that he refrnseo to pay, I move that the Commi9nionor }i I o `. Roep ital . Pa I 4' ;®ant withheld of 1nblio.Finar:oo be authorizedand insf°i:oted 'to vrithhold p.a;rment of said account, ' ;;pending payment ' I , t of OSty license pnrxl.inr.'..att7omsnt of kaon:�e fne due the City of Iadnoah, b:r said '.70atherinfrton: y: for plumber. } Adoptod.upon cell of the roll by. the followine vote: Yoao, Paco; Pulliam. Tul]y. lash I z !, fh inRton'cnd Y•attorjohn,-b. Coamiiosioner Pulliam offored the follo-ring motion: That the bills of ii. R. Hard inq I I ¢ Bills of-R.R. Compano'for oxtra ".vork, as follows,bo approvodi '. Harding to. ;. for extra mork Bill datol Jan. 30; 1923, altorlri7 Puy ,-mire at Barkat Pactory on .alloweded and 3B -3C .......................... i ............. ,. atb_th and ..5.10 ordered paid, Bill dated Jan. 24 1923, extra rrork on mnhole anlo on.3B-3C. ...�.. .... 4.75Huabis re: Sewer mp-mrnho]a atDistrict Bill dctod Jan. 30, 1923, ba]cnoo'on aarbarroiv i +t t tr on 3A...... ...... total o .................y3 �i G h S 'oat .. �A�to� �f -, and that .the Comminstonor of lublio 7incroe bo ni:tt.oriaod and instruotod to )..a; as i4 rrJ u sum.6- y49.07, and chn"o a�lcir•,st 3rd District So'.7er Fubde. Adoptel upon 'cal of the �r r r, droll by tao follo.7lnerveto:.Yeao, Pcoe, PulTicm, Tully, 'Jashington and gatterjohn,-5. j t ' 'Commiaalonor Iu7.71am.offored the follo,ving'motioa: Tint the Li•ldlna `or,3 0'_ "orad! If•. '}i l.t � Moreno-Buriham it I F l b� aha 1.'orono-Aurkham Const. Company,',7ith the.Uni.ted.,Statas Fidolit and Guaranty Com Construction 1 y r , V : Co. Bidding .. Bond, is re pany,.as nurotiou, for the 8111.1 of X2,000.00 to a000mpany'bid'for Trunk lino xtanivton{ Construct Lon' � E trunk line So'wero Varoh'. 20, 19?.3'; be apprarod.•" Adopted upon call of the roll by the Yollo'.vina r I ; i .extension eewer� -' r approved. vote:, Yoah,'raoo, Pulliam, 1a sh inpton and lntterjohn,-4; 11ayu,' Tu11y,-1. J : on "motion the Board ad journed upon call of the roil .by b,'yeaa.: Adoslcd r. i. C71 0-6 •'i is - 1t' - '•1 %17011 I. f 1 r 4 _ Rs. �ua..ne.:'r wd ... r. .J•tiv:i... r Zr'Us: r) `a^�a.� ^N•. .:.� �>ti.,....fu,rn,.:. ,�.,.;.. y...,,,y.. y• ,. ....,.,.. .. .,i ,,.,i.,., _ •i`l: