HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 138, March 12, 1923'^va ;i�.r .tr'.'s'rcY,• ��7."tl;"T. ,:t.• �Ao,l�,, . tl"-"[Y. rra:r•-..�i,V.. U. _-
;.X ire �?�•1,:___l.'
NoL 13
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 1922
MARCH 12TH, 1923. -
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ( `
Chamber in the City Hall, Iaduoah. Kor.tuoky.
on t.:aroh ]2th. ]^23. Uror. call 0' the r ,
sw33. the fiillowin¢ nns`.vorod to their names: Commiesionere Faoe, Full tem. ihilly,..Taoh
inaton and Mayor I:attorjohn,-b.
on motion of Commissionor Tully tho minuten of the provioull rnnettna `wnro
a ,•adopted ao road uron onll of the roll by tho,following vote: Yonn, Fnoe. FAll ) tam
i' '• . Tully, Tashinaton ani L'attorjohn.-5. ;
Al «
Mayor Y,atterjohn offered the fllwin
eree o.oR motion: I.mo
Z. vo that the communication {
2 Chief ,:aduke I" t
} I -oat 113. 31 )
'+ i iron the Chief Paduke Poet No. 31,.AmorioanLegion. dated L:nroh Gth, 1923, be rooeivod ±
Amor Lo ,.. p
' and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens. Face, Pulliam, ..,
`Tully, Washington and KatLerjohn,=b.
;;, •.' Mayor Katterjohn offered tho.fol70'rinR motion: I mono that the oommuriaetion
Communication from Vernon Blythe, Prenidont.Board of Eduontion of Paduoah, Yontnoky, dated 1'aroh 6th;
`i Vernon Blythe,
Free. Fnnrd of 1923; togethor Wlth Resolution of said Board, ro7ntivo to nssasnment for school
pun -1
Education, to-[
Pi nether With ;Poses; be roonived end filed. and that. said resolution be recorded in the minutes* 0f
aP .
the B
$esolut ton. of `
Board of Eduoa- card of Commissioners, and that the prover assessment be matte, as net out in:.said F
tion rel.ativo to ;
:.'. aeeeee:rort for resolution, in the Apportionment Ordinance for the year 1923. Adopted upon call of
eohool purposes.
�t :-the,roll by thefollowing vote: Yeas. face, Pulliam, Tully, 1lasniniton and Katterjohn-6.
snid Resolution is as fol'lo•.ce:-
'Y "B? IT Ri:SOL'f;iD by the Board of :Yluention of Feduaah, ri
>S :, Yontucky that there be sad there now Is imro+iod a,d levied an ad
valorem tax of :evnnty five canto (75v) on encu ^100.00 ve7natior
` v
J of real !:rdpnrsonr._7 rroperty of the Citi• of Iaduoah, Lantuoky, 1{( h
subject to taxation for the ':ear 197.3, the. name boins n000nsary. i
in the opinion of the hoard of ci-option' of Ta4uoah, Yon tic lq, to
Resolution Board
produce snid yenr of 1923 the total
not tmatod'trum noaessary.to' h
of, 3iucation,.• be ralsod to supTort and maintain tho I'ublio Sohobls of tun City of ;
` relative to :' Faduoah, Y"ontuoky, less tho estimated sum to be received from the
t aes000ment for •` State Common So)ool Fund" { 5
school punroses..
`B: Ii .t::.3OI,7;;D by the Board of t-duontion of Iaduoah, fir,
Yontuoky, that thorn be and there no W is imrosod an ad valorem tax =
upon all tho reul and paraoral prolnrty in the City of I'aduo^h. Yen-
tuaky, subject to taxat ion for the year 1923, of riot exaeedir,v
r fiftoen conte (15V) upon the y100.00 vuluatlon of said Fror.wiy.
k ,
_.same being .neoossary to croate a ninkina. fund for the pa;nnont of
I the bordu of the City of Iaduoah, issued for school purposes, dated •'•�
January 15, 1920. and for the purpose of paying the interest on said
rIt bonds when'an9 ,as due." ) . -
} N .70', the undorsi,rnod, Vernon Blythe. Prenidert of the Boord
of rAuoatton of.Paducah, Y.entuoky. and inn Rollston. Snorotary. do
hereb;r cortify that the fore-zoir,c resolutions 'were duly a•ioptod by
the Board of Education of Paduoah, Kentucky. at e' spacial.meetin¢
'rt a of said Board hold on faro) 6, 1923.. in- the City of Paducah, Y.artuoky,
and same le hereby'oortified to the Board'of Commiasionera of snid
!'- City for the attention of such Commissioners, as.the law directs.'! -
V This Varoh 6, 1923. t`
t" Iroo room.Ft or_r Of uoa on
ac Attest;= Po-luoah. Y.ontno.Y.y. U
INA ROLL.".TOII Soorntarv.
1 1
A Yayor Yattorjohn offered the foll'owino motion: I move that the communication
t` C.L.Poore or,d from C. L. Voore esd Z. 0. Thompson,. dated 1:aroh lot. '1923, bn received end filed, and
E. 0. Thoml•son, 1 a
} .relative to referral .to tho'Commionionor• of Iuhlio 'Iorke. hdoptod upon call of tun roll by the r..
N widonir,a lisyftold
Road. R.follo.rinz,voto: Yoao, Face, Pulliam. Tully, We ahtnaton.and Y.r_tterjohn,-5. "
Commlesioner °7laehtnaton offered the •follo`wina motion: -I move that c.rasolutio? :,
,Resolution pro- ontit] ad "A RESOLUTI014 PROVIDIIIG cOR THF, C01131RUCTIOH.OF CQICRETr, SID.:%1AL'':S, CURB AIID
;< viding for.00n-
�' otruction.of GUTT�iB.-AND ALL I[:)Cr.J3AliY 1J.IIHOLY9, INTA"iS. 9i:71;R3 AND C.iTC1I BASINS, 011, [?Y. SOUTII r 1
rt: eororetosilo-
SIDE OF. Ti1lIIrS55E •3TR T..FROL 17I EAST II1T S ICTI011 OF Tcilllr'.S33c :J D TN.IRD 3TRW.T9 i0 t' s
i Walks on S nide Y ,
{. ,Tennessee at.THE TOP OF T11BAIL OF Tri, T:]117A:Sa7E R'IV $ IH, +.Tri}; CITY OF PADl1 R Yb1:111CLY A11D IRO
f` 'near 3rd
:,'ADCI'TZD. ti
y .. ViDIIlG TART sAM�:'1:AY DE FAID FOR.UPOII THF T:DI f10)-YEAR�PAYI;:;IiT FIAA".♦ be adopted-.
r _ ,
,i ..
,v,.>P:B�- :�... t ,.�.0 'j:$•j'.-:..1.. .y,„_ .a. r.,.+.. .,: w`+u•a. .o-,. ....�•.. y _ .. .... .,..•.:...iw.a:. y,.:a.,,, s•.t:.v .__._..,.-� .r"3"•. -. .. `-}'''r ,r•,.._. - -
l tt�7C7 .'i of rr f wtt K Yt �wi ti'yJ Y f CS K. ty kY 1
. __ _ _ _ _ _ —_ _ _ ___ —__ .�'ir :x.9.7?.ons .d;,-rm+ „w�r�;- rte..•.-�n....;.'A 'r.
l '.No.
Commissioners' Proceedings, City: of -Paducah " 192_s
T Adopted upon call of tho roll by the fol]o•.vinrr.vote: Yeae..raoe rulliam,.Tully.
I,'lashington and Eatterjohn,-b.
On motion the Board ad-journed upon oalI of the roll by 5'yeay. i.
#,Jefledlr!°,Y^-'�.+�--19 -.. ciYPROV L1
I,f a,
ARCH 19TH, 3923
,• i! d At a Regular E'oetIng of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioror.s'
Chamber in the City Hall, Pnduonh, yontuokv, on t;aroh 19th, 1923. Upon .cell of tpe
roll the following ansaored to their nrmos: Comniantonars Paoe, ',teshington.nnd tasor
tterjohn,-3• .
' On motion of Commissioner 'lashington the minutes of the previous meeting was,
! u adopted as road upon call of the,roll by the.follo+ving vote; Yeun, Taos, :7aahinaton
{ { end Y.atterjohn,-3.
I t Commissioner Tully entorod the Comrniesionera' Chamber. T
Commissioner Tully. offered the fol]orint motion: I move that the time of,
Board, of Equallaa-� a ;* ..
tion time of eltt-u.eittinof the Board.of Fquallzation be extended to ani including, Satuiday, L'aroh E4th
ins extended to ,
arohn24,d19f3. h •Adel:tad upon call of, the roll by the fol]o'aina,vote.: Yeas. Fe so. -Tu] 2y. '.7eshinrrton
Q r.nd 1_attorjohn.-4.
Commissioner rulliam entered the Comminndonore' Chamber.'
Commisaionor 'Pully offered the fo]Joninfe motion: I: move that the pny-ro73•for '
k tho'flrnt half of the month of Minch, 1923, amountinrz to GMI36.84, an per the report
Pay -roll for first;i
half of March andr of the Commissioner of FuUlio Finance filed horewith. bo r]]o.tiod.nnd ordernd paid end
report Commission-,
or of Publio ji the money appropriated from the General ^trail to pay same. Adopted upon oall'of the
i Finance.
roll by the follo'aing vote; Yeas'. Paoe,lulliam,ilT3ly,i7ashirirrton and Yattorjohn.-b.
Commissioner :Tully offered the follo:•rdnrr motion; I move' that the pr_y-roll
for the first half of the month of l:aroh,.1923, for.tho 3d District. 3n".7or, emour•t'ing r
Pay -roll for first'
half of March for to ! 776'.11, be allowed. and ordered paid and -tho Commissioner of P'ublio Finance be
! 3rd District Sewer, .
authorizod,and .instructed .to draw checks a;?ainst the Po. 3 District Sever Fund Account
V. to pay came. Adopted.upon call of the roll by the fo]]osirv. veto: Yeas, raoe,'rulliam
'dilly arrl.:7auhin,�tar,-4: 11nys, Y_attarjohn.71.
GCommissioner Pnoe offerod.the fo]lowirq motion; I move that the petition of
Petition property
T prol:erty cancra on l:entuoly Avonno, botnoen T.'rentloth nrxl ?.Tenty-firot Streets, aokinR-
owners on Ky. Ave.' that same be -ravaled.'be resolved aryl Mod. .Adopted ,upon call' of the roll by the
` between 20th and
that eeme,Dasking N rollowbr* vote; Yeas, ]'eon.. ulliam, Tully, 7aandnrrton and Latterjohn,-b., dr
Rraveled. N Commissioner rul]iem offored the Iollovina riot Ion; •I move Ihnt the preliminrsyl
estimate of the costs of lateral no,aTrn and trunk lino extnnotons in "onq 1, 2,' 3;
Preliminary es-
timate of costa 4 L b of So -tor. District lie. 3. be received end filed.-',ld6p; nd upon call .of the
of lateral sewers
in Zones 1, 2. 3, rol.l by the fol]ovi na vote: Yeao, Feeo, Fu]]Sam, Tully, :7aahirrtton and l:etterjohn.-b.
4 and b, Sever 9
Distriot #3. �- Commissioner Fn]]lam' offorod the follo':Tin•- motion; .'Phat the psytnont for extra'
Bill of E.R.Hard- k ':ork on tunnol under ].ask cin-]etroo Co. to R. lir_rd1nR a_.i rnoommandod by the
inR company for ..•t;
tunnel under Lack Committee appointed by this Doard to oor,.,ilor name, con:+lstin-T o. Mayor Yattorjohn.
Singletree Co. h
allowed, in Sewer Commissioner ;7ashinaton and Commissioner kulliam,..bo approved, said ).ayrnert .hoincr. as f. i
i extra lumber, 18,000 i'.B.l.i, ifr.....y450.00
=_ 6 Cement .................. ....269.50.
. .. i 296. 0
Gravel.. ...•
Labor ............... 400.00
Plus 10....• 147.46
• V JJ ,
Cornponsat ion Innuranos..... 20.00
and that the Oommiontorner of. Pub] lo Finance be. authorizod'ev,l Inutruotod.'to pay nald,
..M+. •.amt! 7MM